Portfolio Program Decision Date Status ID Description Last Progress Note GROWTH SUSTAINABILITY Tuesday, 24 March 2015 In Progress 15172 Agenda Item 22 ‐ Councillor Simms ‐ Motion on Notice – Sustainable Procurement No further update at this time. and Investment [2014/04216] [C] That administration prepare a report on the impacts of divestment and sustainable procurement including: ‐Project management and capital works ‐Materials ‐Benchmarks and targets ‐Monitoring and evaluaon GROWTH PROPERTY & COMMERCIAL Tuesday, 19 July 2016 In Progress 16751 Agenda Item 13 ‐ Other Business – Councillor Malani ‐ Motion without Notice – Update on progress of preparing this report was provided to Elected Members through an E‐News Private Roads [ECD] item on 26 July 2018. Advice also provided that a report would be provided to Council in 2019. That Council administration prepare a report on the number of private roads in the Council area, where they are located, and investigate the ways in which Council can engage the owners to encourage investment into their upgrade including determining which of them may be deceased estates. GROWTH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & Tuesday, 26 July 2016 In Progress 16784 Agenda Item 21 ‐ Agenda Item 21 – Other Business ‐ Councillor Abiad – Motion No further updates at this time INNOVATION without Notice – Strategic Development Plan for the West End Precinct [C] That administration provides an update to the next relevant committee on the progress of the Strategic Development Plan for the West End Precinct, as endorsed by Council. GROWTH MARKETING & Tuesday, 26 July 2016 In Progress 16785 Agenda Item 21 ‐ Agenda Item 21 – Other Business ‐ Councillor Abiad – Motion Information regarding the marketing, audience numbers and reach of the Live Broadcasts of COMMUNICATIONS without Notice – Live Broadcast [C] Council and Committee meetings to be provided to Elected Members. At this time a software That Administration: solution is not achievable with the existing hardware setup within the Council Chamber to faciltiate 1.Update Council on the progress of the Live Broadcast of Commi ee meengs, Facebook Live broadcasting. including how it is being marketed, audience numbers and reach. 2.Consider the use of the Facebook Live Feature with a 360 Came ra to broadcast committee and council meetings live onto Facebook to increase Council’s Reach. CULTURE COMMUNITY & CULTURE Tuesday, 15 November 2016 In Progress 17164 Recommendation 5.6 ‐ Recommendation for Committee Item 26 for Council Meeting with Spirit of Women Board to discuss their draft proposal. Awaiting updated final Consideration ‐ Other Business – Councillor Corbell – Motion on Notice – Domestic proposal to present to Council. Currently scheduled for APLA, Committee and Council meetings in Violence Memorial [2015/01838] [C] March/April 2020. That Council: 1.Notes Councillor Simms’ moon wi thout noce (Agenda Item 25) to Council at its meeting held on 25 November 2014: 1.That 25 November is the United Naons Internaonal Day for th e Eliminaon of Violence Against Women, and that the white ribbon is the symbol for this day 2.Supports the White Ribbon Day Campaign and the eliminaon of violence against women 2.Notes the Deputaon to Council made at its meeng on 14 June 2016 calling for Council to support a Domestic Violence Memorial in the City of Adelaide. 3.Requests Administraon prepare a report for consideraon by t he Strategic Planning and Partnerships Committee by April 2017 investigating how a Domestic Violence Memorial might be established in the City, including, but not limited to: •Opportunity to work together with key stakeholders and funding bodies •The likelihood of such a memoria l being recognised as a Naonal Memorial •Possible locaons in the City and Adelaide Park Lands •Basic concept and landscape design(s), and potenal costs •Budget implicaons for Council including any contribuon for t he establishment of such a memorial and any ongoing maintenance 4.Delegates authority to the CEO to idenfy and pursue discussi ons with relevant Federal, State Government Ministers and Departments, Foundations and Philanthropic bodies to secure possible sources of funding to establish a Domestic Violence Memorial. GROWTH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & Tuesday, 27 June 2017 In Progress 17743 Item 15.2 ‐ Councillor Malani – Motion on Notice – Delivering on Council’s Strategic A Recent realignment of Council activities and incorporation of innovation as one of three streams INNOVATION Objectives [2017/00570] [C] of focus in the Economic Development function, known as “Economic Development & Innovation That: Program" as at 1 July 2019, has been set up to ensure the intent of this motion is achieved. The 1.Administraon provide an update (through a Council workshop) on how Council innovation stream incorporates start up business support and entrepreneurship through plans to deliver on our strategic objectives that position Adelaide as a globally interaction with lot Fourteen and role Council can play in delivering the FIXE strategy. recognised 'business incubator' in partnership with key stakeholders (Refer Strategic Plan Actions 1.1.09; 1.1.11;1.2.04; 1.3.01; 1.3.03; 4.2.04); 2.The Council workshop outlines the current iniaves of the St ate Government; 3.The Council workshop outlines the City's value proposion to aract entrepreneurs, and initiatives that will support the growth of this sector eg Ten Gigabit City Network and how this compares to other global cities; 4.Council holds a workshop inving key external stakeholders (e .g. business incubators, accelerator program operators, Universities, technology partners, property sector representatives and State Government) to collate feedback on the role Council can best play to get a consensus based approach; and 5.Council idenfies how we can assist provide the 'start up' com munity access to early customers, through for example our procurement processes, our city business network, and our international partnerships. GROWTH SUSTAINABILITY Tuesday, 25 July 2017 In Progress 17816 Item 15.1 ‐ Councillor Antic – Motion on Notice – Independent Economic Report and The final draft of the Carbon Neutral Adelaide progress report has now been finalised and will be Panel Formation [2015/02448] [C] provided to Elected Members in September 2019. THAT COUNCIL: 1.Obtains an independent economic report in relaon to the tota l cost to the ratepayer of, and incidental to, the City of Adelaide’s carbon neutral aspirations, strategies, pathways, outcomes and targets as outlined in the Carbon Neutral Strategy 2015 to 2025 and Carbon Neutral Adelaide Action Plan 2016‐2021; and 2.Appoints a panel of 5 elected members being the Lord Mayor, D eputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Verschoor) and Councillors Abiad, Antic and Hender to be chaired by Councillor Antic to select an independent economist to prepare the said report. CEO Undertaking – Independent Economic Report and Panel Formation That a scope and cost of the work be brought back to Council. GROWTH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & Tuesday, 12 September 2017 In Progress 17931 Item 11.2 ‐ Councillor Abiad – Motion without Notice – Impacts on West End of RAH Currently analysing findings of social and economic impact reports. A report will be presented to INNOVATION Closure [C] Council in early 2020. That, as previously moved, administration : bring a report to Council on the current impacts of the move of the hospital to the West End. And provide ways that can assist in the activation of that part of the City in the short to medium terms. CEO Undertaking – Impacts on West End of RAH Closure In response to queries from Councillor Martin, the report is to include impacts over a measurable period of time and where the impacts are. CULTURE CUSTOMER & PEOPLE Tuesday, 27 February 2018 In Progress 18302 Item 16.1 – The Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Verschoor) – Motion without Notice Responsibility changed from Caro Mader to Lisa Loveday [CGT] – Kaurna Cultural Knowledge [C] That: 1.Council invites Kaurna Elders to aend Commiee to share unde rstandings in relation to the cultural significance of Pinky Flat and surrounding areas. 2.Council work with Kaurna to idenfy opportunies for interpre taon of the Terrance Plowright sculpture. 3.Council work with Kaurna to develop a process for consistentl y incorporang Kaurna knowledge and cultural heritage into the design, use and management of City spaces that allows Kaurna to meet their custodial responsibilities. 4.Council requests that Kaurna id enfy any barriers that they ancipate in development and implementation of such a process. GROWTH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & Tuesday, 24 July 2018 In Progress 18627 Item 15.3 ‐ Councillor Abiad – Motion on Notice – Mainstreet Precinct Group Ongoing consultation and communication with the Precinct Groups, Adelaide Business Collective, INNOVATION Support [2018/02492] [C] Rundle Mall Management Authority and the business community has is continuing re the City Wide That: Business Models project. City Wide Business Models project will be presented to Council Administration brings to a future workshop a report on opportunities to better Committee mid 2020. support our Mainstreet Precinct Group, the report should include financial modelling, resourcing support, and any form of other support we can include. GROWTH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & Tuesday, 14 August 2018 In Progress 18678 Item 11.8 ‐ Councillor Abiad – Motion on Notice ‐ Impact of Big Scale Neighbouring The 90 Day project has been completed and a report generated that outlines the issues and INNOVATION Developments
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