University of Oklahoma Libraries Western History Collections Cherokee Bibliography Project Collection Cherokee Bibliography Project Collection. Papers, ca. 1984. 15 feet. Research project. Notes and bibliographic materials (ca. 1984) used in the compilation of an unpublished bibliography regarding the Cherokee Indians and Cherokee Nation. Box 1 Folder: 1. Able, Annie Heloise, 1915-1919 2. Adair, William Penn (1830?-1880), 1875 3. Adams, Andy, 1956 4. Adams, John, 1961 5. Adams, John D. (1835-1890), 1890 6. Adams, John Quincy (1794-1848), 1836-1929 7. Adams, Richard Calmit, 1899-1917 8. Adams, Robert H. (1792-1830), 1830 9. Ahl, Frances Norene, 1938 10. Aimard, Gustav (pseudonym for Oliver Gloux) 1961 11. Alabama, Benton County Citizens, 1835 12. Alden, John (1908-?), 1942 13. Allen, Clinton M. (1878-?), 1925 14. Allsopp, Fred W., 1920-1931 15. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 1816-1860 16. American Indian Development, 1943-1849 17. American Indian Mission Association, 1843-1849 18. American Society for Promoting the Civilization and General Improvement of the Indian Tribes, 1822 19. Anderson, Mabel Washbourne; Re: Stand Waite, 1931 20. Anderson, Rufus; history of Catherine Brown (1796-1880), 1825-1861 21. Andrews, Garnett, 1870 22. Annual Register of Indian Affairs, 1838 23. Armstrong, S.C., 1884 24. Aydelotte, Dora (1878-?), 1941 25. Ballenger, T [homas?] L [ee?], 1935-1945 26. Bancroft, Hubert Howe (1832-1918), 1884-1889 27. Bangs, Nathan, 1832 28. Baptist Church, Cherokee Baptist Association, 1891 29. Barrett, Stephen Melvil (1865-?), 1944 30. Barrows, William (1815-1891), 1887 31. Bartlett, S.C., 1872-1876 32. Bass, Althea Leah (1892-?), 1936-1937 33. Beatty, Jerome, 1935 34. Benedict, John Downing (1854-?), 1922 35. Benson, Henry C. (1815-?), 1860 36. Benton, Thomas Hart (1782-1858), 1820-1856 37. Berkhofer, Robert F. [Re: 1787-1862], 1965 38. Binny, Horace, 1832 39. Blumenthal, Walter Hart, 1955 40. Blunt, Joseph, 1825-1843 41. Boston, Massachusetts Citizens, 1830 42. Boudinot, Elias Cornelius (1835-1890), 1872-1879 43. Boyd, William K. [Re: 1783-1860], 1919 44. A Brief New of the Present Relations, 1830? 45. Britton, Wiley, 1861-1922 46. Brown, David, 1871 47. Brown, Thelma Sharon, 1944 48. Bruton, Wilson Otho…The Nutshell..., 1894 49. Bryan, Joel M. (1809-1898), 1923 50. Buckner, H.F., 1880 51. Burnett, Edmund Cody (1864-?), 1921-1936 52. Calhoun, John Caldwell (1782-1850), 1944-1960 53. Campbell, Robert, 1829 54. Carr, John, 1857 55. Castel, Albert [Re: 1861-1865], 1958 56. Catherine Brown, The Converted…1819 57. Caughey, John Walton [Re: 1776-1783], 1934-1938 58. Chapman, Reuben (1799-1882), 1836 59. Cherokee Strip Livestock Association, 1881-1889 60. Church, Mary Brinsmade, 1913 61. Circular addressed to the Benevolent Ladies of the U.S., 1829 62. Clarke, Mary Whatley [Re: 1819-1839], 1971 63. Clayton, Augustin Smith, 1827 64. Cobb, James (1756-1818), 1795 65. Coblentz, Catherine Cate, 1946 66. Coe, Charles H., 1896 67. Colton, Calvin (1789-1857), 1833 68. Confederate States of America Laws, Statutes, etc., 1864 69. Confederate States of America Office of Indian Affairs, 1862 70. Confederate States of America Treasury Department, 1864 71. Confederate States of America Treaties, etc., 1861 72. Cornelius, Elias (1794-1832), 1820-1841 73. Couch, Nevada, 1884 74. Crawford, Samuel J., 1911 75. Crockett, George Louis, 1867, 1932 76. Croy, Homer, 1952-1956 77. Dale, Edward Everett, 1930-1949 78. Dawson, William C., 1838 79. Day, Donald, 1950, 1962 80. Debo, Angie, 1934-1951 81. Democratic Party, Pennsylvania, 1832 82. Doak, H.M., 1892 83. Dodge, William H., 1867 84. Dunvar, Seymour, 1915 85. Duncan, Walter Adair, 1907? 86. Dykeman, Wilma H., 1867 87. Eaton, Rachel Caroline, 1914-1921 88. Echota (Pseudonym), 1856 89. Edward, David B., 1836 90. Eggleston, Edward and his brother George Cary, 1878 91. Elliot, Charles Winslow, 1937 92. Ellsworth, Henry Leavitt (1791-1858), 1832-1937 93. Evarts, Jeremiah (1781-1831), 1829-1956 94. Everett, Alexander Hill, 1831 95. Everett, Edward, 1830-1831 96. Everett, Horace, 1836-1839 97. Examination of the Indian Question, 1832 98. Examination of the Relation between the Cherokee and the Government of the US, 1829 99. Ferber, Edna (1887-1968), 1930 100. Fey, Harold E., 1959 101. Filson, John (1747-1788), 1930 102. Fisher, Aileen Lucia (1906-?), 1956 103. Flint, Timothy (1780-1840), 1832-1845 104. Foote, Henry Stuart (1804-1880), 1841 105. Foreman, Grant, 1830-1848 106. Foreman, Grant, 1830-1848 107. Forrest, Williams, 1959 108. Forsyth, John, 1830 109. Foster, George Everett (1849-1899), 1885-1889 110. Foster, Thomas Flournoy, 1830 111. Friends Society of New England and New York Yearly Meeting, 1843 112. Friends Society of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1792 113. Gabriel, Ralph Henry, 1941 114. Gammell, William, 1849 115. Gard, Wayne, 1954 116. Garrett, Kathleen, 1953 117. Garrett, Lewis, 1834 118. Garst, Shannon, 1950 119. Georgia Assembly Senate, 1828-1840 120. Georgia General Assembly, 1802-1832 121. Georgia General Assembly House, 1928-1840 122. Georgia Governor, 1773-1827 123. Georgia laws, stats, etc, 1802-1840 124. Georgian (Pseudonym), 1825 125. Gilmer, George Rockingham (1790-1859), 1855, 1926 & 1965 126. Gilmore, James Roberts, 1888 127. Gittinger, Roy (1878-?) [Re: 1803-1906], 1917-1939 128. Gusan, Rodney (1827-1890), 1874 129. Gold, Theodore Sedgwick, 1877 & 1904 130. Goode, William H, 1864 Box 2 Folder: 1. Goulding, Francis Robert (1810-1881), 2870 2. Graham, James, (1793-1851), 1838 3. Gregg, Josiah (1806-1850?), 1844-1854 4. Gregory, Jack, 1829-1833 5. Gritts, Levi B. [vs. Walter Fischer]. Re: Cherokee legal cases, 1912 6. Hamilton, Holman, 1941-1944 7. Harden, Edward J., 1859 8. Harlan, James, 1838 9. Harman, S.W., 1898-1954 10. Harmon, George Dewey, 1789-1850 11. Harrington, Fred Harvey (1912-?), 1951 12. Harrison, R.P., 1917 13. Hartford, Connecticut Citizens, 1830? 14. Hawkins, Benjamin (1754-1818), 1916 15. Henry, Thomas Charlton, 1824 16. Hill, Luther B., 1909 17. Hill, Timothy (1819-1887?), 1870-1872 18. Hinman, George Warren, 1933 19. Historical Sketch of the Indian War of 1776, 1852 20. Hitch, Arthur M, 1935 21. Hitchcock, Ethan Allen (1790-1870), 1909-1930 22. Holmes, John Beck, 1827 23. Houston, Samuel (1793-1863), 1954 24. Hull, Daniel, 1963 25. Humphrey, Heman, 1830-1834 26. Humphrey, Seth K., 1931 27. Hunter, Kermit, 1949-1957 28. Indian Board…Emigration Presentation and Improvement of the Aborigines of America, 1829 29. Indian International Printing Co., Muskogee, Creek Nation, 1875-1876 30. Indian Territory Constitutional Convention, 1905 31. Indian Territory General Council, 1975 32. Indian Territory, International Council of Indians, 1887 33. Indian University, 1886 34. Industrial Union of the Indian Territory, 1890 35. Irving, Washington (1782-1857), 1835-1956 36. Jackson, Andrew, 1926-1937 37. Jackson, Helen Hunt, 1881 38. James, Marquis (1891-?), 1929-1945 39. Jones, Calvin, 1818-1821 40. Kansas Legislature, House, 1870 41. Keetowah Society, Incorporated, 1914 42. Keith, Harold, 1937 & 1957 43. Kennedy, William, 1925 44. Kenny, William, 1840? 45. Keso, Edward Elmer, (1900-?), 1938 46. Ketchum, Richard M., 1973 47. King, Duane H., Ed., 1979 48. King, Edward, 1875 49. Klema, Marion, 1942 50. Knapp, Samuel Lorenzo, 1829 51. Knight, Lucien Lamar (1868-1933), 1913 52. Knight, Nehemiah Rice, 1832-1839 53. Lackey, Vinson, 1796 54. Lait, Jack (1882-?), 1935 55. Latrobe, Charles Joseph (1801-1875), 1932-1955 56. Lee, Henry (1756-1818) 57. Leupp, Francis E., 1910 58. Lindquist, G.E.E, 1923 59. Littlefield, Daniel F., Jr., 1978 60. Litton, Gaston, 1957? 61. Lumpkin, Wilson, 1907 62. Malone, Henry Thompson, 1956 63. Mantpenny, George Washington (1808-1850), 1880 64. Marriott, Alice, 1956 65. Mason, Richard Barnes (1797-1850), 1845 66. Massachusetts Citizens, 1830 67. Massachusetts General Assembly, Senate, 1831 68. Maxwell, Amos D. (1921-?), 1953 69. Maynard, Horace (1814-1882), 1860 70. McAfee, George F., 1903 71. McAnally, D.R., 1856 72. McCall, George A. (1802-1868), 1868 73. McCoy, Isaac (1925-?), 1972 74. McReynolds, Edwin C., 1954-1957 75. Memori of John Archi…, 1829 76. Meserve, Charles F., 1896 77. Michaux, Francois André (1770-1855), 1802-1804 78. Miller, Benjamin S., 1896 79. Mills, Lawrence (1881-?), 1919 80. Missouri River, Fort Scott and Suez Railroad, 1869 81. Mode, Isaac, 1891 82. Monaghan, Jay [Re: 1854-1865], 1955 83. Moody, Claire Morris, 1956 84. Moore, J.H., 1874 85. Moore, William, 1888 86. Moorehead, Warren K., 1850-1914 87. Morris, Thomas A. (1794-1874), 1852 88. National Congress of American Indians, 1954 89. Nelson, Oliver [Re: 1878-1893], 1953 90. New York Committee in Aid of this Cherokee Nation, 1832 91. Nicely, Wilson, 1867 92. North Carolina General Assembly, 1824-1850 93. North Carolina General Assembly Judiciary Committee, 1859 94. North Carolina laws, statutes, etc. Joint Select Committee, 1816-1837 95. O'Beirne, Harry F. and E.S., 1892 96. O'Brien, P.J., 1935 97. O'Callaghan, Mary A., 1945 98. Ogden, George Washington, 1928 99. Oglethorpe [Pseudonym], 1832 100. Oskion, John Milton (1874-1947), 1926 101. Owen, Robert Latham, 1904-1919 102. Painter, Charles Cornelius Coffin, 1887-1889 103. Paschal, George Washington, 1843 & 1947 104. Payne, Betty (1820-1953), 1954 105. Payne, David L., 1880-1883 106. Peake, Ora Brooke (1883-?), 1954 107. Pelzer, Louis, [Re: 1833-1850], no date 108. Pendleton, Edmund H., 1832 109. Peters, Richard (1780-1848), 1831-1832 110. Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell (1877-1934), 1902 111. Pickett, Albert James (1818-1891), 1851-1900 112. Pike, Albert (1809-1891), 1862-1863 113. Pope, William F. (1814-1895), 1895 114. Pound, Merritt B. (1898-?), 1951 115. Pourtales, Count Albert-Alexandre (1812-1861), 1968 116. Priest, Loring Benson [Re: 1865-1887], 1952 117. Proctor, Addison Gilbert (1838-?), 1920 118. Protestant Episcopal Church of the USA Board of Missions, Domestic Committee, 1844 119. Prucha, Francis Paul [Re: 1790-1834], 1962 120. Puckett, James L., 1906 121.
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