ANNUAL REPORT OF SARDA 2014-15 PROMOTION OF SHGS under SHPI SARDA has been promong SHGs under SHPI add on acvity program of NABARD. These SHGs are promoted among poor and marginalized rural women. Women are mobilized to form SHG Instuons of their own. These SHGs are then provided training on basic orientaon and capacity building for effecve funconing of the group. These are facilitated for the linkage with banks for Savings and Credit assistance. The women members are provided training on various Livelihood acvies and support for procurement of raw materials and sale of the products. Women's Day is celebrated among them and Health Camps and health awareness programs are also been organized for the SHGs. The details of the SHGs promoted under the program are: Project Area Support S.No. State (Duraon) Agency Beneficiary Acvies Quanty 1 Maharashtra District: NABARD Formaon & promoon Bhandara, 588 of SHGs 49 Block: Awareness & Account Lakhandur, opening 49 Villages: 21 (2010-13) Grading & credit linkages of WSHGs 15 2 Maharashtra District: NABARD Formaon & promoon Gondia, Block: 1952 of SHGs 152 Amgaon, Awareness & Account Deori and opening 147 Salekesa, Villages: 139 Grading & credit (2010 13) linkages of WSHGs 86 SSOCIALOCIAL ACTIONACTION FORFOR RURALRURAL DDEVELOPMENTEVELOPMENT AN ISO 9001 : 2008 .............. Illuminating Rural India 14 ANNUAL REPORT OF SARDA 2014-15 TEJASWINI RURAL WOMEN EMPOWERENT PROJECT Women are now more aware about the importance of saving, bank loan; proper ulizaon and repayment of bank loan, etc. SHG members are engaged in various income generaon acvies. 300 women beneficiaries started their livelihood acvies through Lac culvaon and 220 beneficiaries are engaged in praccing SRI technology for paddy culvaon. Others are engaged in agriculture, pickle and papad making acvity, etc. SARDA has been implemenng Tejaswini Rural Women Empowerment Project in Kirnapur and Lanji Blocks of Balaghat District of Madhya Pradesh with the support of Madhya Pradesh Mahila Via Vikas Nigam. The project is aimed for integrated development of women in the targeted area. Under the project, SARDA has promoted 432 Women SHGs comprising of 5797 women members. These SHGs are provided basic conceptual modules of training including leadership, group dynamics, group management and book keeping. All the SHGs are linked with banks. Regular meeng and internal savings and lending is ensured among each of the group. These groups are provided training on various Income Generaon acvies including vegetable producon, goatery, piggery, poultry, SRI, papad and pickle making, etc. Each of the women is linked with certain livelihood acvies. SSOCIALOCIAL ACTIONACTION FORFOR RURALRURAL DDEVELOPMENTEVELOPMENT AN ISO 9001 : 2008 .............. Illuminating Rural India 15 ANNUAL REPORT OF SARDA 2014-15 PROMOTION OF JOINT LIABILITY GROUPS These SHGs are further organized into Federaon where 108 Village Level Commiees of these SHGs are formed and involved. These CBOs are provided handholding support regarding funconality and management. Now, SARDA has handed over the charge of the SHGs to the Federaon completely and all the acvies are being carried out by the beneficiaries themselves. JLGs are promoted of 4 to 5 likeminded beneficiaries of the similar types of venture planned or business acvity. Members of the JLGs offered a joint undertaking to the bank that enables them further to avail bank loans. Group cohesion has been ensured. JLGs are serving as a conduit for technology transfer, facilitang for common access to market informaon, training and technology disseminaon. Banks are assessing the credit requirement based on acvity undertaken in the group or on the credit absorpon capacity of individuals of the JLGs. These groups are acng effecvely and repaying the bank loan without being default borrowers. SARDA has been promong JLGs in different intervened areas in various state across different Livelihood acvies. Altogether 820 JLGs are promoted. Most of the JLGs are working on agriculture and allied acvies. Project Area Support S.No. State (Duraon) Agency Beneficiary Acvies Quanty 1 Maharashtra District: NABARD Formaon & promoon Gondia, 1220 of JLGs 244 JLG Awareness & Account Block:5 opening 207 JLG Villages: 53 Grading & credit (2010-15) linkages of JLGs 62JLG 2 Maharashtra District: NABARD Formaon & promoon Bhandara, 275 of JLG 55 JLG Block: Lakhandur Awareness & Account and Sakoli, opening 55 JLG GP: 7, Grading & credit Villages: 9 linkages of JLGs (2009-15) 15 JLG 3 Maharashtra District: NABARD Formaon & promoon Gadchiroli, 610 of JLG 122 JLGs Block: Armori, Awareness & Account opening 121 JLGs Villages: 31 Grading & credit (2010 Onwards) linkages of JLGs 5 JLGs 4 Madhya District: NABARD Formaon & promoon Pradesh Balaghat, 506 of JLGs 101 Block: Awareness & Account Kirnapur and opening 57 Lanji, (2010 -Onwards) Grading & credit linkages of JLGs 11 5 Bihar Disrict: NABARD Formaon & promoon Nalanda, 505 of JLGs 101 Awareness & Account Blocks: 6 opening 101 Grading & credit 101 linkages of JLGs 6 Bihar Disrict: NABARD Formaon & promoon Seikhpura 752 of JLGs 150 Awareness & Account opening 150 Grading & credit linkages of JLGs 150 7 Jharkhand District: NABARD Formaon & promoon Simdega, 235 of JLGs 47 Block: 2 SSOCIALOCIAL ACTIONACTION FORFOR RURALRURAL DDEVELOPMENTEVELOPMENT AN ISO 9001 : 2008 .............. Illuminating Rural India 16 ANNUAL REPORT OF SARDA 2014-15 RURAL INNOVATION PROJECTS SARDA is making many innovaons in the local rural areas as per the need of the area. These new pracces are a blending of indigenous knowledge, local availability of materials, local need and new scienfic tools. SARDA has been making different iniaves, with support of NABARD, which are replicated in other parts of the world as per the requirement. In the current year, three different Innovave projects are installed by us. One of the programs is to address the problem of irrigaon of to the agriculture field where electricity is not available. For such area solar PV based pumping system is installed which is irrigang 20 hectors of the agriculture land without using electricity or diesel. In another intervenon, we are promong Brood Lac resource Centre in the area which is having high potenal for lac producon and processing. Third intervenon is the producon of bio ferlizer from water chest nut. Our earlier innovaons as use of agro waste for the producon of electricity in un-electrified village has changed the picture of the village and the project is being replicated in many areas and our current intervenons are the visions of future development programs. The detail of the intervenons under the program are: S. Name of the State Project Area Funding No. of Acvity Quanty No. Project (Duraon) Partners Beneficiaries Performed (Nos.) 1 Sustainable MP District: NABARD 22 Training & 1 development Balaghat, Block: Awareness through Kirnapur, GP: 1, Installaon of 5 1 developing Village: 1 HP solar pumping irrigaon facility (2013-15) system by using Solar PV based pumping system 2 Promoon of Lac Bihar District: Jamui, NABARD 200 Idenficaon of 200 and Block: Jhajha, Beneficiaries establishment of GP: 4, Village: 8 Marking of Host 4000 Lac Resource cum (2014-17) Plant Brood Lac Pruning of Plants 400 Producon Centre 3 Bioferlizer MP District: Seoni, NABARD 60 Construcon of 27 producon from Block: Ghansor, Bio-ferlizer unit waterchest nut GP:3, Villages: 6 Training & 27 (2012-14) Demonstraon These intervenons have changed the face of the villages. The local community are now using new scienfic tools to address their current requirements. These programs have been proved to be milestone in the development sector. SSOCIALOCIAL ACTIONACTION FORFOR RURALRURAL DDEVELOPMENTEVELOPMENT AN ISO 9001 : 2008 .............. Illuminating Rural India 17 ANNUAL REPORT OF SARDA 2014-15 PROMOTION OF BIO GAS FOR COOKING AND LIGHTING SARDA is promong Bio Gas Units of 6 cum each among 15 beneficiaries in 5 villages of Patratu Block of Ramgarh District. The beneficiaries are inially provided exposure visit to Aurangabad for live demonstraon of the producon and use of Bio Gas for cooking and lighng. The beneficiaries then acvely parcipated for the promoon of Bio Gas Unit. 15 beneficiaries are selected which are having cale for the producon of Dung. Currently 3 Unit out of 15 are constructed with support of Jindal Steel & Power Limited. S. No. State Area Details Funding No. of Acvity Performed Quanty (Project Partners Beneficiaries (Nos.) Duraon) 1 Jharkhand District: Jindal 15 Selecon of Beneficiaries 15 Ramgarh, Steel & Plong and Construcon 3 Block: Power Patratu, GP: Limited Exposure Visit 1 2, Villages: 5 (2014 15) SEED VILLAGE PLUS APPROACH Seed Business Ventures are promoted among Small Farmers through Seed Village Plus Approach supported by NABARD. The project consists of development of seed village. Under the project 21 beneficiaries are selected and are distributed with the ground nut seeds. They are taught with the latest tools of ground nut farming. Modified Seeds of Ground nut is provided. Linkage with the market is done and also provided with the Organic Cerficaon of their product. A part of the produce is preserved by the beneficiaries to be used as seed in the next crop. The acvies under the project include: S. No. State Area Details Funding No. of Quanty Partners Beneficiaries Acvity Performed (Nos.) 1 Madhya District: NABARD 21 Technology Support 1 Pradesh Balaghat, Technical & capacity Block: building, exposure to seed Baraseoni, GP: farm 1 1, Village:- 1 Extension Through ICT (2013 14) 1 SSOCIALOCIAL ACTIONACTION FORFOR RURALRURAL DDEVELOPMENTEVELOPMENT AN ISO 9001 : 2008 .............. Illuminating Rural India 18 ANNUAL REPORT OF SARDA 2014-15 Intensification of Crops: THROUGH SWI & SRI Our agriculture is in the need of increase in the producvity from the same plot but with lesser inputs. There are many tested agricultural pracces of the same. These pracces of System of Wheat Intensificaon and System of Rice Intensificaon are transferred to farmers by SARDA. We have trained as many as 210 farmers in five villages. The beneficiaries are mobilized and trained on the subject. They are exposed to many successful sites. Inputs and implements for the culvaon are provided to the farmers without any cost.
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