FSPûïîï KO. IAEA-R-1O39-F TITLE Environmental isotope survey I î'IKAL REPORT FOR IKS PERIOD I97I-O9-OI - I978-O7-3O I AUTKOR(S) J.J.Jacovides INSTITUTE Ministry of- Agriculture and Natural Resources Water Development Department Nicosia, Cyprus DAT-: March 1979 I SURVEY (CYPBUS}? I - s sponsored |1 ; h™ 1;:'K:-:\;C. '-.:.y%-•>'>:-,'•''"'•"' -;.V-",~ •* '•>u%c!^v"a*'" • ';;- ':Äv 0'. I ; • I 1 No. H//5 I Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources Department of Water Development l\ ENVIRONMENTAL ISOTOPE SURVEY (CYPRUS) Final Report on I.A.E.A. Research Contract No: 1039/RB Prepared by't Jacovos Jacovides I B.So. M.So. Hydrologist M.I.W.E.S. I I I I JANUARY 1979 I r I I I 1 CONTENTS I Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION ' 1 1.1 The Research Contract Ho s 1039/R1/RB .... 1 1 1.2 The Research Contract No: 1039/R2/RB .... 1 1.3 The R&soarch Contract No: 1039/R3/RB .... 2 2.0 DESCRIPTION 01' RESEARCH CARRIED OUT 4 2.1 The Survey 4 2.2 The Area Covered by the Survey ». 7 2.2.1 Summary of the geology of the area 7 2.2.2 Climatological characteristics of Cyprus 10 2.2.3 Climatologie conditions on the Troodos area 14 3.0 RESULTS OBTAIFJÍD 21 3.1 Tritium Content in Precipitation ........ 22 3.2 The Stable Isotopes in Précipitation .... 23 3.3 The Altitude Effect on the Oxygen -18 and Deuterium . .......... 32 3.4 Tritium Input and Water Balance ......... 43 3.4.1 Introduction 43 3.4.2 Tho Upper Zone 43 3.4.3 The lower Zone 47 3.5 Areal Variability of Tritium and Stable Isotopes in Groundwator » 51 3.5.1 Area! distribution of Tritium 51 3.5.2 The areal distribution of the stable isotopes 54 I 3.6 The Stable Isotope Content in Groundwater 58 3.7 The Relationship of Tritium Content of I Groundwater and the Storage Capacity of Springs 61 I 3.7.1 The recession analysis 63 3.7.2 The tritium-storage capacity I relationship 64 3.8 The Chemical Character of the Troodos Waters............. 66 I - i - I I 1 3.3 Some Points of Interest Arising from the I Environmental Isotope Survey on the ïroodos Area ..«•••....,.,,..,..,., ,.,... n........ 70 î 4.0 CONCLUSION 75 5.0 STAl'EiteHT OF EXPENDITURE 80 6.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 81 7.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY 82 Appendix -A- 83 Appendix -B-- 120 I I I LIST OP FIGURES Pig o ••1-- The faults system on Troortos ur^u »....». 11 I Pig, -2- Geological Map of Troodos ,.„.........,.. 12 Pig, -3- Geological cross-section of Trócelos Massif 13 I Pig. ••/;- Average (1941-1970) annuel precipitation 16 Fig* -5" Trixium in précipitation, Correlation between Ottawa and Prodhromos .. .e . 26 I Pig. -6- Tritium in precipitation. Corrulatir-n between Nicosia and Prodhrohios .,.,....,,. 27 I Pig. -7- Tritium content in prceipit¿,tion at Prouhromos ....... 23 Pig. -8- Corrected tritium content in precipitation I to Docoinbor 1977 at Prodhromos .......... 29 Pig. -9- Monthly variation in tritium in I precipitation at ProcLhromos .<,..«,...,...,.. 30 Pig„ "10- Stable isotopes in precipitation 31 I Pig. -11- Relationship between 'o-18 r.nJi altitude.. 37 Pig. -12- Relationship between.'I) and altitude .... 38 Pis;. -13- Altitude vs température of groundwater I (September-October 1976)........4« ,, 39 Pig* --14-- Altitude vs temperature of groundwator I (August-September 1977) <-• .....,.» 40 Pig. -15- Altitude vs temperature of grou^dwater (February 1978) .., ,.., ........ A". I Pig-. -16-- Altitude vs temperature of groundwater (Hay 1978) ,..,„.,.-.....,,...„,» .,... 42 Piß. --17- Bstii.ic.ted recharge .-.nd tritium input for I the upper zone ,..,..»»..,.... Ar Pig., -18- Estimated recharge and tritium input for I the lower zone .,,........,. .a............. 49 Pig. -19^ Map of Troodos area showing the uppe^r and I lower zones and small catchment areas.... 50 Pig. -20- Tritium distribution ..„„„„......,.;' 55 Pig, -21- Oxygen -18 distribution o 59 I Pig, -22- Deuterium distribution ,..,... o.. 60 Pig. -23- The stable isotope content in groundwater I in the Troodos region ,......,. 62 Pig. -24- Recession analysis of Chrysovrysi spring 67 I Pig. -25- Storage capacity and tritium content relationship for springs 68 1 Pig, -26- Piper diagram for the Troodos waters .... 71 - iii &: J¿¿ /-• m I I LIST OP TABLES I -1- Iuvi-tttory of sampling A Tablo -2- Results of isotopic cnalyaos 17 •' i Table -3- Tritium rocord in precipitation 2A Table -A- Tabulation of stable isótopos - altitude !:' i relationships . .* 33 Table -5- Mean monthly evaporation at Prodhromos... AA i Table -6- Estimated recharge and tritium input for upper zone , «.* A1) Table i -7- Estimated recharge and tritium input for lower zone ................. Al i Table -8- Storage capacity of springs and tritium content in groundwator -,.., 66 % i• \\ i i i i I I I I ^- PWWV ..." LEGEND toWifV I 1,0 INTRODUCTION I This is the final report on the research contract no. 1039/RB under the general title "Environmental Isotope I Survey (Cyprus)" carried out by the Water Development Department of the iiinistry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Cyprus, and with the technical and financial 1 assistance oí the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. Mr. J S Jacovides, Hydrologies of the \/ater Development Department has been the principal scientific 1; I investigator v/hilst Dr Y Yurtsever and later Dr 7/ Brost of the Division oí Research and Laboratories of I.A.E.A, I - were responsible on scientific matters, in connection to tiie project. 1 «1 The .Research, Contract, _%>_., .1.0,3.9/R.I/Rg The Research Contract Sfo, 1O39/RB was initiated on the 1st of September 1971 with the objective of finding out how best to use environmental isotopes in the inter- pretation of the hydrology, particularly subsurface hydro- logy, of Cyprus through a sparse reconnaissance sampling of all the major aquifers and springs covering the whole island. The distribution of sampling was s ..oh that the survey in itself could assist in clarifying particular hydrogeologic problems, protide a better understanding of the water systems of the island, establish a general environmental isotope - framework of the hydrolo¿ic regimen of Cyprus as v/ell as to provide the basis for I specific, nore detailed, studies to be undertaken subse- quently. I All the particulars pertaining to this early stage of the research contract appear as appendix A of this I report. I 1.2 The Research Contract No. 1039/R2/RB The conclusion reached from the research contract I 1O39/R1/RB was that the survey established a general environmental isotope framework of the hydrologie regimes in the island and that the isotope techniques could find I application in several hydrogeologic problemsJ Thus, the I f V- ! i . tlSjíli I I research contract was renewed under No: 1O39/R2/RB with the objective of employing the environmental iso+ope techniques m I two main aquifers„ the alluvial Western Lesaoria and the Karstic Kyrenia Ran¿e aquifer. The concurrent application of environmental l-ctdioisotopes was expected to assist in the I interpretation of the results obtained by the more classicjl methodology and at the same time enable some evaluation and I comparison of the different methodologies» The initial sampling and results obtained during the I period of September 1972 to -Soveruber 1973 appear as appendix B of this reporte I The results obtained were quite interesting and helpful in delineating aquifer boundaries, recharge zones etc. I indicating that these techniques could assist in actual problem solving. Progress in this direction though»was interrupted due I to the 1974 tragic events in Cyprus v/hen both oreas mentioned above became unaccessible having been occupied by a foreign force 1 1 ,3 The project was virtually interrupted until Liay 1977 i v/hen a third renewal was granted to April 1973 with the rese r-ch directed to a new area, the centi-nl part of the fractured igncov.e <! I Troodos Liountain Range» The objective of the study was to obtain a better 1 understanding of the hydrogeologic system and its water resourcen potential: through the application of environmental isotope?: anö. r I in particular to assist in resolving the following proble .isc (i) Identification of aquifer systems in the area- I (ii) Processes of recharge of aquifers. I (iii) Altitude effect on 18Q of recharge water and identification of mean altitude of recharge I z one s, (iv) Mixture of different bodies of water having I different recharge areas. Since the main resulta and conclusions derived in the 1 areas studied by the two previous research contracts appear in the appendices A and B the final report would endeavour more I I I - 14 - I - 3 - I on the results and findings of the research on the ïroodos Lassif. The study area has ">nly recently e ,tracted suffis: snt I attention for comprehensive hydrogeolo^ical study because of the relatively successful results of recent drilling in the I auspices of ¡a major .local project for integrated rural development. The area receive« the highest rainfall, the jnly ' I snow in the Island and it has the highest density of springs in the country, it is covered by dense forest in woßt areas and a large number of thriving, si.i^ll c^nuunitice-are found there» The favourable climate in the summer makes the area a touristic attraction and also the place where most of the fruit- trees are grown. Due to the complicated and adverse geology of the r>T->o no systematic development of the water resources has ever been undertaken until recently. The non-existence of systematic hydrogeolot,ical studies in the area made the evaluation of the findings of thj s project very difficult but at the saue time the challenge of putting the radioisotope techniques into application such that could direct and assist conventional hydrogeolo^ical methods has been thought to be quite rewarding.
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