H•tntaneThe SPRING 1979 soctetv news Vol. 24 No. 2 OF THE UNITED STATE~~ poachers. How could this happen? It just made me sick, and so angry letters that it is difficult to express my feel­ ings in words. I can't think of any Golden Zoo punishment severe enough for such horrors inflicted on those poor help­ less, and harmless animals. Is Golden in Name Only! It seems to me that the "human Animal Trainer's Code animal" is becoming more cal­ I would like to correct an impres­ loused, and indifferent to cruelty, HSUS Investigators Close Down Decrepit Roadside Zoo in Florida sion left by the article on The HSUS and in many cases is the most vi­ Animal Trainer's Code in the Win­ cious and cruel "predator" that in­ ter '79 issue of The News. habits this earth. I have seen so The Golden Zoo in Fort Meyer was Although the Code was written much cruelty to animals for no rea­ a nightmare-a collection of rickety by HSUS staff, professional animal son, or just to make a few paltry old cages occupied by starving ani­ trainers worked with us in devel­ dollars profit, such as trapping with mals. HSUS Director of Wildlife oping each point. This makes the the steel jaw trap. Protection Sue Pressman and code even more important because, I would like to ask why wasn't Southeast Regional Investigator if some professional trainers are there more vigilance to protect Bernard Weller went to the zoo fol­ able to run their business while ad­ these animals, since it was known lowing a tip from a local informant. hering to these guidelines for hu­ that poachers are on the hunt in Here, in Sue Pressman's own mane treatment, then there is no this area for gorillas. With only 230 words, is what they found and what excuse for any trainer to do other- remaining, it may not be long until they did about it. wise. the poacher, and the encroaching, Sue Pressman expanding population will wipe There were no souvenir stands, Director of Wildlife Protection them out completely. tourists with cameras, or any of the The Human Society of the United R. C. Guyon other standard fare for Florida States Meridian, Idaho sights. There was just a decrepit roadside zoo well off the tourist Ed. Note: Dian Fossey has orga­ track. For a tourist attraction, it nized her student assistants in was certainly in the wrong place! poacher patrols to try to protect But you can't tell that to the an­ the remaining gorillas in the imals. They still need to eat Tuna Boycott Park des Virungas, Zaire. whether the tourists come or not. I would like to add my agreement Indications of starvation could be to the continuation ofthe tuna boy­ seen in nearly all the cages­ cott. I note that in your December skinny animals and little or no issue that although your response HSUS PERIODICALS feces. was light, it indicated a strong de­ We observed a group of very thin sire that this boycott should be con­ The HSUS publishes four other pe­ young lions, 18 to 24 months old, riodicals. To obtain a sample of one tinued. that looked like they hadn't eaten .i or more, please send four 15¢ stamps a; I believe the tuna fishermen can with your request to HSUS. in weeks. In the cougar and fox ~ handle this situation, but it is like cages we saw some water and dirty iil anything else, unless consumers Humane Education- Published dog food pans. The pans were I are made aware, things just don't quarterly by The National Associa­ empty. tion for the Advancement of Humane seem to happen, and it is in this In a chimp's cage we saw beer and This chimp appeared to be the only animal in the zoo that had eaten recently. Education. Features teaching tips, The cola and beer cans and fast food restaurant bags strewn around its area that a private organization methods, and materials. $10 per cola cans and some table scraps cage point to a very questionable diet. The zoo's owner even gave the chimp such as The Humane Society of the year. mixed with feces. This chimp ap­ a cigarette to smoke in the presence of HSUS investigators. United States cari function so very peared to be the only animal that Shelter Sense- Published bi­ well. monthly for animal sheltering and had eaten regularly. Mr. Golden, Phil Oppenheim control personnel. $5 per year. Group owner of the zoo, gave this primate fostering the creation of more cru­ in a prone position. It didn't appear N. Manchester, Indiana rates available. a cigarette which the animal elty. How would he feed his new to be breathing. smoked. lions? What would he do with them I asked Mrs. Golden about the KIND-Published 10 times per year The atmosphere was both cruel when he discovered they couldn't be condition of the monkey. Mrs. (Sept.-June) for young people. Fea­ tures stories, puzzles, projects, pull­ and sad. Mr. Golden chatted with sold? Golden also told us he was Golden replied she didn't know, but out poster. $4 per year. Group rates us about a "doctor" who had in­ planning to breed Pekinese pups. had "lost one yesterday." Bernie available. formed him he could sell all the Meanwhile I was planning the Weller opened the cage and lifted Gorilla Poaching lions Golden could breed. Of course, steps required to close down the the monkey out. I received one of the most devas­ Bulletin of The Institute for The this is ridiculous. There's an over­ Golden Zoo and relocate the ani­ I examined the monkey and noted tating shocks when reading in The Study of Animal Problems-Pub­ lished bimonthly. Features animal abundance oflions in our zoos. This mals. We were just about finished it was tremendously dehydrated Humane Society News (Winter welfare science news, comment, book disturbed me a great deal. Mr. with our inspection when I spotted and its stomach cavity was sunken. 1979) about the killing of those reviews, reports. Free. Golden's ill-informed optimism was a Macaque monkey lying on its face I opened its eating pouch and found great and intelligent gorillas by The Humane Society News • Spring 1979 1 Two Societies Newly Accredited HSUS' Accreditation Committee tinuing progress reports to the pub­ shops conducted by the Bellingham has approved accreditation of two lic to encourage membership and Police Department. west coast animal welfare groups, support. In 1977, the society asked the The Animal Care Center in Garden These reports, appearing in the Whatcom County Veterinary Med­ Grove, California, and the What­ organization newsletter and in the ical Association to appraise the com County Humane Society ofBel­ shelter, include graphs of the num­ shelter and give guidelines for im­ lingham, Washington. ber of animals handled to highlight proving sanitation, preventive The Animal Care Center in Gar­ the critical problem of pet overpop­ medicine, and general animal care. den Grove operates a shelter facil­ ulation. A committee of veterinarians vis­ ity that handles surrendered ani­ The society has a contract to per­ ited the shelter, an9. their appraisal mals, cruelty investigations, and form animal control for the city of resulted in a new health care plan humane education. Two years ago, Bellingham and the county. Train­ for the sheltered animals along a bequest allowed this organization ing for animal control officers and with medical training for staff to begin building improvements investigators includes a class at the members. D that would eventually help them area community college and work- meet the strict accreditation stan­ dards. Changes included adding a new kitchen, new offices for the hu­ mane educator and cruelty investi­ ..!1 gator, and painting and refl.ooring kennel areas. ~:::> en The Animal Care Center also I I runs a spay/neuter clinic. The self­ ABC Exposes Plight of supporting clinic, which also pro­ HSUS Director of Wildlife Protection Sue Pressman checks heartbeat of Macaque monkey while she gives it a hot vides general veterinary care, has bath to raise its body temperature. The monkey was discovered near death as Pressman and Bernard Weller evening hours several times a week Wild Horses In:vestigato:r: for HSUS' ~outheast.Reg;ion, inspe~ted the G.olden ~oo near ~ort Meyer, Florida. Following the bath: to make it accessible to more people. Pressman vigorously dried the ammal s body to mcrease circulation and brmg it out of shock. In 1977, 15,578 animals were treated. A program to provide vet­ erinary services to pet owners who The sad story of wild horses and Horse program to the American need financial assistance will be ex­ the Bureau of Land Management's people, who may not have had any that it was full of bark and sand. clammy condition of her skin dis­ At this writing, Weller has man­ panded in coming years. Adopt-A-Horse program was fea­ idea of what was happening. It After clearing the pouch and the appeared. All the while Bernie aged to find new homes for all of the The Center, under Executive Di­ tured on a segment of ABC's news/ brought out the very things we've rest of the mouth, I began mouth­ Weller assisted by handing me tow­ animals. Pressman informed The rector Carol M. Givens, also has set feature television show "20/20" in been saying all along in giving tes­ to-mouth resuscitation. Mrs. Golden els and taking pictures. News that the Goldens will, if con­ up an indoor area with scratching January.
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