Communication for Empowerment in Madagascar An assessment of communication and media needs at the community level 2008 Communication for Empowerment in Madagascar An assessment of communication and media needs at the community level 2008 UNDP Oslo Governance Centre Communication for Social Change Consortium UNDEF 1 This report was written by staff and consultants from the Andrew Lees Trust with input from Barry Driscoll of UNDP. Project coordination and editing by staff and consultants of the Communication for Social Change Consortium. The views and interpretations in this report are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect those of UNDP or of the Communication for Social Change Consortium. The Communication for Empowerment initiative is funded by the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Copyright © 2008 UNDP and the Communication for Social Change Consortium Front page photos: Adam Rogers Addresses: UNDP Oslo Governance Centre Postboks 2881 Tøyen N-0608 Oslo, Norway Tel: +47.23 06 08 20 Fax: +47.23 06 08 21 [email protected] www.undp.org/oslocentre Communication for Social Change Consortium 14 South Orange Avenue, Suite 2F South Orange, New Jersey 07079, United States. Tel: +1.973 763 1115 Fax: +1.973 762 8267 [email protected] www.communicationforsocialchange.org 2 CONTENTS ACRONYMS 4 MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS 5 PREFACES 6 By the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Madagascar By the UNDP/ Oslo Governance Centre and the Communication for Social Change Consortium EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 8 I. INTRODUCTION 12 Background and Justification The Pilot Process The Communication for Empowerment Process in Madagascar About the pilot nature of this study and report II. THE NATIONAL CONTEXT 14 Madagascar’s Development Challenge The legal and regulatory environment for communication Media and the state Media Inventory: listeners, readers, viewers III. THE INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION NEEDS ASSESSMENT 23 Methodology Site Profiles Analysis and Discussion Information Gaps Communication Gaps IV. FINDINGS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND FUTURE FRAMEWORKS 46 Key Findings and Recommendations 46 Recommendations 47 * Improve capacity of local people * Improve capacity of media * Develop collaboration Future Frameworks 50 * Regional Centres for Information, Communication and Development * Multisectorial approach: Networking Training and advocacy Radio stations Internet Mobile production unit s Existing communication initiatives 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY 54 ANNEXES 3 ACRONYMS ACORDS Le Programme d'Appui aux Communes et aux Organisations Rurales pour le Développement du Sud / The Support Programme for Communes and Rural Organisations for the Development of the South ADRA Adventist Development Relief Agency AEPA Approvisionnement en Eau Potable et Assainissement / Water Supply and Sanitation AFA L'Agence Française de l'Adoption / French Agency for Adoption ALT Andrew Lees Trust ALT PR Andrew Lees Trust Project Radio ATEC Technological Support to Teachers and Communities C4E Communication for Empowerment CFSC Communication for Social Change CNLS Comité National pour la Lutte Contre le SIDA / National HIV AIDS Committee CRS Catholic Relief Services CSB Centre de Santé de Base / Basic Health Centre CTA Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation EC European Commission ERI Eco Regional Initiatives FAFED Fédération des Associations des Femmes et Developpement FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation FJKM Fiangonan’I Jesoa Kristy eto Madagasikara (The church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar) MBS Malagasy Broadcasting System NGO Non-Governmental Organization PACT Participating Agencies Collaborating Together PAM Programme Alimentaire du Monde ~ World Food Programme PCID Partners for Communications and Information for Development RLG Radio Listening Group RNM Radio Nationale Madagascar RTA Radio Télévision Analamanga RTS Radio ny Tantsaha Sakay (Radio Rurale de Sakay) SSD Service de Santé du District / District Level Health Centre TVM Television Malagasy UADELS Unité d'Appui au Développement Local / Local Development Unit UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund USAID United States Agency for International Development WWF World Wide Fund 4 MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS USED IN THIS REPORT: Communication for Empowerment – When used in the context of this report, this term refers to media strategies and action which generate the self-confidence, power and insight needed for vulnerable and marginalised persons and communities to take control of their own lives. The term suggests that appropriate and exact information is available in accessible media and forms; that people have access to voice their views, understanding and concerns publicly; and that open spaces for inclusive dialogue and debate are available, such as through community radio or community access programmes in other media. Community – This term signifies a group of people sharing an environment within a geographic region with shared interests due to where they live, as well as differing interests.. To accommodate differences among the people living within an area we talk about identification of ”the communities within the community.”. Community Radio – is a local radio station that is owned by, run by and staffed by people from within a given community. A community radio station produces programmes about the life of the community through involvement by community members. Sometimes stations owned by a religious organisation or even by the state may have most of the traits of a community radio station except for the ownership. Such stations are often referred to as community radio. In Africa community radio is most often geographically defined, but it can also be a station owned and run by a community of interest such as by a NGO dedicated to particular interests.. Empowerment - This refers to increasing the political, social or economic strength of individuals and communities. It often involves people developing confidence in their own capacities, and with self-confidence, power and knowledge starting a change process in their lives and in their communities. Radio Listening Groups (LG): Radio listening groups have the potential to create improved communication within a community. They provide a setting in a village where local people can discuss and debate information that is broadcast over the radio and agree on practical development action. In some cases, the setting up of listening groups can extend to developing local associations. Video Club - is a small cabin set up like a mini cinema but employs a television instead of a screen and uses video recorders to project audiovisual materials such as TV programmes and films. Villagers are charged a nominal fee for entrance. Many video clubs show action and martial arts films that are popular in Madagascar. Sometimes Civil Society organisations use video clubs to show educational videos as well. 5 PREFACE ENSURING EFFECTIVE INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT Communication and information play an essential role in response to the fundamental problems of society, such as poverty and social exclusion, particularly at the community level where populations often face difficulties to access information and knowledge, or simply have no access at all. Yet often, all that is needed to foster people’s participation and involvement is to provide them with a space where they can express themselves and speak up. Madagascar is honoured to be chosen as a pilot country for testing the tools developed to identify and analyse the information needs of its population under the project “Communication for Empowerment” (C4E). A large island nation, Madagascar often suffers from the distance between and the isolation of its different groups of people. Radio proves to be the most adequate means of communication in the country. The national radio and the hundreds of community and private radio stations cover over 90 percent of the territory and supplement an array of traditional information and communication channels including districts meetings, folk songs, or other forms of outreach communication. Although the present study is based upon a small population sample, the information obtained gives an insight into the expectations and needs of the population and how information can contribute to meeting them. This we see as an important benefit to the country. The President of the Republic of Madagascar has stressed, on several occasions, the need to identify ways to use the media as a privileged partner in sensitizing the populations and raising their awareness of their rights as well as the opportunities available to them, so as to enable them to play an active role in their own development by being empowered. The Malagasy Ministry for Telecommunications, Postal Services and Communication immediately expressed interest in this “Communication for Empowerment” initiative which gives communication a central role, as an information tool, in raising awareness and mobilizing both the population and development partners towards the attainment of the MDGs. Particularly, I would like to congratulate the Ministry for its active involvement with the project’s steering committee. Thanks to its leadership and facilitation capacity, several partners have joined the project and discussions are moving forward very well. I hope that such discussions will lead to concrete action plans aimed at providing the population with
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