--- FEATURES "* Sean's laUst mistJdventure is on p. 10 SPORTS "* Preview FAU's Ughted stDdium on p. 18 ENTERTAINMENT "* The Rat's boxer shorts fren~ is on p. 14 OPINION "* New campus minister's upfront on p. 6 Atlantic Sun Vol. 61 No.2 Th... WH'kly Publication of Florida A "antic University August 31, 1988 Eye on America's !:~~c~~~e!~~ ~~i~~t~w~ ~~~:; Campuses w. B. HlCKS lion on the IVOUnds of unf.Ir labor emplo)'ccmakonale:o.<lhan"anhooJ<the FAD typical: Swo N._ &iii..,. pract>Ca.. same amount ... an adm,n'MnllOf rnakJna UF'FlFAU Preslden. and ~ic:o_ $100.000 • )"",r FAU ~ Helen l'1:>po¥och an­ ._ prQfusor Clay Steinman cued <he h'Jhet _ld n".... less protest, DOUrICCId OIl August 25 duI' ~ _ n... pat!<int: uu. ... lui""' lCaTCity of public lnMpOnation In Boca cd each IUodcnco. r... bee.......,,, In and S66 W1lhdr:l"",,& the Adnuniw.tion·. pt'OJMM­ Rat.... as evodc""", !hat the _ parlting percent "n.. problem if thai. as fa.... cd c:haf>&es in campus park>ng f\l1eA and ,_. RlIeo;. under whoch <ben:: ,""",Id bot no free univen;iry nola CO. "'C love baocaU)' In a revenue for parkins. would 'mtlrulC • parl<ing laX. dietalOnltip.·· St.e"'""'" complained In lu- On ""-lust 4. Admin'SUlluve .... «.,B $u-inman abo Aid In a June 9 letter to I)'. R.....land ...id ., the '''''0' tftoo. "!he VICC-f'n,$i(k:m Goor'&e Pr:rIu,..!lad IOld. porn flicks Popovich lNo. " ~ 10 UIJ< "" students feel d,scrimLl\&tcd .~... pullbr: taoanne lhat the new n,Uo,s woukI not ""f.i. ~ trnpIemented until Jan.ullry, J. M_ RUHlN· Ikl. Popovich'. announcemen, .....,.... ~iGJ 1o llu Sun lhallbe pIan ..ill now be pcKlponcd for al I' h.appcncd a. FAU abou, ,...., y....n Ica5l a year. The proposed f\IJc$ had dnlwn aao. and ,. ""as a scene repea,ed on hun_ heavy criticism from S'uo:kn. Go""mmcnl dreds of campuses: X-raled fitnu drew and lbe facul'y union. Unil<>d Facuhy of large aud'ences - and flak from earnpu~ FlorodalFAU. protes,en; SO had oompla,,-' al !he 011'- dWll lhe Univers"y of M'S5OUn a, Columblll rules Ilad 'xen proposed wi,houl prup:r >oNdentS pICke,ed lbe campus sbo..... 'na of ~-.llllUOn. po.n.ing 0111 thaI lbey a porn mov;e - in lIli."""" ··TlIC Open­ would aboli<tt ~ parl<in. On camp." and '"8 of Mi.1y 8cctho"en" - and !hen WI Wldenu were being denl"'" poorkinl r 'etired In a nearby Iludllorium for a healed deb,,,e bet..'ecR Glana l.e<>nartI_ pnvelqcs Sfamed In f""ul.y and 5..ff as well "" 10 Off-can>PU5 visnors. publo.hc, of "H'gh Soc'elY" magazIne f _ and Dt:.lore~ Ale",,~r, foufloder of UFFfFAU.clll1ed lbe m"lnfold "'Crea.., ~ng •< Women Agai,,", Pornography_ in f\ocs lUI onpklymen, "u. and lin' The b,g news. however. ,s lila, the nounccd .ha, 'lO .""" o'll:aniu"..... n"ghl scene hasn'l been repealed on very many llIke I"gal actIOn allain., Ill" Admi",.I.._ ~ campuses during the 1987-88 school year. In f""•. I"., scmes".. FAU·. S'u­ den' Governme", Program Board Faculty calls tax unfair laborpractice p,,",,,,nled ··Flesh CiQrdon" ("ra'ed ALLISON LAMln:RTI eam I"n lIlan $~ an I>o<Jr pay lIle same fee of !he ma""r and ,s consider;ng legal ae- XXX'" ilS ads boaSI) and nobody pro_ Sun SIDJI Wriler as lhollc: who earn $100.000 or more a .ion in the fom, of ..n unfair labor p"",_ lesled lIle showing. The proposed parl<ing Nle ehanlles. year. .ice complain,. Bu' overall. porn films arc becom"'l which"'" AdminiOlnl.ion I'(>Rponcd on UFF/FAU President Clay Sle,nman Sludenl Body Pre,iden. Mari.. nn $Career on U_S. campuses. Ob""rven Augusl 2$, were "'" aubjoct of .. aingle spol<e for the "nion.......ing thaI Ihe Ad- Rowland and olher SG n"'mbers allrced lIlink iI'S because ofine,easing compe'i­ public hearing on Ausu" 4. Ahhoulh !he mini'lrIllion·. prop<>sal5 "_1< '0 cslablioh wllll!he UFF.•nd sugges.ed the Ad· lion froen videotaped <e. movies. a AdmlniSlnl.ion acheduied Ihe hurlns '0 a p;trking hierarchy tha' will generally mini..ra,ion could lhinl< of other ways 10 .ereeping fear of conlroversy. changing lIlke place after oummer clauea ended _ ""lIrega." FAU'o workers by race and come up with money. o""h as making the ..uden' .....Ies and maybe even ",isod ..u· limiri... the number ofnon·AdminiltralOr¥ c1....... Sleinman claimed thaI parl<ing. communi.y pay. dem coll$Ciousness. who could a'lend _ a"eoda""", by fllCl.lhy becauae i. ia a ~uirerncn, and "'" an op- SB Vice Presidenl Ely"" Heyman IUg- The searei.y. as.eru Na,ional ane! SludcnlS WIU fairly hiah. Membera of I;on for","" employl>C$. is a condi.ion of gcs'ed charg,"g lhe communily $1 per car Organiulion ofWomen'S spol<e$wornan lbe f.....11)' union United Facuhy of employmen•. S,e;nman said thaI i. would per event, and '0 al", make JI'Irkinl Junior Bridg... is ··due \0 all lbe wo.1< F1oridafFAU. SO rrICrllbers and 01"'" be WfQna .0 charge inereued fees. available in ,he a,..,. IlCtOSS from Flem,ng done over the years by all organi....,ion. ....nu spoke apillSllbe pl'O(>OtCld park. C$pecially when there '5 no Kllrdly of Hall. Heyman f,Ilid lha' &nod rclaliono w,th in the "'omen's movement In poinl 0111 ing f.... hikes. ,emole parl<in« a' FAU _ ··<card.y tha. the ~dm,ni..ralion can"",.,..i.. when lhcy "'here the fun ends and the hann A"'"onhnalO lbe Administralion·, pro- else",here miah' j ....ify hIgher foes.·' IUUesl thin«' like ,he curren' parking bcgin~ .. posal. allltUCloern, facull)' and alaffwoukl UFPIFAU ""&JCSlJC'M ,ncluded puni". plan. and added tha' lhe 'rame "lOlalion Others aunbu,.. i••0 money. pay benvecn SIO and SISO per year for a ara<lu:olod .... oct salaneI and. a.Itcmalive- appeala board wa~ ··,nsuffi"'en,.·· ··We pkk the films thaI WIll bnnilhe ~. a::wnpooftIlIlO "'" eulTOlftl $$.30 for Iy. chars,ng for SlICkers as a fla. percen- One malhemalics pmfeaaor aarced with mos' a\leodanee.·· sa.d Deborah cunpus-widr ..kken;. Thio proposal. ~e ofone'a income. II> ensure fair ......_ See REARING See PORN whkh asked for S30 for regula. and SIO uon among employees. roo- remtJOeparl<Jn&. would make ~ who TIIC UFF :WIle orrlCe was made aware page 2 page 5 Theft leaves sorority hanging W. B. HICKS The bannt:.r .._ SlOIcn twodays $.11. N~...,. EdiIor aner lbe RIlI's ··Heaven and H~U "Ibe Del.... Ooi Omega aoron.y Pan} ••• eo-spocuoru1 by Del.... i. asl<.Lna tha' a loOrOri,y banner. Chi Orne&a and Alpha EpsUoa Pi. ....Ien from "'" RathsUllcr III "'" The ",ron.y .... e\a»'lied ad. ,n end of Apnl. be relumed the AtlantiC' $our dunn. lhe sum­ ··W<:. would lik<:. II back fTlCI". pe.dma for lhe mum oflhe becauseoflhc Urnc and effort puc into:::> .......ng the 1>annot:.1". _. SO«>n­ """-Moore asked thaI lhe banner Iy si$l.,.. JanICe Moore ..0<1. "Ibe a,mply be "dropped off !NSIDE_•• TheY~sot Seoul, andlhey .ren't af.aid 10 di_ri&h' banner -as made by soron,y some..here.·· .....,h as lhe HaL Anyone with mformaDJa ab;)UI '''' Who ~ I~r Flip 10 ~e 1') 10 find 0<11 who's making a members and a"en .0 the RIl' as "We don'. really can: ...ho ha$ the banDer can call Moore :al splash in I.... IIlunfic Sun'. SPORTS seclion. a Zitt. where" ""as h"". on the ..... ~ remarked. ·•..·e don'. 39l-2942 GO" SoepharUoc ToneIIo III wall. ....... '0 !<now who i. i5 .•• 39l-2943. AuguSI 31,'• • ""--News Shelf SG VOWS input on parking News - Events - Notices President's Corner UC Job Opening A message from App!ialions are now being ~lot the ~~oi h<>use ~uff coord,nalOt oflhe uc Aud'tOfrum. R....pon.,b'lllles fo~!he 58 President position 'ndude h'ring. lraln'ng. scheduling and supe.... ,.,ng Mariann Rowland house ,uppol1s",fffor all auditotlum evenlS. U.herlnll or supet­ visory e~petlenceI, helpful but nOI necessary. Fot more In'm· Good new" no inc~llS" in malion, Slop by UC Room 20]. p&tkin&"""'al fees. no increase in poorkina fines. no aold IOU. and dcfirrit<:ly no PINK LOTS! These Stage Crew Job Opening were all ~chanaa in the UniveruyTraffic R.ole:I. ctIan&es Become an inlq.r.ol rnemt:-" of ,he UC. The UC St;oge Crew ~icatiom 'Nil Mil no '''flU' from ....nts. i. now KUPti... lot f..l1 apen,ng5_ AppIoanQ. ""'" faculty or _" _ ~...-Ie be fAU students. The SUge Crew is ftiIl'O"Si~lot !he senl... by !he Uni~tyAdnuruwUion a.-.l Slriking oI ..U UC leaure rooms, ..oo the productIOn 01 all ONLY. We all foughl hard on R.. Outdoor events held in lhe AudilOtium, thskel...., S1age-­ this iOMle <rIer the sununu and by ..nd oo:t>e< on<;lImpu. events sponsored Sludenl Actlvl1i..... we: won. <t:tnpOtWily. The Pew Bq,nningwage i. S-4Jhr. Applicaliom. an be filed ..t UC Room rulel ...,11 not &0 inlo effect "nlil 203. FaU '89. and thi>; eives ,,11t)l"tle lime 10 ",opose jU.1 and fai' chanee. 10 the Universily Delta Chi Omega Sorority Rush Admini'I"'tion. The Delta Chi Om"ga Ru.h I, h",el Come join the Sisters of MONo good n.,.••: we are get· lhe 'its! sororrly on campus fot a wee!< full of food and fun! "na that long awaited and warw:d August 29: "All Sororily Get Together" - join lhe Sisters of COV<'r«! bree=way.
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