ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DES TRAVAUX EN SOUTERRAIN ITA INTERNATIONAL TUNNELLING AITES ASSOCIATION ITA newsletter -la lettre de l'AITES N° 18 - JUIN 2001 - ISSN 1267-8422 Connecting Europe Trendse tting ro ilway lines for Switzerland and Europe With the 34 km long L6tschberg Base Tunnel and the 57 km long Gotthard Base Tunnel, the NEAT (Neuen-Eisenbahn-Alpentransversalen - New Alps Transverse Railway Lines), Switzerland is being equipped with an excellent rail infrastructure. Herrenknecht supplied two hard rock TBMs (0 9.43 m) for the tunnellin g of the L6tschberg Base Tunnel. The machines set new standards in rock tunnelling. The Gripper TBM, LOtsch berg Base single cantilever gripper machines enable comprehensive mechanical rock Tunnel, Section Steg fi 9.43 m stabilisation measures as close as 4.2 m behind the cutting head. Extensive improvements in the mechanical procedures allow high tunnelling performance. Tunnel construction is opening up the future Earliest possible rock stabilisation in the L1 * area HERR EN KNECH T AG HER REN KNE CHT (SCHWEIZ) AG D-77963 SCHWANAU CH-6474 AMSTEG TEL (+49) 7824/ 3 02·0 TEL (+41)41-884 80 80 FAX (+49) 7824/ 3403 FAX (+41)41-884 80 89 HERR ENKNECHT FRAN CE SARL HERR EN KNECHT INTERNATIONAL LTD . CHATO U, FRAN KRE ICH SUNDERLAND -GB TE L +33 (0) 1 300960 30 TEL (+44) 191-5 48 91 91 FA X +33 (0) 1 30 0960 35 FAX (+44) 191-5 48 92 92 Modern TBM control panel HTTP ://WWW.HERRENKNECHT.DE TRIBUNE ITA newsletter la lettre de l'AlTES Cairo metro Une 2, finished bored tun­ SOMMAIRE • CONTENTS nel. Métro du Caire, ligne 2, tunnel foré fini. L'AITES en Bref 4 ITA in Brief Liste des Nations Membres 4 Member Nations List BUREAU EXÉCUTIF ET COMITÉ DE RÉDACTION EXECUTIVE COUNCIL AND EDITORIAL BOARD L'Association Egyptienne 5 The EgyptianTunnelling A. Assis Brazil des Travaux en souterrain Society A.M. Muir Wood UK A. Haack Germany Les travaux souterrains 7 Tunnelling in Egypt H. Parker USA en Egypte K. S0rbraten Norway J.P. Godard France Rapport des Nations Membres 22 Member Nations Reports J. Hess Czech R. N. Bulychev Russia A. Nordmark Sweden J. Mc Kelvey S. Africa K.Ono Japan G. Ash Australia H.Oud Netherlands J. Zhao Singapore C. Berenguier ITA web sile: http://www.ila-ailes.org e-mail: ailes@ imaginet.fr Hf Il If 2,500 copies of this issue have bee n printed Directeur de la publication : www.ita-aites.org Claude Berenguier AITES - 25 av F. Mitterrand Find alilTA on the web: F-69674 BRON Cedex Have rou read the !D +33-478260455, f6 +33-472372406 Cf Vil! Q EHFJZ AI ASSEMW y Édité par ACROTÈRE: pages re/ated to the (J MEMDEI. HATfOHI2f)QQ RfFQII BP1275 - F-31047 TOULOUSE [J Tribsa ri 16 j. mw PO tt. ....... 2jffil GENERAL ASSEMBLY [J Focw op Sïc;!pon !D+33-561310385, r6J +33-561 490522 [J 'mmr0r4 I ....... rI rrA m .ossAR y e-mail: acrotere @aol.com AND THE MEMBER [J F ' . ryn!I:f Imprimé par Imprimerie LECHA NATION REPORTS ASIIXtATIOW [Q] IJfTOJIAT)OIfAL 51 rue du Pech - F-311 00 TOULOUSE lJfTDJeATIC*A.Lt DD TRAVAUX 0 TlIJoOnLDOO EIf SOUTBUOf ADoclATlO" Crédits photos : nations membres de l'AITES Il",",TPlotI'' _~ 1 Publicité: ACROTÈRE Dépôt légal : Juin 2001 S igned a rticles a re under the responsability of their aulhors TRIBUNE n018 - I TA-Ai TES - JUlie 2001 3 I lA IN B RIE F • L'AilES EN B R E F FOUNDED IN 1974 FONDÉE EN 1974 ITA has 50 Member Nations and 290 Affiliate L'AITES compte 50 Nations Membres et 290 Members. Membres Affiliés. The ai ms of ITA are to encourage planning of Les buts de l'AITES sont d'encourager l'étude de the subsurface and to promote advances in l'utilisation et de l'aménagement du sous-sol et the preparatory investigations for tunnels and de promouvoir les progrès dans les reconnais­ in the design, construction and maintenance sances préalables, la conception, la construction of tunnels by bringing together information et l'entretien des tunnels en rassemblant les infor­ thereon and by studying questions related mations ainsi qu'en étudiant les questions qui s'y thereto. rapportent. The Association fulfils its mission: L'Association remplit sa mission • by facilitating the exchange of information • en facilitant l'échange d'informations entre ses among its members membres • by holding public or other meetings • en organisant des réunions publiques ou non • by organising and coordinating studies and • en organisant et en coordonnant des études et experiments des expérimentations • by publishing proceedings, reports and • en publiant des comptes rendus, rapports et documents. documents. AFRIQUE DU SUD· SOUTH AFRICA • South African National Council on ISLANDE • ICELAND • Icelandic Tunnelling Society, .6+354-5622332, Tunnelling .6+27-11 6481876 [email protected] ALGÉRIE. ALGERIA. Ministère des Travaux Publics .6+2 13-2851837 IRAN· Iran Tunnelling Association, .6+98-21601 4828 ALLEMAGNE • GERMANY • Deutscher Ausschuss für Unterirdisches ISRAEL· Inter Ministerial Committee .6+972-26223058 Bauen, .6+49-2215979550, [email protected] ITALIE. ITALY • Società Italiana Gallerie .6+39-026599758 ARABIE SAOUDITE • SAUDI ARABIA • Ministry of Communications, .6 JAPON • JAPAN • Japan Tunnelling Society, .6+81-335536145, +966-14029436 [email protected] LESOTHO· Lesotho Tunnelling Society, .6+266-310005 ARGENTINE • ARGENTINA • Association Argentina de Ingeneria de Tuneles, .6+54-11 49512293, [email protected] MALAISIE • MALAYSIA • The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia .6+603- 7577678, keith@m tdcap.com AUSTRALIE· AUSTRALIA • Australian Underground Construction & Tun­ MAROC. MOROCCO • Association Marocaine des Travaux en Souterrain, .6 nelling Association, .6+61-733671422 +212-2301 550 AUTRICHE • AU STRIA • Austrian National Committee of ITA, .6+43- MEXIQUE· MEXICO· Asociacién Mexicana de Ingenieria de Tûneles y Obras 15041596 Subterràneas, .6+52-56062323 BELGIQUE· BELGIUM • Association Belge des Techniques et de l'Urba­ NORVÈGE· NORWAY· Norsk Forening for Fjellsprengningsteknikk (NFF), .6+47- nisme Souterrain, .6+32-22873144 , [email protected] 67565533 , [email protected] BRÉSIL· BRAZIL • Brazilian Tunnelling Committee, .6+55-11 2687325, NOUVELLE-ZÉLANDE. NEW ZEALAND • Works Consultancy Services Ltd , .6 [email protected] +64-44733017 PAYS-BAS. NETHERLANDS • Tunnelling and Underground Works Division of Kivi, BULGARIE· BULGARIA • Geotechnim-SVS, .6+359-29526080 .6+31-30899608, [email protected] CANADA • Tunnelling Association of Canada, .6+1-4164457107, POLOGNE. POLAND • Podkom~et Budowniclwa Podziemnego, .6+48-22264291 [email protected] PORTUGAL. Sociedade Portuguesa de Geotecnia, .6+351-184781 87, CHINE· CHINA· China Civil Engineering Society, .6+86-18393953 [email protected] COLOMBIE • COLOMBIA • Comité Colombiano de Tûneles, 1ll+57- RÉPUBLIQUE TCHÈQUE· CZECH REPUBLIC • Czech Tunnelling Committee, 12856715, [email protected] .6+420-2875152, [email protected] CORÉE· KOREA· Korean Tunnelling Association, .6+82-25467141 ROUMANIE • ROMANIA • Association Roumaine des Tunnels, .6+4 0- 13127780, vfierbin@pcneLpcneLro DANEMARK • DENMARK • Danish Society for Tunnels & Underground ROYAUME-UNI • UNITED KINGDOM • British Tunnelling Society, .6+44- Works, .6+45-43960055, [email protected] 1717991 325, [email protected] EGYPTE • EGYPT· Egyptian Tunnelling Society, .6+20-25787662, RUSSIE· RUSSIA. Russian Tunnelling Association, .6+7-0952073276, rus_tun­ ets@thewayouLnet nel@mtu-neLru ESPAGNE· SPAIN • Asociacién Espaiiola de Tûneles y Obras Subterrà• SINGAPOUR. SINGAPORE. Tunnelling and Underground Construction Socie­ neas, .6+34-915233683, [email protected] ty, .6+65-7921650, [email protected] ÉTATS-UNIS D'AMÉRIQUE· USA· American Underground Construction SLOVAQUIE· SLOVAKIA • Siovak Tunnelling Association, .6+421-745523103, Association , .6+1-6128258944, [email protected] , [email protected] SLOVÉNIE. SLOVENIA • Siovenian National Committee on Tunnel Construction FINLANDE· FINLAND • Finnish Tunnelling Association, .6+358-9467927, and Underground Structures, .6+386-61224105 Jouko.Ritola@vtt .fi SUÈDE • SWEDEN • BK Swedish Rock Construction Committee, .6+46- FRANCE • Association Française des Travaux en Souterrain, .6+33- 861 11091 , [email protected] 14764 7588, [email protected] SUISSE. SWITZERLAND • Groupe Spécialisé pour les Travaux Souterrains, .6 GRÈCE· GREECE • Greek Tunnelling Society, .6+30-15239647, M.Stavro­ +41 -1 3720197, peter.teuscher@blsaLch [email protected] THAILANDE • THAl LAND • ITA Thai Nation Member, .6+66-25245509 HONGRIE • HUNGARY • Association for Utilization of the Subsurface TURQUIE. TURKEY • Turkish Road Association Erer SA, .6+90-216 3857361, Space, 6 +36-11556182, n13250gre®ella.hu [email protected] INDE· INDIA· Central Board of Irrigation and Power, .6+ 91-113016347, UKRAINE. Ukrmetrotunelbud Corporations, 1ll+38-0442284997 [email protected] VENEZUELA. Socvenos, 1ll+58-12082620 TRIBUNE n018 - ITA -A ITES - June 2001 4 FOCUS ON EGYPT 1 • THE EGYPTIAN TUNNELLING ASSOCIATION Depuis l'antiquité, les Egyptiens ont construit des ouvrages souterrains. En 1984, l'Egypte a rejoint l 'AI TES et depuis de nombreuses activités de l'AITES s'y sont déroulés. De nombreux ouvrages souter­ rains ont été construits ou sont en projet actuel/ement. I/s sont décrits dans les pages suivantes. Historically, Egyptians had an important role in inva­ National Authority for Tunnels (NAT), a governmental sion of underground space to build many influential organization established in August 1983 to plan, desi­ structures such as tombs, warehouses, water pas­ gn, tender, and supervise the construction of the sages, and the tunnels (underground accesses) to Cairo Metro network, a major project that included a tombs. These tunnels were constructed either by rock huge volume of underground works. With the deve­ eut or by excavating the tunnel location, supporting lopment of major tunnelling projects in Egypt, a non­ the tunnel sides with thick stones and then covering governmental organization, the Egyptian Tunnelling them with larger stones and timber. The accurate Society (ETS) was established in 1990 and became definition of the required slopes for the secret corri­ the national representative of Egypt in the ITA.
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