I-IONOURABLEATTORNEY-GENERAL OF THE FEDERATION AND hIINISTER OF JUSTICE FEDERAL MINISTRY OF JUSTICE , >I,IRINA, LAGOS, NIGERIA P. M. B. No. 12517 HAGF/NCB/Vol.I Telcgmrns: Solicitor Rcf. No. Tclsphonc: 2634559 Tclc.~:22 I -: ~atc 16th February, 1996 The Registrar, International Court of Justice, Peace Palace 2517 KJ, The Hague, Netherlands. CAMEROONIAN GOVERNMENT FORCES NIGERIANS IN BAUSSI (DISPUTED TERRITORY) TO REGISTER AND VOTE IN MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS The controversy over ownership of the Bakassi Peninsular assumed a new dimension in 1994 when the Republic of Cameroon in total disregard of existing conflict resolution mechanisms for negotiated settlement invoked the jurisdiction of the Internation Court of Justice in May 1994. The Feaer~iXepublic of Nigeria as a law abiding and peace-loving nation had no option in the circumstances than to Join issues with Republic of Cameroon in the International Court of Justice. Consequently, in December 1995, Nigeria filed Preliminary Objections to the Nernorials submitted by the'~epub1icof Cameroon. The International Court of Justice at The Hague has since ordered Cameroon to file her Observations to the Preliminary Objections on or before the 15th Nay 1996. 2. It is highly regrettable that inspite of the above scenario, the Republic of Cameroon has continued to demonstrate reckless contempt for International Court of Justice by consistently embarking on actions that are not only provocative to the Federal Republic of Nigeria as a party to the dispute, but also undermines and diminishes the essence, authority and jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice in a dispute that is subjudice. The municipal election of 21st January 1996 in Cameroon is the latest case in point. 3. The affected settlements, all located in Ndian Division are: Isangele, Iboriekira, Massaka, Mosoyo, Rio Del Rey, Combo Abodimo, Bamuso. -2- Obenika Adufabio and.Custom Fishing Port:' Enclosed are documents confirming not just the conduct of election in these areas 'but revealing the pattern of voting in the election. 4. The Republic of Cameroon as a Sovereign Nation has every right to fix and conduct election in her territory. This right however cannot and should not extend to areas in dispute between the Republic of Cameroon and thz Federal Xepublis of Xigeiia. In flagrant violacioc of this cardinal grinciple, Cameroon delimitated parts of Bakassi Peninsula for the Municipal election. Worse still, the Government of Cameroon forced Nigerians resident in those areas to register and vote for the ruling CPDM Party led by President Paul Biya. Failure to abide by this directive attracted very severe sanctions from the local police authorities. 5. The Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria condemns in very .' strong terms the provocative and unrestrained actions of the Cameroonian Government in the disputed territory. The Nigerian Government frowns seriously at such ?remeditated actions designed to score cheap political points. The Nigerian Government hereby invites the International Court of Justice to note this protest and cali the Government of Cameroon to order. 6. Finally, the Government of Cameroon should be warned to disist from further harassment of Nigerian citizens in the Bakassi Peninsula until the finai deternination of the case pending as the International Court of Justice. b CHIEF XICX4EL A. AGBAMUCHE, SAN HON. ATTORNEY-GENERAL OF THE FEDERATION AND XINISTER OF JUSTICE. Commune urbaine de Mgaounder6 .'. .- - Commune rurale de .Tignere ' . 7 Partis RDPC UNDP ARN MDR ANDP , UPC Partis RDPC UNDP ARN hiDR ANDP UPC Suffrages 4196 11 604 1210 1090 352 IM Suffmges 91 1 3685 Pourcen~ages 22.41 61,92 6.99 5.82 1,88 0.87 ' Pourcentages . 19.81 80.17 Sitges 0 45 0 0 0 0 Sieges 0 25 Commune rurale de Galim Tigniire Comlnune rurale de Mgaoundere Partis RDYC UNDI' AlW hlDK ANDI' ' UPC Partis RDPC UNDP AIW MDlt ANDP UPC , I Sufiages 899 1420 a Suffrages 3588 8949 984 Pourcen~ages 38.68 61.3 1 Pourccntilges 26,08 65,W 7,15 . -. , S~kges 0 25 Sitges 0 41 0 . --. ( Commune rurale de Mbe Commune irb~alede Mayo Beleo Partis RDPC UNDP ARN MDK ANDP UPC Partis RDPC. UNDP ARN hlDR ANDP UPC Suffrages 1127 1134 118 1066 8 1 Suffnges 1348 1705 Pourcenlages 31,96 32.\6 334 3U,23 239 Pourcenrages 44.15 55,84 Sikges 4 17 0.4 0 Sieges - 0 35 . - L Cornmulae raerale de kagaoundal Commune saarale.de Djohsmg Partis RDPC UNDI' ARN MDR ANDIJ UPC Suffrages 3019 3866 Suffri~ges Pourcenligcs 43.85 56,15 S~tgcs 0 25 b Commune rurale de Meiganga Commune rusale de Fdgaoui a- I P;rrlis RDPC UNDI' AIW hlBR ANDP UPC I'artis KDPC UNDI' AIW hlUK AluDl' . b Sufh-ages 11 226 10.929 268 491 Subages 988 - 1341 I'ourcentagrs 48,99 47,67 1,169 2,142 Pourcenuges 42.42 57,58 - - - I Sieges 3 1 10 0 0 Sltges 0 25 Cornrnsarre rurale de Bankirn I'nrtis RDPC UNDI' UDC hlDH ANDI' UI'C I'artis KDIDC UNDI' ARN MDR ANDP UI'C Su ffragcs 3315 4751 3 12 Suffrxgcs 3841 2756 I'ourccntagcs 39.56 56,70 3.72 Pourcen~ages 58.22 41,77 0 4 1 Sieges O ' <'-- Sieges 25 0 . - A ... ,. ;- ,-. , ... , k.. ,, .. I .....,. 3.. ." , .. ...- .. ... Com~nu~rerurale de Tibati Commune rurale.de'8ehel.' ,. -.< Partis RDI'C UNDI' AKN h.11)R ANDI' ,UPC 1'. RDI'C ' UNDI':, ;: .A;v>.;,:. ~IDR.',' ' ANDlD Ul'C Suffrages' 3 686 4 699 . - . .- Pourcen~ages 4395 56,04 . ... - Sieges 0 35 L I ).. I WWW~~UWU:UI~;~:~AWUN -Y@ - Les l';kg'sulf ats . ,L . ,- , ' . Cameroon Tribune publie dds aujourd'hul les rrlsultats des munlcl- eprtement du Maywo - , - pale. Ob, d mlaon de deux pmvlnces parlour, at les pmmIBrss an* . lysear. Dens cette Bdltlon 18Adameouaet Ie Nord. Demaln, les pm -- nv* ~1~8dU SUd-OlJ88t de 18&L PARTIS-' .RD~C "'mp . *- ' . -. Province 68 ipAdamooua ' -, . .-. , s"~?s;a.. --, 3841 Zl56 D&mftement du Djorem - . Po-mges - '5832 41,n ' . 8-- I rurah ds Hgawmld Sltges. ;,. -2s ., 1 0 . - 1 - I Coarmum -0 do Batyo -, - RDPC UNDP - . -puns r PARTIS " RDPC UNDP ' UDC suffrages 3019 3866 Pourcenuges 43.85 56.15 -. suffrages 3315, -4751 312 S1tg9 0 25 , Pouranlag& 39.56 56.70 3.22 - Sieges .O 41 0 Commune mrale de Tlbatl , Commune rurala da Mayo Darlb . ' PARTIS RDPC UNDP - 1 QI PARTIS . RDPC .UNDP - - suffrages ' 3686 4699 Pou~~Q~s suffrdgcs 1105 1280 43.95 56,M I Sltges 0 35 PourwntaSs 45,51 ' 52.71 Slkges ' ,O 25 - / Tolaux dmo le Djsrem - - I - Toteux dans le Mayo Banyo ' -1 PARTIS RDPC UNDP ANDP SDF MDR UPC PARTIS RDPC UNDP UDC --- I soffrages 6708 8565 sutfrages 8261 8787 312 . Pourccnlagcb 43.90 56.09' . - ,, , - i Pou~nlages' - 47,76 50,02 1,07' S~tges 0 60 I . S~eges 25 66 0 I b Departement du Faro et Db D6prartemsnt du Mbere Commune rurale de Dlr Commune rurale de T Ignore ‘ 1 PARTIS RDPC ' UNDP RCPU - 1- PARTIS RDPC UNDP - suhges 4102 sufhges 911 3695 Pourcrnuges 69,63 24.96 5, \0 Pourcea[ages 19.81 80.17 i s~eg~~ 25 0 0 S~hgcs 0 25 . 1 Cornwm rural8 de DjohoW Commune nrrale do Gdlm T1-e UNDP r PARTIS - RDPC ! Pmns RDPC UNDP - suffrages 1806 763 suffrages 809 1420 PourenQa' 70,26 29.7 - . - Pourcentages 38,68 6 1.3 1 Sieges 25 0 Sitges 0 25 I Comntuna rude do Ngaoul commun.Mskdomy0B.l~ " ' ' ,-,. r .a,-I- . .. PARns ' RDm' .U~P'- - '," - I.. --- / er-. .Y-;yr *ges'-' - ,- , ,988 1341 SUf'Erages 1348 ' 1705 ~~a0Qg~42.22 5758 ' - . Pouranage* 44.15 55.84 Slkges 0 I -_ 25 d. Sitges ? 25 I Coontuns &a de Meigan$. I , TotaudenkFaolBtLUo .( PARTIS RDPC UNDP * ANDP SDF MDR. ,K, mgm 3019 3866 Poumn@es 43.85 56.15 Sitgs 0 25 . .-. \ - Cemmuna ncralath Flguil . ' r - Mpartkmsn2 du Faro PARTIS RDPC - - - I Casmans rude @oPol surfrages l Pourccn~agrs 55.83 PhRTlS RDPC UNDI' MDK . SiCges 25 L i flngts 2625 3191 Communo rurnlo ds Culdar ~~WF30.14 46,37 15.49 PARTIS RDPC. UNDI' UDC Sikgcs 5 18 2 . - - I 1 suflr3gcs 3 1: i Cumsand rurdc C3 Dd~a t , Pourceotagch 45.63 3.22 UI\IDP - PNZ~S' RDPC Sieges I I 30 0 I sulbages 3362 287 Commune rurale de Mayo Oulo Pounenwss 53.42 45,40 PARTIS UNDP Sitgzs 25 0 SU~~C~~CS - TaPmx dmta lo Fxo I'OU~CC~~I~~CS ,73 I1 GJ PARTIS RDPC UNDP ML)R SDF MDR UPC Si2gcs .I 1 . I suffmges 5987 3478 Totaux dens Ic PAayo Louti I ~u~nlag~s42.28 45,93 7.74 PARTIS KDI'C UNDP - I Sikgcs 30 18 2 ! 1 s~rlllges I D6pctamortL c3f.! R'loyo R,~J Pourccntqcs 3-j;l-j t S~c'gcts 36 7 1 Co.mun3 tzr=!s r.!3 'rcilo!li16 Is PAKSIS nurBc UNDP D&pe;ton~extcdc Genouii - Communa urbsinr, dc Geroun - ruffrrger 2450 2673 1 I Pourcen~ages 47,32 52.07 I SiQcs 0 35 I I Camuno rurn:o do Rey Boubs PARTIS RDPC UNDP Cotr~tnunorurnto de Garoua suffrages 12065 5 PoukenULYs 99.95 0.5 Sieges 4 1 0 1 Cornace rurate de Touboro - I Commune rurelo d3 Boscheo I - I - 1 Commune rr.rels do Medingring ' PARTIS IlIjPC 4U80 - I Pourccntagei 100 , - 25 \ PAR17S RDI'C UNDI' ca.vt,?ur:E RURP.~DE DEMBO I- . PARTIS I(D1'C UNDI' suffr3:es 34 336 4 300 -. Pourcrntnges 84.63 13,386 suflngrs 1\43 1761 I'ourceo~agch Si tges 107 39.35 60,65 35 Si2gcs 1 0 2 5 -.-.- A- /- Les r6su1.6t-ats 6 CT publie ci-dessous les rdcents Commune rurals de Koutaba hqbonge- Rural Council resultats parvenus a la redaction UDC ................................................
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