* TODAY: C~NSUS COUNTDOWN * D~RAFT ,EXTRADITION 'TREATY A'GREED * SUPERASPORT * Bringing A,rica South Vol.2 No.362 Tuesday July 9 * KATUTURA WOMAN BU.RNT ~LIVE BY BOYFRIEND, ~ Slap in face for'thiefl' * NAMIBIAN CAT~S 'INCREDIBLE JOURN EY', s,ee p3 l1uman han~ 'pops' out of box mE discarded, amputated hand of a Katutura resident nearly .caused havoc at the Katutura -Single. Quarters yesterday. Defence Ministry According to the police, thehand.of a patient was amputated at the Katutura ' Hospital over the weekend. It was removed and packed in a box to .be incinerated or dispatched at a later stage. A Single Quarters' resident, believed to work at the hospital, came across the box, thought it might contain something 'useful' and took it home. outraged oy~r . However, the peisoIl' received a shock. when the box was • opened and found it contained a human hand instead of. some 'really useful' item. The person called the poli~e, thinking that it could be the hand of someone who was murdered. ' Th~ police investigated .and yesterday police spokesperson Commissioner Siggi Eimbeck corifirmed that the amputated hand belonged to a patient from the Katutura Hospital. NDF shootings ~ It appears unlikely that the concerned person will ever try and sneak off with a 'useful' item again! IN A STRONG statement issued late last night, STAFF RERORTERS the Ministry of Defence condemned the recent I "acts of violence" by Namibian Defence Force Court on a charge of attempted members which have left two people dead and murder following a shooting incident in Olympia on Sun­ six others injured. day afternoon, in which a po­ A spate of three shooting ally investigate and address liceman was shot at. incidents spanning the past four problems. According to a· police state­ days, have been categorically The Ministry stressed that it ment, three police vehicles - a denounced by the Ministry, would give its full co-opera­ shift vehicle, an investigation which said such behaviour tion to the police to see that vehicle and a crime prevention "would not be tolerated in the those individuals responsible vehicle - responded to a com­ NDF" . for the violence would stand plaint at Charles Cuthtall Street After condemning the recent trial in a court of law. in Olympia at about 23hOO. events, the statement expressed It went on to say that "thor­ On arriving at the scene, the "sympathy to those families ough internal investigations are vehicles came under machine who lost friends and relatives currently being carried out by gun fire. Approximately 30 in such uncalled for violent the Ministry of Defence and shots were fired and the police action" . firm disciplinary steps will be were forced to abandon their In addition to issuing the taken where necessary' '. vehicles and flee for cover. statement, the Deputy Minis­ All poSSIble steps were being Police Sergeant Theunissen ter of Defence Phillemon taken by the Ministry to ensure was shotlthrough the leg of his Malima and the Chief of the that such incidents would not trousers, ~u t sustained no inju­ Defence Force Lieutenant Dimo occur again. ries. Hamaambo . left Windhoek * An Officer of the Namib­ According to the police ~ate­ today fo r a tour of military ian Defence Force is to appear ment, a Lieutenant in the bases where they will person- in the Windhoek Magistrates continued on page 2 'Please help me mother' Young woman burnt alive Progress'.on "PLEASE help me mother, 'Keeper' has set me alight," extradition was the desperate last cry of a 25-year-old woman, Lea Gawanas, as she became a human inferno behind locked agreement. .. doors. Gawanas burnt to death in Katutura on Sunday morning after' THE Namibian Cabinet her boyfriend, Silas 'Keeper' Nauseb, allegedly tied her to her approved a draft extradi­ bed, poured petrol all over her and set her alight before setting tion agreement between himself alight. Namibia and South Africa Lea's mother, Josephina Nanus, told Nampa that Nauseb last Thursday. knocked on h C'I bedroom door at around 08hOO on Sunday and This was disclosed by dep­ said he was going to Karibib. uty mini ster ofJustice, Vekuii Nauseb gave Nanus his wallet and left. Nanus said that after Rukoro, who added that a about 15 minutes she noticed a strong smell of petrol and spotted Government delegation would flames coming out from underneath Gawanas' bedroom door. soon travel to South Africa to She heard her daughter crying out for help from behind the door discuss the draft agreement with and tried to open it, only to find that it was locked. The authorities there. With the help of neighbours, Nanus managed to force the door A Namibian delegation, open. The boyfriend, Nauseb, came running out of the room, headed by Pennanent Secre­ enveloped in names. tary of Justice, Albert Kawana, He was immediately bundled into an ambulance and rushed to held discussions with the South hospital, while the others tried in vain to save Gawanas, who was African Government in nud­ tied to her bed. June, where 'nothing concrete' According to a spokesperson at the Katutura hospital, Gawanas OIl an extradition agreement died after suffering 100 per cent burns. Nauseb is in a critical was decided. condition. A source close to the Minis- The young woman's mother, Nanus, told Nampa that she was not aware of any quarrel between Gawana~d Nauseb. continued on page 2 The two have had a relationship for seven years. - Nampa .1...- __________ ~___ _ - -.... __ ~_ ji I'TAe'N'AM1BiAN ~. -Children's' concerns discu~sed ·NAMIBIAN President tor of Programmes, Nyi children. ) Sam Nujpma yesterday Nyi, at State House to dis­ The top Unicef man is on a received the Unicef Direc- cuss the state of Namibian visit from New York. The President told Nyi Nyi that "there are still street kids and orphans" in Namibia and that the Government ~as committed to .improving their lot. This, he added, included setting up institutions for the care of children. Ministry of Finance Nujoma pointed out that although Naniibia was expect­ TENDER BOARD------4 ing a bumper maize harvest which should be enough to TENDER NO J11/91 provide food for children, the ... problem of proper preparation ." Description: Tender for the hire of vehicles to the .......... of the food remained. He said PRESIDENT Sam Nujorrla discusses Namibia'<s children and their concerns with Government for the period 1 SEPTEMBER J 991 he wanted proper staff trained to 31 AUGUST 1992 for this. Unicef Director ~or Programmes, Nyi Nyi, who is 9n an official visit to Namibia. In this regard the Govern­ Photograph: Joseph Motinga Closing date: 11 :00 on Tuesday: 30 July 1991 ment had also started educat­ Documents are available at the offices of: ing I1l~tQers so that they could I bring up theu children health­ The Secretary: Tender Board ily . High weekend road Clo Voigt and Kelvin Str: . Further, the Pre!.1dent said, Windhoek there was no reason why chil­ dren should go hungry when To obtain documents R5,00 is payable. Namibia had so much in the death toll in north Tenders must be forwarded to: way of fish resources to help prevent malnutrition. Remain- The Secretary: Tender Board GabrieJ... 23, from Onamulunga, ing problems of malnutrition OSWALD SHIVUTE AT OSHAKATI PO Box 3328 were a legacy of Nanubia's • Paulus Namwandi, 31 , from WINDHOEK colonial past and the "colo­ Onayena and Otto Nakale from SEVERAL people died in accidents in the North on 9000 nial pattern of distribution", car Amuteya, all working in Wind­ he noted. Sunday. Three people were ki,Ued and 10 injured in an hoek are presently receiving or deposited in: Nujoma acknowledged the accident on the main road between Ondangua and treatment in Onandjokwe The Tender Box assistap.ce given by Unicef on Oshivelo on Sunday. Hospital. Their conditions are reported to be stable. Tender Board a number of occasions and thanked the organisation. A Nissa.mSafari pick-up on . the vehicle. In another car accident be­ C/p Voigt and Kelvin Str. The Unicef official assured its way to Windhoek overturned Elisabeth KambondeINdjeke tween Uukwangali and Windhoek the ~esident that it would at Oshifukwa after a wheel burst Namutenya from Oniiyagaya Oshikango, four Namibians, Telex: 50908.-875 Fax: 221004 . near Omuthiya arid her six­ Silvanus Ndahepele from alwaysto Nanubia, send pointing the best to of Unicef's its staff ilani dwthie,drij'v,eir GIO~S]t ijcionitsro~10°Gf~ month old baby Hileni David ·Okawpe, Petrus Shapwa from Secretary: Tender Board representative to Namibia, lost their lives in the accident. Onlnmo, Eliakim Matheus from . , Shahida Azfar. Her son Paavo David sur­ Okatale Odibo and Maria Pa­ vived the accident and is re­ shukeni from Omafo in ceiving ~ treatment in the Oukwanyama area were seri­ Onandjokwe Hospital. ously injured and were taken . NAMIBIA CREDIT UNION LEAGUE try of Justice, who asked to Beatha Namulandu, 27,. from to Engela Hospital before being P. O. Box 7537 remain anonymous, said both . Windhoek died in the transf~rred to Oshakati State del~gations at the Pretoria Onandjokwe Hospital ' and Hospital for .treatment. KATUTURA meeting had decided to go back leav~s a one-year-old baby, A baby girl, Ndapewa Gab­ to their respective Governments Tangi. nel, one-year-old, from Ona­ Tel: 217577 to get clarity on some policy In a separate accident . on mayaka in the south of Angola issues. • Sunday, a youth, Sak.ru:ias rued after sustaining serious ~rd July 199D Rukoro said the Cabinet gave Karlush from Okapuku, 'died injuries. after being knocked dowtitby a Three other Angolans, Gab­ On behalf of the Namibia Credit Union movement and the Executive approval to theN"amibiari dele­ gation to go anead with the car between Ondangwa and riel Shitumbuleni from Ona­ Board of the League we wish to extend cur thanks and appreciations .
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