arts Article ArticleArticle RevisitingRevisiting Epigraphic Epigraphic Evidence Evidence of of the the Oldest OldestOldest SynagogueSynagogue in in Morocco Morocco in in Volubilis Volubilis 1 2 3, SofiaSofiaSofia Andreeva AndreevaAndreeva 1 1, ,Artem Artem Fedorchuk Fedorchuk 2 2 and and Michael Michael Nosonovsky Nosonovsky 3, 3,** * 1 1 TheTheThe Department Department Department of of ofGeneral General General History, History, History, Ben Ben Ben Gurion Gurion Gurion University University University of of of the the the Negev, Negev, Negev, P.O. P.O. P.O. Box Box 653, 653, Be Be Be’er’er’er Sheva Sheva 84105, 84105, Israel;Israel;Israel; [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 2 2 InternationalInternationalInternational Center Center Center for for for Jewish Jewish Jewish Education Education Education and and and Field Field Field Studies, Studies, Studies, Kfar Kfar Kfar Eldad Eldad Eldad 90916, 90916, 90916, Israel; Israel; Israel; [email protected]@gmail.com 3 [email protected] 3 College of Engineering & Applied Science, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 3200 N Cramer St., 3 CollegeCollege of of Engineering Engineering & & Applied Applied Science, Science, Univ Universityersity of of Wisconsin-Milw Wisconsin-Milwaukee,aukee, 3200 3200 N N Cramer Cramer St., St., Milwaukee, WI 53211, USA Milwaukee,Milwaukee, WI WI 53211, 53211, USA USA * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-414-229-2816 ** CCorrespondence:orrespondence: nosonovs@u [email protected];wm.edu; Tel.: Tel.: +1-414-229-2816 +1-414-229-2816 Received:Received: 17 17 August August 2019; 2019; Accepted: Accepted: 23 23 23 Se Se Septemberptemberptember 2019; 2019; Published: Published: 26 26 27 September September September 2019 2019 2019 Abstract:Abstract: Volubilis Volubilis was was a a Roman Roman city city located located at at the the so southwestsouthwestuthwest extremity extremity of of the the Roman Roman Empire Empire in in modern-daymodern-day Morocco. Morocco. Several Several Several Jewish Jewish Jewish gravestone gravestone gravestone inscriptions inscriptions inscriptions in in in Hebrew, Hebrew, Hebrew, Greek, Greek, and and Latin, Latin, likely likely fromfrom the the 3rd 3rd century century CE, CE, have have been been found found there. there. On On Oneee of of them them belongs belongs to to “Protopolites “Protopolites Kaikilianos, Kaikilianos, thethe head headhead ofof a aa Jewish JewishJewish congregation congregationcongregation (synagogue ((synagoguesynagogue)”,)”, and)”, andand it indicates itit indicatesindicates the presence thethe presencepresence of a relatively ofof aa relativelyrelatively big Jewish bigbig JewishcommunityJewish community community in the city.in in the the The city. city. Hebrew The The Hebrew Hebrew inscription inscription inscription of “Matrona, of of “Matrona, “Matrona, daughter daughter daughter of Rabbi of of Yehuda”Rabbi Rabbi Yehuda” Yehuda” is unique is is uniqueoccurrenceunique occurrenceoccurrence of using ofof the usingusing Hebrew thethe HebrewHebrew language languagelanguage in such in ain remote suchsuch aa region.remoteremote Theregion.region. Latin TheThe inscription LatinLatin inscriptioninscription belongs belongstobelongs “Antonii to to “Antonii “Antonii Sabbatrai”, Sabbatrai”, Sabbatrai”, likely alikely likely Jew. a Ina Jew. Jew. addition, In In addition, addition, two lamps two two lamps lamps decorated decorated decorated with menorahs,with with menorahs, menorahs, one fromone one frombronzefrom bronze bronze and oneand and fromone one from clay,from wereclay, clay, were foundwere found found in Volubilis. in in Volubilis. Volubilis. In nearby In In nearby nearby Chellah, Chellah, Chellah, a Jewish a a Jewish Jewish inscription inscription inscription in Greek in in GreekwasGreek also was was discovered. also also discovered. discovered. We revisit We We revisit revisit these these these inscriptions inscript inscript includingionsions including including their their their language, language, language, spelling spelling spelling mistakes, mistakes, mistakes, and andtheirand theirtheir interpretations. interpretations.interpretations. We relate WeWe relaterelate epigraphic epigraphicepigraphic sources sourcessources to archaeological toto archaeologicalarchaeological evidence evidenceevidence and discuss andand discuss adiscuss possible aa possiblelocationpossible location oflocation the synagogue of of the the synagogue synagogue in this remote in in this this city,remote remote which city, city, was which which the firstwas was synagoguethe the first first synagogue synagogue in Morocco. in in Morocco. Morocco. Keywords:Keywords: Volubilis;Volubilis; ancient ancientancient synagogues; synagogues;synagogues; Morocco; Morocco;Morocco; Mauretania; Mauretania;Mauretania; Hebrew HebrewHebrew epigraphy; epigraphy;epigraphy; Greek epigraphy; GreekGreek epigraphy;Jewishepigraphy; gravestone Jewish Jewish gravestone inscriptions;gravestone inscriptions; inscriptions; epitaphs; Jewish epitaphs; epitaphs; cemeteries Jewish Jewish cemeteries cemeteries 1.1. Introduction Introduction ﻗﺼﺮ ﻓﺮﻋﻮﻥ ṣ ﻭﻟﻴﻠﻲ Qå)¯) ) waswas anan ancient ancient ﻗﺼﺮ¯ àñ«Q ﻓﺮﻋﻮﻥ) ) JËð, , Berber: Berber:Berber: ⵡⴰⵍⵉⵍⵉⵡⴰⵍⵉⵍⵉ, , also alsoalso called calledcalled QQQṣs.ararar Pharaoun PharaounPharaoun úÎ ﻭﻟﻴﻠﻲ :VolubilisVolubilis (Arabic: (Arabic:(Arabic BerberBerber and and Roman Roman city, city, a a capital capitalcapital of ofof the thethe Kingdom KingdomKingdom of of Mauretania, Mauretania, located located next next to to the the modern modern city city of of MeknesMeknes in in Morocco. Morocco. AfterAfter After thethe the fallfall fall ofof CarthageCarthage inin 146146 BCE,BCE, MauritaniaMauritania becamebecame aa clientclient state state of of the the RomanRoman Empire, Empire, and and Volubilis Volubilis was was Romanised, Romanised, in in particular, particular, by by King King Juba Juba II II (52/50 (52(52/50/50 BCE–23 BCE–23 CE) CE) of of NumidiaNumidia andand Mauretania, Mauretania, whowho establishedestablished hishis royal royal capital capital in in the the city. city. In In 44 44 CE, CE, Mauritania Mauritania was was annexedannexed byby the thethe Roman RomanRoman Empire, Empire,Empire, and andand Volubilis VolubilisVolubilis became becamebecame the capital thethe capital ofcapital the new ofof the Romanthe newnew province RomanRoman Mauretania provinceprovince MauretaniaTingitanaMauretania. RomanTingitana Tingitana rule. .Roman Roman lasted rule untilrule lasted lasted 280 CE, until until although 280 280 CE, CE, Roman although although influence Roman Roman remained influence influence significant remained remained throughoutsignificant significant throughoutthethroughout fourth century the the fourth fourth despite century century the despite declinedespite the ofthe the decline decline city. Byof of the thethe city. timecity. By ofBy the the time Arab time of conquestof the the Arab Arab in conquest conquest 708 CE, thein in 708 city708 CE,centerCE, the the hadcity city beencenter center abandoned, had had been been abandoned, abandoned, and the population, and and the the population, population, mostly Awraba mostly mostly Berbers, Awraba Awraba moved Berbers, Berbers, to themoved moved southwest to to the the southwestofsouthwest the old of city,of the the where old old city, city, a newwhere where city a a new wallnew city city was wall wall constructed, was was constructed, constructed, while the while while old the citythe old old center city city center wascenter turned was was turned turned into a into a cemetery. After the capital of the region was moved to Feṣ by the rulers from the Idrisid dynasty intocemetery. a cemetery. After After the capital the capital of the of region the region was moved was moved to Fes. toby Fe theṣ by rulers the rulers from from the Idrisid the Idrisid dynasty dynasty in the inearlyin the the early800s, early Volubilis800s, 800s, Volubilis Volubilis was almost was was almost almost deserted deserted deserted (Panetier (Panetier (Panetier 2002, p.2002, 2002, 50; p.Risse p. 50; 50; 2001Risse Risse; Marion2001; 2001; Marion Marion 1960). 1960). 1960). SemiticSemitic population population was was present present in in Volubilis Volubilis th throughoutthroughoutroughout its its history. history.history. The The Phoenicians PhoeniciansPhoenicians appeared appeared herehere since since at at least least the the third third century century BCE. BCE. Jews Jews ha hadhadd contacts contacts with with Mauretania Mauretania on on several several occasions. occasions. MidrashMidrash Exodus Exodus Rabba Rabba 18:6 18:6 (35b) (35b) contains contains a a reference reference to to Mauretania Mauretania including including a a folk-etymology folk-etymology of of the the .barbur barburbarbur(appearing (appearing (appearing in in in 1 1 Kings1 Kings Kings 5:3) 5:3) 5:3) as as as “a “a “a fowl fowl fowl coming coming coming from from from Barbary” Barbary” Barbary”(Hirschberg (Hirschberg (Hirschberg 1974 1974, 1974,, p. 27).p. p ברבור ברבור wordword ArtsArts 2019 2019, ,8 8, ,x; x; doi: doi: FOR FOR PEER PEER REVIEW REVIEW www.mdpi.com/journal/artswww.mdpi.com/journal/arts Arts 2019, 8, 127; doi:10.3390/arts8040127 www.mdpi.com/journal/arts Arts 2019, 8, 127 2 of 13 Arts 2019, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 13 27).After After the death the death of King of JubaKing II’s Juba wife, II’s Cleopatra wife, Cleopatra Selene II Selene (40 BCE–before II (40 BCE–before 6 CE), who 6 wasCE), a daughterwho was ofa daughterMark Antony, of Mark Juba Antony,
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