Administration Treaty Series - Cumulative Index No. 29 ADMINISTRATION AGRICULTURE INDONESIA SEE ALSO AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES; LOANS; CREDITS; FOOD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS (FAO); Loan Agreement--Agricultural Research Management Project. LABOUR Washington, 1 May 1989. (I-28060) ALGERIA INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: Indonesia: Loan Agreement--Agricultural Research Management Loan Agreement--Agricultural Research and Pilot Extension Project. Washington, 1 May 1989. (I-28060) Project. Washington, 26 Sep 1990. (I-28312) AUSTRALIA ADOPTION European Economic Community: Exchange of letters constitut- MULTILATERAL ing an agreement on trade in mutton, lamb and goatmeat. Brus- European Convention on the adoption of children. Strasbourg, 24 sels, 14 Nov 1980. (I-28212) Apr 1967. (I-9067) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Agreement on co-opera- tion in agriculture. Canberra, 20 Nov 1986. (I-24678) AFRICA BOLIVIA MULTILATERAL International Development Association: Development Credit African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights. Nairobi, 27 Jun Agreement--Eastern Lowlands: Natural Resource Management 1981. (I-26363) and Agricultural Production Project (with schedules and General African Regional Cooperative Agreement for research, develop- Conditions Applicable to Development Credit Agreements dated ment and training related to nuclear science and technology. 1 January 1985). Washington, 7 May 1990. (I-28286) 21 Feb 1990. (I-27310) CYPRUS Agreement for the establishment of a Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Africa. Arusha, 21 Sep 1979. (I-18818) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: Guarantee Agreement--Limassol-Amathus Sewerage and Drain- AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES ing Project. Washington, 12 Sep 1990. (I-28121) SEE ALSO AGRICULTURE; TRADE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY Australia: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement on trade BURUNDI in mutton, lamb and goatmeat. Brussels, 14 Nov 1980. (I-28212) International Development Association: Development Credit Agreement--Coffee Sector Project. Washington, 20 Apr 1990. (I- INDONESIA 28097) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Loan Agreement--Agricultural Research Management Project. Washington, 1 May 1989. (I-28060) Burundi: Development Credit Agreement--Coffee Sector Project. Loan Agreement--Irrigation Subsector Project. Washington, 3 Washington, 20 Apr 1990. (I-28097) Dec 1987. (I-28059) MULTILATERAL INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT International Agreement on olive oil and table olives, 1986. Geneva, 1 Jul 1986. (I-24591) Algeria: Loan Agreement--Agricultural Research and Pilot Exten- sion Project. Washington, 26 Sep 1990. (I-28312) International Cocoa Agreement, 1986. Geneva, 25 Jul 1986. (I- 24604) Cyprus: Guarantee Agreement--Limassol-Amathus Sewerage International Coffee Agreement, 1983. New York, 16 Sep 1982. and Draining Project. Washington, 12 Sep 1990. (I-28121) (I-22376) Indonesia International Wheat Agreement, 1986: (a) Wheat Trade Con- Loan Agreement--Agricultural Research Management Project. vention, 1986. London, 14 Mar 1986. (I-24237) Washington, 1 May 1989. (I-28060) International Wheat Agreement, 1986: (b) Food Aid Convention, Loan Agreement--Irrigation Subsector Project. Washington, 3 1986. London, 13 Mar 1986. (I-24237) Dec 1987. (I-28059) SPAIN Jordan: Guarantee Agreement--Integrated Phosphate Project. Washington, 27 Jul 1990. (I-28307) Switzerland: Agreement on technical and administrative collabo- ration for the execution of phytosanitary controls in the shipment Morocco: Loan Agreement--Agricultural Research and Extension of Spanish fruits intended for import into Switzerland. Berne, 19 Project. Washington, 22 Sep 1989. (I-28078) Jun 1989. (I-28156) Nigeria: Loan Agreement--National Seed and Quarantine Project. Washington, 21 Jun 1990. (I-28298) SWITZERLAND Tunisia: Loan Agreement--Agricultural Research and Extension Spain: Agreement on technical and administrative collaboration Project. Washington, 24 Sep 1990. (I-28317) for the execution of phytosanitary controls in the shipment of Spanish fruits intended for import into Switzerland. Berne, 19 Jun INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION 1989. (I-28156) Bolivia: Development Credit Agreement--Eastern Lowlands: Nat- ural Resource Management and Agricultural Production Project (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Develop- ment Credit Agreements dated 1 January 1985). Washington, 7 May 1990. (I-28286) 93 Agriculture Alphabetical Index Mali: Development Credit Agreement--Agricultural Sector Project. UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS Washington, 25 Jul 1990. (I-28118) Australia: Agreement on co-operation in agriculture. Canberra, Nepal: Development Credit Agreement--Bhairawa-Lumbini 20 Nov 1986. (I-24678) Groundwater Irrigation III Project. Washington, 21 Sep 1990. (I- UNITED NATIONS 28284) Spain: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement on the third Uganda: Development Credit Agreement--Agricultural Sector Ad- United Nations/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United justment Credit. Washington, 19 Dec 1990. (I-28292) Nations/European Space Agency workshop on microwave re- Yemen Arab Republic: Development Credit Agreement--Eastern mote sensing technology, to be held at Maspalomas, Canary Is- Region Agricultural Development Project. Washington, 24 May lands, Spain, 10-14 June 1991. New York, 21 May 1991, 7 Jun 1989. (I-28038) 1991. (I-28160) JORDAN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: Venezuela: Agreement on agricultural co-operation. Caracas, 10 Guarantee Agreement--Integrated Phosphate Project. Washing- Apr 1980. (I-28273) ton, 27 Jul 1990. (I-28307) VENEZUELA MALI United States of America: Agreement on agricultural co-opera- International Development Association: Development Credit tion. Caracas, 10 Apr 1980. (I-28273) Agreement--Agricultural Sector Project. Washington, 25 Jul YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC 1990. (I-28118) International Development Association: Development Credit MOROCCO Agreement--Eastern Region Agricultural Development Project. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: Washington, 24 May 1989. (I-28038) Loan Agreement--Agricultural Research and Extension Project. Washington, 22 Sep 1989. (I-28078) ALBANIA MULTILATERAL United Nations (United Nations Development Programme) Agreement establishing the International Fund for Agricultural De- Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning a con- velopment. Rome, 13 Jun 1976. (I-16041) tribution by the United Nations Development Programme to the Government of Albania. New York, 21 and 27 January and NEPAL 5 February 1981. New York, 21 Jan 1981, 27 Jan 1981, 5 Feb International Development Association: Development Credit 1981. (I-19550) Agreement--Bhairawa-Lumbini Groundwater Irrigation III Project. Standard basic assistance agreement. Tirana, 17 Jun 1991. (I- Washington, 21 Sep 1990. (I-28284) 28167) NIGERIA ALGERIA International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: Loan Agreement--National Seed and Quarantine Project. Wash- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ington, 21 Jun 1990. (I-28298) Guarantee Agreement--Industrial Restructuring Demonstration Project - BCR. 8 Jan 1991. (I-28316) SPAIN Guarantee Agreement--Industrial Restructuring Demonstration Switzerland: Agreement on technical and administrative collabo- Project - ENORI. 8 Jan 1991. (I-28313) ration for the execution of phytosanitary controls in the shipment Guarantee Agreement--Industrial Restructuring Demonstration of Spanish fruits intended for import into Switzerland. Berne, 19 Project. 8 Jan 1991. (I-28315) Jun 1989. (I-28156) Loan Agreement--Agricultural Research and Pilot Extension United Nations: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement Project. Washington, 26 Sep 1990. (I-28312) on the third United Nations/Food and Agriculture Organization of Loan Agreement--Industrial Restructuring Demonstration the United Nations/European Space Agency workshop on micro- Project. Algiers, 8 Jan 1991. (I-28314) wave remote sensing technology, to be held at Maspalomas, Ca- Loan Agreement--Third Ports Project. Washington, 17 Sep nary Islands, Spain, 10-14 June 1991. New York, 21 May 1991, 1990. (I-28311) 7 Jun 1991. (I-28160) SWITZERLAND AMAZON Spain: Agreement on technical and administrative collaboration BRAZIL for the execution of phytosanitary controls in the shipment of Canada: Exchange of notes constituting a subsidiary agreement Spanish fruits intended for import into Switzerland. Berne, 19 Jun covering a technical co-operation project to help improve the 1989. (I-28156) conservation and protection of the Amazon Environment. TUNISIA Brasília, 16 Aug 1991. (I-28373) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: CANADA Loan Agreement--Agricultural Research and Extension Project. Brazil: Exchange of notes constituting a subsidiary agreement Washington, 24 Sep 1990. (I-28317) covering a technical co-operation project to help improve the UGANDA conservation and protection of the Amazon Environment. International Development Association: Development Credit Brasília, 16 Aug 1991. (I-28373) Agreement--Agricultural Sector Adjustment Credit. Washington, 19 Dec 1990. (I-28292) 94 Animals Treaty Series - Cumulative Index No. 29 ANIMALS Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning the ab- olition of visas. London, 9 Apr 1990.
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