^ y? U. S. DEPARTMENT OF June 22, 1971 NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH HEALTH. EDUCATION, AND WELFARE VolRecord. XXIII, No. 13 Dr. G. Brooks Is Named Institute of Medicine, 3d Annual NIH Honor Awards Ceremony Newest NAS Division, NEI Associate Director; Lists Shannon, Berliner To Be Held on Monday, June 28, at CC Extramural Programs Dr. James A. Shannon, former Forty-two employees will receive awards from Dr. Robert Q. NIH Director, and Dr. Robert W. Marston, Director of NIH, at the Third Annual NIH Honor Awards Berliner, NIH Deputy Director for Ceremony to be held next Monday, June 28, at 2:15 p.m. in the CC Jack Science, were among the 110 lead­ Masur Auditorium. ers in economics, law, education, 'NIH Record' Wins Award Richard L. Seggel, Associate Di­ medicine, and other health-related rector for Administration, will sciences, named initially to the In­ In Publications Contest serve as Master of Ceremonies, and stitute of Medicine, newest compo­ The NIH Record has been the White House Orchestra of the nent of the National Academy of honored by the Washington U.S. Marine Band will perform. Sciences. Chapter of the Society of DHEW Superior Service Honor Other NIH scientists so honored Technical Writers & Publishers Awards will be presented to 22 include: for "achievement in the field of Civil Service employees whose serv­ Dr. Donald S. Predrickson, di­ technical communications." ices and/or achievements deserve rector of Intramural Research, Na­ As winner of the "Award of special recognition of a high order. tional Heart and Lung Institute; Excellence" in the House Or­ In recognition of a single, par­ Dr. Marshall Nireriberg, chief of gan category, the Record is ticularly important achievement, a the NHLI Laboratory of Biochem­ eligible for the Society's na­ career notable for accomplishment ical Genetics. tional contest. Winners of this in technical or professional fields Also, Dr. James F. Dickson, III, contest will be announced at or unusually high quality and ini­ the convention in Boston, tiative, 12 Commissioned Officers Dr. Brooks served in the Near, Mid­ Program Director, Engineering in Biology and Medicine, National In­ June 1972. will receive the PHS Meritorious dle, and Far East as an advisor on Service Medal. insect control. stitute of General Medical Sciences, The Applied Physics Labor­ and Dr. Bernard B. Brodie, recently atory's APL Technical Digest 8 Length-of-Service Awards Dr. George T. Brooks has been retired from the NHLI and now a received the "Award of Dis­ One 50-year and seven 40-year appointed associate director of Ex­ consultant to the Institute. tinction" in this category. Length-of-Service Awards will also tramural Programs of the National Dr. Shannon, who became a spe- Award certificates were pre­ be presented. Eye Institute. (See MEDICINE INSTITUTE, Page 7) sented at a June 15th meeting. All NIH employees are invited to Formerly Deputy Director of the attend the ceremony in the audi­ Division of Research Grants, Dr. torium. Brooks will direct the scientific and Device Double-Checks EEG Recordings Following the ceremony, a recep­ administrative management of tion will be held in Bldg. 10 for NIH NEI's research and training grants To Determine 'Actual Moment of Death' officials, award recipients, and their programs. Shakespeare said it so simply—"That death, the inevitable end, families. He will also be responsible for will come when it will come." The DHEW Superior Service conducting a continuous review of But recently it has become difficult to determine the actual moment Honor Award will be given to the Extramural Program content and of death, because newly developed methods of artificial respiration and following employees: will serve as a principal advisor to cardiac resuscitation have made it Dr. Robert M. Bucher, Deputy the NEI Director in planning and possible to maintain pulse and Director of BHME, "For his re­ administering Institute programs, breathing long after the brain is markable dedication and leadership policies and operating procedures. completely and irreversibly de­ in improving the Nation's capabil­ Dr. Brooks did undergraduate stroyed. ity to produce more and better and graduate work at the Univer­ Recently, however, a number of trained health manpower." sity of Kansas, receiving his Ph.D. necessary criteria, which must be Three consulting nurses in the degree in Entomology from the met simultaneously before death Division of Nursing, BHME—Dr. university in 1949. can be pronounced, have been pro­ Hazel N. Aslakson, Lois Federico, posed. and Jane Torrance—received a Previous Experience Noted One of these stipulates that ce­ Group Award "In recognition of the He became associate professor of rebral death occurs only if cortical expert consultation they have pro­ Biology at Southern University in activity exceeding two microvolts vided to the faculties of schools in Louisiana and in 1951 was appoint­ cannot be recorded in any EEG developing projects that will sub­ ed acting head of the Biology De­ lead for a specific period of time. stantially advance nursing educa­ partment of Texas Southern Uni­ In using this criterion, it is im­ tion nationwide." versity in Houston. perative to know that the entire Mary E. Corning, Special Assist­ The next year, Dr. Brooks joined EEG system is functioning prop­ ant for International Activities, the International Cooperation Ad­ erly and that the leads are mak­ NLM, "For her sustained excellence ministration (forerunner of the ing adequate contact with the pa­ in international activities essential Agency for International Develop­ tient's head. to the formulation of policies and ment) as a research specialist in Therefore, an experimental de­ practices for facilitating the dis­ Entomology, and was assigned to vice which checks these factors has Dr. MacNichol explains the workings semination of biomedical informa­ advise the Government of Nepal in been developed by Dr. Edward F. of the device he developed in collab­ tion by the National Library of (See DR. BROOKS, Page 7) (Continued on Page 5) oration with James Bryan. (Continued on Page h) Page 2 June 22, 1971 THE NIH RECORD NIH Library to Institute Changes During July-August; Will Facilitate Procedures During July and and August the NIH Library will initiate changes in the following procedures: Record Copy Service. Self-Service Xerox 720 Copiers will be installed in the Library Copy Service area. Published biweekly at Bethesda, Md., by the Publications and Reports NIH Library ID cards are required Dr. Bruce Is Presented Award Branch, Office of Information, for the information of employees of the in order to use the machines. National Institutes of Health, Department of Health, Education, and If immediate service is not need­ At Dentistry School Graduation Welfare, and circulated by request to interested writers and to investi­ ed, the Library Copy Service will Dr. Harry W. Bruce, Director, gators in the field of biomedical and related research. The content is continue to accept requests, either Division of Physician and Health reprintable without permission. Pictures are available on request. in person or through the mail. Professions Education, BHME, was The NIH Record reserves the right to make corrections, changes or dele­ If the requests are accompanied presented the Dr. Harry Strusser tions in submitted copy in conformity with the policies of the paper and by the material, copies will be Award at the New York University the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. ready for pick-up or mailing with­ School of Dentistry at recent in 24 hours. A library ID card and graduation ceremonies. NIH Record Office Bldg. 31, Rm. 2B-03. Phone 49-62125 a request form is required for this Dr. Strusser had inaugurated programs in public health dentis­ Editor Frances W. Davis service. Library Copy Services will be try, including a program especially Assistant Editor Fay Leviero available weekdays from 8:30 a.m. designed for the handicapped. Staff Correspondents to 4:45 p.m. ADA, Nelson Sparks; BHME/OD, Florence Foelak; CC, Ann Bain- Coin operated copy equipment Mrs. Elliot Richardson bridge; DAHM, Laura Mae Kress; DBS, Faye Peterson; DCRT, Joan will also be installed. The machines Chase; DDH, Carolyn Niblett; DMI, Beverly Warran; DN, Evelyn Laz- will be in operation whenever the Presents Cash Awards zari; DPHPE, Eleanor Wesolowski; DRG, Sue Meadows; DRR, Dave Dun- Library is open. At 13th Art Exhibit lap; DRS, Robert Knickerbocker; FIC, George Presson; NCI, Elizabeth Identification Cards. For employ­ Shollenberger; NEI, Julian Morris; NHLI, Bill Sanders; NIAID, Krin Mrs. Elliot Richardson, wife of ees using the Library on a perma­ the Secretary of HEW, presented Larson; NIAMD, Katie Broberg; NICHD, Lloyd Blevins; NIDR, Sue nent basis, a new plastic ID card the cash awards to the winners of Hannon; NIEHS, Elizabeth Y. James; NIGMS, Wanda Warddell; NIMH, will replace the cards now in use. the 13th annual NIH art exhibit Daniel Rice; NINDS, Anne Tisiker; NLM, Peter Monk. Application forms for these cards on Monday, June 7. are available at the circulation desk. Virginia Sheard, daughter of Director of Women's Cary W. Sheard, DRG, was award­ NIH Television, Radio Temporary users will continue to Action Program Speaks receive paper cards. ed best in show for her graphic Program Schedule Library Security System. Be­ entitled, "Positano." At Masur Auditorium cause it is difficult, expensive, and First Place, second place, and Radio Xandra Kayden, Director of the time consuming to replace library honorable mention in the five cate­ gories were: DISCUSSION: NIH Women's Action Program, HEW, books and journals—Federal prop­ addressed the second general meet­ erty—that have been misappropri­ Painting and collage—Norma Es- WGMS, AM-570—FM Stereo ing of the NIH Organization for ated, an electronic detection system kenazi, Bernette Law, and Anne 103.5—Friday, about 9:15 p.m.
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