Worldwide International Inter Disciplinary Research Journal (A Peer Reviewed Referred) ISSN – 2454 - 7905 AYURVEDIC CONCEPT OF INFERTILITY (VANDHYATVA) DR DEEPAK BHOLE Associate professor,Department of Streerogand Prasutitantra, Gramin Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Patur DR JYOTI AMLE Assistant professor (Prasuti Tantra Strirog) Dr Vedprakash Patil Ayurved College and Research Institute Jalna HISTORICAL ASPECTS : History of any particular subject enables us to understand the origin, progress and other aspects of that subject. Vandhyatva has been a long standing problem of human community right from ancient period upto this modern era. VAIDIC KALA : In vaidic literature, it is mentioned that there will be no use of world without a child in family. In Atharvaveda "PuranadhatriYosa" is mentioned.InGrhasthasrama man prays god, that his wife should be "PrunadhatriYosa". In Upanisada while describing details about Grhasthasrama stated that, to reproduce the children and taking care of them should be followed as a duty. PURANAKALA : In Padma Purana it is mentioned that a woman having one child is called as "Kaka Vandhya". In Brahma Purana, while explaining the importance of "Sri KrisnaDurgaStrotra", it is said that a woman who as a Vandhya, Kakavandhya, Mrtavatsa or Durbhaga can conceive by reciting this strotra, within one year. In Ramayana, Raja Dasaratha even after having three wives was devoid of offspring which made him to perform the PutrestiYajna. In Mahabharata, PutrestiYajna is described which was performed by queens of Kuru family, who did not conceive in the presence of their husbands. In KautilyaArtha Sastra, the author considered a striaputravati, if she does not have issue for eight years. He further stated that the husband should wait for a period of ten years even if she produce dead children and twelve years in case, she delivers only female children then son desiring husband can remerry. SAMHITA KALA : In Harita Samhita, Harita has described Vandhyatva as a disease, in eighty VatajaVyadhi. He has defined Vandhyatva as a failure to achieve a child rather than pregnancy, because he has included Garbhasravi, Mrtavatsa also under the classification. Vol. I - ISSUE – XXXII SJIF Impact Factor : 6.91 Page - 1 Worldwide International Inter Disciplinary Research Journal (A Peer Reviewed Referred) ISSN – 2454 - 7905 In Susruta Samhita, Vandhyatva has been described under the title of VandhyaYonivyapada, which is included amongst twenty gynaecological disorders (Yonivyapada). Caraka and vagbhata, have referred Vandhya due to abnormality of Bijamsa and mentioned as the Upadrava of Yoni Vyapada. In Kasyapa Samhita under the description of Jataharinis, he has mentioned one Puspaghni having useless Puspa and certain others characterised with repeated expulsion of foetus of different gestational periods. In MadhavaNidana, the types of Vandhyatva have been described. In Sarangadhara Samhita, RasaratnaSaumuccaya, Yoga Ratnakara and BhaisajyaRatnavali etc. have described some therapeutics of Vandhyatva. VANDHYATVA AS A DISEASE : We does not find unequivocal description of Vandhyatva in any of the Ayurvedic classics except Harita Samhita. But in Harita Samhita also, he has given classification only, no specific etiology or pathogenesis was explained. Vandhyatva as a disease is only given by Harita while describing eighty VatajaVyadhi. While other Acharyas has not considered it as a independent disease, rather, a cardinal feature of so many diseases. Apart from this they have not used word Vandhyatva, but it is the only symptom i.e. failure to achieve pregnancy, has been referred under various conditions like coitus with old, young or diseased woman; coitus in abnormal posture, woman having diseased yoni or abnormality of Artava etc. In Kasyapa Samhita (K.Sa. Jati 3) he mentioned that, the couple having number of children with proper growth and development due to effect of nature (Savbhavat) or their own deads (Svakarmaparinamat) are fortunate, otherwise, should be treated, i.e. it will be a disease condition which needs Cikitsa. AcaryaHarita in classification of Vandhyatva includes Garbhasravi, Mrtavatsa etc. From above references we can consider Vandhyatva as a disease. Vandhyatva may be defined as the inability of a couple to achieve child rather than pregnancy by their Svabhava and Svakarma. VYUTPATTI : VANDHYA : The word "Vandhya" is derived from the root "Vandha" with 'Yak' suffix which means barren, unproductive, fruitless and useless. The root 'Vandha' is when suffixed by 'Ayhnyadayasch' Pratyay, Vandhya is formed as objective, means, one who is a Vandhya i.e. barren or childless woman. Vol. I - ISSUE – XXXII SJIF Impact Factor : 6.91 Page - 2 Worldwide International Inter Disciplinary Research Journal (A Peer Reviewed Referred) ISSN – 2454 - 7905 NIRUKTI : The woman in whom there is hindrance of any kind to the normal process of conception is Vandhya. DEFINITION : A woman whose Artava is perished is called Vandhya. SYNONYMS : Vasa - The woman who does not conceive even if she is submissive is called Vasa. Avatoka - The woman having missed abortion is called Avatoka. Avakesi - The woman who is devoid of Putrasukha and Prasavasukha is called as Avakesi. Sravatgarbha - :The woman who miscarries frequently is termed as Sravatgarbha. Aphala - The woman without progency is Aphala. CLASSIFICATION : Vandhyatva has been classified in the following ways according to different Acarayas. Caraka Samhita: In Caraka Samhita, classification is not given but considering the references together it can be as follows : 1. Vandhya - Vandhya refers to incurable congenital or acquired abnormalities resulting into absolute sterlity. 2. Apraja : Infertility in which woman conceives after treatment (Ca. Ci. 30/16, C.P.) 3. Avandhya : This word has been described by Cakrapani. The word Avandhya suggests a childless woman, but capacity to conceive with quite delay. 4. Sapraja : Sapraja is a condition in which woman in her active reproductive age does not conceive, after giving birth to one or more children. HARITA : Harita has described six types of Vandhya. 1. Never conceiving woman - During childhood in case there is Garbhakosabhanga(injury to the uterus) and loss of Dhatus, woman never conceive. 2. Kakavandhya - one child infertility. 3. Anapatya - No child 4. Garbhasravi - Repeated abortion 5. Mrtavatsa - Repeated still births 6. Balaksaya - Infertility due to loss of Bala. RASARATNA - Samuccaya : He classified Vandhyatva in nine types. 1. Adivandhyatva 2. Vataja 3. Pittaja Vol. I - ISSUE – XXXII SJIF Impact Factor : 6.91 Page - 3 Worldwide International Inter Disciplinary Research Journal (A Peer Reviewed Referred) ISSN – 2454 - 7905 4. Kaphaja 5. Sannipataj 6. Butaja 7. Daivaja 8. Raktaja 9. Abhicaraja VANDHYAKALPADRUMA : Eight types of Vandhya are described. 1. Tripaksi - one who has fourty five days menstrual cycle. 2. Subhrati - The Vandhya who has dystrophy of internal genital organs and discolouration of skin all over the body. 3. Sajja - This Vandhya has irregular menstrual cycle. Sometime it comes earlier and sometimes later. 4. Trimukhi - This Vandhya has excessive watery discharge from Yoni and she has no satisfaction for coitus and diet both. 5. Vyaghrini - one child infertility. 6. Baki - This Vandhya has red discharge from Yoni for eight to ten days and is incurable. 7. Kamalini - This Vandhya has continuous watery discharge from Yoni and she is incurable. 8. Vyaktini - The disease similar to diabetes mellitus in woman is described asVyaktiniVanhya. (V.K.St. Ci. 46-50) NIDANA OF VANDHYATVA: In classics specific causitive factors of Vandhyatva are not given. To get the complete picture of Nidana, the subject matter from all related places are recapulated here. First of all we will see the factors responsible for fertility / conception. AcaryaSusruta (Sa. 2/33) equating germination of seed with achievement of conception quoted that if Rtu (period near ovulation i.e. Rtukala), bija (ovum and sperms), Ksetra (female reproductive system) and Ambu (nurishment) assemble together the conception will definitely occurs. While Caraka (Sa. 8/17) quoted that when both male and female after observing the advocated dietetic regimen and other mode of life and perform coitus and ejaculated unvitiated. Sukra, passing through healthy Yoni, reaches healthy Garbhasaya and gets mixed with disease free Sonita, then conception is definite. Vagbhata I (A.S. 1/68) has given importance to Ksetra and Bija while Vagbhata II (A.H. 1/89) has emphasize that besides healthy Garbhashaya, Marga, Rakta (ovum), Sukra, properly functioning Vayu and normal psychological status (happy mood) are also essential. Vol. I - ISSUE – XXXII SJIF Impact Factor : 6.91 Page - 4 Worldwide International Inter Disciplinary Research Journal (A Peer Reviewed Referred) ISSN – 2454 - 7905 Summarizing the above description it can be said that for achievement of conception - 1. Healthy and properly functioning female reproductive system (Yoni). (Yoni includes ovary, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina). 2. Healthy sperms and ovum 3. Proper functioning Vayu 4. Normal psychology 5. Healthy partners 6. Proper nursing factor 7. Proper coitus are necessary When these factors are in favourable condition cause conception, but the diseased condition of any one or many of these factors cause Vandhyatva. NIDANA OF VANDHYATVA W.S.R. TO ABIJOTSARGA (ANOVULATION): Failure of the ovary to produce a matured ovum is anovulation. Menstrual cycle without having a mature ovum is called as anovulatory cycle, and
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