GENERAL INDEX. Abandonment of right gained by prescription, Accumulation of income, i, 174, n. ii, 9, 36, n., 264, n. Ac etiam, clause of, iii, 287, 289. of bastard children, i, 458. Acknowledgment of feme covert's deed, ii, Abatement, iii, 167. 293, n. plea in, iii, 301. of fine, ii, 350. not admitted in partition suit, iii, 302. Act of bankruptcy, ii, 477. verification of, id. in the United States, ii, 477, n. to indictment, iv, 334. Act of grace or pardon, i, 184; iv, 396. of suit in equity, iii, 448. when pleaded, iv, 396, 402. of nuisance, iii, 5,220 and n. Act of indemnity, i, 136. Abbey lands, molesting possessors of, iv, 116. Act of parliament, i, 85. exemption of, from tithes, ii, 32. how enrolled, i, 182. Abbots, i, 155. how made, i, 181. Abbreviations in legal proceedings, iii, 323. its ancient form, i, 182. Abdication of the king, i, 211 ; iv, 78. its approval, i, 184. of James II, i, 212. its authority, i, 186. Abduction of wife, iii, 139. private, i, 86; ii, 3, 344. of child, i, 140. public, i, 85. and marriage of women, i, 443 when binding on the crown, i, 261 of heiress, iv, 208. disobedience to, iv, 122. of girl under fourteen, iv, 16. endeavor to repeal by intimidation, iv, 82, n. or kidnapping, iv, 219. Action, chose in, ii, 290, 396. Abearance, security for, iv, 251-257. Action at law, iii, 116. Abettors, iv, 34,323. feudal, iii, 117. Abeyance of the freehold, ii, 107. real, id. Abiegi, or cattle stealers, iv, 239. personal, lb. Abjuration, oath of, i, 162, n., 368. mixed, iii, 118. of the realm, i, 132; iv, 55, 124, 332,377. for matter arising abroad, iii, 394. Abolition of slavery, i, 423, n., 425, n. for civil injury in case of felony, iii, 119. Abortion, iv, 198. on the case, iii, 122, 209, 222, 226; iv, 442. Abroad, homicide committed, iv, 269, n. for trespass, iii, 208, 209. action for matter arising, iii, 293, n. of replevin, iii, 146. Absolute power of the crown, i, 250. of trover, iii, 151. of the parliament, i, 160. of debt, iii, 155. limitation upon, in America, i, 125, n. of covenant, iii, 156. Absolute property, ii, 389. of assumpsit, iii, 157 et seq. Absolute rights and duties, i, 123. possessor y, iii, 180. Accedas ad curiam, iii, 24. popular, ii, 437 Acceptance of bills, ii, 468. what rights of may not be assigned, ii, 290. Access, presumption of, i, 457. plea to, iii, 303. Accessories, iv, 35. Additions of estate, &c., persons to be styled before the fact, iv, 36, 39. by, i, 407. after the fact, iv, 37, 39. erroneous in pleading, iii, 302. when to be tried, iv, 323. statute of, iv, 306, 334. Accession, title by, ii, 404. Adherence to the king's enemies, iv, 82. Accident, remedy in case of, iii, 431. Adjoining county, trial of offence in, iv, 304. (See "Negligence.") Adjournment of parliament, i, 186. Accomplices, discovery of, iv, 330, 331. Admeasurement of dower, ii, 136; iii, 183. (See "Accessories.") of pasture, writ of, iii, 238. Accord and satisfaction, iii, 15. Administration, granting of, iii, 98. requisites of, iii, 16, n. to infant, i, 463, n. tender of satisfaction, iii, 16 and n. Administration, the, what is, i, 230, n. Account, action of, iii, 162. the, in United States, i, 232, n. stated, iii, 162. Administrator. books of, when evidence, iii, 368. See "Executors and Administrators." in equity, iii, 163. Admiralty, court of, iii, 68. Accroaching royal power, iv, 76. its jurisdiction and power, i, 231 ; iii, 106. 571 INDEX. Admiralty, proceedings in, iii, 108. Alderman, i, 116. suit for beaconage may be brought in it, iii, Alderney, Isle of, i, 106. 107. Alehouses, offences in, iv, 64,168. has jurisdiction as to prizes, iii, 68, n., 108, n. Alfred, his laws, i, 64, 113. law in, i, 83. his dome-book, i, 64, 66, 114; iv, 411. trial of offences in, iv, 268, 269, n. Alias writ, iii, 283. Admission of a clerk, i, 390. Alien priories, i, 386 ; iv, 113. Admittance to copyhold, ii, 866, 370. Alienation of mind of Geo. III, i, 248, n. Admittendum clericum, writ ad, iii, 350. Alienation, history of the right of, ii, 287. Ad quod damnum, writ of, ii, 271. fines for, ii, 71 ; iv, 418. Adultery, i, 441 ; iv, 64, 65, 191. who may alien and to whom, ii, 290. divorce for, i, 441. restraint on, allowed in favor of a married alimony not allowed in cases of divorce woman, ii, 434, n. for, iii, 94. of rights of action, &c., ii, 290. action of trespass, or on the case, may be different modes of, ii, 293. brought for, iii, 139. by deed, ii, 295. Adverse possession, ii, 198, n., 266, n. by devise, ii, 373. conveyances in case of, ii, 290, n. by special custom, ii, 365. Advocates, iii, 126. by matter of record, ii, 344. liability of, for negligence or want of skill, forfeiture by, ii, 268. iii, 164, and n. conditions in restraint of, ii, 157, n Advocatus fisci, iii, 27. Aliens, i, 366, 371. Advowson, ii, 21 ; iv, 426. disabilities of, i, 371. appendant or in gross, ii, 22. duty on, i, 315, 372. how conveyed, id. may take, but cannot hold lands, ii, 249, right of presentation before and after va- 274, 293. cancy, ii, 22, 24, n. merchants and artificers, leases to, ii, 298. presentative, collative, or donative, ii, 22. dower of, ii, 131. donative, how destroyed, ii, 23. descent through, ii, 226, n. lapse, i, 24, n, 276. royal grant to, ii, 847. prerogative presentation, ii, 24, n. naturalization and denization of, ii, 249. simony, ii, 278, et seq. enemy, prize of goods, ii, 401. curtesy of, ii, 127. proemunire by, iv, 111. who may be disturbers of right of, iii, 244. enemies, i, 373, n.; iii, 132, n. limitation to actions for, iii, 25, n. Alimony, i, 441. writ of right of, abolished, iii, 250, n. suit for, iii, 94. XEquitas sequitur legem, ii, 330; iii, 441. none allowed in case of divorce for adultery, Affectum, challenge propter, iii, 363; iv, 352. id. Affeerors of amercements, iv, 380. Allegation, iii, 100. Affidavit, iii, 304. Allegiance, i, 866, 369, n.; iv, 74. verification of plea in abatement to indict- local, i, 370. ment by, iv, 334, n. natural, i, 369, 370, n. Affinity, i, 434, 435, n. oath of, i, 367-369; iv, 273. Aflirmance of judgments, iii, 411. to whom due, i, 371. Affray, iv, 145. origin of oath of, ii, 53. breach of the peace chargeable upon him refusing oath of, iv, 116. who begins, iii, 3. withdrawing from, iv, 87: Age, action formerly suspended by non- seducing soldiers or sailors from, iv, 102, n. age, iii, 300. Alliances, how made, i, 257. of consent to marry, i, 436. Allodial property, ii, 47, 60. full, what, i, 463; iv, 22. Allodium, derivation and nature of, ii, 45, 47, of criminal responsibility, iv, 22 et seq. 60, 105. Agents, embezzlement by, iv, 231. Allowance of franchise, iil, 263. Aggregate corporation, i, 469. of pardon, iv, 401, 402, Aggregate fund, i, 330. of writs of error, iv, 392. Agistment, ii, 452. Alluvion, title to, ii, 261, 262, n. Agnati, ii, 235. Almanac, inspection of, iii. 333. Agnus Dei, &c., iv, 115. Alteration of deeds, ii, 308. Agreement, specific performance of, iii, 435,438. Ambassadors, how appointed, i, 253. (See "Contract.") their privileges, i, 254-256. Agriculture, its origin, il, 7. violation of privilege of, iv, 70, 441. Aid-prayer, iii, 300. killing, iv, 86. Alders and abettors, iv, 34. Amendments of pleadings, history of the doc- Aids, feudal, ii, 63, 86, 87; iv, 411. trine of, iii, 408. parliamentary, i, 307. of variances in indictments, iv, 439. Air, right to, ii, 14,266 n. American colonies, i, 107, 109, n. (See "Easement.") transportation to, iv, 401. prescriptive right to, not recognized in American states, how constitutions of, differ America, ii, 395; n. iii, 217, n. from English, i, 49, n. nuisance by infecting, iii, 122. ex post facto laws cannot be passed in, i, Albinatus jus, i, 372. 46, n. 572 INDEX. American states, statutes of, when to take Apology for defamation, iii, 125, n. effect, i, 46, n. Apostacy, iv, 43. exercise of legislative power in, i, 52, n., Apparel, excess in, iv, 171. 58, n., 89, n., 125, n. Apparent heir, ii, 208. sovereignty in, i, 49, n., 52, n. Appeal, iii, 56. rights of married women to property in, i, by approvers, iv, 330. 55, n.; ii, 433, n.; iv, 443, n. of death, iv, 314,424, 443, n. common law of, i, 68, n. of felony, id. civil divisions of, i, 119, n. of treason, iv, 314. habeas corpus in, i, 135, n. in convictions, iv, 282. protection of private property in, i, 139, n. prosecution by, iv, 312, 424. right of petition in, i, 143, n. to parliament, iii, 454. right to bear arms in, i, 143, n. to Rome, iv, 115, 421. property qualification of electors, i, 179, n. courts of, iii, 441. executive power in, i, 214, n, 232, n. from decree in equity, iii, 453, 454. treaties, how made in, i, 257, n. in matters of lunacy, iii, 427. war, how declared by, i, 257, n. from commission under statute of charitable judicial tenure in, i, 268, n. uses, iii, 428. titles of nobility forbidden, i, 272, n. to quarter sessions, ill, 455. how corporations created, i.
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