Checklist of Birds : Point Isabel Regional Shoreline & Meeker Slough Sp S F W Hawks and Kites Ducks and Geese q White-tailed kite U U q Canada goose C C C C q Northern harrier U C U q Tundra swan R q Sharp-shinned hawk U U U q Gadwall C C C q Cooper’s hawk U U U q Eurasian wigeon R R U q Red-shouldered hawk U U q American wigeon C C C q Red-tailed hawk C C C C q Mallard C C C C Rails q Cinnamon teal U U q Ridgway’s (Clapper) rail U U U U q Northern shoveler C C C q Sora R R R q Northern pintail C C q American coot C C C q Green-winged teal C C C Stilts and Avocets q Canvasback U R U C q Black-necked stilt U C C U q Redhead R q American avocet C C C C q Ring-necked duck R Oystercatchers q Greater scaup C C C C q Black oystercatcher C C C C q Lesser scaup C C C Plovers q Surf scoter C U C C q Black-bellied plover C C C C q White-winged scoter C C q Semipalmated plover C C q Bufflehead C C C q Killdeer C C C C q Common goldeneye C C C Sandpipers q Barrow’s goldeneye R q Spotted sandpiper C C C C q Red-breasted merganser R R R q Greater yellowlegs C C C C q Ruddy duck C U C C q Willet C C C C Upland Game Birds q Lesser yellowlegs U U U q Wild Turkey U U q Whimbrel C C C C Loons q Long-billed curlew C C C C q Red-throated loon U U U q Marbled godwit C C C C q Pacific loon U U q Black turnstone C C C q Common loon U U U q Red knot R R R Grebes q Sanderling U U U q Pied-billed grebe C C C q Dunlin C C C q Horned grebe C C C q Least sandpiper C C C C q Eared grebe C C C q Western sandpiper C C C C q Western grebe C U C C q Short-billed dowitcher C C C C q Clark’s grebe C U C C q Long-billed dowitcher C C C C Cormorants q Wilson’s snipe C C C q Brandt’s cormorant R R q Red-necked phalarope R R R q Double-crested cormorant C C C C Murres q Pelagic cormorant U U U U q Common murre U U U Pelicans Gulls and Terns q American white pelican U U U q Bonaparte’s gull R R q Brown pelican C C C C q Heerman’s gull R Herons and Egrets q Mew gull U U U q Great blue heron C C C C q Ring-billed gull C U C C q Great egret C C C C q Western gull C C C C q Snowy egret C C C C q California gull C C C C q Black-crowned night heron U U U U q Herring gull C C C Vultures q Glaucous-winged gull C C C q Turkey vulture C C C C q Caspian tern C C C Ospreys q Forster’s tern C C C C q Osprey U U U U q Elegant tern C Sp S F W Sp S F W Pigeons and Doves Checklist of Birds : Point Isabel Regional Shoreline & Meeker Slough q Rock pigeon C C C C q Yellow warbler U q Eurasian collared-dove U U U q Yellow-rumped warbler C C C q Mourning dove C C C C q Townsend’s warbler U U U Swifts q Wilson’s warbler U U U q White-throated swift U U Sparrows Hummingbirds q Fox sparrow U U C q Anna’s hummingbird C C C C q Dark-eyed junco U U U U q Allen’s hummingbird R R q White-crowned sparrow C C C C Kingfishers q Golden-crowned sparrow C C C q Belted kingfisher U U U q Savannah sparrow U U U U Woodpeckers q Song sparrow C C C C q Nuttall’s woodpecker U U U U q Lincoln’s sparrow U U U q Downy woodpecker U U q White-throated sparrow U U U q Northern flicker U U U q California towhee C C C C Falcons q Spotted towhee U U U q American kestrel C C C Blackbirds q Peregrine falcon U C C q Red-winged blackbird C C C C Flycatchers q Western meadowlark C C C q Black phoebe C C C C q Brewer’s blackbird C C C C q Say’s phoebe C C q Great-tailed grackle R Jays and Crows q Brown-headed cowbird C C C q Western scrub jay C C C C Finches q American crow C C C C q House finch C C C C q Common raven C C C C q Purple finch U U U Swallows q Pine siskin U U q Northern rough-winged swallow C C q Lesser goldfinch C C C C q Tree swallow U U q American goldfinch C C C C q Barn swallow C C C Old World Sparrows q Cliff swallow U U q House sparrow C C C C Chickadees and Titmice q Chestnut-backed chickadee C C C C Key q Oak titmouse C C Sp = Spring (March – May) Bushtits S = Summer (June – July) q Bushtit C C C C F = Fall (August – November) W = Winter (December – February) Wrens q Marsh wren C C C q Bewick’s wren U U U U C = Common (likely to be seen in proper habitat) U = Uncommon (usually present but possibly in small Kinglets numbers; may not be seen) q Golden-crowned kinglet R R = Rare q Ruby-crowned kinglet C C C Thrushes q Hermit thrush C C C q American robin C C C C Mockingbirds q Northern mockingbird C C C C Starlings q European starling C C C C Pipits q American pipit C C C Waxwings q Cedar waxwing C U C Sp S F W Warblers q Orange-crowned warbler C C C q Common yellowthroat C C C .
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