
VIVERE LA CUCINA CON PADERNO LIVING THE KITCHEN WITH PADERNO BY SAMBONET 9^d[ZXZ^aX^Wd!^aY^Vkdad^XjdX]^# <dYbVYZ[ddY!i]ZYZk^aXdd`h# James Joyce SAMBONET PADERNO INDUSTRIE SPA 9V e^ Y^ -% Vcc^ aZVYZg cZaaV [VWWg^XVo^dcZ Y^ For over 80 years, PADERNO has been a leading eZcidaVbZegd[Zhh^dcVaZZYVgi^Xda^YVXjX^cVeZg company manufacturing professional cookware and Xdbjc^i| Z aV g^hidgVo^dcZ! aV 9^k^h^dcZ E69:G" kitchen utensils for the restaurant and foodservice CD^cXdci^cjVZkdajo^dcZZYZheVch^dcZ#8dc industry and is always in constant evolution and aV Y^hig^Wjo^dcZ ^c ijiid ^a iZgg^idg^d cVo^dcVaZ ZY expansion. Distributing all over Italy and with an jcVXdeZgijgVZhiZgVX]ZkVYVaaÉ:jgdeVVaBZY^d international distribution that ranges from Europe ZY :higZbd Dg^ZciZ! eVhhVcYd eZg aV Gjhh^V! \a^ to the Middle and Far East, including Russia, United HiVi^Jc^i^ZaÉ6jhigVa^V!eZgjcidiVaZY^daigZ&'% States and Australia, for a total of over 120 countries, EVZh^! E69:GCD h^ egdedcZ d\\^ ^ciZgcVo^dcVa" PADERNO stands as a reliable reference for all bZciZXdbZjcejcidY^g^[Zg^bZcid^cY^heZchV" professionals involved in the catering and restaurant W^aZeZgijii^^Egd[Zhh^dc^hi^YZaaVG^hidgVo^dcZ#AV business. Its wide range of both manufactured hjVkVhiV\VbbVY^Vgi^Xda^Y^egdYjo^dcZcdcX] products as well as of complementary items aÉVhhdgi^bZcid Y^ Vgi^Xda^ XdbeaZbZciVg^ Xdb" distributed all over the world, are the way to fully bZgX^Va^ooVi^ ^c ijiid ^a bdcYd! hdcd ^c \gVYd Y^ satisfy the requirements and needs of the market. g^hedcYZgZcZab^\a^dgZYZ^bdY^VaaZZh^\ZcoZY^ The company is constantly engaged in granting the d\c^hZiidgZYZaaVg^hidgVo^dcZZYZaaÉVaWZg\]^ZgV# quality of its products (Quality Management System AÉ6o^ZcYV XdhiVciZbZciZ ^beZ\cViV V \V" UNI EN ISO 9001:2000) and constantly attentive gVci^gZ aV fjVa^i| YZ^ egdeg^ egdYdii^ JC> to comply with the most recent laws relating to :C>HD.%%&/'%%%ZY^ag^heZiidYZaaZe^gZXZci^ public health and safety. To this purpose, with the cdgbZ aZ\^haVi^kZ ^c iZbV Y^ ijiZaV YZaaV hVajiZ# new factory in Orfengo (NO), the company has even 8dc^acjdkd^chZY^VbZcid^cYjhig^VaZY^Dg[Zc\d more implemented its activities equipping a modern CD ]V jaiZg^dgbZciZ ^beaZbZciVid aZ hjZ Vi" laboratory with high technology instruments (X-rays, i^k^i|ViVa[^cZZh^YdiViVY^jcbdYZgc^hh^bd athomic absorption, etc.) which enable to promptly aVWdgVidg^d Xdc higjbZciVo^dc^ VaiVbZciZ hd[^" carry out chemical tests on the raw materials hi^XViZgV\\^M!VhhdgW^bZcidVidb^Xd!ZXX#X]Z used and check their conformity to the standards eZgbZiidcdY^Z[[ZiijVgZ^cWgZkZiZbedaZVcV" required. a^h^ X]^b^X]Z YZ^ bViZg^Va^ ji^a^ooVi^ diiZcZcYdcZ Special attention is paid to environment and aÉZhViiVXdbedh^o^dcZVa[^cZY^kZg^[^XVgcZaVXdg" safety; this strong engagement is testified by g^hedcYZcoVV^gZfj^h^i^hiVcYVgYh# the achievement of ISO 14001:2004 Certification EVgi^XdaVgZ ViiZco^dcZ ^cdaigZ YZY^XViV VaaÉVb" (Environmental Management System) and the W^ZciZZYVaaVh^XjgZooV!^beZ\cdX]Zh^XdcXgZ" OHSAS 18001 Certification (Security Management i^ooVid Xdc aÉdiiZc^bZcid YZaaZ XZgi^[^XVo^dc^/ Vb" System). Thanks to the implementation of these W^ZciVaZJC>:C>HD&)%%&/'%%)Zh^XjgZooVD=H6H three Certifications, the company has been awarded &-%%&#AÉdiiZc^bZcidZY^abVciZc^bZcidYZaaZigZ with the Excellence Certificate by Certiquality, a XZgi^[^XVo^dc^! ]Vccd eZgbZhhd VaaÉVo^ZcYV Y^ diiZ" recognition awarded to very few companies. cZgZYV8Zgi^fjVa^in^a8Zgi^[^XVidY^:XXZaaZcoV!jc ^bedgiVciZg^XdcdhX^bZcidgV\\^jcidd\\^YVedX]Z Vo^ZcYZYZahZiidgZ!X]Z]VccdXdchZ\j^idaZXZgi^[^" XVo^dc^Y^FjVa^i|!6bW^ZciZZH^XjgZooV# SOMMARIO INDEX 8 PENTOLAME COOKWARE 10 inox stainless steel 18 alluminio alluminium 24 rame copper 30 porcellana porcelain 34 ferro iron 38 pentole speciali special items 46 UTENSILI UTENSIL 48 colini strainers 50 ciotole bowls 52 dosatori dispenser 54 mestoli, palette ladles, tools 58 spatole, fruste, pinze spatula, whisks, tongs 62 pa plus pa plus tools 66 cucina creativa creative cuisine 74 termometri e bilance thermometer and scale 80 gadget serie 280 88 gadget serie 278 96 PIZZA 104 COLTELLERIA KNIVES 108 coltelli serie forgiata forged knives 112 coltelli serie tranciata shear knives 116 coltelli speciali special knives 120 affilatoi sharpen tool 122 taglieri cutting board 124 preparazione carne e pesce fish & meat preparation 126 forbici scissors 132 PASTICCERIA PASTRY 136 taglia pasta cutter 142 taglia biscotti cooky cutters 144 bocchette decorating tubes 148 utensili decoro, teglie decoration tools, baking trays 152 utensili pasta pastry tools 162 tortiere banda stagnata pastry moulds tin plate 165 tortiere antiaderenti pastry moulds non-stick coated 172 stampi semifreddo semifreddo moulds 174 millefoglie bisquit 175 bobine serigrafate acetate rolls 176 mascherine plastic templates 180 cioccolato chocolate 190 stampi in silicone silicon moulds 200 BAR 202 gelati ice cream 204 utensili bar bar utensils 218 aperitivo happy hour 226 arthur krupp 662 - 663 - living 234 TAVOLA TABLE 236 caraffe termiche vacuum jug 238 complementi tavola table design items 243 porcellana porcelain 244 accessori vino wine accessory 248 candelieri candle stick 249 accessori table accessory 252 CUISIPRO 254 grattuggie accutec razor 264 utensili cucina cooking tools 278 misure e capacità measure & capacity 284 indice alfabetico alphabetical index 294 indice per codice code index 300 parola allo chef chef’s speaking 304 le mie ricette my recipe book 8 PENTOLAME COOKWARE 10 INOX STAINLESS STEEL 18 ALLUMINIO ALLUMINIUM 24 RAME COPPER 30 PORCELLANA PORCELAIN 34 FERRO IRON 38 PENTOLE SPECIALI SPECIAL ITEMS 44 TECNICHE DI COTTURA COOKING TECHNIQUES B>IDAD<>6 MYTHOLOGY :[Zhid! KjaXVcd eZg ^ aVi^c^! ^a Y^d YZa [jdXd Z Efesto, Vulcano for the latins, is the God of fire, the YZaaVaVkdgVo^dcZYZ^bZiVaa^!^a[VWWgdYZ\a^YZ^# blacksmith of the Gods. In the Iliad, Homer says that CZaaÉ>a^VYZ DbZgd gVXXdciV X]Z :[Zhid! [^\a^d Y^ Efesto, son of Hera and Zeus, was ugly and bad :gVZOZjh![dhhZWgjiidZY^XVii^kdXVgViiZgZ!bV tempered, but with huge strength in his arms, and XdcjcV\gVcYZ[dgoVcZaaZWgVXX^VX]Z[dg\^VkVcd forged objects of unrivaled beauty. d\\Zii^Y^^beVgZ\\^VW^aZWZaaZooV# 9 B6I:G>6A:6HH6>G:H>HI:CI:!EG6I>8D>C8J8>C6!H>EJA>H8:H:CO69>;;>8DAI¿#Ý >AB6I:G>6A:E>ç>C9>86IDE:G7DAA>G:!H7>6C86G::H7DAA:CI6G:!6II:CO>DC: E:Gä H: AD JI>A>OO6I: E:G JC6 8DIIJG6 H:CO6 A>FJ>9> E:G8=w 6II6886 ;68>AB:CI:HJA;DC9D# G>8:II6/7DAA>IDB>HID >C<G:9>:CI> EG:E6G6O>DC: jcVXdhX^VY^\Vaa^cV! AVkVgZZbdcYVgZaVkZgYjgV!bZiiZgaVcZaaVeZcidaVXdc igZZii^Y^W^VcXdhiVidY^bVcod! VXfjV [gZYYV Z edgaV hja [jdXd# FjVcYd WdaaZ hVaVgZ Z igZZii^Y^bjhXdadY^k^iZaad! eZeVgZVe^VXZgZg^XdgYVgh^hZbegZY^V\\^jc\ZgZ^ahVaZ &X^edaaV! cZaaÉVXfjVhdadYdedX]Z^c^o^VVWdaa^gZ!eZgX]^ahVaZcZa 'XVgdiZ! iZbed XdggdYZ aÉVXX^V^d! V\\^jc\ZgZ! fj^cY^! ^a bVcod! jcVXdhiVY^hZYVcd! Yded &% b^cji^ ^a k^iZaad! ^c[^cZ! Yded Vaig^ * b^cji^! aV jceV^dY^X]^dY^Y^\Vgd[Vcd! \Vaa^cV#;VgXjdXZgZeZg(*$)%b^cji^ZY^aaZhhdegdcid# 'd(eViViZ# 7jdcVeeZi^id THIS HIGHLY RESISTANT MATERIAL IS USEFUL IN THE KITCHEN AS IT IS EASY TO CLEAN. THOUGH IT IS THE BEST MATERIAL FOR BOILING AND BLANCHING, TAKE CARE IF YOU USE IT FOR DRY COOKING AS THE FOOD CAN EASILY STICK TO THE BOTTOM. RECIPE: MIXED BOILED MEAT INGREDIENTS PREPARATION one chicken leng, Wash and clean the vegetables, put them into a saucepan 300 gr of beef chop, of cold water and heat. When the water boils, add salt and 300 gr of veal muscle, pepper (always remember to add the salt to the water after 1 onion, it starts boiling, because salt corrodes stainless steel over 2 carrots, time), then the beef, after 10 minutes the veal and, lastly, a stick of celery, after another 5 minutes the hen. Boil for 35/40 minutes and 2 cloves, the dish is ready. Enjoy your meal! 2 or 3 potatoes. INOX STAINLESS STEEL COOKWARE KDFEÊ:?IJEH?7 AÉVXX^V^d^cdm!d^cdhh^YVW^aZ!jcVaZ\VXdbedhiVeg^cX^eVabZciZYV[Zggd^ckZciViVcZa&.&( YVaaÉ^c\aZhZ=Vggn7gZVgan#FjZhidi^edY^VXX^V^d!XVgViiZg^ooVidYVjcÉVaiVeZgXZcijVaZY^Xgd" bd!eVgi^XdaVgbZciZgZh^hiZciZVaaVXdggdh^dcZ#:h^hidcd^cXdbbZgX^dY^kZgh^i^e^Y^VXX^V^d ^cdm!XaVhh^[^XVi^hZXdcYdaVcdgbVi^kV6>H>#>ae^cdidfjZaadXVgViiZg^ooVidYVaaVh^\aV&-$&%! XdbedhideZg^a&-YV8gdbdZYVa&%YVC^X]Za# BÊ?DEN?D9K9?D7 EZgX]hXZ\a^ZgZfjZhidbZiVaadeZgaZegZeVgVo^dc^Xja^cVg^Z4H^XjgVbZciZjceg^bdejcid V[VkdgZY^fjZhidbViZg^VaZaVegVi^X^i|#>\^Zc^XdeZgZXXZaaZcoV!^c[Vii^[VX^abZciZaVkVW^aZ ZcdccZXZhh^iVY^XjgZdbVcjiZco^dc^eVgi^XdaVg^#:hhZcYdjcXVii^kdXdcYjiidgZ!h^g^hXVaYV aZciVbZciZZVaigZiiVcidaZciVbZciZXZYZXVadgZ#H^egZhiV^cbdYdeVgi^XdaVgZVXdiijgZbdaid ajc\]ZZaZciZ!VaaZWdaa^ijgZZVaaZXdiijgZ^cXj^^aXVadgZk^ZcZigVhbZhhdVaaÉVXfjV# A BRIEF HISTORY Stainless steel is an iron-carbon alloy discovered by the Englishman named Harry Brearly in 1913. This kind of iron, characterised by a high percentage of chromium, is particularly resistant to corrosion. There are different types of stainless steels in commerce, classified according to AISI regulation. The most common, known as 18/10, contains 18 per cent of chromium and 10 per cent of nickel. STAINLESS STEEL IN THE KITCHEN Why choose this metal for culinary preparations? Handiness is definitely the main point in favour of this material. It is extremely hygienic, because it is easily washable and does not need any particular maintenance. Since it is a weak heat conductor (that is it heats slowly, and then cools equally slowly), this makes it a perfect option for slow-cooking, poaching and cooking when it is transferred by water. 11 PENTOLAME INOX STAINLESS STEEL COOKWARE serie 1000 INDUCTION READY! AV hZg^Z &%%% gZVa^ooViV ^c VXX^V^d ^cdm Xdc [^c^ijgV hVi^cViV The serie 1000 is made of stainless steel with satin polished rim Z egVi^Xd WdgYd V kZghVgZ eZg hZgk^gZ Y^gZiiVbZciZ ^c iVkdaV# and a practical non-drip edge to serve directly at the table.
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