FAMILY Cyprinodontidae Wagner 1828 - pupfishes, killifishes SUBFAMILY Cubanichthyinae Parenti 1981 - pupfishes, killifishes Notes: Cubanichthyinae Parenti 1981:519 [ref. 7066] (subfamily) Cubanichthys GENUS Cubanichthys Hubbs, 1926 - killifishes [=Cubanichthys Hubbs [C. L.] 1926:4, Chriopeoides Fowler [H. W.] 1939:4] Notes: [ref. 2233]. Masc. Fundulus cubensis Eigenmann 1903. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Cubanichthys Hubbs 1926 -- (Parenti 1981:520 [ref. 7066], Costa 1997:12 [ref. 23302], Lazara 2001:75 [ref. 25711], Wiley & Ghedotti 2003:1160 [ref. 27020], Costa in Reis et al. 2003:549 [ref. 27061], Huber 2005:16 [ref. 28394], Hertwig 2008:166 [ref. 29531]). Current status: Valid as Cubanichthys Hubbs 1926. Cyprinodontidae: Cubanichthyinae. (Chriopeoides) [ref. 1431]. Masc. Chriopeoides pengelleyi Fowler 1939. Type by original designation. Misspelled Chriopeiodes by Itzkowitz 1981:473 [ref. 31371]. •Valid as Chriopeoides Fowler 1939 -- (Huber 2005:16 [ref. 28394]). •Synonym of Cubanichthys Hubbs 1926 -- (Parenti 1981:520 [ref. 7066], Lazara 2001:75 [ref. 25711], Costa in Reis et al. 2003:549 [ref. 27061]). Current status: Synonym of Cubanichthys Hubbs 1926. Cyprinodontidae: Cubanichthyinae. Species Cubanichthys cubensis (Eigenmann, 1903) [=Fundulus cubensis Eigenmann [C. H.] 1903:222, Fig. 1] Notes: [Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission v. 22 (1902); ref. 1217] Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Current status: Valid as Cubanichthys cubensis (Eigenmann 1903). Cyprinodontidae: Cubanichthyinae. Distribution: River basins in Cuba and Isle of Pines. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. Species Cubanichthys pengelleyi (Fowler, 1939) [=Chriopeoides pengelleyi Fowler [H. W.] 1939:5, Figs. 3-4] Notes: [Notulae Naturae (Philadelphia) No. 35; ref. 1431] Jamaica. Current status: Valid as Cubanichthys pengelleyi (Fowler 1939). Cyprinodontidae: Cubanichthyinae. Distribution: River basins in western Jamaica. Habitat: freshwater GENUS Yssolebias Huber, 2012 [=Yssolebias Huber [J. H.] 2012:28] Notes: [Killi-Data Series 2012; ref. 32370] Masc. Cyprinodon martae Steindachner 1876. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Yssolebias Huber 2012 -- (Huber 2015:4 [ref. 34041] in tribe Yssolebiini). Current status: Valid as Yssolebias Huber 2012. Cyprinodontidae: Cubanichthyinae. Species Yssolebias martae (Steindachner, 1876) [=Cyprinodon martae Steindachner [F.] 1876:610 [60]] Notes: [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 72 (1. Abth.); ref. 18772] Santa Marta near the mouth of the Río Magdalena, Colombia. Current status: Valid as Yssolebias martae (Steindachner 1876). Cyprinodontidae: Cubanichthyinae. Distribution: Colombia. Habitat: freshwater. ****************************************************************************************************************************** SUBFAMILY Cyprinodontinae Wagner 1828 - pupfishes, killifishes [=Cyprinoidea, Orestiasini, Tellianini, Cyprinodontidae carnivorae, Aphaniini, Lebiatina] Notes: Cyprinoïdae Wagner 1828:1054 [ref. 17823] (family) Cyprinodon [corrected to Cyprinodontes by Müller 1843:320 [ref. 3063]; corrected to Cyprinodontidae by Owen 1846:48 [ref. 32214], confirmed by Huber 2005:4 [ref. 28394]] Orestiasini Bleeker 1859d:XXX [ref. 371] (cohors) Orestias [stem corrected to Orestiad- by Gill 1896g:224 [ref. 32618], confirmed by Huber 2005:8 [ref. 28394]; Jordan & Evermann 1896a:631 [ref. 2443], Meek 1904:118 [ref. 2958], Regan 1911d:325 [ref. 5761], Fowler 1954:225 [ref. 1465], Fowler 1958a:4 [ref. 31840] and Nelson 2006:288 [ref. 32486] used as stem Oresti-; Myers 1931b:12 [ref. 32213] used as stem Orestiat-] Tellianini Bleeker 1863–64:139 [ref. 4859] (stirps) Tellia [nomen oblitum, Huber 2005:6 [ref. 28394] Article 23.9.2] Cyprinodontidae carnivorae Günther 1866:299, 301 [ref. 1983] ? Cyprinodon [no stem of the type genus, not available, Article] Aphaniini Hoedeman 1949 in Hoedeman & de Jong 1947–58:X.40.21, p. 5 [ref. 19665] (tribe) Aphanius Lebiatina Costa 1997:13 [ref. 23302] (clade / subtribe) Lebias Goldfuss [invalid, but see ICZN Opinion 2057] GENUS Cualac Miller, 1956 - checkered pupfishes [=Cualac Miller [R. R.] 1956:1] Notes: [ref. 3018]. Masc. Cualac tessellatus Miller 1956. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Cualac Miller 1956 – (Parenti 1981:529 [ref. 7066], Costa 1997:12 [ref. 23302], Lazara 2001:73 [ref. 25711], Huber 2005:16 [ref. 28394], Scharpf 2007:30 [ref. 30398], Hertwig 2008:166 [ref. 29531]). Current status: Valid as Cualac Miller 1956. Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontinae. Species Cualac tessellatus Miller, 1956 [=Cualac tessellatus Miller [R. R.] 1956:9, Pl. 1] Notes: [Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan No. 581; ref. 3018] Outlet ditch of La Media Luna, San Luis Potosí, Mexico, about 21°52'N, 100°02'W. Current status: Valid as Cualac tessellatus Miller 1956. Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontinae. Distribution: Pánuco River basin, Atlantic Slope of Mexico. Habitat: freshwater. GENUS Cyprinodon Lacepede, 1803 - pupfishes [=Cyprinodon Lacepède [B. G. E.] (ex Bosc) 1803:486, Encrates Gistel [J.] 1848:IX, Lebia Oken [L.] (ex Cuvier) 1817:1183, Prinodon Rafinesque [C. S.] 1815:88, Trifarcius Poey [F.] 1860:305] Notes: [ref. 4930]. Masc. Cyprinodon variegatus Lacepède 1803. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803 -- (Miller 1976 [ref. 7032], Parenti 1981:526 [ref. 7066], Echelle & Echelle 1993 [ref. 21022], Lozano-Vilano and Contreras-Balderas 1993 [ref. 21105], Costa 1997:12 [ref. 23302], Echelle & Echelle 1998:852 [ref. 23614], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:223 [ref. 24550], Lazara 2001:81 [ref. 25711], Wiley & Ghedotti 2003:1159 [ref. 27020], Costa in Reis et al. 2003:549 [ref. 27061], Echelle et al. 2005:320 [ref. 28245], Strecker 2005:107 [ref. 28252], Huber 2005:16 [ref. 28394], Scharpf 2007:30 [ref. 30398], Hertwig 2008:166 [ref. 29531], Minckley & Marsh 2009:234 [ref. 31114], Martin & Wainwright 2013:231 [ref. 32978]). Current status: Valid as Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803. Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontinae. (Encrates) [ref. 1822]. Fem. Cyprinodon variegatus Lacepède 1803. Type by being a replacement name. Replacement for Lebia of "Bon., Räf." [Cuvier], preoccupied by Lebias Cuvier according to Gistel; Lebia is preoccupied by Lebia Latreille 1802 in Coleoptera. •Objective synonym of Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803 -- (Parenti 1981:526 [ref. 7066], Lazara 2001:81 [ref. 25711], Costa in Reis et al. 2003:549 [ref. 27061]). Current status: Synonym of Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803. Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontinae. (Lebia) [ref. 3303]. Fem. Lebia ellipsoidea Lesueur 1821. Type by subsequent monotypy. See Gill 1903:966 [ref. 5768]. Type species as determined by Lazara 1995:502 [ref. 22411]. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Lebia Latreille 1802 in Coleoptera; replaced by Encrates Gistel 1848. Not the same as Lebias. Placed on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Generic Names in Zoology (Opinion 2057). •Synonym of Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803 -- (Lazara 2001:81 [ref. 25711], Costa in Reis et al. 2003:549 [ref. 27061]). Current status: Synonym of Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803. Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontinae. (Prinodon) [ref. 3584]. Masc. Cyprinodon variegatus Lacepède 1803. Type by being a replacement name. As "Prinodon R. [Rafinesque] Cyprinodon Lac. [Lacepède]." An available replacement name (unneeded) for Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803. •Objective synonym of Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803 -- (Parenti 1981:526 [ref. 7066], Lazara 2001:81 [ref. 25711], Costa in Reis et al. 2003:549 [ref. 27061]). Current status: Synonym of Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803. Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontinae. (Trifarcius) [ref. 3499]. Masc. Trifarcius riverendi Poey 1860. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803 – (Parenti 1981:526 [ref. 7066], Lazara 2001:81 [ref. 25711] Costa in Reis et al. 2003:549 [ref. 27061]). Current status: Synonym of Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803. Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontinae. Species Cyprinodon albivelis Minckley & Miller, in Minckley et al., 2002 [=Cyprinodon albivelis Minckley [W. L.] & Miller [R. R.] in Minckley, Miller & Norris 2002:697, Fig. 4] Notes: [Copeia 2002 (no. 3); ref. 26222] Río Papigóchic at Yepomera, 28°32'W, 107°29'N, Chihuahua, Mexico, elevation 2048 meters. Current status: Valid as Cyprinodon albivelis Minckley & Miller 2002. Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontinae. Distribution: Río Papigóchic, Mexico. Habitat: freshwater. Species Cyprinodon alvarezi Miller, 1976 [=Cyprinodon alvarezi Miller [R. R.] 1976:72, Fig. 1D] Notes: [Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences v. 75 (no. 2); ref. 7032] Spring-fed pond at El Potosí, Nuevo León, Mexico, 24°51'N, 100°19'W, elevation 1900 meters. Current status: Valid as Cyprinodon alvarezi Miller 1976. Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontinae. Distribution: El Potosí, Mexico [extinct in the wild]. Habitat: freshwater. Species Cyprinodon arcuatus Minckley & Miller, in Minckley et al., 2002 [=Cyprinodon arcuatus Minckley [W. L.] & Miller [R. R.] in Minckley, Miller & Norris 2002:699, Fig. 5] Notes: [Copeia 2002 (no. 3); ref. 26222] Pond fed by Monkey Spring, tributary to Santa Cruz River, (Gila River basin), 12 kilometers north-northeast of Patagonia, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, U.S.A. Current status: Valid as Cyprinodon arcuatus Minckley & Miller 2002. Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontinae. Distribution: Arizona (U.S.A.) and possibly northern Mexico [extinct in the wild]. Habitat: freshwater. Species Cyprinodon artifrons Hubbs, 1936 [=Cyprinodon variegatus artifrons Hubbs [C. L.] 1936:223,
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