wlapwww.gov.bc.calfw Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection (MWLAP) Web Page (contains access to BC Hunting andTrapping Regulations Synopsis and Limited Entry Hunt Draw Resuhs) http://wlapwww.gov.bc.ca/fir Enquiry BC il For more information on the hunting and trapping regulations, call a MWLAP Regional Ofrice, Fish and Wildlife Recreation and Allocation Branch (FWRA) HQ Victoria, or the Conservation Ofricer Service using the numbers list- ed on the regional maps of each region. Enquiry BC can provide toll free access to provincial government tele- phone numbers. Simply call Enquiry BC and requesl a transfer to the number you wish to call: finomVancouver ... ....660-2421 fromVictoria ,.,,....387-6121 elsewhere in BC . .......l-800-663-7867 il Observe, Record, Report . , .l-800-663-9453 {WILD) to report fish, wildlife and environmental offences otherthan those involving salmon. Articles Section A - Huunue Rg,euunous (Continued) A Message from the Director of Fish and Wildlife Recreation How Long Should lKeep My Licence? ........,.14 il andAllocationBranch(FWRA) .......2 Compulsory lnspedion and Reporting .... .....15 New Compulsory lnspection Procedures . ...., .,, . .. .,15 Change of Address/Name Notification (Form) ..........16 TakeCareofYourGameMeat ...,.....17 Special Notice: Black Bear or Grizzly Bear . .18 BullMooseAntlerRegulations ........19 WestNileVirus.... ..........24 Section B - Grurp,el HUMfiNG TNFnRMATTnN lmportant Notice -to all Mountain Goat Hunters . .25 National & Provincial Park Restridions ... ......20 Safety Guidelines for Hunters in BearCountry .,, . ., . .40 Municipal Bylaws. ...... .....20 il Habitat ConservationTrust Fund . .... , .4 I AccessRestrictionstoWildlife .....,...20 ThreatenedCaribouListing . ..........63 Highway No ShootingAreas . ....,.,..20 ChronicWasting Disease ......77 Possession andTransportation . ........2 I Muskwa-Kechika ManagementArea . ...85 Exportfromthe Province ......27 - c.r.TE.s. .....27 Section A Hupnue Rseuunows TaxidermyTanningand Meatcutting .....23 il Major Regulation Changes 2003-2004 ........ ...7 Designatedwildlife ...........23 Definitions .....2 AToothforTruth ,,...23 ItisUnlawlul ..........5 Don'tSupportlllegalHunting ..........24 BC'sBearPartsTradeBan...,,,........8 Observe,RecordandReport ..........86 DataColledion..... ....,.....9 Record of RecerptforTransportingWildlife ......86 FederalFirearmsLegislation ............9 Section C - RtsouncE MANAGEMENT Rrenus Conservation & Outdoor Recreation Education . .9 il BCResidentHunterNumber ...........9 Region I Vancouverlsland ..........77 Non-Resident Hunters ........10 Region2 LowerMainland ....34 BC's Lead Shot Ban . , .10 Region3 Thompson .,.. ..........42 Licence Requirements .........1 I Region4 Kootenay .........47 MigratoryBirds. ......11 Region5 Cariboo .......,,.57 Bowhunters ...........ll Region5 Skeena ....64 RegionTA Omineca .........72 il LicenceAvailability ,,....11 OpenSeasons..... ...,12 RegionTB Peace. ....78 HuntingLicenceFees.. .......12 RegionB Okanagan..... ....87 Species Licence Fees .. ....,...12 - BagLimitsandPossessionLimits .......12 Section D Tnepnuc Reeuunous Waterfowler Heritage Days (\A/HDs) . ..., t2 Trapprng Regulations ..........92 HuntingMethods ,....13 Compulsory Reporting ........93 il Limited EntryHunting... : : : :. : : : :.. : : :... :,....,...r: Deflnitions ..........,93 Aboriginal Hunting .,..14 LicenceFees.. .......94 Deerlicence Requirement .....14 FurRoyalties .........94 Queen Charlotte lslands Deer Licence .........14 OpenSeasons..... ..........96 il...1 4 77/e4tate Ita,,,o /,re Darctoz #l##fffi,.,€U.Onn**:ffi#:;,,fi ::ilifi d,"dWi/d/& 4 Tcol PROVINCE.WIDE hunting and species feei have generally;: : , . increased. See piges 12 to 13 for fee inforl ?eozafua and, Compuhory lnspection for hunter harvest ,,' mation. Fees shown include Habitat :. ., ",i is no longer available through the regional British Columbia is Canada's most ecologically ConservaiionTrust Fund (HC,|D surch#gei,, offices forthe Ministry of Water: Land and , diverse province, and is and biologically Air Protection, ln respbnse to requests from Caribou l{unting Seasom forthe llcnl- , ' ,,': renowned as a premier destination for hunters (M.U,s tl hunting, rrapping: and guide outfi ft ing Bloups', llsarhu and Chase herds 5'12, 6-'I'7; British Columbians, we are privi- worldwide. As remain:'open. Fluntihg , concernrng the need for ahemare i,, 6-18,7.37 and: 7-38) , able experience all this province :.: ': : leged to be to Compr,lsory lnsoecrion locations and flexible seasons lorthe.Tweedsmuir-Enttako, ' basis, and in doing so has to offer on a daily houri, and the Ministrys need to refocus Quintette, Mob'erly and Graham herds " our roles as stewards of its dis- must understand constrained .esources ion other priority (M.U.s 6- l . 6-1, 6'4, 7 - I 9,7 -2l, 7 72,7 :30,,7 natural heritage. tinguished areas. Complliory Inspeclio'ns a€ how pro' 3 t,7-36 and 7-43) are ctosed, See updaled Each year the Ministry of Water: Land and Air vided th.ough the contr"acted servicei pf article on page 0: for more informition" Protection develops a hunting and trapping syn- qualified Compuli'ory lnspectors located in' The Definition for iTine'l,has' ghlnged to ,:,;:,, regulations that BC. opsis which outlines the current 27 locati-ons throughout make rt more generic fbr all antleied :pec!e$: govern these activities. This publication is a valu- Compulsory lnspector locations are {isted on .$ee1$A$e':5.,,f b.r,.$*ta!1,s1 able tool that allows us to effectively communi- the regiontl maps olgach region For more Eear Hunflngr Huftbr:s commit anloffence cate the rules used to achieve our wildlife con- rnformjiion see page i5 and MWLAP ilthey do not remove the gall bladdenfrorn servation objeclives and provide first-class Websne at {eave gdl bladder at ! the beai Carcass and tfre wi ld life recreati onal o ppo rtun ities for residents http /lwlapwi,vwgov b-.ci/{w the kill srte. A new rqgulation now allows a like and non-residents alike. I would personally ' Special Limited Entry l{unts for : : hunter: to move the beii'ftbm the kill ;ite' to thank all members of the public and govern- ::: Elk and Mountain Sheep avail- (i.e. to a camp or r,esidenie brr,awaylfror:rtr ': ment who made valuable contributions to the Roosevelt - BC Residents only.Applications'f,or '" beaches) as lpng as'the bear +s gu{ed witbin development of this synoPsis, able to 48 hqurs and the gall;:btadder is ditposed,of hunts occurnng in Fall ?004 u.s 6urrentfY , year mark the introduction of a new man- This available. Closing date for applicatrons is wlth tt'e gut pile.This ihange was requested agement model for fishing and wildlife recreation December, l 0, 2003. See current (2003- by hunter s and guide,outfitteis,,thtt found; ;i:: province; a model based on recommenda- in the 2004) LEH Regulatrons synopsis or MWLAP the current regula1lonp inconvenient " :: Panel, : tions made by the Recreation Stewardship website for''more informaiion. Possession (as well as import, export and,: with input from hunters, anglers, and other of Bebr gall,,bladders remains iflqgal and Species Licence Fe€s. traffickrng) members of the public. Underthe new system, Hunting ', Fon further infor"matron on.Wlldlile Ac.t Most fees for BC residents remain , for the first ttme evet all revenue generated .., Fgu. gov bg,raista:i uncnanged: wth the exception oithe- basic ti*rons, pl ease access www.qp :r through the sale of fish and wildlife recreational 'hunti'ng licence (inCieased to and treg/ or lor mqre ihfoimatron on MWLAP's' licences will be used to fund flsh and wildlife $32.00) Charlotte lslands deer speciqs piogiam initiatrves,,please at-ess:, programs.The new model will provide a strong the Queen ,.. licence (dqcreased to l0): Non.resident http//wlapwwwgovbd.ca/fw .,rr,,, financial base so that these programs can be $ continued and strengthened in the future As a part ofthe new system, fee increases to THIS SYNOPSIS IS NOTTHE LA\^/ hunting and trapping licences will take effect this B.C. Hunting andTrapping Regulations made undertheWildlife year: Fee amendments were based on the rec- ) lt is a summary of the hunters and trappers. ommendations made by the Recreation Act (British Columbia) that has been prepared for the convenience of Stewardship Panel as well as other stakeholder ) lf you have any questions about the information in this synopsis, please contact the groups. The fee increases will allow fish and MWLAP regional office or Conservation Offlcer Service District office in the area you to be self-support- wildlife recreation Programs wish to hunt. ing and tailored to clients'expectations. The Habitat ConservationTrust Fund (HCTF) Advertisin g lnfo only: Pleoie cqil 25048W244 ot 250'302:6188',,, , ' have been standardized at 20 per surcharges ' ,,. or emoil: [email protected])'tauiiam.rorn cent for resident licences and 30 per cent for ,, "' .: ,,: ::,i PubliCaaons non-resident licences. This fund has been in PublishedfartheMinlstry ofWoterLand,&AtrProtection:'byMondoyTauism place for over 20 years, has provided more the ' '. Websitg: bchqntlngregs com ; , ',"t 1,,, $65 million to support enhancement and educa- : ,, ' ,.. : phot by l'16565 : :, tional projects, and is a valuable asset to this Cover o ldred , : i ,.... : :: r:::: :: province. ii1hoto@,a;ffiailcoi- ' , ' ,,, British Columbia's hunters and trappers have been essential partners in wildlife conservation DEFINITIONS travel on or off a highway including motor- efforts for many years. Preserving this province's cycles
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