ECOLOCATION Protected Species Surveys for Development Ryton Organic Gardens Wolston Lane Ryton-on-Dunsmore Warwickshire CV8 3LG 02476 217727 www.gbae.co.uk [email protected] Ecological Appraisal of Land at Water Orton Lane WHS Plastics Ltd. Water Orton Lane Minworth Sutton Coldfield West Midlands B76 9BG For Framptons and WHS Plastics Ltd. (13th October 2014) 2014-08(12) Revision A ECOLOCATION is a trading style of George Burton ARCHITECTURE & ECOLOGY Ltd. Incorporated in England, Registered No. 6458127. Ecological Appraisal 2014-0(12) Land at Water Orton Lane Contents Summary 1. Introduction 2. Legislation 3. Desktop Study 4. Results & Evaluation 5. Conclusion 6. Recommendations 7. References 8. Appendix Report Author: Casey Griffin Grad. CIEEM Report Date:13/10/2014 Quality checked by: Anna Swift, MSc, MCIEEM Quality check date: 13/10/2014 Revision A date: 09/02/2015 ECOLOCATION Ecological Appraisal 2014-0(12) Land at Water Orton Lane Summary • An Ecological Appraisal of an area of land adjacent to an existing warehouse off Water Orton Lane in Minworth, West Midlands was carried out on 25h September 2014. • The proposed development was to include the extension of an existing warehouse/factory unit and associated yard. • The data search revealed a portion of the site to fall within Water Orton Sidings, a selected potential Local Wildlife Site. This information revealed that Water Orton Sidings previously had a diverse flora association. A view of the site on Google Earth indicated that the site has been scrub/woodland since at least 1999 and has remained in this state until at least June 2013 when the last Google Earth aerial was taken. The presence of the scrub/woodland is likely to have reduced the diversity of the botany present. • The site was comprised of two sections, the existing yard adjacent the warehouse/factory unit and an area directly to the east of this which had recently been cleared of vegetation. Bordering the site to the immediate north lay a watercourse which formed part of the assessment. Directly to the south of the site ran the Birmingham to Nuneaton railway line. • A detailed assessment of the site revealed the habitats within its bounds to be of low ecological value to support protected and notable species. The watercourse and railway which lay adjacent the site were however considered suitable for use as wildlife corridors, providing good connectivity for species commuting through the wider landscape. • It is therefore recommended that buffer zones be in place during and post development in order to deter wildlife from entering the site during the construction phase as well as promote the re-colonisation of previously recoded botany. In addition to these buffer zones sensitive working practices have been recommended to ensure minimal disturbance to local wildlife ECOLOCATION Ecological Appraisal 2014-0(12) Land at Water Orton Lane 1. Introduction Instruction ECOLOCATION were commissioned by Framptons on behalf of W. H. Smith and Sons to undertake an ecological assessment of an area of former railway goods yard adjacent W. H. Smith and Sons warehouse and factory unit off Water Orton Lane, Minworth in the West Midlands which is understood will be subject to a future planning application for extension of the current warehouse factory unit. Survey Aims The aims of the survey were to: • Provide a description of the habitats present on site • Identify the potential for the presence of protected species on site • Determine the need for further ecological surveys • Assess the ecological impact of the proposals • Identify any ecological constraints/opportunities on site Scope The survey sought to identify the potential for protected species on site including: • Badger (Meles meles) - areas that might be used for foraging and sett building. Incidental foraging signs, tree scratching, paths, latrines and setts were recorded if found (Harris et al., 1989). A 30m buffer of the whole site was also surveyed, where practicable, most of which was viewed from the Site boundaries. • Reptiles - areas that could be used for insolation, shelter, foraging and breeding. • Bats – suitable trees and natural features for roosting together with suitable roosting opportunities within buildings on site. • Birds - areas of habitat/structures that may be used for constructing a nest or for foraging. • Hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) – evidence including droppings and suitable foraging and sheltering habitat. • Brown Hare (Lepus europaeus) - suitable habitat such as arable fields and rough field margins together with individual animals. • Polecat (Mustela putorious) - evidence of the presence of suitable habitat such as woodland, riverbank and surrounding farmland mosaic. • Otter – (Lutra lutra) evidence of spraints together with suitable habitat for holt construction such as wet woodland. • White-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) – evidence of suitable substrate such as a stoney stream bed and evidence of small D-shaped burrows in the riverbank above and below the water line. • Water vole (Arvicola amphibious) – evidence of burrows, latrines and feeding remains as well as individuals. The site was separated from the nearest pond by a flowing watercourse resulting in the Site being considered unsuitable for great crested newts therefore this species was not included in the survey. The lack of suitable hedgerows connected to suitable structured woodland with flowering and fruiting species resulted in the site being unsuitable for dormice, therefore this species was not included in the survey. The lack of suitable habitat such as arable fields and stiff-grassed meadows results in harvest mice being scoped out of this survey. ECOLOCATION Ecological Appraisal 2014-0(12) Land at Water Orton Lane 2. Site Site location The site (grid ref. SP 17104 91266) was located adjacent the industrial units of W. H. Smiths and Sons off Water Orton Lane which lies on the border of Warwickshire and Birmingham. The site comprised an area of hardstanding yard and an area of railway siding cleared fifteen months ago. This area of land had been subject to management in the interim period. 3. Legislation Herpetofauna The following species are protected against sale under Section 9(5) of The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 which limits the animals being offered for sale, transported for sale or advertised for sale, however, capture, keeping or killing are not prohibited subject to other animal welfare regulations: • smooth or common newt (Triturus vulgaris), • palmate newt (Triturus helveticus), • common frog (Rana temporaria), and • common toad (Bufo bufo). Grass snakes (Natrix natrix) are, however, protected from killing, injuring and sale under Sections 9(1) and 9(5) of the same legislation. Bats, otter, white-clawed crayfish and great crested newts All species of British bat and their roosts (places of shelter or rest), otter, white-clawed crayfish and great crested newts are protected by law from intentional and reckless disturbance under The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended by the Countryside and Rights of Way Acts 2000, and the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 to incorporate the European Habitats directive. ECOLOCATION Ecological Appraisal 2014-0(12) Land at Water Orton Lane Badger Badgers and their setts are protected under the 1992 Badgers Act, and it is illegal to carry out work, which may disturb badgers without a licence from Natural England. Further information about species licensing and legislation can be obtained from the Species Licensing Service on 0117 3728000. Water vole The water vole is fully protected under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended). Dormouse The hazel dormouse is fully protected under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) and Schedule 2 of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (as amended) making it a European Protected Species. This species is also considered a priority under the UK BAP. The Hazel dormouse is protected under Article 12 of the Habitats Directive (as amended) which prohibits certain activities in relation to European Protected Species (EPS). Article 16 of the Habitats Directive contains derogations from Article 12. Article 16 is transposed into English law by regulation 53 of the Habitats regulations which allow licences to be issued under certain circumstances. The effect of these licences is to make an activity that would otherwise be an offence, lawful if carried out in accordance with the provisions of the licence. Hedgehog, polecat and brown hare UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) Priority Species. Birds The majority of species of nesting bird are protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 and as amended by the Countryside & Rights of Way Act 2000. 4. Desktop Study Prior to the ecological survey of the site, a desk-top data gathering exercise was undertaken. The Nature On The Map website was accessed and the Local Biological Records Centres were contacted for information on statutory and non-statutory sites and protected/notable species records within a 1km radius. Habitat connectivity and barriers • The data search revealed part of the site stretched into the Water Orton Sidings, selected as a Potential Local Wildlife Site and considered to offer botanical value. Some of the notable botanical species recorded included common orchid, wild pansy and dittander. • Habitat connectivity from the site was above average, although some dispersing animals may have been deterred by the increased human influence within and bordering the site created by notable industrial activity. • Bordering the site to the immediate north lay a tributary which fed directly into the River Tame some 200m further north of the site. • Immediately adjacent the site to the south ran the Birmingham to Nuneaton railway line. Such linear habitats as those provided by watercourses and railway lines may provide valuable connectivity for many species dispersing through the wider countryside. ECOLOCATION Ecological Appraisal 2014-0(12) Land at Water Orton Lane Species EcoRecord and the Warwickshire Biological Records Centre provided the following records within a 1km radius.
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