USAID/SOUTH SUDAN GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND RESPONSE ROADMAP SEPTEMBER 2019 Contract No.: AID-OAA-TO-17-00018 September 26, 2019 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Banyan Global. Contract No.: AID-OAA-TO-17-00018 Submitted to: USAID/South Sudan DISCLAIMER The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) or the United States Government. Recommended Citation: Gardsbane, Diane and Aluel Atem. USAID/South Sudan Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response Roadmap. Prepared by Banyan Global. 2019. Cover photo credit: USAID Back Cover photo credit: USAID USAID/SOUTH SUDAN GENDER- BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND RESPONSE ROADMAP SEPTEMBER 2019 Contract No.: AID-OAA-TO-17-00018 4 USAID/SOUTH SUDAN GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND RESPONSE ROADMAP CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 9 1.1 ROADMAP OBJECTIVE 9 1.2 STRUCTURE OF ROADMAP 9 2. INTEGRATING GBV IN THE USAID/SOUTH SUDAN OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK 11 2.1 THEORY OF CHANGE 11 2.2 INTEGRATING THE THEORY OF CHANGE INTO THE USAID/SOUTH SUDAN OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK 12 3. GBV PREVENTION AND RESPONSE ROADMAP PROGRAMMATIC GUIDING PRINCIPLES 19 4. BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER – GBV PREVENTION, MITIGATION AND RESPONSE ROADMAP 27 5. GUIDELINES TO ADDRESS GBV IN MONITORING, EVALUATION AND LEARNING 39 6. KEY RESOURCES 41 ANNEX A: GBV PREVENTION AND RESPONSE ROADMAP LITERATURE REVIEW 57 ANNEX B: PROGRAM AND DONOR REPORT 73 ANNEX C: GBV LITERACY TRAINING 95 ANNEX D: LIST OF KEY DOCUMENTS CONSULTED 99 ANNEX E. LIST OF KEY STAKEHOLDERS 105 ENDNOTES 112 USAID/SOUTH SUDAN GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND RESPONSE ROADMAP 5 ACRONYMS AOR Agreement Officer Representative ARC American Refugee Committee ARCSS The Resolution of Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan AU African Union AYA Active Youth Agency CECs Civic Engagement Centers CEFM Child, Early and Forced Marriage CERF Central Emergency Response Fund CLA Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting CMR Clinical Management of Rape COR Contracts Officer Representative CRS Catholic Relief Services CSOs Civil Society Organizations D & G Democracy & Governance DANIDA Danish International Development Agency DFID The Department for International Development DI Democracy International EMAP Engaging Men in Accountable Practice EU European Union FAO Food and Agriculture Organization GBV Gender-Based Violence GESS Girls’ Education in South Sudan HPF Health Pooled Fund ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross IEEES Integrated Essential Emergency Education Project IMC International Medical Corps INGO International Non-Governmental Organization IOM International Organization for Migration IPs Implementing Partners IPV Intimate Partner Violence IRC International Rescue Committee I-PMP Interim Performance Management Plan i-STREAM Strengthening Free and Independent Media in South Sudan JAM Joint Aid Management International JHPIEGO John Hopkins Program for International Education in Gynecology and Obstetrics KfW Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau 6 USAID/SOUTH SUDAN GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND RESPONSE ROADMAP MBZ Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development MEL Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning MESP Monitoring and Evaluation Support Partner MHPSS Mental Health and Psychosocial Support MoGCSW Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Welfare NGO Non-Governmental Organization NORAD Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation NP Non-Violent Peaceforce OFDA Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance PEPFAR The President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief PHC Primary Health Center PoC Protection of Citizen PSEA Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse PSS Psychosocial support SAFER Sustainable Agriculture for Economic Resiliency Program in South Sudan SGBV Sexual and Gender-Based Violence SIDA The Swedish International Development Cooperation SIHA Strategic Network for the Horn of Africa SpO Special Objective SPPHC Strengthening the Provision of Primary Health Care SRH Sexual and reproductive health SSHF South Sudan Humanitarian Fund SUCCESS Systems to Uphold the Credibility and Constitutionality of Elections in South Sudan TOC Theory of Change UMCOR United Methodist Community on Relief UN United Nations UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene WFP World Food Programme WGSS Women and Girls’ Safe Spaces WMF Women’s Monthly Forum USAID/SOUTH SUDAN GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND RESPONSE ROADMAP 7 8 USAID/SOUTH SUDAN GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND RESPONSE ROADMAP 1. INTRODUCTION Gender-based violence (GBV) threatens the overall well-being of South Sudan’s population, particularly women and children. Though there are no reliable GBV national prevalence statistics for South Sudan, one recent study estimated that in some conflict-affected locations 65 percent of women and girls in South Sudan have experienced physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime.1 The USAID/South Sudan Mission recognizes that GBV has not only negative consequences for those who experience violence, but also has a negative impact on efforts to promote peace, resilience, economic prosperity for women/girls and men/ boys, and for development in South Sudan across all sectors. As a result, the Mission hired Banyan Global to develop a GBV roadmap to identify measurable and trackable interventions to prevent and respond to GBV across the mission’s priority sectors. 1.1 ROADMAP OBJECTIVE This roadmap aims to equip USAID/South Sudan USAID South Sudan Goal staff with succinct guidance to design and implement for Addressing GBV effective strategies and interventions that integrate GBV prevention and response within the current USAID South Sudan’s goal is to make a USAID/South Sudan Operational Framework measurable and trackable contributions (2016-present) and Interim Performance Management to GBV prevention, mitigation, and Plan (I-PMP) (valid until 2021). It identifies GBV response in South Sudan. programming gaps and proposes next steps for the remaining two years of the current I-PMP to This contribution will be measured by implement in coordination with other key stakeholders the amount of USD invested per sector (government, civil society organizations, national that is specifically for GBV prevention, and international NGOs, and other donors) carrying mitigation, and response and by out programming on GBV prevention and response. measuring sector-based results. To support the implementation of next steps, the Roadmap also includes key resources and tools that are particularly applicable in the South Sudan context. 1.2 STRUCTURE OF ROADMAP Recognizing the scale and scope of GBV in South Sudan, this two-year GBV Roadmap provides specific and measurable recommendations for the Mission to raise awareness and commitment and ultimately to mitigate and respond to GBV in targeted communities where USAID projects and activities are implemented. The GBV Roadmap has four core sections: • Section 2: Integrating GBV in the USAID/South Sudan Operational Framework: This section provides a Theory of Change (TOC) and an overview of how to integrate GBV into the Mission’s current operational framework • Section 3: GBV Roadmap Programmatic Guiding Principles: This section offers cross-sectoral guidance on approaches to GBV programming within the South Sudan context. • Section 4: GBV Prevention and Response Roadmap: Key Pathways for Action: This section provides a strategic and programmatic roadmap for the Mission’s GBV prevention and response programming in alignment with the Mission’s operational framework. It focuses on key actions to USAID/SOUTH SUDAN GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND RESPONSE ROADMAP 9 make the TOC actionable, including how to enhance the mission staff’s GBV literacy and capacity, and how to implement programming in priority sectors including: health and water, sanitation and hygiene; education; economic growth; democracy and governance/peace and reconciliation; and humanitarian assistance. Within this context it draws linkages to the guiding principles in Section 3. • Section 5: Guidelines to address GBV in Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL): This section includes proposed actions for USAID/South Sudan to enhance monitoring, evaluation, and learning on the GBV programming included in Section 4. • Section 6: Key GBV Programming Resources: This section provides programming resources, including many that are linked directly the recommendations in Section 4. Annex A presents the Literature Review that includes part of the evidence for the Roadmap; Annex B is the USAID Program and Donor Report that informed this Roadmap; Annex C includes details on the proposed GBV literacy training discussed in Section 4; Annex D provides a list of key documents consulted; and Annex E lists key stakeholders interviewed for this Roadmap. 10 USAID/SOUTH SUDAN GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND RESPONSE ROADMAP 2. INTEGRATING GBV IN THE USAID/ SOUTH SUDAN OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 THEORY OF CHANGE In keeping with the USG Strategy to Prevent and Respond US Strategy to Prevent and Respond to to GBV Globally (see text box) coupled with global Gender-Based Violence Globally best practice, this section proposes a GBV Theory of The United States Strategy to Prevent Change (TOC), which emphasizes an approach that is and Respond to Gender-based Violence cross-sectoral;2 coordinated;3
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