t i - M A N CH ES TER HER ALD . Wednesday. Feb. 13, 1985 KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE '^by U rry Wright imdtdrcycles / HOUSEHOLD ICARS/TRUCKS WEATHER APARTMENTS r n APARTMENTS SERVICES BICYCLES MANCHESTjER FOCUS SPORTS \ FOR SALE FOR RENT |4£j FOR RENT OFFERED GOODS I [ I Wedding bells ring MHS girl cagers Cloudy tonight with MANCHESTER — Avail­ MANCHESTER - One CLEAN IN G - We will 19" ZENITH COLORED SUZUKI PE 250 - Good Police candidates bedroom apartment, ap­ clean your house, apart­ T V - Needs some adlust- condition. Driven 16 able Immediately. One. Ing. $50 or best offer. have some fun, win flurries on Friday two and three bedroom pliances, basement. $445 ment or office, weekly, hours. $750 or best otter. still face one test at Meadows today apartments. S410, $475, monthly. Call 649-7105 af­ bi-weekly. Someone you Telephone 649-3893. 647-1821. ____________ ... page 15 '' ... page 2 $525, heat and hot water ter 5pm. can trust with 4 years 1979 DODGE OMNI - 4 ... page 3 1 ... page 11 experience. References. REFRIGERATOR/BOT- door, standard, 62,000 1982 HONDA SABER - Included. J.D . Real Est­ TOM FREEZER-17cublc ate, 646-1980. Call 646-7971 after 5pm. miles, clean. Good condi­ Only 9,000 miles. $2,500or •feet. SeOrs Coppertone. tion. Must sell due to best otter. Call 643-2606. -NOW TAKING APPLI­ "DAYCARE” HOSPITAL Excellent working condi­ transfer. $1,995. Call 643- AREA - For toilet trained tion. $150. Call 643-1814. CATIONS for 3 room 4589. Looking for a good used apartment. With heat, M AN CHESTER - Large toddlers at least 2 years old. Large comfortable COUNTESS YORK dou­ mobile home? Be sure i hot water, stove^refloer- one bedroom apartment. look In the Classified] ator. Centrally located. Fully appllanced kitchen. home provides domestic ble bed comforter with growth environment. matching pillow shams columns ... that's where! No pets. $350. Security Hying room and bed­ the best buys are adver­ deposit. Call 646-7690 or room. Heat and hot water Highly quollfled supervi­ and dust ruffle. Blue and white, almost brand new. tised! 643-2711. 643 0496. Included. On busline. sion. Fully Insured and Ideal location. $445 per License pending. For ap­ $20. 649-3085. 1981 COUP DE VILLE pointment, call Terri 643- CADILLAC - Fully iianrteatrr 118 MAIN STREET - 3 month. Lease ond secur­ Mmlh 25" COLOR CpNSOLE T V loaded. Excellent condi­ RECREATION M . .... ^ TKiireHavi P a K rooms, heated, hot wa­ ity deposit. 646-7451. 7340. Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Thursday, Feb. 14, 1985 — Single copy; 25C ter. No appliances. No - Zenith Chronocolor - tion. Low mileage (30's). VEHICLES pets. Security. $420. Call AFFORDABLE DAY­ Wood Grain Cabinet. $75. Call 646-5153. I 646-2426, 9am to 5pm STORE AND CARE - If you feel uncom­ Call after 7:00, 875-6736. weekdovs. fortable leaving your 1974 F IA T 128 SPORT L — 1980 Jovco, 23 ft. mini OFFICE SPACE FOR SALE - Flourescent child In a large building To be used for parts. Call motor home. Ford 460, EAST HARTFORD - Up­ with Its high walls and Light, 2' X 4'. Four 4' low mileage, many ex­ tubes, plexiglass cover. Phil after 5pm, 528-1332. stairs tour room apart­ M ANCHESTER — Office echoing corridors and Also Panasonic AM /FM tras; hadTLC. Telephone Rec director Like new. Pald$79.95, will 643-0692. Amman agreement ment. Heat and hot space. Ideal for accoun­ with Its equally high CELEBRITY CIPHER car radio. water. Fully appllanced tant, lawyer or sales of­ price, you might want to Ceiebniy Cipbar cryptograms ara craaiad from quotations by sell for $40. Telephone fice. Central location. consider our alternative. famous paopta, paal and praaant. Each lattar in ma ciphar stands 742-6016. 1973 VOLKSWAGON kitchen. Two bedrooms. for anolhar. Today's cfua: U aquaJs F? 1981 FOUR DOOR $475 monthly. Lease and Ample parking. Call 649- We supply structured CAMPER SPECIAL - questions biiis by CONNir WIFNFF1 HONDA ACCORD - New security deposit. Call 289- 2891. Daycare and Nursery to tires. 5 speed. Air condi­ Fully equipped. Sleeps 4 Infants, toddlers, and MISCELLANEOUS people. Automatic. Good 4781. “E’NV OVVB PCUWSAC M tioning, power steering, OFFICE SPACE AVAIL­ preschoolers from 6 FOR SALE power brakes. Excellent tires. Excellent condi­ cheers president THREE ROOMS - Third ABLE IN DOWNTOWN weeks to 5 years of age In I condition. Inside and out. tion! No Rust. $2,000. Call from schoois FUVPPH AWWT NVUDEWB WX floor. Heot, Appliances. M A N C H E S T E R - 500 our warm, pleasant, Regulai; maintenance, 742-8055. CAR RADIO — Excellent Security. $375 monthly. square feet or possibly home-llke setting. We are $5,000. Call Joe days 659- expression of support for the condition. High powered. By Susan Vaughn By Ira R. Allen Adults, no pets. Coll 649- 1,000 square feet. Near a fully licensed, full ser- •PCV YEKK’: CWKKHLWWT.” — 1311; evenings 643-9972. 1981 W INNEBAGO - 21' Herald Reporter principle of land for peace implies 2236. 1-84 Extension. Parking ylce Daycare and if you Includes Dolby NR, Bass Motorhome, excellent United Press Internatlofial Israel’s reaction and Trebble controls and Manchester Park Supferinlendent Robert Harrison acceptance of Ihe major provi­ on premises. Call 649- would like to find out CMUUH TVMB DPMBPWB. GOV’T SURPLUS CARS condition. Low miles, sion" of U N: resolutions calling more about our concept more. $90. Call 646-1063 many extras. Sleeps 6, is compiling a list of the work that employees in his SANTA BARBARA, Calif. -T h e is less optimistic 3'/2 ROOM APARTMENT 2680. 8. TRUCKS under $100. for Israel to return lerritory seized of child Daycare and to PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "Courage is the price life exacts after 4:30pm. fully contained. Ready to department have been doing for the Board of administration, now more enthusi­ - Private home, heat, Now available In vour in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war in appliances. Working sin­ TWO OFFICES FOR see what "Affordable lor granting peace." — Amelia Earhart. go. 643-0503. Education free of charge — and of its estimated cost. astic about an agreement between — see page 4 area. Call l-(619)-569- return for Ihe Arabs and Palestini­ gle adult only. No pets, R E N T - Conyenlent loca­ Daycare" means to you, ALDER ELECTRIC TY­ He is doing so as a result of a meeting between Jordan and the Palestinians, says 0242. ans recognizing Israel. children. Call 643-2880. tion. Heat and utilities call us at Grandmothers PEW RITER - $90 or best several town officials at which money charged by the two sides have taken a "very 4 3 included. 649-8417. House Inc. 646-9608. offer. Call after 3:30 pm, school officials against the Recreation Department constructive step'' toward peace in The official also said "there SERVICES 1 ^ SERVICES 643-6091. Did vour garden "over where there had never been a E A S T H A R T F O R D - If you don't use It, don't were questioned by town Recreation Director Scott the Middle East, Palestinian commitment to peace­ appears to be” movement away Older gentleman. Two MMCNCtna OFFERED | £ i| OFFERED produce" this year? SeH need It and don't want It, Sprague. A senior official said shortly ful resolution ol this problem and from the demand for a .separate room etflclecy. All utili­ Sala/LcAt* Cantrat Buttnata SKIERS! - 100% Wool why not sell It with a fruits and vegetables tMairid. ilora and otticaa 20% with a low-cost ad In Sprague told the Park and Recreation Commission after President Reagan arrived now there is," said Ihe official. PaIc.stinian stale, a long-held PLO ties. Newly remodeled. tan cr^W buiWmg. 24,000 i/t. 2 HOUSESITTING DONE FULL CHARGE BOOK­ Norwegan pullover Classified Ad? Call 643- demand. noora and full baaamant. aN uIHh Wedne.sday night that he questions the fairness of the Wedne.sday for a five-day stay at "We see the apparent willing­ Share d bath. $60 weekly. EXPERIENCED DO­ while you vacaflon. Ma­ K EEP ER - Desires book­ sweater. Very warm. Will 2711 fo place vour ad. Classified. 643-2711. liaa. fraighi alavaior. a/c. keeping work to be done fit medium sized man or schools charging the Recreation Department for the his California ranch that the ness of the Palestinians and One of Ihe key U.N. resolutions Call 643-6712. aprlnhlar M ESTIC will clean your ture, responsible, aulet use of facilities when there are many jobs which the house or apartment female professional will In mv home or vour woman. $40. Call 646-4995. agreement appeared to be a move Jordan to commit themselves to a the Amman agreement appeared 522-3570 Park Department does on school fields for which it MANCHESTER - Four Mr. Nornwn weekly or biweekly, reli­ maintain home & pets. office. 649-9228. NOTICE OF PRIMARY OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY by Arab leaders toward accep­ peaceful resolution of the Arab- to refer to is Resolution 242. which H AIR CUTTING SET room apartment In older able, references availa­ References. Call Sue at To Marie R. Burbank, Town Clerk of Andover: does not charge. tance of Israel's right to exist, Israeli dispute as an important and calls for Israeli withdrawal from COMPLETE and The department prepares about 50 softball and Palestine Liberation Organiza­ duplex. Stoye and refrig­ ble. Call 875-5293. 742-8843 after 6pm. WEDDING INVITA­ Notice Is hereby given that a primary of the De­ very constructive step." occupied territories in exchange Blanket. $15 for both. baseball fields each spring for school teams, tion leader Ya.sser Arafat and erator.
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