IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS Customization and Tuning Version8Release6SPE(RevisedDecember2012) SC32-1265-07 IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS Customization and Tuning Version8Release6SPE(RevisedDecember2012) SC32-1265-07 Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 387. This edition applies to version 8, release 6, modification level 0 SPE of Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS (program number 5698-A17) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. © Copyright IBM Corporation 1999, 2012. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Contents Figures ..............vii RCLOPTS ..............116 RCLSKIP ...............123 Tables ...............ix RESOPTS...............124 RESOURCE ..............129 RODMOPTS..............129 About this publication ........xi ROUTOPTS ..............133 What is new in this publication ........xi Modifying the HTTP destinations .....137 Who should read this publication .......xi SERVOPTS ..............138 Publications ..............xii TCPOPTS ..............143 Using LookAt to look up message explanations . xii TOPOLOGY ..............147 Accessibility ..............xiii TRGOPT ...............147 Tivoli technical training ..........xiii TRROPTS ..............149 Support information ...........xiii USRREC ...............151 Conventions used in this publication .....xiii XCFOPTS ..............151 How to read syntax diagrams ........xiv Chapter 2. Identifying related Part 1. Customizing Tivoli Workload initialization-statement parameters . 153 Scheduler for z/OS .........1 Configuration .............154 Security ...............155 Chapter 1. Defining initialization Generating audit information (JT log data) . 156 statements .............3 Determining the success or failure of a job . 156 Recovery ...............157 Specifying the statements ..........3 Restart and cleanup ..........158 Creating the statements ..........3 Job log retrieval ...........158 Storing the statements ..........4 Automatic job recovery .........159 Overriding the EQQPARM statements .....4 Workload restart ...........159 Choosing the appropriate statements .....4 Performance..............160 ALERTS ................7 Reporting ..............161 AROPTS ...............11 RODM monitoring ...........161 AUDIT ................13 Output processing............162 AUDITCP ...............16 End-to-end scheduling with fault tolerance AUTHDEF ..............16 capabilities ..............162 BATCHOPT ..............20 Network configuration .........163 CPUREC ...............31 Job definitions ............164 DBCSOPTS ..............32 Regional settings ...........165 DBOPT ................33 WLM integration ............166 DOMREC ...............36 External monitoring ...........166 DSTOPTS ...............37 DSTUTIL ...............42 ERDROPTS ..............44 Chapter 3. Implementing security . 169 EWTROPTS ..............45 Planning security implementation ......169 EXITS ................50 How Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS FLOPTS ...............51 verifies access authority .........170 HTTPOPTS ..............54 Identifying users ...........171 INCLUDE ...............59 Establishing naming conventions for IBM Tivoli INIT .................60 Workload Scheduler for z/OS resources . 172 INTFOPTS...............64 Grouping RACF users and resources ....173 JCCOPTS ...............66 General security considerations ......173 JTOPTS................69 Controlling access to Tivoli Workload Scheduler for MONOPTS ..............93 z/OS ................174 MONPOL ...............94 Controlling access to the Tivoli Workload NOERROR ..............95 Scheduler for z/OS subsystem ......174 OPCOPTS ..............100 Controlling access to Tivoli Workload Scheduler OUCOPTS ..............114 for z/OS fixed resources.........175 RCLDDP ...............115 Controlling access to Tivoli Workload Scheduler RCLDSNP ..............116 for z/OS subresources .........175 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2012 iii Controlling access to Tivoli Workload Scheduler Incident-record-create exit (EQQUX006) ....217 for z/OS from APPC ..........177 Installing the exit ...........218 Controlling access to Tivoli Workload Scheduler Interface to the exit ..........218 for z/OS using Dynamic Workload Console . 179 Operation-status-change exit (EQQUX007)....219 Controlling access through TSO commands . 183 Installing the exit ...........220 Functions and data that you can protect ....183 Interface to the exit ..........220 Access requirements to fixed resources for dialog Operation-initiation exit (EQQUX009) .....223 users ................188 Installing the exit ...........224 Examples of security strategies .......192 Interface to the exit ..........224 A centralized security strategy.......193 Job-tracking log write exit (EQQUX011) ....226 A decentralized security strategy ......194 Installing the exit ...........226 Interface to the exit ..........226 Chapter 4. Tivoli Workload Scheduler Job-tailoring event exit (EQQUX013)......227 for z/OS exits ...........197 Installing the exit ...........228 Interface to the exit ..........228 Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS user exits Time-dependent-operation exit (EQQUX014) . 230 invocation ..............198 Installing the exit ...........231 Start/stop exit (EQQUX000) .......198 Interface to the exit ..........231 Job-submit exit (EQQUX001) .......198 EQQDELDS/EQQCLEAN Catalog exit Job-library-read exit (EQQUX002) .....199 (EQQUXCAT) .............233 Application-description-feedback exit Installing the exit ...........233 (EQQUX003) ............199 Interface to the exit ..........233 Event-filtering exit (EQQUX004) ......199 EQQCLEAN GDG Resolution exit (EQQUXGDG) 234 SYSOUT archiving exit (EQQUX005) ....199 DDPROT/DSNPROT interactions .....235 Incident-record-create exit (EQQUX006) . 199 Installing the exit ...........235 Operation-status-change exit (EQQUX007). 199 Interface to the exit ..........235 Operation-initiation exit (EQQUX009) ....199 JCL-imbed exit .............236 Job-tracking log write exit (EQQUX011) . 199 Installing the exit ...........236 Job-tailoring prevention exit (EQQUX013) . 200 Interface to the exit ..........236 Time-dependent-operation exit (EQQUX014) . 200 Variable-substitution exit (on JCL or job definition JCL-imbed exit (on FETCH directive) ....200 variable) ...............238 Variable-substitution exit (on JCL or job Installing the exit ...........238 definition variable) ..........200 Interface to the exit ..........239 Automatic-job-recovery exit (on RECOVER Automatic-job-recovery exit ........241 statement) .............200 Installing the exit ...........241 Daily-planning-report exit (EQQDPUE1) . 200 Interface to the exit ..........241 EQQDELDS/EQQCLEAN catalog exit Daily-planning-report exit (EQQDPUE1) ....243 (EQQUXCAT) ............200 Installing the exit ...........243 EQQCLEAN GDG resolution exit Interface to the exit ..........243 (EQQUXGDG) ............200 Application-description-validation exit Application-description-validation (EQQUXPIF) 200 (EQQUXPIF) .............244 Daily-planning-scheduling environment exit Installing the exit ...........244 EQQDPX01 .............201 Interface to the exit ..........244 Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS Start/Stop exit System Automation for z/OS user exit (EQQUX000) .............202 (EQQUXSAZ) .............245 Installing the exit ...........202 Installing the exit ...........246 Interface to the exit ..........203 Interface to the exit ..........246 Job-submit exit (EQQUX001) ........203 Installing the exit ...........203 Interface to the exit ..........204 Chapter 5. Open Systems Integration 249 Job-library-read exit (EQQUX002) ......207 Controlling heterogeneous systems ......249 Installing the exit ...........208 Setting up the environment........250 Interface to the exit ..........208 Submitting and tracking the workload ....250 Application-description-feedback exit (EQQUX003) 212 An alternate method for controlling VM processing 251 Installing the exit ...........212 Method of use ............252 Interface to the exit ..........213 Event-filtering exit (EQQUX004) .......213 Chapter 6. Reporting events to Tivoli Installing the exit ...........214 Workload Scheduler for z/OS ....255 Interface to the exit ..........214 Supplying event information to Tivoli Workload SYSOUT archiving exit (EQQUX005) .....215 Scheduler for z/OS ...........255 Installing the exit ...........215 Interface to the exit ..........215 iv Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS: Customization and Tuning: Customization and Tuning General information about Tivoli Workload Monitoring special resources through RODM. 303 Scheduler for z/OS subroutines ......256 Creating case-code-definition modules .....305 Using the general Tivoli Workload Scheduler for Invoking the data set deletion utility .....306 z/OS subroutine (EQQUSIN) ........257 Customizing Tivoli Workload Scheduler for Invocation requirements .........257 messages in end-to-end with fault tolerance EQQUSIN parameters .........257 capabilities environment..........306 Specifying selection criteria........264 Specifying object fields to update......268 Part 2. Data integrity .......307 Return codes and reason codes generated by EQQUSIN .............271 Using individual Tivoli Workload Scheduler for Chapter 10. Backup and recovery of z/OS subroutines ............272 data sets .............309 Using EQQUSINB ...........272 Backup procedures
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