*.-«p *. gmn *« *. « in. J.n |ifii aaca rnmm Mi IW 11 ijp m,kUN,OiMMMth»iM «k*MUtu*r a mod# tf tnUMtk, carried out tho Prcoidoat'e biwh te Enrage, with- f^iiSSr.3 Ml foiling in one Magi* instance, without mr OfeMT) MNMI fo^bei^MnUeM^hs^ereTiiltei by aeetebr^ kdif<MMiUto wait for it mn thotanAiyi ww to finni . .1» .pU» an toO- Flavians to 1800, the «Wp Blaok River wm built ted Eagtiih shipwright &»¦ the Canada aide, who, ifUr her um Car aniline She vn commanded by aitioa&l dim of tmmIi belli, or may ><4mwl here, and else two brie*. eMh uwi but nnhisMallnglj anpisHsd Ma snrprioe at the expedi¬ Oeptats Ear* Nye, now ef the U 8 M steamship iifmutin *01 bo gloily Ntiinl *4 A* offlo* W jaoob bcu, inn b^tip brown has by whM abey ware eoaitrurted, «r ia6a*«u^.whe* trnde tion deployed by the American builders two Parifie She nlntMt the ike Nsw Yoke Hkbalo. _ quickest A. A. Lew ewplnii we bare bo record. N separate contrasts were mode by the government voyeges, and More thaniurariabl^madooaoe haa made the ran in l»«gr ft K(» Ymk ia oat of the of with w*-«t'^-Ori.BtaJ,Losia. Ml fa. Nairn gntt Alp yudi Ad HeaoEckfordoommenoedbaiineeiia 1801, ij»«* Mr Eokford, the letter of whiob wu not com¬ fourteen days. A.part front her superior eniling Nmhh mt VnmIi Ballt la thto City Davtmg ' It ia rapidly brooming tit lift port ia die of the utt void The Bamael 11m. of B® pleted when the pmoleination of pease concluded qualities, it wm among aailera that her tlx Prat Half Oaatury. is fr «h first of the be hie en the of aa proverbial is-gawg- lata iho toot tone, MOi| the ships that built. operations lake#. All the vestals the ".id man," they always termed the oommaader, k maokwy bMtmikK fret akip build- Bbe WM celled the Spertaaann. and «*. eeoood oootraot were thon ob the had a of hit own that a fair vnntTKLT ts E the States Oar originally atoeki, though way alwaya gare him L'chd. Nam*. T#®, A United clippersastoniA commended by Captain Jamea Noble 8h» bad a none were finished aid, therefore, commissioners wind; and ho weald ever be teen with a topmast Bit.Ship Bum*. m Honry Bebiaaen. :srr.Mt£KSs sntioos with their utt and beautiful appear- .aoro-bead mrewatlB| a man en heiwbaok Tbll were aeat on by the government to appraise them. studding anil abroad, whethtf, by a* doing, heooald CiVr UwtMH. 9# U. 8. Gtvurament. iJ^gsuitzx.She ni tilths# by bis boin, h4 i»k after kin. oanaod bar to ateeve In order te Be eaaeh ooafiaenoe had in the of the head hi# oourae or not Da Alabama. do. .tkajuhipi , and oar steamers hove bowsprit veiy high. thay, integrity regular 227 C*. mooettfolly competed olear were that were The 18(1-Brig Aapada, Uwj. Bayard It the swiftest moll the mnn'« bead. Veaaela gemraliy built builder, they guio ed solely by hia infer- paasage of fourteen daya between this city 18U.Ship Jupiter. 286 Da.UlLorey. with gotof pockets of Great Bri- in thoae dare with large figure heads and largo matiea and judgmantih the formatloa of their do- and Liverpool is of rare eoeurreneo It haa since Brie Cat", 111 Thome* Martaw*. istfsr&t g: taia Thus, ia possessing a large trade and fleets quarter galleries The 8 E. waa one af this dea* oietone Aa seen aa the amell and aaaoke at eoafliot been made, however, by the Pattiok (997 Bohr Ca*ett*. 71 David MitabaU. juts: si s°ut<>s.k^ Henry, Bo Boa arpent, 75 Captain Johaaea. W. Do %£¦.Kimac, 056 ""**** .{tassels, we may be sate to be at the head of crea¬ ooption She had a bad run, wbloh oanaed bar to had blonn away, the merchants prepared ta aet in tons,) Montesuma. (1,070,) Southampton, (1,273 ) 18»- Ship Pari*. 40J Laroy Bayard fc 0*. Ptntiu *lft ateer wild, especial!? when going large Her quar¬ motion that great oommeroial engine whioh im¬ aad others, in quite a short time The Indeora- Sohr Florida. 7* U 8. Government. irr.AMiHiri built »t jAoen oocl. tion, ao fhr as oommerao Is eoaoented, in the . 821 Clark. 1849.Star A,DOS A. A. for, ter were alao pels the and revived. dsaoe wai owned Orinnell. Minturn It Ge , who Ship Boa Quixote. Captain PmIIi, ColUaa A Ce. galleriai extremely disadvantageous penooral arte, ahip building by . eereera of the earth But Brig Bdtrin, III Riohard Start. **. Baltio, , A780Da. ftmAeat the stars and stripes in heavy weather when running off before the wind the mereantile eommunity had ao long been de¬ ¦old her. recently, and she haa now gone on a voyage Do fnnehe Peace, 181 Ubrietlaa Berth. Wl- Dt Marion, 1,100 Spoferd.P TlleotonAC* bsare ersr New Yerh buOt Teasels. or scudding, aa they were subjeot to of the fraita of their and to California she waa Id ward 442 Leroy, trd fc Co. 1361.Propeller Pteuer, 2,361 The history of being eangbt prived enterprise induitry Though perfootly sound, ISM-Ship Qaoanal, 144 lidad Bay traasaetione by the eeaa Mr E toon after joined by the war, that the watohword with them then too small for the present Liverpool trade. m Itmr Jibn Man-hall, Hnlmtt. .Alia AMD BRIOJ. sammernial generally are full of interest, a Captain wna small U 4. FDatleg LightSkip, 129 Unolo Sam. Havana 1G0 Blaaan Beebe, and tbay opened yard at the foot of Canion tonnage and large cargo, unmindful that The Sheridan. built by Webb A Allen, in 1838, Bohr Xmbl-m, SO Captain J am a* L. Bay. 1827.Brig Paket, S.Choppel AR bet am especial im portaDoe ia attached to the ** the of a Teasel waa neither a nor euro and ewned Goodhue Co waa 1820.Bark Cyroa Butler. 471 O Hi.ni 7adelE£MM"1" history tonnage safe by & , (895 tons.) then Ship Ed were Roan alDa, 374 John J. Boyd. l'.IO.Prig ScrnphlnU, 196 Henry Casta* .f Alp building in the Empire City, for it may be AxSrasiness inertaeed, the number >f shipyards criterion for her carrying supposed te be too largo for a Liverpool liner, and Stmr General Saatnndar 110 Lerey. Bayard fc Co. 183«- DoMontVrideo, 260 J Thi onion A ethena. aleo increased It waa then aa heit Boon after properties in waa in Sohr IiOuialaaa, 78 Uncle Sam. Una 812 said A stand without a parallel. It is, therefore, regarded the big the war, snips began to improve placed the China trade. She was a fine ship 182*- Stmr Gtvernrr Woloott, 134 Wi, C. Holly. lMB-Bark MoIut^TShlal altitude in the facilities for te be able sise; and 400 tons waa not considered tod a fast Jailer, and has gens for several on Samuel Ml Chnato. 1841.Brig Florida BUaoa, 184 B. Blaaoo. tee of that we new before oar ship building exorbitantly days, Ship Rohertoon, Captain 18»2- l>a Liberty, 282 p. A Uarrotu A metkora. Page pleasure lay to build a ship of 350 tons within the year from the large for a merchant vessel. Toe ahip William and different passages, 270 275, 286. and 290 miles, in Bargel.ady VnnBantelaor. lt» Win C Roddold. i64S-Bark Bov.r, 378 Jacob BeU. the abstract and brief ehroniolee of the time of down tho keel. the built Mr. was 400 tons. On¬ four hours At one Frgt Hope 1.773 Le»«y, Bayard k Co. laying In beginning of John, by Itorgh, The twenty time, on a homeward 18X8.Stmr Kteet 140 Mr Jeque*. .CHOenama, riLOT boat*, tiohto. an* sloop#. in whioh we lire " Our is as oom- the nineteenth oenvury shipyards were by tario, built by A. & N. Brown, 527 tons, com¬ passage, in twenty-three hours, going from to To wbtAtlantic, 175 Wm. 0. Bod laid. 8«hr Maria. Sohr Clara, history opened point da- as Christian Bergb Carpenter At White, and George manded by Captain Depuyater, waa a fins ship point, abo went 293 miles by ohronometer. In the Do Superior, 175 P° £?£._, B. Rao'ar, plete oiraumstances, time, and spaoe will permit. James In authorized the in She had 18 inohea dead rise. This she haa ran 270 miles She stowed Ship Hoary IT., 8(7 Prantit Dcpau. Da Albert, Bo Baalta, The earliest New York 1800, Gongreea balldutg ovary reaped trades, per day. Bohr Sarah Jayna, 70 Char.et Jaynt' Do Amelia, Be Potrel, Aip builder, now known. of another frisate, and the President wae plated on waa rather more than ships usually had at that 1,000 tona of China goods U- 8. Floating Light Ship, 110 Unolo 8am. Da AngUaa. sm»a Rafna Kiag, Was Ae grandfather ot Dr Jobs C Cheeseman, of the stocks by Mr Cheeseman The important events time If one dare venture to determine the angle of In 1840 on tho death of hii father, (Iraae Webb.) 18X7.Ship Antolla, Sal S k D. Howell 5* Pilot boat Gratitude, on na- a Do Sully Mt Prnaoii Dope*. Da *¦£¦.>Liberty, Do Thomaa -4. Smith. this Bat bis were restricted to the oonneotad with thia vessel are engraven the ship's greatest transverse section by the substi¬ William H Webb commenced business ; and while 4*9 John J. Do Do eity. operation* tional and form a ia our naval mates for when the breadth is not successful in Do Pranoo, Boyd. Matepra, Waohlnrtea. Asnlimited demandof and mind, page history, tuting degrees, equally building good ships, he has Bo Maoon, 405 Win.
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