AGENDA SARTELL CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING August 12, 2019 Sartell City Hall 6:30 P.M. 1. Agenda Review and Adoption 2. City Policies Review 3. Future Land Use Review 4. 2020 Budget Discussion 5. Council Suggestions for Future Agenda Topics 6. Adjourn AGENDA SARTELL CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 12, 2019 Sartell City Hall 6:00 P.M. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. AGENDA REVIEW AND ADOPTION 3. OPEN FORUM/PUBLIC COMMENT (up to 5 speakers allowed for up to 3 minutes each – no Council response or action is given to open forum comments other than possible referral to City staff or a City Board/Commission) 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5. APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MINUTES a. July 22, 2019 – Regular Meeting 6. CONSENT AGENDA a. Acceptance of Building Permit Activity Report b. Acceptance of Inspections Activity Report c. Approval of Voucher Payment 77828-78005 and Electronic Payments 4076E-4108E d. Acceptance of Fire Department Report e. Authorizing Disposal of Property f. Approval of Sartell Youth Hockey Off-Site Gambling Permit Application g. Acceptance of Donations and Pledges h. Calling special Council meeting August 26th at 6:30 pm i. Approve Central Minnesota Credit Union as an Official Depository j. Calling Public Hearing on Fee Schedule Amendments k. Approve Policies and Plans for the Small Cities Development Program Grant 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS 8. OLD BUSINESS a. Public Safety Facility Bid Award 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. DEPARTMENT REPORTS a. Police - Monthly Report b. Public Works - Monthly Report c. Engineering - Monthly Report d. Planning & Community Development - Monthly Report e. Finance - Monthly Report 11. CITY COUNCIL UPDATES & MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 12. ADJOURN 1 SARTELL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 22, 2019 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Sartell City Council was held on July 22, 2019, in the Council Chambers of Sartell City Hall. Mayor Fitzthum called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Fitzthum, Council Members: Chisum, Andel, Elness, and Kolb COUNCIL ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Mary Degiovanni, City Administrator; Jon Halter, City Engineer; Nate Keller, City Planner; April Ryan, City Engineer; Heidi Ostlie, Finance Director; John Kothenbeutel, Public Works Director; Wayne Schreiner, Assistant Police Chief; and Rebecca Wicklund, Recording Secretary/Videographer PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AGENDA REVIEW AND ADOPTION Direction/Action A motion was made by Chisum and seconded by Kolb to approve the agenda as presented. The following voted: Aye Votes: Fitzthum, Chisum, Andel, Elness, Kolb Nay Votes: None Motion Carried. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Jason Mathiasen presented the upgrades that have occurred over the last year at Pinecone Central Park. The Association is asking that the City of Sartell front donations in the amount of $130,000 and contribute an additional $30,000 to allow completion of another ballfield. Direction/Action A motion was made by Chisum and seconded by Andel to authorize the Mayor and City Administrator to enter into an Agreement with PCPA to implement the request. The following voted: Aye Votes: Fitzthum, Chisum, Andel, Elness, Kolb Nay Votes: None Motion Carried. APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MINUTES July 8, 2019 – Special Meeting July 8, 2019 – Regular Meeting July 22, 2019 Sartell City Council Meeting 2 Direction/Action A motion was made by Kolb and seconded by Elness to approve the meeting minutes as presented. The following voted: Aye Votes: Fitzthum, Chisum, Andel, Elness, Kolb Nay Votes: None Motion Carried. CONSENT AGENDA a. Approval of Voucher Payments 77738-77827 and Electronic Payments 4042E-4075E b. Approval of Outdoor Rink Agreement c. Approval of Fund Closure and Fund Transfers d. Acceptance of Donations e. Approval of TIF Development Agreement f. Approval of Cemetery Improvements g. Calling Special Council Meeting at 6:30 pm on August 12th h. Rock N Block Special Event Direction/Action A motion was made by Andel and seconded by Elness to approve the consent agenda. The following voted: Aye Votes: Fitzthum, Chisum, Andel, Elness, Kolb Nay Votes: None Motion Carried. OLD BUSINESS DISCUSSION OF TRAIL LINKS Halter presented a map of future trail/sidewalk links and requested Council feedback on priorities. Council agreed that 4th Avenue South link should be brought back to Council as first priority but continue to focus on areas where small sections are needed to connect existing trails and sidewalks. TAKIN’ IT TO THE STREETS: The Council recessed and reconvened in a driveway near the intersection of 13th Ave. North and 4th Street North and discussed with neighbors their concerns about traffic, speeds and pedestrian safety; Council them went to a driveway near the intersection of Grizzly Lane and 13th Ave. North where that neighborhood raised similar issues and concerns. Ideas discussed included signage, street painting, and sidewalks or trails and general consensus was to try ideas to see what was effective. ADJOURN A motion was made by Kolb and seconded by Chisum to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. The motion carried unanimously. _____________________________________ Rebecca Wicklund, Recording Secretary ________________________________________ Ryan Fitzthum, Mayor July 22, 2019 Sartell City Council Meeting City of Sartell Construction Activity Report July 2019 TOTALS: Jul-15 Jul-16 Jul-17 Jul-18 Jul-19 Single Family Permits 7 4 3 10 5 Single Family Permits YTD 31 39 35 39 28 Single Family Valuation $1,618,700.00 $1,075,400.00 $741,100.00 $2,678,000.00 $1,286,836.00 Single Family Valuation YTD $6,844,850.00 $9,102,400.00 $8,404,150.40 $11,362,800.00 $7,886,836.00 Residential Remodel Permits 29 19 33 31 25 Residential Remodel Permits YTD 167 164 173 199 159 Residential Remodel Valuation $168,200.00 $97,800.00 $241,275.00 $330,612.00 $145,500.00 Residential Remodel Valuation YTD $1,355,200.00 $1,273,299.00 $1,136,475.00 $2,298,012.00 $1,001,780.00 Commercial Permits New Construction 0 1 0 0 Commercial Permits YTD New Construction 2 2 1 4 Commercial Valuation New Construction $0.00 $800,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 Commercial Valuation YTD New Construction $923,000.00 $895,200.00 $350,000.00 $16,160,000.00 Commercial Permits Remodel 4 3 1 2 4 Commercial Permits YTD Remodel 18 25 14 21 21 Commercial Valuation Remodel $295,975.00 $126,935.00 $2,500.00 $18,500.00 $6,507,800.00 Commercial Valuation YTD Remodel $4,829,475.00 $2,158,735.00 $5,469,090.00 $5,468,500.00 $1,004,900.00 Multi Family Permits New Construction 0 0 0 0 Multi Family Permits YTD New Construction 1 1 0 0 Number of Units New Construction 0 0 0 0 Number of Units YTD New Construction 126 35 0 0 Multi Family Valuation New Construction $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Multi Family Valuation YTD New Construction $12,565,600.00 $3,620,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 Multi Family Permits Remodel 1 0 0 1 0 Multi Family Permits YTD Remodel 4 4 6 5 1 Multi Family Valuation Remodel $16,800,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100,000.00 $0.00 Multi Family Valuation YTD Remodel $21,031,000.00 $458,441.00 $96,710.00 $263,000.00 $33,800.00 Plumbing Permits 25 24 19 24 29 Plumbing Permits YTD 198 172 133 196 165 Plumbing Valuation $914,000.00 $32,500.00 $405,600.00 $950.00 $3,500.00 Plumbing Valuation YTD $1,209,726.00 $2,278,575.00 $14,063,580.00 $1,268,145.00 $815,078.25 Mechanical Permits 19 21 18 35 22 Mechanical Permits YTD 115 144 121 187 161 Mechanical Valuation $0.00 $716,843.00 $77,832.00 $52,265.00 $0.00 Mechanical Valuation YTD $143,345.88 $962,700.00 $731,942.50 $3,872,862.00 $116,184.00 Fire Protection Permits 5 2 0 3 2 Fire Protection Permits YTD 18 15 26 29 14 Fire Protection Valuation $333,822.00 $9,490.00 $0.00 $4,850.00 $1,275.00 Fire Protection Valuation YTD $369,370.00 $61,062.00 $859,766.00 $1,007,967.00 $191,362.00 Zoning Permits 11 14 15 14 28 Zoning Permits YTD 93 91 135 68 82 Total Combined Permits 101 87 90 120 115 Total Combined Permits YTD 644 657 646 745 635 Combined Permit Valuation $20,130,697.00 $2,058,968.00 $2,268,307.00 $3,185,177.00 $7,944,911.00 Combined Permit Valuation YTD $35,782,966.88 $29,783,812.00 $35,276,913.90 $25,891,286.00 $27,209,940.25 City of Sartell Building Department Inspection Activity July 2019 Building Inspections # of Inspections YTD Inspections LYTD Residential 161 714 1097 Commercial 37 346 304 Multifamily 17 112 236 Total 0 1172 1637 Fire Inspections Type & # of ins expected # of Inspections YTD Inspections LYTD Business (65) 5 27 71 Church (3) 0 0 15 Education (7) 0 2 0 Factory (1) 0 3 0 Institution (1) 0 0 0 Medical (22) 2 9 20 Multifamily (21) 0 0 0 Restaurant (8) 1 6 18 Retail (19) 4 12 9 Daycare/Foster 1 6 4 Total (147) 13 65 137 Rental Inspections # of Inspections YTD LYTD SFD 8 76 55 Multifamily 2 39 3 Total 10 115 58 Zoning Inspection # of Inspections YTD LYTD Shed 0 1 2 Fence 6 11 8 Lawn Irrigation 0 0 2 Curb Cut 7 7 4 Pool 0 0 0 Decks 0 0 0 Parking Pad 1 2 2 Land Disturbance 1 1 0 Total 15 22 18 Fire Response Responses YTD LYTD Fire 1 3 3 Emer.
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