Reigns of Rulers of the Kingdom of Bohemia Louxenburg Kings Elected Czech King Jagelonians Austro Hungary Habsburgs Czechoslovakia Communist Czechoslovakia Czech Republic Wenceslav IV Sigismund George of Podiebrad Vladislav Ludwig Ferdinand I Maximilian II Rudolph II Mathias Ferdinand II Ferdinand III Leopold I Joseph I Karl VI Maria Theresia Joseph II Leopold II Franz II Ferdinand I of Austro Hungary Franz Joseph Masaryk/Benes Havel 1378/1419 1419/1437 1458/1471 1471/1516 1516/1526 1526/1564 1564/1576 1576/1612 1612/1619 1619/1637 1637/1657 1658/1705 1705/1711 1711/1740 1740/1780 1780/1790 1790/1792 1792/1835 1835/1848 1848/1916 1918/1939 1948/1990 1990 to date Husite Rebelion Jan Hus Burned 1415 Jan Ziska d. 1439 Lev of Rozhmithall d. 1480 Jewish Historical Clock - Branches From The Start Of The Horowitz Family Name In Prague Up To The Horowitz Dynasty In Dzikow/Tarnobrzeg Poland Giving Estimates Of Birth Years For Each Generation 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1382/1406 1406/1430 1430/1454 1454/1478 1478/1502 1502/1526 1526/1550 1550/1574 1574/1598 1598/1622 1622/1646 1646/1670 1670/1694 1694/1718 1718/1742 1742/1766 1766/1790 1790/1814 1814/1838 1838/1862 1862/1886 1886/1910 1910/1934 1934/1958 1958/1982 1982/2006 S R. Yosef Yoske R. Asher Zeligman R. Meir ben Asher Jan(Yona) Halevy Ish R. Yosef of Vilna R. Yehoshua Heshel R. Chaim Cheika R. Shmuel Halevy R. Eliezer Halpern R. Yakov Yokel R.Menachem Manish R. Yehoshua Heshel R. David Halevy R. Arie Leibush R.Menashe Eichenstein 2nd Hus. Halevy (Zalman) Ish Horowitz Halevy Ish Horowitz Horowitz family of RASH”I Charif Halevy Ish Horowitz Segal Horowitz 1649/1701 Halevy Ish Horowitz Halevy Ish Horowitz Halevy Ish Horowitz Ish Horowitz Halberstam of Dukla Wartski/Rzeszow Moshe Arnon b. Italy 1382 ?? b. 1420 ?? Horovice d. Prague 1490 d. before 1596 Hitzl Blonkish 1634 Grodno Pupil R.Yakov ‘Lublin Zabludow 1671 Mezeritz/Tomashov 1679/1755 Zmigrod SE of Tarnov R. Avraham Halevy 1763 Dombrowa Sdilkow1830 ‘Alfei Menashe’,d.1934 Ramat Gan d. Bohemia 1450 d. Prague ?? 1506 Scheindl ? 1637 Tiktin Hrubashow SE of 1700 Fürth 1711 Olesko/Bolekhov Lvov d.1765 Support Ish Horowitz N of Tarnow ? ? R.Chaim Meir Yechiel Reb Leibusch Reich Sara Horowitz ? ? Son Dayan R. Yeshia Halevy Ish R. Shlomo Zalman 1638 Przemysl/Lvow Lublin,1655 in Grodno 'Siach Haseuda' E & S of Lvov for R. Y. Eibeschuetz Josefow S of Lublin Shpiro Hasharf of Rzeszow Tarnow, k. Shoa By Special Permit Horowitz Halevy Ish Horowitz R. Menachem Mendl Chief.R. Krakow d.1675 R. Hirsh Boisker Nechama Boisker 1736 Brody book 'Luchot Edut' R.Tzvi Hirsh Hildesheim ? ? Kozienitze WNW of Dvora Horowitz R.Yehoshua Horowitz Bought Property Yeshia Halevy was Shliach Tzibur in Shmulkes of Przemysl ’Meginei Shlomo’ Dubno 1747 in Glogow 1st Wife 1750 dispute over divorce R. Yakov Silberman Lublin, Mogielnica R Yehuda Horowitz R. Israel Horowitz R. Yechiel Meir b. Tarnobrzeg, surv. Outside Gate of Ish Horowitz Prague 1559/1580 'Pnei Yehoshua' R. Yehuda Leib Rachel Horowitz N of Rzeszow Yuta Yakubka 2nd Wife S of Warsaw d.1849 Mieletz ENE of Krakov of Mieletz Horowitz camps, Jerusalem Ghetto with Wife and d. 1628 R. David Halevy Ish d1648 Boisker Horowitz R. Yehoshua Heshel Raizel Heshel R. Nachum Halevy ? ? ? Horowitz ? Eleazars ? Shpiro 1879/1944, Ranizow R.Yoel Moshe Landau ? Landau Nephew R. Yeshia Keila ? Horowitz Miriam ? Boisk S of Riga BEAB”D 2nd Wife Ish Horowitz of Lezajsk WNW of Przemysl Lezhajsk/Jerusalem Meshulaman Mindl ? Yakov Halevy d. Vienna c.1625 ? ? Tarlow 1730 ? ? Ish Horowitz R. Yechiel Shpiro Treindl Shpiro R. Asher Anzil ? ? R. ? ? R. Leibusch Chanas R.Nata Shlomo Shlissel R. Moshe Yehuda R. David Schlüssel R. Nata Shlomo 2nd Wife Prague d. Vienna 1630 Pintchow d.1717 Tarnobrzeg Tarnobrzeg d.c.1821 Dayan Tarnov 1870 Schlüssel 1866/1940, Zborov Schlüssel Golda Zlotka (Sladka) Gitka ? R Dov Ber of Stanislav R. Joske Skolnik Chana Skolnik 1920 Munkachevo Munkachevo R. Shmuel Halevy R. Yehoshua Segal R. Shmuel Shmulke R. Yehoshua Moshe R. Yehuda Yona SE of Lvow d.1764 k. Tarnobrzeg 1757 k. blood libel 1757 R. Tzvi Yehoshua R. Avraham Yoel R. Shmuel Shmulke R. Meshulam Zalman R. Shmuel Shmulke ‘Imrei & Bet David’ ‘Nata Shaashuim’ Horowitz SH”TZ Ish Horowitz Segal Ish Horowitz Aharon Halevy Bet Din of Meg.Shlomo Leibush Horowitz Horowitz Horowitz Horowitz Horowitz k. 1944 Shoah R. Moshe Hager in Krakow d.1575 R. Shmuel of (Schwartzer) Ish Horowitz R. Tzvi Hirsh Horowitz R. Shmuel Shmulke 1792 Trebitch See 'Chidushei See Hakd. of Publ. 'Nazir Hashem' R. Simcha Horowitz Haifa Israel Halevy Zelig (Asher) Halevy Brest Litevsk 1620 Krakov 1621 d. Koznitz 1649 R. Tzvi Halevy Segal R. Yehuda Halevy 1726 Czortkow Horowitz Prostejov/Jemnice Harib"sh' 'Chosen Yeshuot' R.Avigdor Halberstam Wizna W of Bialystock R. Chaim Mendel Perla Horowitz Ish Horowitz R. Yakov Halevy Ish Horowitz ? ? Horowitz Segal Horowitz SE of Lvow d. 1754 R. Mordechai Modl b. 1726, Pupil in Lith. WSW of Brno. Hask. Dukla R. Yakov Moshe ? Safrin David Horowitz Surv. Camps In 1507 With R. Meir Horowitz Zamosc/Keidan 1644/1731 Halevy and Magid of Mezeritz 'Tal Orot', 1878 Publ. R.Naftali Tzvi Horowitz R.Avraham Chaim ? Horowitz Safrin b. 1904 Tarnobrzeg sold Father’s house to d. Prague 1625 Avraham Vilush N of Kovno,Vyzuonos Lyady/Vasilisk Schwabach 1754 Rytzywol NE of 'Chidushei Harib"sh' Ropczyce 1760/1827 Horowitz 1861/1929 Komarno k. Lodz/Shoa 1944 R. Yeshia Horowitz Halevy Ish Horowitz R. Itzchak Halevy Ish R. Asher Zelig Halevy Birzai N of Vilna Grodno/Vilkomin 1750 publ.his Radom, 1766 Sieniawa 'Smichat Moshe' ‘Zera Kodesh’ Linsk/Lesko SW Lvow SW of Lvov R. Emanuel Waldfried Rivka Waldfried Horowitz Ish Horowitz Zabludow S of Lithuania ‘Minchat Oni’ with SW of Kiev, in 1772 ? Horowitz ‘Ayala Shlucha' d.1835 Pabianice/Rozprza Israel Halevy Yona Halevy R. Israel Isserl d. Vienna 1631 Bialystock d.1689 ? ? ’Aspek’ia Hameira’ Nikolsburg, 1775 Chief ? Goldhammer d. Lodz 1939 Ish Horowitz Ish Horowitz d. Krakov 1554 ‘Gaon Tzvi’ R. Dovber Halevy ? Horowitz R. Moravia, d. 1778 from Dukla (2nd Wife) R. Eliezer Horowitz R. Meir Horowitz R.Yehoshua Horowitz Perla Horowitz d. bef. 1485 Dina Shrantzel R. Naftali Hirsh Shor ? Shor ‘Aspeklaria Meira’ Segal Horowitz ‘Divrei Shmuel’ Came to Dzikov Tarnobrzeg/Dzikov Dzikov (Tarnobrzeg) Ester Horowitz d. 1553 Brisk/Lublin 1730 Kemnitz] ‘Nazir Hashem’ R. Naftali Yolles R. Yacov Tzvi Yolles 1821 d. 1861 1818/1877 1847/1914 'Torat Chaim' Publ. ‘Gaon Tzvi’ ‘Shemen Hatov’ Pupil of Choze ‘Omrei Noam’ ‘Ateret Yehoshua’ R. Pinchas Natan R. Avraham Chaim 1778/1825 ? Fitzeles ‘Emek Halacha’ Safrin R. Yehuda Horowitz Yehuda Halevy Yeshia Halevy R. Aharon(Munk) R. Israel (Munk) R. Pinchas Halevy R. Shmuel Halevy R. Yehoshua R. Shmuel Shmulke R. Meir Halevy R. Arie Leib Horowitz R. Menachem Manish Zlotchover Przemysl/Glogow Krakov ? Reich b.1855 Komarno & b. Tarnobrzeg ?? Ish Horowitz Ish Horowitz Meshulam Zalman Halevy Ish Horowitz Ish Horowitz Horowitz Hearoch Halevy Halevy Horowitz or Horowitz 1729 Zolkiew Publ. Halevy Ish Horowitz 1797 Zloczow Dynow W of Lvow Rzeszow Rudki SW of Lvov Esc. with R. Chaim Killed after 1493 ??? Ish Horowitz Prague 1500/1573 Prague/Krakow Pupil of RAM”A,1618 Horowitz R. Moshe Dayan Hoicher Rabbi Shmulke 1656/1746 'Divrei Habrit' Rosy ESE of Warsaw E of Lvow d. 1848 ‘Melo Haroim’ Yehudit Horowitz Meir to Romania from Tzipora ? Yossef Halevy or Reb Zalman praised for family’s 1535/1618 Publ. his Comnt. on Przemysl d.1640 (Heshel Charif) Krakow,1656 Sedziszow Bolekhov/Zloczow 'Oreach Lechaim' ‘Kehilat Yacov’ Reb Kalman Fitzeles R. Yechiel Wogzel Grosswardein(Oradea) k. with Hus. Ish Horowitz Rabbi Yeshia’s philanthropy. 1585 President of 'Shulchan Aruch' (or d. 1661 ??) d. Krakow 1688 Tarnow 1673, d. 1713 1718 Tykocin called R. Israel Halpern R. Pinchas Halevy ? Horowitz Krakov 1821/1883 R. aged 12 Settled Jerusalem 1470/1544 Council of Four Lands 'Darchei Moshe' ? Shmulkes ben bchor of the ? ? MAHAR”AM of Tiktin Charif Horowitz R. Yoel Halevy Frysztak W of Przemysl R. Israel Hager R. Chaim Meir Hager ? Hager Chana Horowitz 1534 Prague Falsely Ortzila Stern ’Chidushim Al d. Krakov 1622 'Meginei Shlomo' 'Divrei Habrit' Zaslav/Ostrow 1730/1805 2nd Wife Horowitz R. Yakov Horowitz ? Horowitz 1860/1936 Vizhnitsa Vizhnitsa WSW of (memorial to sister) accused of treason Talmud’ Raiza Yolles 2nd Wife NE of Lvow Pupil with brothers ? Megeza Tzvi 1860 Kolbuszowa Oradea, Romania Chernovtsy, 1945 Raizel Horowitz Took oath to build Miriam Beila Isserlis Rivka Horowitz R. Meir Wahl ? Heshel Charif Had 5 Rabbi sons Wojtkowa SSW of R. Yakov Yokl ? Ungar 'Ohev Israel' Bnei Brak, d. 1972 d. 1539 Bet Knesset if freed Moshe Halevy Ish Jan (Yona) Halevy d.1617 d. Vienna 1625 Katzenelenbogen and 2 sons-in-law but Przemysl/Lyakhohvichi Horowitz and started building Horowitz Ish Horowitz Brest Litevsk d. 1630 one grandchild only. N of Pinsk, then 1772 Reb Tzvi Hirsh Bolekhov S of Lvov R. Israel Horowitz R. Avraham Chaim R. Itzchak Horowitz R. Israel Pinchas Ester ? 1546 lived with uncle Heinda Horowitz R.Ischar Ber BEAB”D R. Itzchak BEAB”D ? BEAB"D Frankfurt on Main Goldhammer d. 1835 R. David Hager Horowitz b. 1864, d. Baranov R.Yakov as mentioned d. 1691 Krakov Krakov/Berezhany 'Plaah (Miracle)' Wine Merchant from ? Nachums 1797/1848 d. Baranov 1870 40 Years R. in Baranov 1870 2nd Wife in a permit of 1559 Stiastny Munk Halevy R. Sinai Zalman ? Yolles SE of Lvow ‘Hamekaneh’ Dukla Zabludov ? Hager 1909 settled Jerusalem ? Hager R.
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