50¢ May 2, 2010 Think Green Volume 84, No. 18 Recycle this paper Go Green todayscatholicnews.org Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend Go Digital TTODAYODAY’’SS CCATHOLICATHOLIC Celebrating our Jubilarians Coonan brothers ordained Priests and religious celebrate milestones to the transitional diaconate Pages 11-17 BY TIM JOHNSON Adult stem-cell COLUMBUS, Ohio — Two brothers, Matthew M. Coonan and Terrence M. Coonan, Jr., were ordained as project transitional deacons on Sunday, April 25. They are now just a year from being ordained to the priesthood. Vatican supports It was a “doubleheader” as the deacons’ father, Terrence Coonan, Sr., quipped after the Mass. international project As deacons, Matthew and Terrence will be dedicat- Page 3 ed to the service of the altar, the Word and charity. Many of the faithful from St. Vincent Parish, Fort Wayne — the deacons’ home parish — as well as friends of the Coonan family and Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration made the trip to Columbus, Video exchange Ohio, for the celebration of the Ordination to the Order of Deacon in St. Turibius Chapel at Pontifical College Fort Wayne and English Josephinum. Bishop John M. D’Arcy, bishop emeri- tus, was the principal celebrant. students meet via Internet During the Rite of Ordination, Matthew and Page 9 Terrence were called by the Church to serve God’s people. Each confirmed his presence, readiness and willingness to serve. Pontifical College Josephinum Rector and President Father James A Wehner testified to the worthiness of the candidates. Eucharist Study Guide In his homily, Bishop D’Arcy noted that this is the Year for Priests. The yearlong celebration, he said, Father Barron offers CD commemorates a great parish priest — St. John Page 22 Vianney. And the weekend of April 25 was celebrated by the universal Church to pray for vocations. Bishop D’Arcy encouraged the faithful to pray that more good men of quality — like the deacon candi- dates — “will follow them.” TIM JOHNSON Book of the Month Bishop D’Arcy recalled the words of Pope Deacon Terrence Coonan, Jr., left of Bishop-emeritus John M. D’Arcy and Deacon Matthew Benedict XVI when he visited the United States: “It is Coonan, right, pose for photos in the sanctuary of St. Turibius Chapel at Pontifical College ‘Tattoos on the Heart’ Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio, on April 25 after being ordained to the order of deacon. At Page 24 COONAN, PAGE 5 left is Msgr. Bernard Galic, director of the Office of Vocation. of YEAR our PRIESTS Arizona church leaders call for BY MARK WEBER legal, congressional responses FATHER DANIEL Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe BY PATRICIA ZAPOR Neighborhoods Act, signed April 23, are J. DURKIN that it “does not address the critical need for When Dan Durkin was a WASHINGTON (CNS) — Bishop Gerald border security to confront drug smuggling, F. Kicanas of Tucson, Ariz., one of many weapons smuggling and human traffick- lad at St. Joseph School in religious leaders decrying Arizona’s new ing.” Decatur, it was the custom immigration law, said he will ask the gener- He also objected to the law on the al counsel of the U.S. Conference of grounds that it “sends a wrong message to have an annual maga- Catholic Bishops to become involved in about how our state regards the importance zine sales contest. This was a fund raiser lawsuits expected to challenge its constitu- of civil rights”; distracts local law enforce- tionality. ment from their primary role in protecting for the school and the students made up In his “Monday Memo” posting on the public safety and puts additional pressure the sales force. diocesan Web site April 26, Bishop Kicanas on depleted law enforcement resources; said he believes the law needs to be chal- discourages people from reporting crimes if Young Dan, who at that age probably lenged for reasons beyond the constitution- they lack legal immigration status; makes al questions that many opponents of the bill YEAR OF, PAGE 5 have raised. Among his objections to the REACT, PAGE 3 2 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC MAY 2, 2010 TODAY’S CATHOLIC Official newspaper of the Diocese marks vocations from Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856 PUBLISHER: Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades diaconate to bishop emeritus EDITOR: Tim Johnson of our high schools have been some of the part of a series during this Year for Priests. best experiences so far for me here in the Besides the seminary community, several NEWS EDITOR and STAFF WRITER: Kay Cozad IN TRUTH diocese. I am really grateful to see the strong Holy Cross priests and Notre Dame students faith formation going on in our high schools, attended the address. I felt privileged to share Editorial Department AND a formation that is evident to me as I speak some theological and spiritual reflections on PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan with the students and enjoy their company. the gift and mystery of the priesthood in light FREELANCE WRITERS: Lauren Caggiano, CHARITY At Bishop Dwenger High School, I of the priesthood of Christ. Michelle Castleman, Karen Clifford, received a tour from the principal, Mr. Fred Elmer J. Danch, Bonnie Elberson, BY BISHOP KEVIN C. RHOADES Tone. He has served at Bishop Dwenger for LuersKnight 42 years, the past 16 years as principal. He Denise Fedorow, Diane Freeby, May I attended the 30th annual dinner and auc- has truly done an outstanding job. Everyone I tion benefiting Bishop Luers High School on Lee Johnson, Sister Margie Lavonis, Congratulations Bishop D’Arcy speak to shares with me their admiration for Friday, April 23. What a wonderful evening! CSC, Joe Kozinski and Deb Wagner Mr. Tone’s leadership and example of faith. I especially enjoyed the outstanding perform- This Saturday marks the 25th anniversary He will certainly be greatly missed, yet his ances by the student jazz band and the dance of Bishop John M. D’Arcy’s installation as the service has left a lasting mark on this com- choir. The musical program at Bishop Luers Business Department eighth bishop of the Diocese of Fort Wayne- munity and in the lives of thousands of is truly one of the finest I have ever experi- South Bend. On behalf of all the faithful of our BUSINESS MANAGER: Kathy Denice young people. Let us pray that the Lord will enced. I remember the beauty of the liturgical diocese, I offer grateful thanks and prayerful bless Mr. Tone with good health and much AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber music when I celebrated Mass at Bishop best wishes to our beloved bishop emeritus. happiness as he retires. Thank you, Mr. Tone, Luers back in early February. BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Kathy Voirol On April 30, 1985, Bishop D’Arcy took for your service and for your commitment to [email protected] I was very touched by the moving speech canonical possession of the diocese during the noble mission of Catholic education! of Bishop Luers’ senior, Deshaun Thomas, Evening Prayer at St. Matthew Cathedral, Advertising Sales who spoke about his experience as a student South Bend. The apostolic letter of appoint- Redeemer Radio at Luers’ and the great support he received Tess Steffen (Fort Wayne area) ment was read by Auxiliary Bishop Joseph This past Wednesday, I was privileged to there from Mrs. Mary Keefer, the principal, (260) 456-2824 Crowley. On the next day, May 1, the instal- be a guest at the start of the annual Shar- and from the faculty. I congratulated Deshaun Jeanette Simon (South Bend area) lation Mass was celebrated at the Cathedral athon for our Catholic radio station in Fort on his accomplishments, not only on the bas- of Immaculate Conception, Fort Wayne. That (574) 234-0687 Wayne, Redeemer Radio. I spent an hour on ketball court, but academically as well. I only was certainly a blessed day for the diocese as Web site: www.todayscatholicnews.org the air from 7-8 a.m. It was an enjoyable gave him a little hard time about his choice to well as for Bishop D’Arcy and his family. opportunity to talk about our faith and to offer go to Ohio State, rather than Penn State! Thanks to Bishop D’Arcy, the Church in Published weekly except the fourth my support to this important and holy aposto- Many thanks to all who so generously sup- the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend has Sunday in June, second and fourth late. Redeemer Radio is a great means of ported LuersKnight this year, especially in the weeks in July and August, the first week grown and flourished in faith the past 25 evangelization and catechesis. I wish to thank auction, which raised over $130,000 for tuition of September and last week in years. I’ve been thinking how appropriate it all the dedicated employees and volunteers assistance. May God bless your generosity! December by the Diocese of Fort was that Bishop D’Arcy’s ministry here began who serve in this apostolate. It has my bless- Wayne-South Bend, 1103 S. Calhoun St., on the feast of St. Joseph the Worker. As St. ing and my strong support, especially as it Confirmations P.O. Box 390, Fort Wayne, IN 46801. Joseph worked humbly and diligently to sup- embarks on new endeavors to increase local Periodicals postage paid at Fort Wayne, port the Holy Family and watched over Mary This past week, I was privileged to admin- IN, and additional mailing office. programming and to expand its area of broad- ister the sacrament of Confirmation at Ss. and Jesus with love and devotion, so has cast.
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