West Chester University Digital Commons @ West Chester University Gordon Natural Area Baseline Plant Survey Gordon Natural Area Baseline Plant Survey Documents 2016 Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plant Species Observed at the Gordon Natural Area (West Chester University, PA) - Version 10 Nur Ritter West Chester University of Pennsylvania, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wcupa.edu/gna_bps_series Part of the Botany Commons Recommended Citation Ritter, N. (2016). Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plant Species Observed at the Gordon Natural Area (West Chester University, PA) - Version 10. Retrieved from http://digitalcommons.wcupa.edu/gna_bps_series/4 This Dataset is brought to you for free and open access by the Gordon Natural Area Baseline Plant Survey at Digital Commons @ West Chester University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Gordon Natural Area Baseline Plant Survey Documents by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ West Chester University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plant Species Observed at the Gordon Natural Area (West Chester University, PA) - Version X Key to Sources (see Literature Cited for complete references) E&H 2010: Ebert, J. and J. Holt. 2010; E&M 2012: Ebert J. and K. McMillin. 2012; H 1984: Hertel, G. D. 2008, sampling from 1984; H 2004: Hertel, G. D. 2008, sampling from 2004; H&E 2007: Holt, J. and J. Ebert. 2007; O 1973: Overlease, W. 1973; O&O 2011: Overlease, W. and E. Overlease. 2011; T 2007: Turner, et al. 2007. Species Data Species names follow the nomenclature in USDA PLANTS, with the exception of State-listed taxa (which follow the nomenclature of the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program). Species in red are non-native to the lower 48 States (note: this may not be evident on printed copies). Synonyms are those that appear in the various floristic studies at the GNA that were used in compiling the checklist. Coefficient of Conservation 0 to 3: Plants with a high range of ecological tolerances/found in a variety of plant communities; 4 to 6: Plants with an intermediate range of ecological tolerances/associated with a specific plant community; 7 to 8: Plants with a poor range of ecological tolerances/associated with an advanced successional stage; 9 to 10: Plants with a high degree of fidelity to a narrow range of pristine habitats Origin (in the lower 48 States) N: Native; I: Introduced; N/I: Native in some state and Introduced in others Key to Growth Forms F: Forb/Herb; F/SS: Forb/herb, Subshrub; F/V: Forb/herb, Vine; G: Graminoid; G/S: Graminoid/Shrub; SS: Subshrub; SS/F: Subshrub, Forb/herb; SS/S: Subshrub/Shrub; S: Shrub; S/T: Shrub, Tree; S/V: Shrub, Vine; T: Tree; V: Vine; V/F: Vine, Forb/herb; V/SS: Vine/Subshrub; V/S: Vine/Shrub Key to Symbols Species is on the Pennsylvania DCNR list of invasive plants. Species is on the Pennsylvania DCNR invasive plant Watch List. Species that is said to be resistant/tolerant to deer. Species (native or non-native) with known alleopathic properties. State-listed species (Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program) Of specific value to native bees, bumblebees, honeybees, and/or predatory or parasitoid insects that prey upon pest insects. Is listed as either a 'FACW+' or 'OBL' wetland plant in the Northeast Region of the United States (data from USDA PLANTS) 'Wintergreen' species: Herbaceous species who's leaves are present throughout (or, at least a good part of) the winter. Note: The largest portion of the data comes from a study of the 'wintergreen flora' of Ohio, hence, some species that are categorized as 'wintergreen' may possess a different phenology in Pennsylvania. Spring ephemeral species The species is said to be ant-dispersed and/or have seeds with elaiosomes. Seeds/spores are hydrophilic (recalcitrant): i.e., intolerant of dry storage. The species is said to be associated with mycorrhizae. NM The species is said to be non-mycorrhizal. Y/N The species is listed as bothmycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal. H 1984 H 2004 Specimens in the Darlington Herbarium T 2007 E&H 2010 H&E 2007 O&O 2011 Coefficient of Conservation Origin O 1973 E&M 2012 Species Common Name Growth Form Ferns & Fern Allies Aspleniaceae Asplenium platyneuron 3 N Ebony Spleenwort F + + + + Dennstaedtiaceae Dennstaedtia punctilobula 2 N Eastern Hayscented Fern F + + + Dryopteridaceae Y/N Athyrium filix-femina 3 N Common Ladyfern F + + + + Deparia acrostichoides 4 N Silver False Spleenwort F + + + + Synonyms: Athyrium thelypterioides (Michx.) Desv. Diplazium acrostichoides (Sw.) Butters Y/N Dryopteris carthusiana 4 N Spinulose Woodfern F + + Dryopteris cristata 6 N Crested Woodfern F + + Dryopteris intermedia 4 N Intermediate Woodfern F + + + + Matteuccia struthiopteris 3 N Ostrich Fern F + + Onoclea sensibilis 1 N Sensitive-fern F + + + + Polystichum acrostichoides 3 N Christmas Fern F + + + + Equisetaceae Y/N Equisetum arvense 1 N Field Horsetail F + + + + H 1984 H 2004 Specimens in the Darlington Herbarium T 2007 E&H 2010 H&E 2007 O&O 2011 Coefficient of Conservation Origin O 1973 E&M 2012 Species Common Name Growth Form Lycopodiaceae Huperzia lucidula 6 N Shining Clubmoss F/SS + + Lycopodium digitatum 5 N Fan Clubmoss F/SS + + Synonyms: Diphasiastrum digitatum (Dill. ex A. Braun) Holub Lycopodium flabelliforme (Fernald) Blanch. Ophioglossaceae Botrychium dissectum 3 N Cutleaf Grapefern F + + + + Synonyms: Sceptridium dissectum (Spreng.) Lyon Botrychium virginianum 5 N Rattlesnake-fern F + + + + Synonyms: Botrypus virginianus (L.) Holub Osmundaceae Osmunda cinnamomea 5 N Cinnamon Fern F + + Osmunda claytoniana 5 N Interrupted Fern F + + + Y/N Osmunda regalis 7 N Royal Fern F + Pteridaceae Adiantum pedatum 6 N Maidenhair Fern F + + + Thelypteridaceae Phegopteris hexagonoptera 6 N Broad Beechfern F + + + + Y/N Thelypteris noveboracensis 4 N Tapering Fern, New York Fern F + + + + Synonyms: Parathelypteris novaeboracensis (L.) Ching H 1984 H 2004 Specimens in the Darlington Herbarium T 2007 E&H 2010 H&E 2007 O&O 2011 Coefficient of Conservation Origin O 1973 E&M 2012 Species Common Name Growth Form Thelypteris palustris 5 N Eastern Marsh Fern F + + H 1984 H 2004 Specimens in the Darlington Herbarium T 2007 E&H 2010 H&E 2007 O&O 2011 Coefficient of Conservation Origin O 1973 E&M 2012 Species Common Name Growth Form Gymnosperms Cupressaceae Juniperus virginiana 2 N Eastern Red Cedar T + + + + Pinaceae Pinus strobus 7 N Eastern White Pine T + + + Y/N Pinus sylvestris 0 I Scotch Pine T + Taxaceae Taxus cuspidata 0 I Japanese Yew T + + H 1984 H 2004 Specimens in the Darlington Herbarium T 2007 E&H 2010 H&E 2007 O&O 2011 Coefficient of Conservation Origin O 1973 E&M 2012 Species Common Name Growth Form Flowering Plants Salix 0 + + Aceraceae Acer negundo 2 N Box Elder T + + + + + + + Acer palmatum 0 I Japanese Maple S/T + + Y/N Acer platanoides 0 I Norway Maple T + + + + + + + Acer rubrum 1 N Red Maple T + + + + + + + + Acer saccharinum 3 N Silver Maple T + + + Acer saccharum 5 N Sugar Maple S/T + + + + + Acoraceae Acorus calamus 1 I Calamus; Sweetflag F + + Alismataceae Sagittaria australis 5 N Longbeak Arrowhead F + Sagittaria latifolia 5 N Broadleaf Arrowhead F + + + + Anacardiaceae Rhus glabra 3 N Smooth Sumac S/T + + Rhus typhina 1 N Staghorn Sumac S/T + + H 1984 H 2004 Specimens in the Darlington Herbarium T 2007 E&H 2010 H&E 2007 O&O 2011 Coefficient of Conservation Origin O 1973 E&M 2012 Species Common Name Growth Form Toxicodendron radicans 1 N Eastern Poison Ivy SS/V + + + + + + Apiaceae Aegopodium podagraria 0 I Bishop's Goutweed F + Cicuta maculata 5 N Spotted Water Hemlock F + + + + Conium maculatum 0 I Poison Hemlock F + + + + + Cryptotaenia canadensis 2 N Canadian Honewort F + + + Y/N Daucus carota 0 I Queen Anne's-lace F + + + + + Osmorhiza claytonii 4 N Clayton's Sweetroot F + Osmorhiza longistylis 4 N Sweet Cicely F + + + + Y/N Pimpinella saxifraga 0 I Solidstem Burnet Saxifrage F + Sanicula canadensis 3 N Canadian Blacksnakeroot F + + + Sanicula odorata 7 N Clustered Blacksnakeroot F + + Sanicula trifoliata 5 N Largefruit Blacksnakeroot F + Zizia aptera 7 N Meadow Zizia F + + Apocynaceae Apocynum cannabinum N Hemp Dogbane F + + + + + + Vinca minor 0 I Common Periwinkle V/F + H 1984 H 2004 Specimens in the Darlington Herbarium T 2007 E&H 2010 H&E 2007 O&O 2011 Coefficient of Conservation Origin O 1973 E&M 2012 Species Common Name Growth Form Aquifoliaceae Ilex crenata 0 I Japanese Holly S/T + Ilex opaca 5 N American Holly S/T + + Ilex verticillata 4 N Common Winterberry S/T + + Araceae Arisaema triphyllum N Jack-in-the-pulpit F + + + + + Symplocarpus foetidus 3 N Skunk Cabbage F + + + Araliaceae Aralia nudicaulis 5 N Wild Sarsaparilla F/SS + + Aralia racemosa 6 N American Spikenard F/SS + + Aralia spinosa N Devil's Walkingstick S/T + + Hedera helix 0 I English Ivy V + Panax quinquefolius 7 N American Ginseng F + + + Panax trifolius N Dwarf Ginseng F + + + Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia serpentaria 6 N Virginia Snakeroot F + + Asarum canadense 4 N Canadian Wildginger, Canadian F + + + + Snakeroot H 1984 H 2004 Specimens in the Darlington Herbarium T 2007 E&H 2010 H&E 2007 O&O 2011 Coefficient of Conservation Origin O 1973 E&M 2012 Species Common Name Growth Form Asclepiadaceae Asclepias exaltata 7 N Poke Milkweed F + + Asclepias incarnata 4 N Swamp Milkweed F + Asclepias syriaca 1 N Common Milkweed F + + + + + Asclepias tuberosa 6 N Butterfly Milkweed F + + Asteraceae Y/N Achillea millefolium 0 N/I Common Yarrow F + + + + + Ageratina altissima 2
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