DOCUMENT RESUME ED 100 613 SE 014 453 AUTHOR Johnson, Kenneth S. TITLE Guidebook for Geologic Field Trips in Oklahoma (Preliminary Version). Book 1: Introduction, Guidelines, and Geologic History of Oklahoma. Educational Publication No. 2. INSTITUTION Oklahoma Geological Survey, Norman. SPONS AGENCY National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.; Oklahoma Curriculum Improvement Commission, Oklahoma City.; Oklahoma State Dept. of Education, Oklahoma City. Curriculum Div. PUP DATE 71 NOTE 2f.1p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.75 HC-$1.50 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS *Earth Science; Field Studies; *Field Trips; Geology; *Program Descriptions; Science Activities; Science Education; *Secondary School Science IDENTIFIERS Oklahoma ABSTRACT This guidebook is designed to help a seAcolidary science teacher plan and conduct an earth science field trip in Oklahoma. It provides activities for students, information on pretrip planning, leading field trips, and safety measures to be followed. The guidebook also includes detailed information about the geologic history of Oklahoma complete with many detailed diagrams and illustrations. The periods of Geologic history are dealt with separately and in depth.(BR) OKLAHOMA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Charles J. Mankin, Director Educational Publication 2 U % 01118$1TMIENT Oi 111181.11, EDUCATION 4 WiLiAlle NATIONAL INSTITUTE Oi EDUCATION 'His DOCuMENT HAS SEEN REPRO DuC EP ETTACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANi:ATION ORIGIN AT1NG T POINTS OF yiENd OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY GUIDEBOOK FOR GEOLOGIC FIELD TRIPS IN OKLAHOMA (PRELIMINARY VERSION) BOOK I: INTRODUCTION, GUIDELINES, AND GEOLOGIC HISTORY OF OKLAHOMA KENNETH S1 JOHNSON 1971 A project supported by: 0 Oklahoma Geological* Survey National Science Foundation k.10 Oklahoma Curriculum Improvement Commission ki) and Curriculum Section of Instructional Division Oklahoma State Department of Education Leslie Fisher, .5tate igupgrintendent -ortrs, ,wroximately). ()1,,tribution will be in the region s.ovvred be the report and in wimediately adjacent areas. Jt tni, .er,e, 4.11 ..reear.,1 ah6 JiNtri- Al! ,.laht preliminary versions should be available by mid- ut, -dt4y the Oklanoma Cieolow,a1 !r; ,ceperatiln Alt') 1q7:, at witch time they will be revised, based on users' the National roundation, t"e .'klanora ,.oirr'ents, and a final version of the series will be printer: ;;TrIvie-c.'t orivi,s1.)r, the and ttto tr Alder dlitribution. The tentative schedule for comple- oaion of The .'?.1.10,:mo ',tate .'epartnent of :..J,)- t1,:h af preliminary guidebooks is as follows: Northwest, Cato . and ..weearatiop Jf ,nateria1 fi- march 1v/1; southwest, May 1971; North-Central, August nanced tnroutin a ,Iraht fr,m. tne !iational cirLe ;oundati.m 1)/1; 'outs- Central, October 1971; Northeast, January 1972; :;i4-5/26, and :.(,,-;!Icatianis nide ro,,,!:_le Ly ford,; Southeast, April 1972; and Panhandle, July 1972, from Title v, Section 503, of the Elementary and ''.econdary Please send comments and recommendations for improve- Education Act of !ion through 'he Oklahoma State Denartment ment of guidebooks to: Editor, Oklahoma Geological Survey, of Education. 830 Van Vleet Oval, Room 163, Norma", Oklahoma 73069, A .:441debooks are beirg released as oreliminary ver- limited surplus of this preliminary guidebook is available, sions" so that Vie changes and addlt,ons that users 14M and copies may be purchased for 25 cents from the offices recommend mai :.)e inLoreorated in a final printing. Field- of the Oklahoma Geological Survey. Oklahoma teachers who trip guidebook; are being printed by The Oklahoma State have not received a copy may obtain one free from: Direc- Department of Education and will be issued free within the tor of Curriculum, The State Department of Education, 310 Oklanoma scnool iystem as they are completed (1 every 3 Will Rogers Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105. Cover Description Aerial view of gypsum and shale layers forming badlands topography in Beckham County, southwestern Oklahoma. 1.ditor For thiq qori,1- f:arnl k. Patrick, Attorate Editor, Oklahoma Geological Survey Dr. Philip kochman, Assistant TxecutiveSecretary oklahoma Curriculum Improvement C,mmission State Department of Iducation expres-;ed to the following individuals oklahoma City, Oklahoma who varti..ioated in the olarnino, compilation,and review Dr. Charles J. Mankin, Director of tills luidebook. Oklahoma ceological Survey Norman, Oklahoma Dr. WilIiam O. i:arr, Chairman Mr. Alex. Nicholson, Editor Irroemeat n,-mantss ion Sew Mexico Bureau of Mines and MineralResources Cat.Lyprtmenr of Aducat ion Socorro, New Mexico t 011/4 13110111a Mr. Howard Potts Mt. Fran:, Princlpal Specialist for Ecology kIine-Cleo Momentary S,: ooh Curriculum Section i:leo Springs, oklihoma State Department of Education Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Mr. Earl Cross Director, State-ederal Programs, and Dr. John J. Rusch Assistant State Superintendent Visiting Assistant Professor of Earth Science State Department of Education School of Geology and Geophysics oklahoma City, Oklahoma University of 0;:lahoma Norman, Oklahona Dr. Fred R. DeLuca, Assistant Professor Department of Science Education Mr. Gene Scovel, Earth Science Teacher Iowa State University Buffalo High School Ames, Iowa Buffalo, Oklahoma Mr. Stanley Dixon, Superintendent Mr. Clark Shultes, Earth Science Teacher Okeene Public Schools Oak Park-River Forest High School Aecne, Oklahoma Oak Park, Illinois Mrs. Marie !Akins Dr. Edward C. Stoever, Professor of Geology Woodward Momentary Schools School of Geology and Geophysics Aiodward, Oklahoma University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma Dr. Robert 0. 'ay, Geologist Oklahoma Geological Survey Mr. Keith Stone Norman, Oklahoma Specialist for Social Studies Curriculum Section Dr. Joe Glover, Superintendent State Department of Education Woodward Public Schools Oklahoma City, Oklahoma woodward, Oklahoma Mr. W. D. Sumner Mrs. George Goet:inger 111 Okeene School Noodward Elementary Schools Okeene, Oklahoma Woodward, alahoma Mrs. Mary Ann Wood, Assistant Executive Secretary Mr. Dean Hubbard, Earth Science Teacher Oklahoma Curriculum Improvement Commission ,Therokee High S:hnol State Department of Education Clierokee, Oklahoma Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Mr. Leroy Ireton Specialist for Math and Science Curriculum Section state Pepartment of Education AcIalioma .jklahom Special thanks are due Dr. Clifford Wright, Executive mr.Loren Iohnion, PrinyAnal Secretary of the Oklahoma Curriculum Improvement Commission Aeone Junior And Seninr Hie School: lceene, ;k: aiL,11 of The Oklahoma State Department of Education, for hisen- thusiastic support of the program and for his efforts in Yr ',irid 1:161r %1, 11.,1 the preparation, printing, and distribution of theguide- k 'i I . 4i 'hook. CONTENTS Page Preface it Acknowledgments Introduction 3 Guidelines to Conducting a Geologic Field Trip 5 Pre-Trip Planning 6 Leading Field Trips 6 Safety Measures 7 Geologic History of Oklahoma 8 Precambrian and Cambrian Igneous Activity 8 Late Cambrian and Ordovician Periods 10 Silurian and Devonian Periods 11 Mississippian Period 11 Pennsylvanian Period 11 Permian Period 13 Triassic and Jurassic Periods 13 Cretaceous Period 14 Tertiary Period 14 Quaternary Period 14 Selected References on Geology of Oklahoma 15 FIGURES Figure ,Outline of seven regions in Oklahoma for which separate geologic guidebooks are being prepared . 2 2. Major geologic provinces of Oklahoma 3. 3eneralised geologic map and geologic cross aectione of Oklahoma 4. 7eneralised contours of eroded top of Precambrian and Cambrian basement rooks 10 5. Late "amtrian)rdovician paleogeography of Oklahoma 10 E. ,;!urian-.7evonian paleogeography of Oklahoma 11 7. Misa:selppian paleogeography of Oklahoma 11 8. Sarly Penns;1!!,anian (Morrow-Atoka) paleogeography of Oklahoma 12 d. Midd:e Pennsy:,ianian ('ea Moines) paleogeography of Oklahoma 12 Late Pennsylvanian (Missouri-Virgil) paleogeography of Oklahoma 12 Early Permian pa:eogeography of Vtlahoma 13 .12. Late PermPiln pa,:eoyeo3raphu of r.)klahoma 13 Triosic-Jurassic paleogeography of Oktahoma 13 A. ':retaceous oaleogeography of Oklahoma 14 !S. -:ertiary paleogef,graphy of 3klah,:ma 14 le. Ma ,;r rivers '40 ..1k!lhoma and principa: deposits of 4uaternary age 14 PHOTOGRAPHS 4 7himmey ..( 2ur re rant 5 ' .1e.1,:mortin r? 5 .1,"L 1:47.:rer 07,! 6 - 7 7 ,gdt ;;', i;.p" 1 TABLE table i. Geologic Time Scale Compared to a Calendar Year 10 iv BEST COPY AVAILABLE IONA!, Pili1.1Cir 1 i)N2 I. I ____ _ _ ! I l,t2t,.1(', .________. _" _2_ 1-. t f Okl;thoma ERRATA !...r 11,1:o tram...posed.Caption under photo ! :AtLI :i,: layers of,,ypsuln e) ! . ahon'..1. Caption under phot oi.n r , I .. : of well.- layered sett imtntary rocks ! tr. t ,.rosion. BEST COPYAVAILABLE IA 5 A S t 4 4 a 4 * TRX4S ONANT 015055 .11 a a , CAA ta"TaAgA PANHAND,LE 0111 0 g ..... rI A S NORTHWEST NORTH R A L ; - 10111' *;;; 1101"4 MAJOR 11.1.11 MORT H EAST" t. DI'S! ..1111GONMS:r. 0 20 40 60 BO 100 ; Sl.%I 1.00A *WAN 1 MILES 110015 r. MILLS Cultsk LIWCOS.31 ogitut,ogsitAUIltoatt.; CANADIAN 011LANOSIII 01101111111 ftsatioVAII 'MC IN70611 ONCKNAN ASNItA N r HASSILL CA 000 : PI 'SOUTH WEST GRAD, CI:UONte '-,131116411 In CLAIM 4 rilitliURO'. LeninJ1.1 P1.0111 Ill h4411wes. CON4.. NI ....... 10 WAD% S 0 ti :r °ANI EOf14 °A - STSPNINS E A'S-T--- e R On' t: Y, PUSHMAIANA c t ?ON 1 /oil NsTot4 Atoll* .4; Alf elJAYAIN 411/11.11.404 ; ..... t4.11111. C NUCIA Lova BRYAN t Y:ittre ! 1,t!::ne sq:cr r'-j- 'Pmd :*;r. ....MA depurate
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