الجامعة اﻹسﻻمية– غزة The Islamic University–Gaza Research and Postgraduate Affairs شئون البحث العممي والدراسات العميا Faculty of Science كمية العموم Master of Biological Science (Botany & Mycology) ماجستير العموم الحياتية- نبات وفطريات An Ecological Survey and Assessment of Median Trees and Shrubs as an Urban Biodiversity Component in Gaza City, Palestine مسح و تقييم بيئي ﻷشجار و شجيرات جزر الشوارع كعنصر تنوع حيوي حضري في مدينة غزة، فمسطين Ayat Abdel Hameed A. Abbas Bachelorus of Education Science Supervised by Abdel Fattah N. Abd Rabou Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Biological Science (Botany &Mycology) November \ 2016 Abstract Median trees and shrubs are a significant component of a country‟s streets. They provide a range of psychological, social, aesthetic and economic values. No previous studies dealing with the identification and assessment of median trees and shrubs were carried out in Gaza Strip. Hence, the current study is the first of its kind in Gaza Strip; The management and conservation of processese median trees and shrubs in Gaza City are weak and the ecological awareness of local people towards median trees and shrubs seems to be weak. It aims to identify the median trees and shrubs in selected streets in Gaza city through local ecological survey. The public awareness was investigated as well through questionnaire application on 180 people living proximate to the targeted streets. All data were statistically analyzed using Excel and SPSS computer programs. The results showed that a total number of 4060 trees and shrubs belonging to 45 species, 25 families and 15 orders were identified and recorded in Al Jalaa, Jamal Abdel Naser, Awn Shawa (Street 8), Al Shuhada and Al Aqsa Street in Gaza City of the current study. The Rosales was the biggest order and comprised 16% of the surveyed trees and shrubs. Moraceae was the biggest family and comprised 13% of the recorded species. Angiosperms represented 95.56% of the recoded trees and shrubs. The majority of species (80.43%) are exotic, while the rest (17.39%) are native. Fruit trees and shrubs represented 15.56% in the sense that they can provide food for humans. The Oleander (Nerium oleander) was the most common species in the targeted streets and constituted 38.23% of the occurrence of the recorded species. It was followed by the River Redgum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis), California Fan Palm (Washingtonia filifera), Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera), Hopbush (Dodonaea viscosa) and Weeping Fig (Ficus nitida). The results concerning questionnaire application showed that 96.7% of the interviewed population believed on the importance of median trees and shrubs for humans and environment. 86.7% of them ensured the role of median trees and shrubs in attracting animal biodiversity, especially birds. About two-thirds (68.9%) believed on the threat facing median trees and shrubs. Destruction by locals, overgrazing by livestock, solid waste disposal, and poor management were obvious examples. Finally, the conduction of environmental awareness campaigns to local people is recommended to ensure the sustainability of these urban biodiversity elements in Gaza city. II الممخص تعتبر أشجار وشجٌرات جزر الشوارع عنصر هام فً شوارع المدٌنة. إنها توفر مدى من القٌم النفسٌة واﻻجتماعٌة والجمالٌة واﻻقتصادٌة. لم تجر أي دراسات سابقة تتعامل مع تصنٌف وتقٌٌم اﻷشجار والشجٌرات الوسطٌة فً قطاع غزة. وبالتالً، فإن الدراسة الحالٌة هً اﻷولى من نوعها فً قطاع غزة ؛ عملٌة اﻹدارة وصون أشجار وشجٌرات الجزر فً مدٌنة غزة ضعٌفة؛ والوعً البٌئً للسكان المحلٌٌن اتجاه أشجار وشجٌرات الجزر ضعٌفة. وتهدف الدراسة إلى تصنٌف أشجار وشجٌرات جزر شارع الجﻻء و جمال عبد الناصر )الثﻻثٌنً( و عون الشوا )شارع 8( و الشهداء وشارع اﻷقصى )الصناعة( فً مدٌنة غزة خﻻل المسح البٌئً المحلً. الوعً العام قد تحقق كذلك من خﻻل تطبٌق استبٌان على 180 شخص ٌعٌشون على مقربة من الشوارع المستهدفة. وقد تم تحلٌل جمٌع البٌانات إحصائٌا باستخدام برامج الكمبٌوتر Excel و .SPSS وأظهرت النتائج أن إجمالً عدد اﻷشجار والشجٌرات 4060 والتً تنتمً إلى 45 نوعا، 25 عائلة و 15 رتبة قد تم تصنٌفها وتسجٌلها فً الشوارع الخمسة المستهدفة فً مدٌنة غزة من الدراسة الحالٌة. تعتبر رتبة الوردٌات )Rosales( هً أكبر الرتب وقد حازت على نسبة %16 من اﻷشجار والشجٌرات المسجلة. كذلك تعتبر عائلة التوتٌات )Moraceae( هً أكبر عائلة وحازت على نسبة %13 من ااﻷشجار والشجٌرات المسجلة. تمثل كاسٌات البذور نسبة %95.56 من اﻷشجار والشجٌرات المسجلة. الغالبٌة العظمى من اﻷنواع هً دخٌلة وبلغت نسبتها (%80.43) بٌنما البقٌة أهلٌة/ بلدٌة وبلغت نسبتها (%17.39). مثلث اﻷشجار والشجٌرات المثمرة المهمة كغذاء لﻹنسان %15.56. تعتبر الدفلى (Nerium oleander) أكثر اﻷنواع شٌوعا فً الشوارع المستهدفة و ٌشكل تواجدها حوالً 38.23% من اﻷشجار والشجٌرات المسجلة. أعقب ذلك الكٌنٌا أو الكافور (Eucalyptus camaldulensis)، ثم الواشنطونٌا )Washingtonia filifera( وثم نخٌل البلح (Phoenix dactylifera) ثم الدٌدونٌا (Dodonaea viscosa) ثم الفٌكس نتدا (Ficus nitida) من حٌث شٌوعها. أظهرت النتائج المتعلقة بتطبٌق اﻻستبٌان أن %96.7 من السكان الذٌن تم مقابلتهم ٌعتقدون بأهمٌة أشجار وشجٌرات جزر الشوارع لﻹنسان والبٌئة. أكد %86.7 منهم على دور أشجار وشجٌرات جزر الشوارع فً جذب التنوع البٌولوجً الحٌوانً، وخاصة الطٌور. ٌعتقد ثلثا عدد الدراسة )%68.9.5( بوجود تهدٌدات تواجه أشجار وشجٌرات جزر الشوارع. فالعبث من قبل السكان المحلٌٌن، والرعً الجائر من قبل المواشً، والتخلص من النفاٌات الصلبة، وسوء اﻹدارة أمثلة واضحة على تلك التهدٌدات. أخٌرا، نوصً بعقد حمﻻت توعٌة بٌئٌة للسكان المحلٌٌن لضمان استدامة عناصر التنوع الحٌوي فً المناطق الحضرٌة فً مدٌنة غزة. III ﭧﭐﭨﭐﱡﭐ ﱶ ﱷ ﱸ ﱠ ]الرحمن: 6[ IV Dedication I present this work to those who do not scrimp on me at any moment or condition to provide the best circumstances for my success .... to my heart and soul ♥♥♥♥♥ my parents. To my sisters and brothers ♥♥♥♥♥ the rose of my life. To that man who give me the love and Support ♥♥♥♥♥ to my husband Abdullah Abu Shaweesh. To that great spirits who go up to the sky, sacrifice for the holiness of this land ♥♥♥♥♥ to our martyrs mercy upon them. To all people who are the explorers of the knowledge and science ♥♥♥♥♥ to my professors and teachers. V Acknowledgments First of all thanks and appreciation, love and gratitude to my creator Allah for bounty and support granted to me during my study. I express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor Dr. Abdel Fattah N. Abd Rabou, Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences, The Islamic University of Gaza for his planning and initating this research and for his continuous support, encouragement and kind supervision that leads to the emergence of this work in its current form. Thanks go to the staff of Biology Department, Islamic University for their continuous help, support, and encouragemen to achieve this research . Special thanks also go to Municipality of Gaza; Specially Eng. Montaser Shehada and to Mr. Ayman Drdona and nurseries owners for encouragement and support during the survey in the streets of Gaza City and to everyone who has a hand in this work. VI Table of Contents Declaration .................................................................................................................... I Abstract ........................................................................................................................ II Abstract in Arabic language ...................................................................................... III Dedication .................................................................................................................... V Acknowledgments ..................................................................................................... VI Table of Contents ...................................................................................................... VII List of Tables ............................................................................................................ IX List of Figures .............................................................................................................. X List of Appendixes .................................................................................................. XIV Chapter i introduction ............................................................................................... 1 1.1 Overview ....................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Objectives ...................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Problems ........................................................................................................ 4 1.4 Significance ................................................................................................... 4 Chapter II Literature Review ................................................................................... 6 2.1 Definition of Biodiversity and Street Trees ................................................... 7 2.2 Benefits of Street Trees and Shrubs .............................................................. 7 2.2.1 Environmental Benefits: ............................................................................ 8 2.2.2 Sicioeconomic ........................................................................................... 9 2.3 Balance Between Native and Exotic Street Tree Selection: ........................ 11 2.4 Irrigation: ..................................................................................................... 11 2.5 Structural Soils: ..........................................................................................
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