Statistical Appendix ESTIMATES OF WAR-RELATED DEATHS IN ENGLAND AND WALES, 1914-1918, USING DIFFERENT LIFE TABLES The abridged life tables, reflecting the mortality experience of the working-class population insured by the Prudential Life Assurance Company and published in the Journal of the Institute of Actuaries in 1918 (Table A-1) permit us to estimate the level and age- structure of male mortality in England and Wales had there been no war in 1914. Two alternative approaches were adopted initially. The first was to assume that the life table mortality rates (qx) for 1913 remained constant throughout the subsequent five years.1 This was the basis of Estimate A. The second was to assume that in the absence of war the pre-war rate of mortality decline would have continued unabated. This was the basis of Estimate B. In both estimates, abridged life tables for 1913-18 were con­ structed on the basis of the qx values given in Table A-1. Mid-year populations at ages 16-60 for 1912-18 were calculated by multi­ plying the 1911 male census population of England and Wales by survival ratios derived from the Prudential life table for 1913. Once age-specific death rates (Mx) were derived from mortality rates, through the equation Mx = 2qx/ (2 — qx), we obtained the age structure of deaths by multiplying Mx for each year and age by the appropriate mid-year populations. The results may be found in tables A-2 and A-3, which describe two hypothetical estimates of male mortality in England and Wales for the years 1914-18. In Estimate A, we assumed that qx rates for 1914-18 were identical to those of 1913. It is essential, therefore, to note that the hypothetical age structure of male mortality in Estimate A is not strictly speaking a full or realistic counterfactual picture of what would have happened had there been no war. Such a picture 306 APPENDIX 307 TABLE A-1 RATES OF MORTALITY AMONG MALE INDUSTRIAL POLICYHOLDERS IN THE PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY, 1913, 1915, 1916, 1917 English Life Prudential experience Age No. 8 1913 1915 1916 1917 16 0.00259 0.00290 0.00467 0.00404 0.00374 17 0.00279 0.00317 0.00790 0.00840 0.00483 18 0.00302 0.00379 0.01386 0.01856 0.01283 19 0.00326 0.00372 0.01845 0.03201 0.03834 20 0.00348 0.00397 0.02008 0.03731 0.04742 21 0.00366 0.00386 0.01838 0.03772 0.04559 22 0.00378 0.00386 0.01695 0.03460 0.04394 23 0.00386 0.00377 0.01665 0.03124 0.04063 24 0.00392 0.00399 0.01534 0.02805 0.03769 25 0.00400 0.00441 0.01376 0.02572 0.03507 26 0.00411 0.00442 0.01340 0.02379 0.03248 27 0.00425 0.00451 0.01311 0.02192 0.03014 28 0.00440 0.00475 0.01199 0.02098 0.02886 29 0.00458 0.00532 0.01246 0.02001 0.02794 30 0.00478 0.00499 0.01168 0.01915 0.02601 31 0.00502 0.00562 0.01182 0.01773 0.02501 32 0.00528 0.00520 0.01177 0.01675 0.02304 33 0.00558 0.00605 0.01225 0.01576 0.02265 34 0.00590 0.00594 0.01145 0.01565 0.02194 35 0.00624 0.00642 0.01118 0.01488 0.02097 36 0.00659 0.00667 0.01087 0.01440 0.01977 37 0.00695 0.00714 0.01069 0.01369 0.01816 38 0.00731 0.00742 0.01065 0.01286 0.01744 39 0.00769 0.00811 0.01130 0.01216 0.01588 40 0.00811 0.00798 0.01119 0.01152 0.01452 41 0.00858 0.00902 0.01094 0.01140 0.01286 42 0.00909 0.00908 0.01137 0.01099 0.01159 43 0.00964 0.01005 0.01123 0.01065 0.01111 44 0.01024 0.01063 0.01169 0.01173 0.01043 45 0.01089 0.01121 0.01258 0.01130 0.01154 46 0.01158 0.01184 0.01288 0.01253 0.01236 47 0.01231 0.01308 0.01438 0.01233 0.01205 48 0.01308 0.01391 0.01469 0.01316 0.01290 49 0.01391 0.01520 0.01660 0.01479 0.01427 50 0.01482 0.01609 0.01781 0.01551 0.01413 51 0.01586 0.01717 0.01831 0.01643 0.01533 52 0.01701 0.01877 0.01873 0.01710 0.01637 53 0.01827 0.01861 0.02107 0.01898 0.01854 54 0.01963 0.02269 0.02255 0.02008 0.01987 55 0.02111 0.02423 0.02372 0.02234 0.02283 56 0.02272 0.02637 0.02642 0.02397 0.02318 57 0.02444 0.02852 0.02869 0.02629 0.02558 58 0.02629 0.02991 0.03191 0.02786 0.02731 59 0.02827 0.03307 0.03559 0.03075 0.02996 60 0.03042 0.03462 0.03802 0.03268 0.03291 SOURCE: J. Burn, 'Industrial Mortality in 1915-1917', Journal of the Institute of Actuaries, LI (1918), 69-71. 308 PQ a 0) o 1/3 o Cd o cd Tto^or-iocnaNr^-oovocnasTj-oooN^toa\ <u <D <u a o o 3 W C <u -u « T-M in rn ^f en rf o in r^ rn rn -^t t-^ ^ CN in vo CN CN" in vo" o"'o" rt T-T r-" rn o> vo" -<d-" T-T O" O>" I>" vo" in T-HTfTfTtTfmmCNCN(N<N<Nr-lT-lT-H^H <N rH T-HrNOin-^-T-ir^rH\oinoo Tf (N 00 £ rH^ 4^L (11 (11 r- vo 0)NrO\00\0\0\OhNO CN Tf 00 cd t « o ^ vomr^oscNcNvoinvoinoo\vovot>-i>-cN,<3- maN^mT-HaNTj-rHrNcNaNinoininorHvo .§ O Cd *5 ^ cNvor--vovovoinTt-enmmcNcNCNcNrH w fNONrHfNmOOONONOOm^tOrHOO VO CN 00 CN voTtvovoinocN(Nvooor-"^-rH^- v^o, wo CvN, in 00N™ ^ O,— , __i <3 ^ y^ ^ Q^ oq^ oo o^ CN t> -^" t~^ r-~ ^ en 2 3 S 2 vo O ^r" o" t> CN" oo" in rn r-T oC oo" vo" in" ^" iL w a ^^frCnmCNCNCNCNrHrHT—IrHrH c/5 <" Tj-ONOoochONCNr--in^-oorti>a\oorH(Nvo mmvominr-rHiocNvoooNminmvomin °\ ^ ^ ^ ^ "^ °\ T~l °i ^°L ^ ^ r"t ^ ^ ^ '"I °.s 3 oc\£ ^ vo" o" ci vo" m" o" vo" cn" oC in" CN" O" oo" r-" in" -<d-" m" m" rHCN^t-ininrj-Tt-mmmcncNcNcNCNCNCN o <^ CO CJ PQ oo >* mm^-rHrHvomovomoincnTt vo m os -H> si OX) a V3 o>oovoooocnoor-vor-cncn^i-^ CN CN OS 13 I>rHrHONmOOOmOCNrHrHrnO CN in r- T3 -c 2 CN "ed 'S VH Ti-mvoinvovoinininvovovovor^vor--vor^ 3 <D o 2 6 J&s 3W <NOO\io(OHnoohHt^\OH^a\^i' C <D <u •Si i>ONO\r-or^oocNinoocnincNrHr^-inoo <D cd o^ Tt "^ CN vq^ cn CN^ o^ CN I> VO VO^ O^ I> H o^ rt r^ T3 -O5 in" m" vo" vo" vo" vo" vo" vo" vo" vo" vo vo" vo t^" t^-" oo" r-^ oo" 3 B CtM* >a> JS <D OD < o oo r- 00 CN CN 00 rH'«^-r--ONOr^oOrHcx)oO"^-vocNinrni>ONinoO'rtrvo oo in H q oo t oo ONONOSCNin^rHTtvOOsONCNVOvocN^cnrnOOVOC....._. ., . ._ # ^ N O CN O CN rH o m 00 OSVO^rHONr^VOmmrHrHrH^H | ^vor-rHoor^oooorfcNr-incNvocNoor^OrnoorncNcnrnrt^fOOs o^h^inHmTtcn^HooMXiTi-io^rOM^oo^TfiovOTthOTt- in H t*-^ oo^ in^ o H o rn o^ rn TT_ in vo in oo m TT rn in "<d- rf CN CN ^ t>- c-» rt" m" H os oo" t-»" vo" ^f m" H r-T TH" T-H I H I II oo" m CN CN o CN m r- Tf r- ^ vo m CN en o m I I I I I I III III I 2 inoooooomvoinrHcNCNOsOr^or^rHrn ^-r-^ocNomvoTj-mrH osvovomcNrHTtmrfor--^tvooNinvoo N^t-^ooN'sfcNmrHin^; VOCN00^ONVO^rHCNrH^C^,^-invOCNcn | rt nrH\OTtoomrHinvo i O cn CN o" oo" i> vo" in" m" CN" rn" II I I H ^ | rH"^-T I I m" •III £ "3-rHOsvovorHininvooommm ininooorHoinm^t-oovcNvo'<si< - Hn(NOONMOHO\hhhN vo^j-moNO" d-ooinooovor-ooo OCNONTtcNvocN^-rfrHVOCNrn OcnovOrHinONOOsvomooosr- ooc^voin^rnrncNcnrnrnrnri-'Hr"<^-invovooor--oooooNOscN i^incNinoo^r^r^cNvovooOrHoocnt^rnoo^cNooT^c^rninoovo^ rHinvornoooint^invoooos^vorHTfONt^osin-^rHin-'d-cNOsoS rf <o H vq^ r^ in o cn H CN CN r-^ r-^ ^t in rt rf CN CN O^ ^ <o cn^ o\ H VO CN ^ r-" oo" oo" oo" oo" oC OC o" o" H T-H H rH CN" CN" m" m" Tf" m" TJ-" r--" oo" oo" oo" oo" o\ as ^ os cn rn oo cn in rHVOVO^fOO--- r^vo^d-TtTf^cNcNoocnoscNooosTtos ooooososOsoosrHrHCNCNcNCNcncnTj-TrinvomooooososoooocnosOinvoinoscNOrHrH s .2 o TABLE A-3 ESTIMATES OF MALE MORTALITY, ENGLAND AND WALES, 1914-18, AT AGES 16-60, BY AGE COHORT Age Prudential Prudential Actual War-related War-related Estimate A: Estimate B: group hypothetical hypothetical working-class deaths deaths percent percent Estimate A: Estimate B: war Estimate A Estimate B increase (+) increase (+) using using estimate or or constant declining decrease (-) decrease (-) mortality mortality due to war due to war rates rates (4) (5) (D (2) (3) (3)-(l) (3)-(2) (4)/(l) (5)/(2) 16-19 23,337 22,121 86,671 63,334 64,550 271.40 291.80 20-24 31,545 29,556 233,432 201,887 203,876 639.99 689.80 25-29 34,706 31,925 154,362 119,656 122,437 344.76 383.51 30-34 39,658 35,379 118,601 78,943 83,222 199.05 235.23 35-39 47,680 43,144 93,493 45,813 50,349 96.09 116.70 40-44 56,668 52,138 68,967 12,299 16,829 21.70 32.28 45-49 66,621 61,967 67,120 499 5,153 0.75 8.32 50-54 80,186 75,465 77,354 -2,832 1,889 -3.53 2.50 55-60 117,342 112,340 112,784 -4,558 444 -3.88 0.40 Total 497,743 464,035 1,012,784 515,041 548,749 103.48 118.26 SOURCE: See Table A-1.
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