John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 1-13-1927 The aC rroll News- Vol. 8, No. 5 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 8, No. 5" (1927). The Carroll News. 13. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/13 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The arroll News John Carroll University Vol VIII. leveland, Ohio, Thursday, January 13, 1927 No. 6 COMMITTEE IS REV. SCHULTE, S. J., TO ARTIST ENGAGED ORATORICAL DA·TE ANNOUNCED FOR BE RETREAT MASTER FOR C. U. CONCERT IS CHANGED AGAIN ANNUAL ·c PROM Exercises Begin Wednesday, January 26; End Carlos Salzedo, Harpist Annual Contest Will be Held Tuesday, Jan. 11, Saturday; Speaker is Dean of Men at St. Will Appear With at Cleveland Council K. of C. Hall; Best F. Malone, Chairman, Louis University. Symphonists Speakers of Four Classes to Compete Plan Elaborate The annual r etreat for the students of John Carroll Uni- Carlos Salzedo internation- Ovving to t he close proximity of the semester examina­ Program versity will begin on Wednesday morning. January 26, ending k d da th t tions, the oratorical contest, originall y scheduled for this on Saturday morning with a olemn clo ing and general Com- a 11 Y ~c. now1 e ~e s e grea - Hubert McCaffer y, president of evening at the Cleveland Council K. of C hall, 2612 Prospect munion. Father Theodore Schulte, S. J., from St. Louis Uni- est h vmg harp1 t, has been e- ave., will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 8, instead. the Carroll nion, ha appointed the ver ity, will be the retreat master. lected as the soloist when the This contest is certain to be one of the best held in recent following men as a committee for Father Schulte is the Dean of • John arroll Univer ity Sym- the annual Carroll Prom which will year", for it will combine an evening of oratory with a classical Men and the head of athletic at St. LIBRARY ROOM JS phony Orchestra hold its ann- ---------------- musical program rendered by t he be held on Wedne day, April 20: Louis University, and has been the nal co_ncert in the Cleveland John Carroll University Symphony Frank :\'{alone, chairman; layton organizer and prime mover in ath­ Counc1l K. of C. Hall, 2612 FR. BETTEN GETS AID To STUDENTS Prospect Ave., Wedne day, Feb. Orchestra, Rev. Winter, .J .. direct- Welsh, Patrick McDonnell, John letic circles of that school. A very in g . heehan, Frank Ranney, Jack Mul­ 16. capable man with a clear insight In selecting Salzedo as the soloist , NOTE OF PRAISE Wilfred Eberhart will speak on cahy, Edward Maher and Hoffman Reference Works Are into the workings of the mind of Rev. Victor Winter, S. J ., Director "America's Peace Opportunity." Dwyer. young m en, he has made himself Arranged for of the Carroll Symphony Orchestra, Archbishop of Boston George Heinrich will discuss the The committee stm·led tc func- the mo t popular member of the Essayists f('e]s sure that he has prepared the Laurh; Work of "Need of Narcotic Legislation." Hu­ tion on Monday, Jan. 10, and imm - Faculty on the St. Louis campus. local music lovers for a genuine bert McCaffery will tell of the "In­ The students of Carroll can be as- diately elected a date for the Prom. A private room is being pre­ treat. Historian fluence of ~ewman." Joseph Mor­ sured of a succe sful r etreat under Other artists were also available layton Wei h and Hoffman Dwyer pared at the librarJ for the iarity has cho en for his subject, a worthy counselor. but Father Winter decided that a It i with a great measure of "Federal School Control." John will select th place for the dance, writing of special e says, com­ The retreat will come immediately harpist of Salzedo' ability was n ot gratification that the Carroll News ?-1u rphy will explain "The :\1exicau positions, etc., assigned to the while Patrick McDonnell and J ack after the semester examinations and to be pa~sed over without consic'l era- publishes a letter of commendation Muddle." Ralph Perry will di - heehan will. ecure the ore he -tra. all classes will be uspended during college men by the professors. tion. written to Father Francis Betten , eour. upon the allied debt, ·' hall Frank Ranney, Jack ::\1ul cahy and that time. All Catholic tudents of It ha been the Director's policy S. J., professor of history at John By thi mean , students ha - Europe Pay?" Ed Mah r will take care of the pub- ' the University are under obligaLon to hold one public concert yearly Carroll niversity, by Cardinal ing articles to write will have The alternates anc.l their ubjects licity. to attend the exercises of the re- at which a soloist of repute as ists 0' onnell, Archbishop of Boston, for I a central point at which to are Jack Toma, "::'!Texican Crisis" . treat which will consi ·t of everal the orchestra. the former's work in spreading his- gather information and ma­ a nd J ohn Martin, "Co-Education." Father Keefe Becomes i lectures during the day and various terial. Father Wahn outlined Twelve years ago Father Winter torical and Catholic truth. Director of Sodality; Iforms of prayers. the plan in the following man­ directed the St. Ig natiu College The letter in detail f ollows: Three members of the Senior ner: Symphony Orche tra in the now ex- Archbishop's Hou. e Cia s, two Juniors a nd one Fresh­ Replaces Fr. Haggeney i ------ man will put forth t heir best foren­ If Father Wahn is informed two tinct Cleveland Theatre which was Granby Street Former Moderator's Illne Makes weeks in advance of any es ay to located on St. Clair Ave. N .W., near Boston ic efforts in order to win the gold DEAN PROMISES medal w hi ch will be awarded at the be Wl'itten he will gather together Ontario St. After the razing of the R ev. F rancis S. Betten, S. J . Hi for Commen::ement in June. ReA~r~ ~~lp;e~~b l e -FUTURE CHANGES all the books on the ubject at the theatre the concerts were held in John Carroll University; Gray's Armory. For the last six Cl eveland, Ohio. The Seniors arc out to uphold the Owing to the fact that Father College Library and the J e uit Li­ ;, .., t:&.. ~ '· ~-- : _. ~ · ~- .:!;.•. !.-• n oar "F' ath Pr RPttP]l: hnn· ls ~ h P ;.,.. ,.. , ~~ Haggeney, for r director of the brat·y and plHce thern m L< l! r·oon1. Degree Requirement. Arrangement have ·oeen made with been the sce~e of the Carroll con- It gives me a great pleasure to Ed '\l cAuley, e.·-"27 , captured the Senior Sodality, has been confined certs. say a word of commendation in to the hospital and will no longer to be Rigidly the Cleveland Public Library that medal in 1925, \vhile John Lyden, a t­ The soloists in former year have behalf of yom· noble work for his­ be able to take up hi duties in thi books may also be secured from it. SCI ex-'27, received an honorable Enforced included: Eddie Brown, violini t ; tori cal truth and the Catholic faith. r spect for the r emrdnder of the These will a lso be placed a t the dis- mention in the arne competion. William Willeke, celloist; Allan Me- Your two volumes "Ancient World" year, Father Keefe, professor of posal of the students. Adelbert Col- Last year Allan Lafferty, now at­ lege, College for Women and other Quea, Irish tenor; Gilbert Gahan , and "Modern World" deserve great English, has been appointed to take Father Otting has an- ' tending Our Lady of the Lake Sem­ rianist; Elly ey, pianist; Zlatko praise and should be given first at­ charge of the Sodality and direct it nounced that in consequence of schools have made similar arrange­ inary, captured the prize and Wil­ I~alokovic, violinist. tention by the teacher s of our Cath- work for the coming semester. his attendance at the Conven- ments with the Cleveland Public Li­ fred Eberhart received an honorable Leopold Stokowski, conductor of olic schools. Father Keefe formally took up his tion of J esuit Deans and Prin- brary with considerable success. mention . the P hiladelphia Symphony Orches- Writers of late years striving for duties at the r egular meeting of the Books especially pertinent to the According to the cu tom, the cipa1 of the Missouri Province tra says of "He is at once the sensational or seeking a selfish Sodality on Wedne day, Jan. 5. question and ' of permanent intere t ~alz e do, judges will not be announced until held at Loyola, Chicago, some will be purchased. a virtuoso, artist, composer and de- end have made a travesty of his­ After the recitation of the office, be the night of the contest. veloper of the latent possibilities of tory, truth and r eligion. Their gave a short in t t·uction on the Feast important changes will soon be A room is also being equ;pped the harp." w'orks have poisoned many youthful of the Holy ame and exhorted the made at Carroll. with a ll t he books written by Car­ "I do not think," says Walter minds, have broken down effe ctively students t o practise and spread a The convention wa held for the roll Profe sors or by graduates of Carroll.
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