Îôiöiéíå âèäàííÿ Óêðà¢íñüêî¢ Ïðàâîñëàâíî¢ Öåðêâè â ÑØÀ The Official Publication of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Ðiê LVIII ×èñ. III, áåðåçåíü, 2008 Vol. LVIII Issue III, March, 2008 www.uocofusa.org Ukrainain Orthodox Word Ç ðåäàêòîðñüêîãî Óêðà¢íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî ñòîëó... His Beatitude Constantine, Metropolitan ÑË²Ä ÏÐÎÒÈÑÒÎßÒÈ ÑÏÎÊÓѲ * ÏÐÎÏÓÑÒÈÒÈ ÂÅËÈÊÈÉ Ï²ÑÒ His Eminence Archbishop Antony, Consistory President Öüîãî ì³ñÿöÿ ìè ðîçïî÷èíàºìî óðî÷èñòèé ïåð³îä Âåëèêîãî ïîñòó. Ðîçïî÷èíàþ÷è ùîð³÷íó âåëèêîïîñíó ìàíäð³âêó, Founded in Ukrainian ïðèõîäèòü íà äóìêó ôàêò, ùî áàãàòî ç íàñ ìຠñõèë äî as “Óêðà¿íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî” in 1950 çâîë³êàííÿ. Ìè ÷åêàºìî äî îñòàííüî¿ õâèëèíè, ùîá çðîáèòè Founded in English äîìàøíº çàâäàííÿ, íàïèñàòè ðåôåðàò, çäàòè äîêóìåíòè íà as “Ukrainian Orthodox Word” in 1952 ïðèáóòêîâèé ïîäàòîê ÷è çàê³í÷èòè ð³çäâÿí³ çàêóïè. ² ÷àñòî, ÷àñ ïðîéäå, à ìè íå âèêîíàëè íàøèõ äîáðèõ íàì³ð³â. Editor in Chief Âåñü çì³ñò âåëèêîïîñíî¿ ìàíäð³âêè â òîìó, ùîá Archimandrite Daniel (Zelinsky) ðîçãëÿíóòè äîêëàäí³øå íàø³ â³äíîñèíè ç Õðèñòîì. ϳä ÷àñ ö³º¿ Assistant Editor ìàíäð³âêè íàì òðåáà äóìàòè ïðî öåé ÷àñ, ÿê ïðî ñó÷àñíèé Dobrodijka Barbara Kristof âàð³àíò ñïîêóñ, ùî ¿õ çàçíàâ Õðèñòîñ ï³ä ÷àñ ñâîãî ñîðîêàäåííîãî Editorial Office: ïåðåáóâàííÿ â ïóñòåë³. UOW Ïåðøîþ ñïîêóñîþ, ïðèäóìàíîþ ñàòàíîþ íàïðèê³íö³ PO Box 495 äîâãîãî ïîñòó Õðèñòà, áóëî – îáåðíóòè êàì³íü ó õë³á. Íà ùî South Bound Brook, NJ 08880 Õðèñòîñ â³äïîâ³â: ”Íå îäíèì õë³áîì áóäå æèòè ëþäèíà”. Tel.: (732) 356-0090 #16  ñó÷àñíîìó ñâ³ò³ ïåðåä íàìè ñòຠòàêà ñàìà ñïîêóñà, à Fax: (732) 356-5556 ñàìå: ï³ääàòèñÿ ìàòåð³àë³ñòè÷íîìó, ñïîæèâàöüêîìó ñóñï³ëüñòâó, E-mail: [email protected] ùî íàñ îòî÷óº…äîçâîëèòè, ùîá íàøèì æèòòÿì êåðóâàëè ãðîø³, âèáðèêè ìîäè, íàéíîâ³øà òåõí³êà, ùî ¿¿ ìè “ìóñèìî” ìàòè… The Ukrainian Orthodox Word ”êóïàòèñÿ” â ðîçêîøàõ, ÿêèõ íàì ñïðàâä³ íå ïîòð³áíî, ëàñóâàòè is published ten times annualy on a monthly basis ðå÷àìè, ùî ãîäóþòü ò³ëî, à äóøó çàñòàâëÿþòü ãîëîäàòè. (except for the May/June and July/August issues) Îòæå, ùîá ñë³äóâàòè çà ²ñóñîì Õðèñòîì, íàì òðåáà by the Office of Public Relations íàâ÷èòèñÿ æèòè ïðîñò³øèì, àëå äóõîâíèì æèòòÿì, ðîçð³çíÿòè of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. ïîì³æ ïîòðåáàìè ³ çàáàãàíêàìè, ³ îáîâ’ÿçêîâî â³äæèâëÿòèñÿ Ñëîâîì Áîæèì òà Õë³áîì Æèòòÿ, áî âîíè í³êîëè íå ïåðåâåäóòüñÿ. Subscription price: Äðóãîþ ñïîêóñîþ ²ñóñà Õðèñòà áóëà ïðîïîçèö³ÿ ñàòàíè, $30.00 per year; $35.00 foreign countries; ùîá Õðèñòîñ éîìó ïîêëîíèâñÿ, â çàì³íó çà ùî òîé éîìó îá³öÿâ $2.50 per single issue; $3.00 per back copy. ñèëó ³ ñëàâó çåìíîãî öàðñòâà. Íà öå ²ñóñ éîìó â³äïîâ³â:” Subscriptions are renewable each January. Ïîêëîíÿòèìåøñÿ ëèøå Ãîñïîäó Áîãó òâîºìó; Éîãî îäíîãî áóäåø Midyear subscriptions are prorated. øàíóâàòè.” All articles submitted for publication, Íàñ òàêîæ ÷àñòî ïåðåñë³äóº öÿ ñïîêóñà. Ìîæå íå òèì, typed no longer than two pages double spaced, should ùîá ñòàòè ÿêèìñü ïîë³òè÷íèì ë³äåðîì ÷è îäíèì ç ì³æíàðîäíèõ be mailed to the UOW on a floppy disk or ìà´íàò³â, àëå ùîá êåðóâàòè ñâîºþ âëàñíîþ äîëåþ… çàäîâîëü- e-mailed as an attachment to the Editor-in-Chief. íÿòèñÿ ìîæëèâîñòÿìè, ùî çäàþòüñÿ á³ëüø ïåâíèìè ³ áåçïå÷íèìè, Photos become the property of the UOW and are not òàêèìè, ùî äîçâîëÿòü íàì çàëèøàòèñÿ ó âëàñíîìó, âèã³äíîìó returned. Comments, opinions and articles are welcome but must include the author’s full name and êóòî÷êó, äàþòü íàì ñïîê³é ³ áåçïåêó, àëå, âîäíî÷àñ ðîáëÿòü íàñ address. Articles are published at the discretion of the ñë³ïèìè äî òîãî, ùî Áîã â³ä íàñ âèìàãàº. Editorial Staff, which reserves the right to edit, and Ñó÷àñíèìè ³äîëàìè º ïðèñòîñóâàííÿ, ñàìîçàäîâîëåííÿ, may not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial íåãîòîâí³ñòü çì³íèòè ñòàð³ çâè÷êè íà íîâ³, íåñì³ëèâå ïðîáèðàííÿ Board and/or the UOC of USA. ïî ïëîùèí³ íàéìåíøîãî îïîðó, ïîñòóïàííÿ íàòèñêó îòî÷åííÿ ³ The deadline for each issue is six (6) weeks prior to the 1st of the day of an issue’s publication date. çàòðèìàííÿ òîãî ùî º, çàì³ñòü òîãî, ùîá ï³ääàòèñÿ âîë³ íàøîãî Áîãà, ßêèé ìîæå ïîêëèêàòè íàñ ³ çðóøèòè íàñ ³ç ì³ñöÿ, äå ìè POSTMASTER please send address changes to: òàê âèã³äíî âëàøòóâàëèñÿ. Ukrainian Orthodox Word Ñóñï³ëüñòâî ÷àñòî âèïðîáîâóº íàø ³íäèâ³äóàë³çì. Íàñ ïîñò³éíî ïåðåêîíóþòü, PO Box 495 (Ïðîäîâæåííÿ íà ñò. 30) South Bound Brook, NJ 08880 (On the cover - St. Andrew Church in Los Angeles, CA. Íà îáêëàäèíö³ - öåðêâà ñâÿòîãî àïîñòîëà Àíäð³ÿ ó Ëîñ Àíäæåëåñ³, ÊÀ). 2 Óêðà¿íñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî Ðiê LVIII ×èñ. III, áåðåçåíü, 2008 Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine Great Lent 2008 “Turn not your face away from me, for I am afflicted. Tend to my soul and speedily heal it” (Ps 26:9).” Thus, the Great Prokimen of the quench the thirst, clothing for the naked, reaching out to the Forgiveness Sunday Vesper Service other that is shackled in any kind of prison, most especially is chanted as the Royal Doors are the prison of loneliness. Did we not all take the baptismal oath closed. Adam is expelled from Eden, to be such “light-bearers for our Lord”? Time and again we are and we, the children of God, the distracted by earthly cares and pleasures. followers of Christ Who is the Light of Let us take “the straight and narrow path”, which is the the world, begin our pilgrimage of calling of Great Lent, our true calling, seeking God and being Great Lent, the Great Fast. with Him every second of our lives. Great Lent reminds us Our Mother Church realizes that her that we have been created to reflect the Divine Image, the children too often get bogged down Light of Christ, through loving, caring, embracing all who with the temporal, with the concern of suffer, living in peace and harmony and stilling the deceitful things that “rust corrupts, moths eat, tongue. and thieves break in and steal (Mt 6:19).” Let us prostrate ourselves in humility before the Cross of Time and again, we incorporate the our Lord, Master and our Redeemer and glorify His Light that totality of our lives to mundane earthly proceeds from the Empty Tomb. We, who have been called concerns, while the spiritual creation by Our Lord Jesus Christ to this ministry as your Archpastors, pray that in this holy season we all shall experience true and of God…called upon to be an icon of or genuine Christian repentance. May the celebration of Christ’s to reflect God…created to be in Glorious and Victorious Resurrection find each of us prepared constant communion with God – man and committed to having our ‘light shine before all men’, – we place in the background. Yes, we worthy instruments through which His true Light may have responsibilities to our families. illuminate others. Yes, we are so involved with our work, Those who pray for you unceasingly, our schools and our social activities. We do not deny the necessity of such + CONSTANTINE concerns. However, all of these Metropolitan, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA responsibilities are placed in the and in Diaspora foreground, whereas man, the spiri- tual being, who is called upon to be the + JOHN “light of the world” and to be a witness and even a martyr for Metropolitan, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada Christ is, oh, somewhere “out there” beyond our daily concern. + ANTONY Somewhere out there! Our Mother Church realized this Archbishop, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and annually sets aside for her children the Great Lent as a time for renewal, a time for resuscitation, a time for + IOAN resurrecting the beautiful and spotless Chrismated souls who Archbishop, Ukrainian Orthodox in Diaspora, are the “light-bearers of Christ”. The wonderful season of Eparchy of Australia and New Zealand repentance! Repentance demands that each of us must declare – “Sleep not, but arise my soul” – taking the + YURIJ examples of Zacchaeus, the Prodigal Son and all that the Archbishop, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada Holy Scriptures offer us, those who place in the forefront of their lives the desire to see the Face of God, and release + JEREMIAH themselves from everything that would shackle them to the Archbishop, Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy of South here and now. America (UOC of USA) We “raise our souls” by praying unceasingly, by creating a vacuum within ourselves through abstinence from + ANDRIY that which would destroy our being and filling that vacuum Bishop, Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Diaspora, with the gifts of charity: food to feed the hungry, water to Eparchy of Western Europe Year LVIII Vol. ²²², March, 2008 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 3 ÏÎÑÒ²ÉÍÀ ÊÎÍÔÅÐÅÍÖ²ß ÓÊÐÀ¯ÍÑÜÊÈÕ ÏÐÀÂÎÑËÀÂÍÈÕ ªÏÈÑÊÎϲ ÏÎÇÀ ÌÅÆÀÌÈ ÓÊÐÀ¯ÍÈ Âåëèêèé Ïiñò 2008 ð. Á. “Íå â³äâåðíè ëèöÿ Òâîãî â³ä ìåíå, áî ÿ ñòðàæäàþ Çãëÿíüñÿ íà äóøó ìîþ ³ ñïàñè ¿¿”. Òàê çâó÷èòü ïðîêiìåí íà ïðè õðåùåíí³ áóòè òàêèìè “íîñ³ÿìè Ñâ³òëà Ãîñïîäíüîãî”? Âå÷³ðí³ ó Íåä³ëþ Ïðîùåííÿ. Öàðñüê³ À âñå æ, äóæå ÷àñòî íàñ â³äâîë³êàþòü â³ä öüîãî çåìí³ âîðîòà çà÷èíåí³, Àäàìà ç ðàþ âèãíà- òóðáîòè ³ ïðèºìíîñò³. íî, à ìè, ä³òè Áîæ³, ïîñë³äîâíèêè ²ä³ìî æ ò³ºþ “ïðÿìîþ àëå âóçüêîþ” ñòåæêîþ, ùî Õðèñòà – Ñâ³òëà ñâ³òó – ðîçïî÷èíàºìî çâåòüñÿ “Âåëèêèì Ïîñòîì”, ïðÿìóéìî íåþ äî íàøîãî öüîãîð³÷íó Âåëèêîïîñíó ïðîùó. ä³éñíîãî ïîêëèêàííÿ – øóêàííÿ Ãîñïîäà Áîãà ³ ïåðåáó- Íàøà Öåðêâà- Ìàòè âàííÿ ç Íèì ó âñ³ äí³ íàøîãî æèòòÿ. Âåëèêèé ϳñò íàãàäóº çíàº, ùî ¿¿ ä³òè ÷àñòî-ãóñòî îáòÿæåí³ íàì, ùî ìè ñòâîðåí³ äëÿ òîãî, ùîá â³ääçåðêàëþâàòè çåìíèìè ñïðàâàìè, ðå÷àìè “...ùî ¿õ Áîæåñòâåííó óÿâó, Ñâ³òëî Õðèñòîâå ëþáîâ’þ, äáàéëèâ³ñòþ, ¿ñòü ³ðæà, ¿äÿòü ìîë³ ³ êðàäóòü çëî䳿”.
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