ATE AND NATIONAL NEWS, NEWSMAKER INTERVIEWS, OPINION, A PUBLICATION OF THE GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY Anne went to work for East­ Partnerships man Kodak Credit Corp, where she worked with district leasing The Gay Alliance appreciates managers and their custom­ the continuing partnership ers, from Michigan east and all of businesses within our down the eastern seaboard. community who support Anne was at Kodak for 16 our mission and vision. years. "From Leasing I went mto Corporate Audit for seven Gold: years," she said. "That work was interesting because the focus MetLife is on processes, efficiency and internal controls. One learns Silver: how to manage a number of competing priorities and how to learn new things very quick­ Excellus rt.' ly. The big perk was the inter­ MorganStanLey national audit trips, which were SmithBarney Anne Wakeman fascinating. Twice a year, audi­ tors were scheduled for three Meet Anne to four weeks on international Youth rally breaks audit trips, so I've been blessed .T'mI~Y!~k~ Wakeman, Interim to have worked in Argentina, the silence about Executive Director Uruguay, Japan, France, UK hatred, bullying NIXON PEABODYLLP and Germany, and love hear­ of the Gay Alliance ing about other people's travels By Susan Jordan By Susan Jordan as well. Over 150 youth kept silent A?ne Wakeman, newly "As the Assistant to the as they filed into Tilt on April appomted Interim Executive Director of Corporate Audit, 20. They had been silent all day Director of the Gay Alliance part of the position included as part of the annual national TOMPKINrS of the Genesee Valley, has been worldwide risk assessment and event, sponsored by GLSEN, to Enterprises a contractor at the agency for scheduling of the 35-plus audi­ honor the voices ofLGBT youth four years, writing grants with tors. lost to hate violence, or driven to Bronze: suicide by bullying. c.or:t~~ct management respon­ "After Audit, I really want­ sIbIlItieS and other financial ed to round out my experi­ At 4 p.m., Youth Group per­ formers took the stage under iliut:&E~ matters. Her expertise with ence and worked in Market Kreis's music thrilled the youth NY Finqer Lakes the whirling, multicolored disco n~mbers and her experience R~search for seven years. In until it was time for their dance, wIth the GAGV and its staff thIs role, the work included lights. They were Dontaee, Can­ dace, Zach, Caryn, Dezi, Alex, which went on until 7 p.m. will enable her to take the reins branding, competitive intel­ On the national scene ... PROFESSIONAL TUTORING SERVICE Courtney, Mary and Elaine. during the transition period, as ligence and numerous other As 8,000 schools around the . Each one said something that E the GAGV board seeks a per­ studies. Most interesting was country observed DoS, spokes­ the long-term work in multi­ bemg LGBT is NOT: "unnatu­ ~Bausch&lomb manent ED. men of the homophobic Right cu~tural ?Iarkets and healthy ral, bad, a sin, being confused, Perle(li~Yision.EnhancingUfe ~ Anne grew up in Chili and urged "Christian" students to wrong, stupid, an illness," etc. majored in finance at the Uni­ agmg. WIth multicultural mar­ harass their gay classmates, and ITT E}:E LI 5 Then they each stated what versity of Buffalo and received kets, I specialized in the LGBT claimed that the Day of Silence THE POWER OF INGENUITY being lesbian, gay, bisexual her MBA in accounting from market and helped influence represents "bullying" of those and/or transgender IS: "Beau­ ~IT. Her work experience Kodak's advertising spend and whose "religious belief" is that tiful, amazing, natural, good, mcludes a variety of financial marketing to the LGBT com­ gay people should not exist: and marketing roles. As a com­ munity and participated in the here, everywhere" - and finally "ME." ' "This is not about tolerat­ Xittelb erger ~THE mercial lender in banking, she CMO's lecture series. ONROEPIAN ing any issue or person. It is ~ . """"2S. ~' M said, "I learned how to work "The healthy aging project Then came the countdown Florlsl&G\t\!'> - FOR~&CAL about a radical and forced agen­ with customers and was pro­ was a 10-month initiative to to the moment the youth had been waiting for all day. They da of homosexuality that these fessionally trained in customer develop products for elders, and [days J of silence are promoting, management." From banking involved focus groups, market broke the silence with deafen­ ing cheers, shouts, laughter and s~on~ored by the GLSEN orga­ definition/planning, and work­ lllzatlOn and sometimes under the shrilling of plastic whistles ing with leading geriatricians to pressure by the schools. In that shaped like red lips. understand the special needs of situation, parents and students Pride Agenda individuals as they age. Erik Libey of AIDS Care, Wagmans who is also a Gay Alliance Youth ought to protest. They should "I left Kodak in 2007 and not be forced to participate, Spring Dinner is Group volunteer, told the youth started my own independent or bullied or pressured in any Champion: that he was going to be mar­ set for May 19 consulting business. In 2008 way to participate in the Day ried the next day. They respond­ General tickets are on sale the Gay Alliance became one of of Silence. I would encourage my clients." ed with wild applause and Erik now for the Pride Agenda's parents to contact the school Anne lives in Penfield and introduced singer Levi Kreis as Spring Dinner on Saturday, May authorities and express their has a 13-year-old daughter and the writer of his wedding song - 19 at the Rochester Riverside concerns over this issue," said CD a 16-year-old son. She says, "I ''All Over Again." ultra-rightwing Liberty Counsel UTlandish Convention Center. Erik said that he had asked Videos. Gifts fi Leather like the yin and yang of my president Mat Staver. The reception starts at 5:45 Levi to sing the song at his wed­ p.m. and the dinner and pro­ roots in Chili and present-day On April 14, six days before in Penfield." ding, and Levi had said, "Your CORNING gram begin at 7 p.m. Comedian the Day of Silence, Kenneth But as the Interim Executive wed~ing is the day after the Day fJ - and out actor Stephen Guarino Weishuhn, a 14-year-old gay stu­ Jl ~ Canandaigua Director for the Gay Alliance, of SIlence - does anything hap­ will be on hand to emcee. Ste­ pen in Rochester?" Erik said (Youth rally continues page 6) ~ND"'NDENCE~A • ~k'tTrust phen is known for the ground­ Ann~ feels she is not taking just he had replied, "It sure does!" breaking sketch comedy series any Job. Her personal experi­ P GALAX~ ~ ence of discrimination has con- and he asked Levi to perform at EMPIRE STATE "The Big Gay Sketch Show," the Breaking the Silence rally. Contents COLLEGE the film "BearCity," and his (Wakeman continues page 6) Equal=Groullds Newsfronts ................................. 4 Coilce House & Gili House recurring role as Derrick in the Interview: Jamie Nabozny ........... 7 hit ~BC" comedy series "Happy Making The Scene .................... 10 Endmgs. Library news .................. ... ....... 12 Episcopal bishop Prince G. JCC exhibit ....... 17 Singh will receive the Commu­ Prideupdate ............................. 18 nity Service Award. Columnists ...... 22 The Church of St . Luke & .. Community ............................... 25 St. Simon Cyrene V Pride Agenda organizers say, "Last year's event helped us Entertainment: South Pacific ... 27 Friend: build momentum to secure mar­ Gay Alliance News ................... 30 riage for all loving, committed Calendar ................................... 34 Classifieds ...................... ... ...... 34 W&>lbright couples in New York State the Group ~4 very next month. Now it's time 11' to celebrate with you and come '@' viCTORY t hird !'_l±!.~~ together for the work still to Presbyterian GaXf~m~~£~ ChurCh come! General tickets are on sale now. Go to takeaction@pride­ Proud Publisher of New York State's Oldest LGBT Publication UPstale Tattoo Co. agenda.org." • 2 THE EMPTY CLOSET • THE GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • NUMBER 456 • MAY 2012 ~ ;I The Empty Closet is published by the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley 875 E. Main Street, Suite 500 Rochester, New York 14605 FROM TH © 2011, All rights reserved. Editor·in·Chief: Susan Jordan Empty C Editor m Executive Staff Reporter: Ove Overmyer Graphic Design: Jim Anderson SUSAN JORDAN ANNE WAKEMAN Staff Photographer: Jim Wilkins Advertising policy: "I am happy 'Bully' will The Empty Closet does not print advertise­ Closet and other vital historical ments that contain nude drawings or pho­ maintain its authenticity and records, which have been digi­ tographs, nor does it print advertising that will be an accurate portray­ tized and are now searchable states that the person pictured in the ad is for sale, or that you will "get" that particular al of what thousands of kids online. Shoulders to Stand On person if you patronize the establishment experience every day," said But­ is the archival and documenta­ advertised. Advertisements that are explicitly racist, sexist, ageist, ableist or homophobic ler, who was outraged that the ry project which will celebrate will be refused; advertisements from organi­ MPAA gave "Bully" an "R" rat­ Rochester's LGBT history. zations that are sexist, racist, ageist, ableist ing by just one vote because of The Gay Alliance is also or anti-gay will also be refused. All politi­ cal advertisements must contain information brief language. moving forward as a vital driv­ about who placed them and a method of Butler was backed by Prop 8 er for the LGBT and Ally com­ contact. Additionally, The Empty Closet does not print negative or "attack" advertisements, legal hotshots David Olson and munity, with ever-improving whether they relate to a product or politics Ted Boies, and by Ellen DeGe­ advocacy, education and com­ and no matter in whose interest the ad is neres, NFL quarterback Drew munity programming in the being produced.
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