[Wednesday, 18 April, 1973] 1013 Committee tonight. I will be content at was submitted to the Coml- this stage If the House will pass the second monwealth Government on2 reading. 28th September, 1972, for inclusion in the National Question put and passed. Water Resources Development Bill read a second time. Programme. House adjourned at 10.48 p.m. The submission Included Geological, Agricultural and Engineering reports but addi- tional information to provide an economic analysis of irri- gated agriculture In the Gas- IPcgiaatinp Tonril coyne area was required. Wednesday, the 18th April, 1973 The economic analysis will be completed in May, 1973 and forwarded to the Common- wealth Government to enable The PRESIDENT (The Hon. L. C. Diver) the Project to be considered took the Chair at 4.30 p.m., and read further. prayers. (b) Apart from verbal confirma- tion from the Commonwealth QUESTIONS (15): ON NOTICE Government, no acknowledg- 1. DEVELOPMENT ment has been received. Pilbara Plan: Dliscussions in Tokyo, (2) No. The Ron. W. R. WITHERS, to the (3) No. Leader of the House: Will a State representative accom- 3. RAIL WAYS pany the Federal Treasurer, Mr. Perth-Leighton Line: Conversion to Crean, when he discusses the Buswvaz Western Australian Government's multi-million dollar Pilbara de- The Hon. F. R. White for The Hon. velopment project during his visit L. A. LOGAN, to the Leader of the to Tokyo next week? House: The Hon. J. DOLAN replied: (1) Is the statement made by Mr. McKenzie, the Acting Secretary of No. the Joint Railway Unions Execu- tive and the Western Australian 2. WATER SUPPLIES Amalgamated Society of Railway Car'narvon Employees, which was published in The West Australian on Tuesday, The Hon. G. W. BERRY, to the Leader the 17th April, 1973, that the of the House: Premier, Mr. Tonkin, gave an (1) With reference to paragraph 5 of assurance last July that the line the article in the Northern Times would not be closed between Perth dated the 23rd November, 1972, and Leighton, true? which stated under the headlines (2) If the answer to (1) Is "Yes", why "Major Water Conservation was clause 2 and the first schedule Scheme for Carnarvon". that "The included in the Perth Regional estimated cost of this work is $5 Railway Bill, 1972? million and a submission has al- ready been made to the Common- The Hon. J. DOLAN replied: wealth for financial assistance to (1) Yes. enable the project to be completed in the shortest possible time"-on (2) At the time the Bill was prepared what date was-- and presented to Parliament, it (a) the submission made; and was planned that a Busway would be introduced. Complete electri- (b) the acknowledgement received fication of the existing railway from the Commonwealth Gov- system was a later decision. ernment? (2) Has any decision been made by 4. PREVENTION OF CRUELTY the Commonwealth Government? TO ANIMALS ACT (3) If not, is there any indication Vivisection when a decision might be made? The Hon. LYLA ELIOTT, to the The Ron. 3. DOLAN replied: Leader of the House: (1) (a) A submission entitled "Water (1) What experiments are carried out Supply of Carnarvon and the on animals In this State for Gascoyne Irrigation Area" scientific purposes? 1014 1014COUNCiL. I (2) Is there adequate protection for 6. BENTLEY HOSPITAL these animals against cruelty in the Prevention of Cruelty to Accommodation and Services Animals Act? The Hon. CLIVE GRIFFITHS, to the Leader of (3) If so, are regular inspections car- the House: ried out to ensure that the provi- With regard to the Bentley Hos- sions of the Act are complied pital, would the Minister advise- with? (a) are there sufficient beds to (4) If not, will the Minister take cater for all maternity eases action to strengthen the Act to referred to the hospital by protect the animals concerned Private doctors; from unnecessary pain and suffer- (b) are any plans proposed for the ing? provision of a public ward and resident doctor service at The Hon. J. DOLAN replied: the hospital; (1) Experiments carried out on animals (c) is it intended to provide a in this State for scientific purposes casualty section at the hocs- relate to medical disciplines such pital? as human disease and pharma- cology and to other scientific prob- The Hon. J, DOLAN replied: lems such as those concerned with animal health. (a) No. (b) No. (2) Yes. (c) Improved outpatient facilities (3) Vivisectionists are all responsible, and a limited casualty section professionally skilled people who are being planned. The suc- have to apply to and be approved cessful operation of the ca- by the Commissioner of Public sualty section will depend on Health before they are permitted the co-operation of the local to undertake vivisection. Regular medical practitioners using Inspections are not considered to the hospital in rostering themn- be necessary. selves for emergency service. (4) Action to strengthen the Act is not considered to be necessary. 7. LIQUOR ACT Regulations 5. COURT OF PETTY SESSIONS The Hon. I. G. MEDCALF, to the Leader of the House: Albany Case: Ministerial Intervenion (1) Will the Government give consid- The Ron. D). J. WORDSWORTH, to eration to amending Rule 13A of the House: made under the Liquor Act, 1970- the Leader 1972, to ensure that profit and (1) Did the Premier and the Attorney- loss accounts for the preceding two General intervene in the actions years relating to the running of an being taken by a Court In Albany objecting licensee's business are in regard to violations to the produced for Inspection only to Traffic Act? the solicitor of the applicant and to the Court on a confidential (2) if so, was the newspaper report basis, immediately prior to or dur- in The West Australian dated ing the hearing, thus making the Saturday, the 14th April, 1973, rule conform to the existing correct in stating that Ministers practice now generally accepted by had written letters on this subject? all parties, and thereby preventing the Possible misuse of confiden- (3) If so. will the Minister table all tial information? Ministerial correspondence in this regard? (2) if the Government will not agree to this amendment, will the Min- The Hon. J. DOLAN replied: ister be Prepared to discuss objec- tions to the proposed new Rule (1) to (3) The Hon. Member is 13A prior to the expiration of the referred to the answers given by time allowed by the Interpreta- the Hon. Premier and the Attorney- tion Act for its disallowance? General to questions asked in the Legislative Assembly by the Hon. The Hon. J. DOLAN replied: R. O'Connor, M.L.A. (Without (1) The Court has issued an instruc- Notice) on 17th April. 1973. All tion that no person is to be per- Papers were tabled in the Legis- mitted to examine the statement lative Assembly on that date. and books without an officer of [Wednesday. 18 April, 1973] 1015 the Court being in attendance and The Hon. J. DOLAN replied: at no time will the documents Prices paid to producers were as leave the Court premises. follows:- (2) The instruction is considered to 30 lb lamb 1971 1972 1973 be an adequate safeguard. March 5.64 6.03 7.80 8. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN PRODUCTS April 6.00 5.85 8.10 SYMBOL 35 lb lamb Advertisement in Eastern States March 6.58 7.03 9.10 The Hon. W. R. WITHERS, to the April 7.00 6.82 9.45 Leader of the House: 40 lb, lamb (1) Has the Minister authorised the March No prices are 9.20 promotion of goods produced in April available from 9.60 Western Australia for advertising Australian on the Eastern States' television Meat Hoard channels, and also for the use of records the film depicting the Western Note: Australian products symbol? Prices shown for 1971 and 1972 are (2) If not, would he give this some Australian Meat Board monthly consideration? averages and are for 1st and 2nd quality export lambs. The Hon. J. DOLAN replied: Prices shown for 1973 are weekly (1) There is no limitation to the use Lamb Marketing Board prices. of the Western Australian pro- All Prices exclude skin values. ducts symbol by Western Aus- tralian manufacturers for adver- tising and promotional purposes. 11. KANGAROOS The local products campaign con- Meat and Skins: Export ducted by the Government is limited to Western Australia for The Hon. F. R. White for The Hon. financial reasons. L. A. LOGAN, to the Leader of the House: (2) Extension of the local products (1) Has the State Government made campaign to other States in the any representations to the F'ederal future will depend on the availa- Government asking them to bility of funds. The matter is remove the embargo they placed continually under review. on the export of kangaroo skins and meat? 9. AIR STRIP: CARNARVON (2) If the answer to (1) is "Yes", what Upgrading has been the result of the repre- sentations? The Hon. 0. W. BERRY, to the Leader (3) What is the present position of the of the House: Policy on kangaroos which was (1) Is it intended to upgrade Car- agreed upon by all sections of the narvon air strip to accommodate industry and the Government? DCS jet aircraft? The Hon. J. DOLAN replied: (2) If so, when? (1) Yes, repeatedly. The Hon. J7.DOLAN replied: (2) The Commonwealth Government (1) and (2) No. There is no intention has established a working party to operate flC9 aircraft into Car- to examine ways and means of narvon at the present time.
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