56 FORUM FORUM ANGEWANDTE LINGUISTIK ANGEWANDTE LINGUISTIK F.A.L. F.A.L. Academic literacy used to be considered a the development of writing skills can be complex set of skills that develop automat- measured. Susanne Göpferich / Imke Neumann (eds.) ically as a by-product of academic sociali- zation. Since the Bologna Reform with its shorter degree programmes, however, it has been realized that these skills need to The Editors Developing and be fostered actively. Simultaneously, writing Susanne Göpferich is Professor of skills development at all levels of educa- Applied Linguistics and Imke Neumann tion has been faced with the challenge of is a post-doctoral writing researcher and Assessing Academic and increasingly multilingual and multicultural instructor at the University of Giessen/ groups of pupils and students. This book Germany. Their research focuses on the addresses the questions of how both aca- development of plurilingual skills including Professional Writing Skills demic and professional writing skills can be translation competence and academic fostered under these conditions and how literacy. Developing and Assessing Writing Skills Developing and Assessing Writing Imke Neumann (eds.) · / BAND 53 56 Susanne Göpferich Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik e.V. F.A.L. ISBN 978-3-631-67362-1 www.peterlang.com Susanne Göpferich and Imke Neumann - 978-3-653-96048-8 Downloaded from PubFactory at 09/24/2021 01:17:29AM via free access FAL 56_267362_Göpferich_ak_A5HC PLE neues Design.indd 1 24.02.16 KW 08 17:18 56 FORUM FORUM ANGEWANDTE LINGUISTIK ANGEWANDTE LINGUISTIK F.A.L. F.A.L. Academic literacy used to be considered a the development of writing skills can be complex set of skills that develop automat- measured. Susanne Göpferich / Imke Neumann (eds.) ically as a by-product of academic sociali- zation. Since the Bologna Reform with its shorter degree programmes, however, it has been realized that these skills need to The Editors Developing and be fostered actively. Simultaneously, writing Susanne Göpferich is Professor of skills development at all levels of educa- Applied Linguistics and Imke Neumann tion has been faced with the challenge of is a post-doctoral writing researcher and Assessing Academic and increasingly multilingual and multicultural instructor at the University of Giessen/ groups of pupils and students. This book Germany. Their research focuses on the addresses the questions of how both aca- development of plurilingual skills including Professional Writing Skills demic and professional writing skills can be translation competence and academic fostered under these conditions and how literacy. Developing and Assessing Writing Skills Developing and Assessing Writing Imke Neumann (eds.) · / BAND 53 56 Susanne Göpferich Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik e.V. F.A.L. Susanne Göpferich and Imke Neumann - 978-3-653-96048-8www.peterlang.com Downloaded from PubFactory at 09/24/2021 01:17:29AM via free access FAL 56_267362_Göpferich_ak_A5HC PLE neues Design.indd 1 24.02.16 KW 08 17:18 FORUM ANGEWANDTE LINGUISTIK F.A.L. BAND 56 Hrsg. von der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik Die in dieser Reihe erscheinenden Arbeiten The quality of the work published in this werden vor der Publikation durch den series is assured both by the scientific board Vorstand und Beirat der GAL geprüft sowie of GAL and in a double-blind peer review einem Double-Blind-Peer-Review-Verfahren process by an external referee appointed durch eine/n von der Herausgeberschaft by the series editors. benannte/n Gutachter/in unterzogen. Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik e.V. Susanne Göpferich and Imke Neumann - 978-3-653-96048-8 Downloaded from PubFactory at 09/24/2021 01:17:29AM via free access Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik e.V. Der Vorstand der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik Prof. Dr. Susanne Göpferich Prof. Dr. Markus Bieswanger Dr. Patrick Voßkamp Prof. Dr. Karin Birkner Prof. Dr. Martin Luginbühl Der Wissenschaftliche Beirat der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik PD Dr. Michael Beißwenger Dr. Annette Klosa Prof. Dr. Kristin Bührig Dr. Matthias Knopp Prof. Dr. Albert Busch Dr. Dagmar Knorr Dr. Oliver Ehmer Prof. Dr. Markus Kötter Dr. Sven Grawunder Dr. Katrin Lindemann Prof. Dr. Elke Grundler Dr. Steffen Pappert Dr. Anne Günther Dr. Monika Reif Prof. Dr. Stefan Hauser Dr. Peter Rosenberg Prof. Dr. Britta Hufeisen Dr. Marco Schilk Prof. Dr. Susanne Jekat Prof. Dr. Stephan Schlickau Prof. Dr. Heike Elisabeth Jüngst Prof. Dr. Christoph Schroeder Dr. Martin Kappus Prof. Dr. Klaus Schubert Dr. Inga Ellen Kastens Dr. Cordula Schwarze Jun.-Prof. Dr. Iris Kleinbub Prof. Dr. Angelika Storrer Prof. Dr. Ulla Kleinberger Prof. Dr. Eva Wyss Das Redaktionsteam der F.A.L. Prof. Dr. Hajo Diekmannshenke Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schmitz Jr.-Prof. Dr. Antje Wilton Susanne Göpferich and Imke Neumann - 978-3-653-96048-8 Downloaded from PubFactory at 09/24/2021 01:17:29AM via free access FORUM ANGEWANDTE LINGUISTIK F.A.L. BAND 56 Susanne Göpferich / Imke Neumann (eds.) Developing and Assessing Academic and Professional Writing Skills Susanne Göpferich and Imke Neumann - 978-3-653-96048-8 Downloaded from PubFactory at 09/24/2021 01:17:29AM via free access Bibliographic Information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the internet at http://dnb.d-nb.de. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Göpferich, Susanne, editor. | Neumann, Imke, editor. Title: Developing and assessing academic and professional writing skills / Susanne Göpferich ; Imke Neumann (eds.). Description: Frankfurt am Main ; New York : Peter Lang, [2016] | Series: F.A.L.- Forum Angewandte Linguistik ; Band 56 Identifiers: LCCN 2015049777| ISBN 9783631673621 (Print) | ISBN 9783653066142 (E-Book) Subjects: LCSH: Academic writing--Study and teaching. | Academic writing--Evaluation. | Academic writing--Ability testing. Classification: LCC P301.5.A27 D45 2016 | DDC 808.0071--dc23 LC record available at http://lccn.loc.gov/2015049777 ISSN 0937-406X ISBN 978-3-631-65533-7 E-ISBN 978-3-653-04973-2 DOI 10.3726/978-3-653-04973-2 © Peter Lang GmbH Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Frankfurt am Main 2016 All rights reserved. Peter Lang Edition is an Imprint of Peter Lang GmbH. Peter Lang – Frankfurt am Main · Bern · Bruxelles · New York · Oxford · Warszawa · Wien All parts of this publication are protected by copyright. Any utilisation outside the strict limits of the copyright law, without the permission of the publisher, is forbidden and liable to prosecution. This applies in particular to reproductions, translations, microfilming, and storage and processing in electronic retrieval systems. This publication has been peer reviewed. www.peterlang.com Susanne Göpferich and Imke Neumann - 978-3-653-96048-8 Downloaded from PubFactory at 09/24/2021 01:17:29AM via free access Contents Developing and assessing academic and professional writing skills – An introduction ......................................................................... 7 Part I Vocabulary and terminology in academic writing Christine S. Sing Writing for specific purposes: Developing business students’ ability to ‘technicalize’ .................................................................................. 15 Hans Malmström, Diane Pecorari, Magnus Gustafsson Coverage and development of academic vocabulary in assessment texts in English Medium Instruction .................................................... 45 Part II Complex writing competence constructs Liana Konstantinidou, Joachim Hoefele, Otto Kruse Assessing writing in vocational education and training schools: Results from an intervention study ..................................................... 73 Susanne Göpferich, Imke Neumann Writing competence profiles as an assessment grid? – Students’ L1 and L2 writing competences and their development after one semester of instruction ...................................................................... 103 Part III Subjective conceptions of writing and how to foster it Sandra Ballweg Portfolios as a means of developing and assessing writing skills ........ 143 Sabine Dengscherz, Melanie Steindl “Prepare an outline first and then just write spontaneously” – An analysis of students’ writing strategies and their attitudes towards professional writing ............................................................. 173 Notes on contributors ....................................................................... 203 Susanne Göpferich and Imke Neumann - 978-3-653-96048-8 Downloaded from PubFactory at 09/24/2021 01:17:29AM via free access Susanne Göpferich and Imke Neumann - 978-3-653-96048-8 Downloaded from PubFactory at 09/24/2021 01:17:29AM via free access S. Göpferich / I. Neumann Introduction Developing and assessing academic and professional writing skills – An introduction Writing skills constitute one of the qualifications that are central both for academic and professional success. In an increasing number of occupa- tional fields, degree programmes and disciplines, writing skills are not only required in one’s mother tongue but also in English as the lingua franca of international communication. The observation that writing skills often do not develop to a sufficient extent if they are not fostered actively but rather considered a by-product of vocational or academic training has led to a number of initiatives such as, for example, the introduction
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