
SUCCESSFULLY COMBATTING THE PANDEMIC BECAUSE WE ARE ALL IN IT TOGETHER! DearDear Colleagues, Colleagues, sustainedsustained communicationcommunication inin thethe formform ofof films,films, Doctor’sDoctor’s advisories,advisories, SMSSMS && WeWe areare presentlypresently facingfacing somesome ofof thethe toughesttoughest andand mostmost testingtesting WhatsAppWhatsApp messages, messages, posters, posters, and and the the like. like. timestimes inin ourour livingliving memory.memory. TheThe extentextent ofof disruptiondisruption thatthat thethe AsAs anan organization,organization, wewe remainremain committedcommitted WeWe do do hope hope that that all all these these will will translate translate into into pandemicpandemic hashas causedcaused isis unprecedentunprecedent andand thethe entireentire countrycountry isis ourour workmen workmen wanting wanting to to stay stay back back with with us us tryingtrying toto comecome toto gripsgrips withwith thethe situation.situation. COVID-19COVID-19 hashas leftleft itsits toto standstand withwith thethe countrycountry duringduring thesethese andand help help push push progress. progress. markmark onon usus atat L&TL&T too.too. Sadly,Sadly, wewe havehave hadhad toto faceface thethe harshharsh turbulentturbulent timestimes andand contributecontribute toto thethe hugehuge realityreality ofof losinglosing somesome ofof deardear colleaguescolleagues despitedespite somesome ofof ourour nationalnational efforteffort toto overcomeovercome thethe adverseadverse StandingStanding strong strong and and positive positive bestbest efforts efforts to to save save them. them. Some Some of of us us have have lost lost some some of of our our near near impactimpact ofof thethe pandemicpandemic becausebecause nothingnothing isis ItIt is is very very easy easy for for us us to to get get despondent despondent and and andand deardear onesones toto thisthis virus.virus. WeWe rememberremember ourour colleaguescolleagues whowho moremore preciousprecious thanthan humanhuman lives.lives. lowlow seeing seeing all all that that is is happening happening around around us, us, havehave leftleft us,us, theirtheir wonderfulwonderful contributioncontribution toto thethe organization,organization, butbut thisthis isis whenwhen wewe mustmust staystay strongstrong andand theirtheir bereavedbereaved families,families, whowho wewe hopehope andand pray,pray, willwill findfind thethe positive.positive. TheThe wonderfullywonderfully stirringstirring andand strengthstrength andand couragecourage toto bearbear theirtheir lossloss andand eventuallyeventually movemove positivepositive storiesstories ofof recoveryrecovery fromfrom thethe forwardforward in in life. life. pandemicpandemic ofof severalseveral ofof ourour colleaguescolleagues inin StandingStanding by by our our people people LedLed byby ourour ChiefChief MedicalMedical Officer,Officer, DrDr thethe ‘COVID ‘COVID Victor’ Victor’ series series should should strengthen strengthen StandingStanding by by the the nation nation OurOur speciallyspecially formedformed COVIDCOVID tasktask forcesforces DivyangDivyang Shah,Shah, wewe havehave aa helplinehelpline forfor youyou usus thatthat therethere isis muchmuch toto looklook forwardforward to,to, AsAs anan organization,organization, wewe remainremain committedcommitted toto standstand withwith thethe involvinginvolving thethe entireentire seniorsenior leadershipleadership ofof toto reachreach outout forfor medicalmedical consultancyconsultancy oror thatthat likelike allall otherother problemsproblems wewe havehave facedfaced countrycountry during during these these turbulent turbulent times times and and contribute contribute to to the the huge huge L&TL&T havehave thethe responsibilityresponsibility toto reachreach outout counsellingcounselling whilewhile ourour iCALLiCALL facility,facility, inin inin thethe past,past, wewe willwill overcomeovercome thisthis nationalnational effort effort to to overcome overcome the the adverse adverse impact impact of of the the pandemic pandemic andand helphelp ourour colleaguescolleagues andand theirtheir familiesfamilies associationassociation withwith TISS,TISS, isis aa telephonictelephonic pandemicpandemic too.too. WeWe mustmust keepkeep believingbelieving becausebecause nothing nothing is is more more precious precious than than human human lives. lives. Reacting Reacting to to whowho areare inin need.need. WeWe havehave convertedconverted counsellingcounselling helplinehelpline handledhandled byby trainedtrained thatthat thisthis isis justjust aa passingpassing phasephase howeverhowever thethe diredire shortageshortage ofof oxygenoxygen andand oxygenoxygen generators,generators, wewe havehave severalseveral ofof ourour establishmentsestablishments likelike thethe professionalsprofessionals toto helphelp youyou navigatenavigate thesethese difficultdifficult andand tryingtrying itit maymay be.be. AsAs theythey say,say, steppedstepped inin toto createcreate aa long-termlong-term solutionsolution byby globallyglobally sourcingsourcing CorporateCorporate TechnologyTechnology andand EngineeringEngineering toughtough times times and and a a source source for for authentic authentic and and toughtough timestimes dodo notnot last,last, toughtough peoplepeople do.do. generatorsgenerators && partsparts toto assembleassemble themthem inin ourour manufacturingmanufacturing WeWe are are confident confident that that like like true true L&T-ites L&T-ites we we AcademyAcademy (CTA)(CTA) inin Madh,Madh, Mumbai,Mumbai, ourour verifiedverified information information too. too. facilityfacility atat HaziraHazira toto meetmeet thethe requirementsrequirements ofof severalseveral hospitalshospitals willwill together together overcome overcome this this challenge challenge too. too. CSTIsCSTIs inin Ahmedabad,Ahmedabad, Cuttack,Cuttack, Chennai,Chennai, acrossacross India.India. EachEach unitunit isis equippedequipped withwith aa compressor,compressor, dryer,dryer, WeWe havehave allall realizedrealized thatthat vaccinationvaccination isis Bengaluru,Bengaluru, KolkataKolkata andand Panvel,Panvel, thethe ECCECC oxygenoxygen generatorgenerator andand twotwo storagestorage tankstanks capablecapable ofof cateringcatering toto perhapsperhaps the the only only way way to to either either prevent prevent the the SStaytay strong. strong. Stay Stay focused. focused. Stay Stay heathy heathy & & safe. safe. ApartmentsApartments inin Chennai,Chennai, hostels,hostels, guestguest && hospitalshospitals oror medicalmedical facilitiesfacilities withwith overover 1,7501,750 bedsbeds forfor thethe nextnext infectioninfection or or at at least least reduce reduce its its severity. severity. The The AllAll the the best! best! 10-1510-15 years.years. TheseThese areare fullyfully functioning,functioning, plug-and-playplug-and-play modelsmodels transittransit houseshouses andand eveneven bachelorbachelor factfact that that 70% 70% of of our our employees employees in in the the age age thatthat willwill absorbabsorb airair fromfrom thethe atmosphere,atmosphere, convertconvert itit intointo accommodationsaccommodations atat projectproject sitessites intointo groupgroup ofof 45+45+ andand 10%10% employeesemployees inin thethe medical-grademedical-grade oxygen oxygen and and pump pump it it into into the the pre-existing pre-existing pipes pipes for for well-equippedwell-equipped quarantinequarantine facilities.facilities. EffortsEfforts sub-45sub-45 yearsyears groupgroup havehave takentaken thethe firstfirst THETHE WONDERFULLYWONDERFULLY aa steady steady & & uninterrupted uninterrupted supply supply of of this this life life saving saving source. source. areare underwayunderway toto convertconvert moremore ofof ourour dosedose of of vaccination vaccination and and another another 20% 20% have have STIRRINGSTIRRING ANDAND POSITIVEPOSITIVE facilities.facilities. WeWe havehave tiedtied upup withwith 100+100+ takentaken thethe secondsecond jabjab isis indeedindeed goodgood newsnews STORIESSTORIES OFOF RECOVERYRECOVERY WeWe havehave sourced,sourced, procured,procured, andand suppliedsupplied ventilatorsventilators toto hospitalshospitals acrossacross thethe countrycountry toto makemake butbut itit isis ourour endeavourendeavour toto seesee thatthat everyevery FROMFROM THETHE PANDEMICPANDEMIC OFOF numerousnumerous hospitalshospitals apartapart fromfrom helpinghelping toto convertconvert severalseveral qualityquality medicalmedical helphelp andand treatmenttreatment readilyreadily employeeemployee gets gets at at least least the the first first dose dose at at the the SEVERALSEVERAL OFOF OUROUR healthcarehealthcare facilitiesfacilities thatthat wewe havehave constructedconstructed andand othersothers intointo availableavailable to to all all of of you. you. earliest.earliest. COLLEAGUESCOLLEAGUES ININ THETHE full-fledgedfull-fledged COVIDCOVID carecare centres,centres, quarantinequarantine zoneszones andand COVIDCOVID testingtesting laboratories. laboratories. OurOur variousvarious HR,HR, IRIR andand AdministrationAdministration AtAt thethe samesame time,time, thethe managementmanagement isis ‘COVID‘COVID VICTOR’VICTOR’ SERIESSERIES teamsteams andand manymany ofof youyou inin youryour individualindividual awareaware ofof thethe wonderfulwonderful efforteffort ofof ourour SHOULDSHOULD STRENGTHENSTRENGTHEN USUS capacities,capacities, havehave beenbeen goinggoing outout ofof theirtheir colleaguescolleagues atat projectproject sitessites toto keepkeep thethe THATTHAT THERETHERE ISIS MUCHMUCH TOTO OUROUR SPECIALLYSPECIALLY FORMEDFORMED COVIDCOVID TASKTASK wayway
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