't > «' THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1964 Avnage Daily Net PreM Ron FACE IWENTY-EIGHt The Weather For tlu Week Bade« ! ef D. a W eatho jKanrI|?Bt^r Sttm fng li^rald Oetober 24, N64 14,065 OUear and eoM tiwigtit, low ECHS Senior Will Attend 16; ooBaiy wanae About Town Menlier of the Audit iEumttm W? ralh nedr 69. - Intmrmsfed In Sporfs? Bnreu of Oraalatlon MaHehe$ter—-A City of ViUago Charm llMBagr Orotta, aon of Ifr. Youth Conference on Atom We have a full-time opening for a sports and MM. SUphm Orotta, 79 AanaMU Hd., waa rnoently alaet- reporter, principally to cover scholastic (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, O C ^ E R 80, ^984 (OkwMfled AdvortWag ea Page 18) PRICE SEVEN CBNTf ed praaldent of hia dormitory, Frank Chetelat Jr., a Na-^ Principal speaker at the con- VOL. LXXXIV, NO. ^6 WInidham Hall. He la a sopho­ tlonal Merit Scholarship semi- ferance will he Nobel Prise win sports events. Experience would help but ________ 0 ___________________ more at the Unlveraity of Con- finalist and a senior at East ner Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, naetlent Catholic High, will reprasent chairman of U Atomic Energy it is not essential if you like sports and_ hU school at ths 1964 NaUonal Commiaaion. A keynote address Youth Conference on the atom. on' ganetica will be presented feel you can do a good job reporting. Pleas­ Events lOaa Suaaa Laiettgana, daugh­ by Notiel prise w in ner Dr. ter o( Mr. and Mrs. WUUam U Chetelat, the son of Mr. and ant working conditions . paid vacation European Reds Fall in Line, dmorge Wells Beadle, president LMattgena, 44 Harvard Rd., has Mrs. Frank M. Chetelat of 1126 Forbes S t, East Hartford, will of the University of Chicago. and many fringe benefits. been named tp the dean’s list Chetelat will join 21 other In State for the 1964 spring semester. attend the Chicago conference in the company of Sister Pau­ students sponsor^ by Connec­ Mm graduated from the col­ ticut’s three major electric lege la Juna line Elisabeth, teacher of chem­ CALL 643-2711 FOR INTERVIEW istry and religion. utilities. The Bast Catholic Court Won’t Rule Accept Khrushchev Ouster Chetelat is a memljer -of the student is sponsored by Hart­ IiBdloa' a m Society and school drama club, math and ford Electric Light Co. Walther League Society of Zion science club, and cross country More than 700 science stu­ ilanrljEatEr itiatttttg ijaraUii In Teacher Case lUitheran C9iurdi will sponsor dents, teachers and scientists MOSCOW (A P )__ Euro-^ln Soviet Communist party^sald the two parties had frank^Daily Worker, would go to Jfee- team. An ardent experimenter, and friendly talks and would a ^aghetti supper Saturday, are sxpected to attend the pean Communist parties units. cow next week to "discuss re­ he has worked on projects in BRIDGEPORT (AP) — A The Hungarian Com'munlst "continue consolidating the Hov. 21, at 5 :w p.m. Tickets hydrophonics, electron config­ three-day conference beginning Common Pleas Judge has re­ are falling into line behind placement of Mr. Khrushchev Win be avt^able ^nday. Pro- party waa t!',e first to endorse fraternal relations, bonds of and problems in Soviet policy.” uration, and chemical bonding. Nov. 5. fused to intervene in a dispute Khrushchev’s removal, declar­ eeeds will benefit the Ladies' between the Stratford Board of the new Soviet leadership, traditional friendship and mu­ Presumably. Soviet leaders ing last Sunday that he had tual confidence, which exist Aid Scholarship Fund and Slducatlon and the Stratford Fed­ apparently accepting are 'briefing the delegations on Walther League Society. Co- eration of Teachers, AFL-CIO. Kremlin explanations ^-that made "regrettable mistakes.” between them. the indictment of lOirushchev Polish party chief Wladyalaw An Italian Communist delega­ Chairmen are Mrs. Andreas The teachers had asked Judge Nikita Khrushchev was which party presidium member Lorensen and Mise E m ily Robert A. Wall to prevent the Gomulka on Wednesday said the tion begran meeting with Soviet Mikhail Su.slov delivered to the removed for bungling in Soviet party’s leaders had Klssman. PINEHURST board from penalising them for leaders after the French left. central committee meeting Oct. / attending a statewide convention the Cuban crisis, the rift "grounds” to accept Khru­ Communist sources said the 14 which ousted Khrushchev. The TWCA Playschool spon- of the federation In Hartford to­ with Peking and an assort­ shchev's resination. Italians also wanted to ask Communist sources said ths A French Communist delega­ about Khrushchev. ■ored a party Tuesday after­ day. ment of other failures. indictment might be published noon for 22 pupils of last year’s This is Teachers Convention tion sent to Moscow to obtain The Soviet Communists will by Nov. a, when party leaders class. Mrs. Glenn Oomish, di­ day and no classes will be held Ufflcial Kremlin statements exnlanations for the power shift begin talks with a Danish deie- meet on the eve of the country’s rector of the school, and Mrs. in most of the public schools In on Khrushchev's removal are returned home Thursday after gation Friday. An Au.strian revolution day. But it may not Paul McKay, assistant director, Ck>nnecticut. 'The federation couched in general terms, but is.suing a communique empha­ delegation also is in Moscow. be published at all, they add. arranged the program. Each members in Stratford had plan­ C!ommunist .sources said a docu­ sizing solidarity of the French John Gollan, general secretary ciommunist sources who dis­ Miild sang a smig. P w ch and ned to attend the union conven­ ment containing 29 charges and Soviet Reds. of Britain's Communist . party, closed the 29 charges against cookies were served. i tion, tmt superintendent of including those on Cuba and The communique made no said in London he and George Steak schools Edwin C. Cox said this Red China — is being circulated mention of Khrushchev. But it Matthews, editor of the London (See Pa|,e Eight) would not be allowed. Miss Barbara Wallett of 147 Waranoke Rd., department pres NEW YORK Judge Wall declined to act Ident of the American L ^ o n yesterday and said, “ I don’t be­ Auxiliary, is in Indianapolis this lieve it is a matter that war­ week attending a series of meet­ Shop PInehurst's service HIP SIRLOINS rants the court to interfere by Political way of temporary injunction." ings held by the auxiliary at Na­ tional Headquarters. meat department this Cox said Wednesday that lb. 79c ’ 'eachers' Convention day is a Ime for teachers to do some- ( Scene 8. Sgt. and Mrs. Donald An­ weekend... save on delic­ hing "to benefit themselves ed- derson and sons are visiting icatlonally." their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ious U.S. Choice Steaks. .. f<9ox said Stratford teachers '' • John*on Harold C h am l^ a 66 Dudley ♦ 'jttre free to attend any of the DETROIT (AP) — President S t S gt Anderson has been A Gift of Rememhrance from All of Vs Morrell Hams and on Rib INDIVIDUAL meetings sponsored by the Con­ Johnson, making a final cam­ transferred from Eglln Air necticut Education Association paign tour of the Midwest, came Force Base, Fla. to Peace Air Mrs. Harold Treash holds a pewter Revere bowl, which, together with matching candle­ Roast Beef. It's the time "HIS OR HER" (which the federation regards .as up with- a new slogan today: Force Base, Portsmouth, N. H. sticks, was presented to her yesterday by Mrs. George Smith of 12 Green Manor Rd., DELMONICO its chief rival) or the State Ed­ “ The vote you ca.st will be your n»o parents will be hosts to a on behalf of a group of friends and members of the Manchester YWCA. The presentation was ucation Department — "but they own and the world you save will gathering In honor of the An- made at a tea honoring Mrs. Treash at Mrs. Smith's home. The event waa sponsored by the to buy fresh pork, too. STEAKS may not attend a union meet­ be your own." dersons tonigdit. Ilie airman at­ Msmchester YWCA. About 65 women attended. Mrs. Treash, who left Manchester recently ing." Johnson unveiled this phrase tended Cheney Technical School for Darien, was an active member and officer of the Manchester "YWCA for 10 years. She The federation claims this is in a speech prepared for an and had been a delivery boy for was'also active in United Fund work in Manchester and was a member of its executive com­ lb. $1.69 the first time that any of its airport rally in Detroit. It was Tlie Herald for two years be­ mittee. (Herald photo by Oflara.) members have been refused per­ his latest move in a week-long fore entering the service. mission to attend a state con­ effort to picture himself as the Tender U.S. Govt. Choice or Swift's Premium vention. A presidential poll at Man­ Eighth District Fire Depart­ candidate best equipped to Teomaa S.C. George R. Mc­ ment will meet tonight at 7 at preserve peace. chester Green School on Tues­ Tlie President, even while Kay, son of Mr. and Mrs. George day produced an 80 to 15 vic­ Fire Headquarters, Main and Bii» Firm Silent D. McKay, 67 Branford St, at­ Hilliard Sts. They will then pro­ HARTFORD (AP) — Connect­ emphasizing questions of peace tory for the Johnson-Humphrey Solid, Lean and war in every speech, still tended the Olympic Games in ticket. The vote, taken among ceed to Holmes Funeral Home, Sirloin STEAK icut Company officials declined Japan Oct.
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