Journal of the Short Story in English Les Cahiers de la nouvelle 52 | Spring 2009 General issue Index Nominorum, Issues 41-51 Electronic version URL: http://journals.openedition.org/jsse/960 ISSN: 1969-6108 Publisher Presses universitaires de Rennes Printed version Date of publication: 1 June 2009 ISSN: 0294-04442 Electronic reference « Index Nominorum, Issues 41-51 », Journal of the Short Story in English [Online], 52 | Spring 2009, Online since 01 December 2010, connection on 03 December 2020. URL : http:// journals.openedition.org/jsse/960 This text was automatically generated on 3 December 2020. © All rights reserved Index Nominorum, Issues 41-51 1 Index Nominorum, Issues 41-51 1 Achebe, Chinua, XLVII 177-191; Arrow of God, XLVII 180; Girls at War and Other Stories, XLVII 177-191; No Longer at Ease, XLVII 179; Things Fall Apart, XLVII 179; “Akueke”, XLVII 186; “Girls at War”, XLVII 180; “The Madman”, XLVII 186; “The Sacrificial Egg”, XLVII 180-183, 186; “Uncle Ben’s Choice”, XLVII 180-184 2 Ackroyd, Peter, XL 29-30, 33-34, 37, 40, 43; Albion: The Origins of the English Imagination, XL 43; London: The Biography, XL 43; “London Luminaries and Cockney Visionaries”, XL 43 3 Adams, Henry, XLIX 33, 42; Education, XLIX 42 4 Adorno, Theodor, XLIX 191, 198, L 13, 36, 41, 45; Aesthetic Theory, XLIX 198 5 Aeschylus, XL 86 6 Aesop, XL 38, XLV 15; Fables, XLI 358; “The Viper and the File”, XLV 15 7 Alberti, Leon Battista, L 193 8 Alcott, Louisa May, Little Women, XLI 360 9 Alexie, Sherman, XLI 110-112, 115, XLV 123-134; Indian Killer, XLV 129; The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, XLI 109-111, 113-115; Reservation Blues, XLI 110; Smoke Signals, XLI 110; The Toughest Indian in the World, XLI 115, XLV 124; “The Approximate Size of My Favorite Tumor”, XLI 111; “Distances”, XLI 111; “Imagining the Reservation”, XLI111; “The Sin Eaters”, XLV 123-134; “Somebody Kept Saying Powwow”, XLI 111; “This Is What It Means to Say, Phoenix, Arizona”, XLI 100 10 Alger, Horatio, From Bootblack to Millionaire, XLIV 91 11 Allen, Paula Gunn, XLVII 77, 104 12 Althusser, Louis, XL 145, L 79, LI 119 13 Altman, Robert, XLVI 173; Short Cuts, XLVI 173 14 Alvarez, Julia, How the García Girls Lost Their Accents, XLI 112 15 Amado de Faria, Jorge, XLI 294 16 Anderson, Sherwood, XLVII 87, XLIX 33, 144, 160; Winesburg, Ohio, XLI 103, 107, XLVIII 45, XLIX 160; “The Book of the Grotesque”, XLI 105; “Death in the Woods”, XLI 107; “Hands”, XLI 107 Journal of the Short Story in English, 52 | Spring 2009 Index Nominorum, Issues 41-51 2 17 Andrews, Michael, XLI 125 18 Angelou, Maya, XLVII 193 19 Anouilh, Jean, Eurydice, LI 142 20 Anthony, Michael, XLI 289 21 Anzieu, Didier, XLV 127-128 22 Apollinaire, Guillaume, XLVII 54 23 Arcimboldo, Giuseppe, XLV 101 24 Arendt, Hannah, L 56 25 Aristotle, XLII 157, XLIII 137-138, XLVII 55, XLIX 25, 77, LI 17, 20, 97; Poetics, XLI 27, 38; Rhetoric, XLI 107; Topics, XLII 157 26 Armah, Ayi Kwei, XLVII 183 27 Armstrong, Jeannette, XLVII 102 28 Arnason, David, XLI 83-92; Fifty Stories and a Piece of Advice, XLI 91; “The Sunfish” XLI 83-92 29 Artaud, Antonin, LI 53, 119 30 Atwood, Margaret, XLV 126, XLVII 104, XLVIII 81-93; Cat’s Eye, XLVIII 84, 86; Handmaid’s Tale, XLV 124, 126; “Bluebeard’s Egg”, XLVIII 81-93; “True Stories”, XLVIII 83 31 Auden, Wystan Hugh, XLII 63 32 Auerbach, Frank, XLI 125 33 Augustine of Hippo (Saint Augustine), XLI 156, XLII 45, 47, 58, XLV 107, XLVII 55; Confessions, XLII 45, 47, 58; Expositions on the Psalms, XLII 33 34 Austen, Jane, XLIII 12, 13, 21, 27, L 70-71; Emma, L 70; Mansfield Park, XLIII 71-72 35 Auster, Paul, The Invention of Solitude, XLIV 76 36 Austin, John L., XLIX 153, L 76; How to Do Things with Words, XLVII 140 37 Babel, Isaac, XLI 187, XLVII 87; The Red Cavalry, XLI 187 38 Bachelard, Gaston, XL 53, XLV 34-35, 55, XLVI 27, 131, 136, 141, XLVIII 30-31, L 192; L’Eau et les rêves: Essai sur l’imagination de la matière, XL 55-56; The Poetics of Space, XLVI 131 39 Bacon, Francis, XLI 125, XLVI 13 40 Baker, Jospehine, XLVII 82 41 Bakhtin, Mikhail M., XLI 87, 112, 114, XLII 33-34, 38-40, 45-47, 50, 53, 57-58, XLIII 66, XLIV 53, XLVI 43, 47, 59, XLVII 111, 130, 178, XLVIII 86, XLIX 43, 138, 143, 145, LI 51, 90; Art and Answerability: Early Philosophical Essays by M. M. Bakhtin, XLII 45, 47, 51, 54, 58; The Dialogic Imagination / Le principe dialogique,; XLI 115, XLII 34-35, 37-40, 43, 57, XLIV 53, XLVII 111, 116, 133, XLIX 138, 143; Ecrits, XLVII 133; Esthétique et théorie du roman, XLVII 130; Notes Made in 1970-1971, XLII 33; Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics, XLII 46, 55, 58, XLVII 115; Speech Genres and Other Late Essays, XLII 39, 53, 57 42 Baldung, Hans “Grien”, XLVIII 62-64, 66; Death and the Maiden, XLVIII 62-63; Death and Woman, XLVIII 62; Girl and Death, XLVIII 62 43 Baldwin, James, XL 109-120, XLVII 65; Going to Meet the Man, XL 111; “Going to Meet the Man”, XL 109-120 Journal of the Short Story in English, 52 | Spring 2009 Index Nominorum, Issues 41-51 3 44 Balzac, Honoré de, XLI 128, 188, 206, XLVI 20, 29; L’enfant maudit, XL 53; Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes, XLVI 21 45 Banks, Iain, XLVII 31; The Business, XLVII 31 46 Barker, Howard, LI 113 47 Barnes, Djuna, Nightwood, XLI 108 48 Barnes, Julian, Cross Channel, XLVII 22; “Experiment”, XLVII 22 49 Barnes, Margaret Ayre, XLI 309 50 Barrie, James Matthew, XLV 48 51 Barth, John, XLI 377, XLVI 156, 168; Lost in the Funhouse, XLI 108; “A Few Words about Minimalism”, XLVI 156; “The Literature of Exhaustion”, XLI 375 52 Barthelme, Donald, XLVI 168 53 Barthes, Roland, XL 98, 127-128, XLV 133, XLVI 28, 51, 59, XLVII 58, 127, 130, 132, 139, 160, XLVIII 13, XLIX 22, 29, 34, 120, L 12, 185, LI 125-126; Le bruissement de la langue / The Rustle of Language, XLVII 139, LI 125; Le Degré zéro de l’écriture, XLV 133; Essais critiques, XLVI 51; Le Grain de la voix. Entretiens 1962-1980, XLVII 128; Pleasure of the Text / Le Plaisir du texte, XL 128, 133; S/Z, XL 106, XLI 65; “De la parole à l’écriture”, XLVII 127-128 ; “The Reality Effect”, LI 125 54 Bataille, Georges, XLIII 128, 129, XLIX 32, 44, 120 55 Bates, Herbert Ernest, XLI 184, 193, XLV 65 56 Batteux, Charles, XL 144; Nouvel Examen du préjugé sur l’inversion, XL 144 57 Baudelaire, Charles, XLI 338, 366, XLVI 29; Les Fleurs du mal, XLVI 29; “L’Albatros”, XLIV 45-46; “Danse Macabre”, XLII 97; “Ode à la Beauté”, XLI 366 58 Baudrillard, Jean, XLVI 108, XLVIII 86-87, 89-90, LI 109-110; “The Procession of Simulacra”, XLVIII 86 59 Baynton, Barbara, XL 85-96; Bush Studies, XL 85-96; Human Toll, XL 85, 94; “Billy Skywonkie”, XL 88, 92-93; “Bush Church”, XL 93-94,; “The Chosen Vessel”, XL 89, 91-92; “Scrammy ’And”, XL 92-93; “Squeaker’s Mate”, XL 87, 92; “The Tramp”, XL 85, 89; “When the Curlew Cried” (working title of “the Tramp”), XL 89 60 The Beach Boys, XLIII 123 61 Becker, Jacques, Casque d’or, XLI 130 62 Beckett, Samuel, XLI 25-39, 130, 149, 226, XLII 86, XLVII 49-64, LI 52-53, 62; Comment c’est / How It Is, XLVII 49-64; The Complete Short Prose, 1929-1989, XLVII 49; Disjecta: Miscellaneous Writings and a Dramatic Fragment, XLVII 52; Endgame, XLI 36; L’image, XLVII 49-64; Molloy, XLVII 56; Stories and Texts for Nothing XLI 25-39; The Unnameable / L’Innomable, XLV 141, XLVII 59; Waiting for Godot, XLI 128; Watt, XLVI 54; “Dante and the Lobster”, XLI 226, 229 63 Beerbohm, Max, XLI 245 64 Beethoven, Ludwig van, XLII 117, L 201, 208 65 Behan, Brendan, XLI 143, 149-151 66 Bell, Vanessa, XLI 43, 44, 50, 54, L 125, 141, 163, 167, 185, 187-188, 201 67 Belloc, Hilaire, Cautionary Verses, XLV 53 68 Bellow, Saul, XLI 277, 314, XLIII 88, XLVI 166 Journal of the Short Story in English, 52 | Spring 2009 Index Nominorum, Issues 41-51 4 69 Benjamin, Walter, XLV 157, XLVI 34-35, XLVII 144, 146, L 162; “Le narrateur”, XLVII 88, “L’oeuvre d’art à l’ère de sa reproductibilité technique” / “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”, XLV 156, XLVII 88, L 162 70 Bennett, Arnold, XLI 169-174, 191; The Grim Smile of the Five Towns, XLI 169; Hilda Lessways, L 178; The Old Wives’ Tale, XLI 169, 173; “The Death of Simon Fuge”, XLI 169-174 71 Bennett, Louise, XLVII 156 72 Benveniste, Emile, XL 145, XLI 73, XLIX 137; Problems in General Linguistics, XLI 81 73 Bergman, Ingrid, XLVIII 96 74 Bergson, Henri, XLVI 27, 140, 142 75 Berkeley, George, XLIX 44 76 Berlioz, Hector, LI 142 77 Berry, Chuck, XLVIII 66 78 Bettelheim, Bruno, XLV 54-55 79 Bizet, Georges, Carmen, XLIV 43 80 Blanchot, Maurice, XLV 141, XLIX 121 81 Blake, George, The Shipbuilders, XLII 77, 87 82 Blake, William, XL 30, XLV 165, 170-171, L 188 83 Blau, Herbert, LI 119 84 Bloy, Léon, XLI 127 85 Boccaccio, Giovanni, XLVI 21; The Decameron, XLI 103, 109 86 Bogan, Louise, XLIV 42 87 Bond, Edward, LI 113 88 Bonnefoy, Yves, XLVI 59 89 Borgès, Jorge Luis, XLI 245, XLIII 29 90 Bowen, Elizabeth, XLI 179, 343, L 177, LI 81-82, 87-92; Collected Impressions, LI 82; The Demon Lover, LI 87; Encounters, LI 82, 87; “Notes on Writing a Novel”, LI 89; “Oh! Madam...”, LI 81, 87-88, 92-93; “Review of Virginia Woolf”, LI 82 91 Boyle, Tom Coraghessan, XLII 111-112, 119-120, 122-124, 126, 128, 131; East Is East, XLII 111; Riven Rock, XLII 112; The Road to Wellville, XLII 112, 119; Water Music, XLII 111, 119; “The Fog Man”, XLII 111; “The Friendly Skies”, XLII 112; “Greasy Lake”, XLII 111-112; “My Widow”, XLII 112, 123; “Sinking House”, XLII 119 92 Brand, Dionne, XLI 290, XLVII 156 93 Brando, Marlon, XLIX 15 94 Brathwaite, Edward Kamau, XLVII 156; “The Dust”, XLI 301 95 Brecht, Bertolt, LI 104, 113, 124, 127, 131, 133, 135; Brecht on Theatre: The Development of an Aesthetic,
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