ll Cities of EastAsia .EE JACK F.WILLIAMS AND KAM WING CHAN ' €EgE I " !5EC3 "-: 0 KEY URBAN FACTS Total Population 1.54billion PercentUrban Population 44 50/o Chrna 40.40 Rcmrindcr 69.9o/o Total Urban Popularion 678million ChiD Remainder 146million Most Urbani2edCountry south Korea (80 8olo) LeastUrbanizcd Country China (a0.aolo) AnnualUrban Crolrth Rate 2.40k China 2.7o/r Remainder O 9o/o Numberofluegacities 4 NLrmbcrofCitics of More lhan I Million 105 China 84. Remflinder 25 Thrce l.^rgcst Citics Tokyo, Shanghai, Osaka-Kobe World Citics Tokyo, Osaka,Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Seoul GlobalCity Tokyo ' Seebox I 1.2 CHAPTERll: CITIESOF EASTASIA The[.voln on olC;ties KEY CHAPTER THEMES The reg,on r, \rill ,harply split betue,n with the consequencesof the past and of China, which is rapidly urbanizing but strll recent rapid economic growth. I Chrnais onc of the originalcenters of urban developmentiD hrstoryand hassome of the only lbour 4J'" url).rn,JnLi lhe re\l of rhe oldestcontinnoudy occupred crties in theworld region, which is alrcady aro nd 7l7o urban '1hr, CoLonialism had a lessimportant role in urban de\€lopme t ln East Asia iD conTar;son di.ho.orn' is renc.rcd in m,rny r{ry\. THE EVOLUTION OF CITIES with otber realms of the rvorld, evcn rhongh many large Chincse cities were trealy ports includrng the characterof the cities and the under colonialismand Hong Kong and Macau were entirclycreations of colonidlism, trole(\es.p1\l and pre'ent.that h.rverhaped The Tnditional at Preind ustrial Cit), which fornrallyended 'D rhis regionon thc cveof the2l st century. thcm. One can 8er sonre senseof the relative and espccidlliChin.r. i.rpan,South Korea,Hong Kong/Macau,and Tdiwrn arc alreadyhighly urbantzedand strengths weakness€sof Erst Asia'scities FJ.rA\ii. i' oneof lhc origi- deeply ;nvolved in the global economy,a statusreflected in citresthat are alrcady in a posl lrom var'ousinternational rankings that are nJl .ei,rersof urbirli,m in $ orldhisLory. vdrl industrial" phase,with prcdominantlyservice based ccononics artd rrajor high tcch donefrom tirnelo tirnc.lnlhcc.onomrc ^renr, cirrcsl-e e crn trrc" rhr[ o iBin'dircflly hrl:K a recenl scholarly onalysrsof 314 cities ir the two rnillcnniJof more.One crn seeinlerest- China hasbeer) followirrS in the footslcpsof the restol thc regrcnsincc thc lrtc 1970sand world placcd rhrcc As;an citres anrong the ing parallelswith lhe earliestcities in other is now one of the mostrxpidly urbrDizrng countrics irr thc world arrda mrjor pl.rycrin the world'.\top 6 "inlemationalcities"j 2 of rhem cultrrre rerlns, witlr the;r iocLrsor ceremonial rfc in EaslAsia (Hon8 Kong aud Tokyo) | ard terrtenplanrred in highl, globaleconoml "Jrriri,trative 'rji'L'IrntinE\.est'e China is uniqr-rcin beingthe country with lhc hrgest tot.l populationand in still being II qu,rlirvol li\in8 fornralstyle tu synrbolizerhe bel,e', rnd rf,i prodrr.c,J \V(\rc,n primarily ntral in rtspop!lalion distributioD,yet it hasthe lrrgcstu.bar) Poputitio. and .irlly th,se for,,\. hy ditiollsof tlre.rltures involved. thc g.cntestnumber ofmillion-plus citiesofany country in thc world. exp.rlriitcs, horveveaAsian citi€s tend to fare In its idealizedforn, the t.llditionalcity Sorre ol the worldi most important world citiesare in last Asia,cspccially Tokyo and iess wcll. for cromple, rn thc 2007 Merccr reflectedthe ancientChinese conceplion of IJonSKong, with citiessuch as Shangbai, DeijiDg, Seortl, ind thiPci in thesecond t,er The QOL snrvey(www.merccrhlcom), l8 oi thc thc uni\rerseand the .ole of thc ernpcror as largcr citics especiallyreflcct thc rvcalth of the regron. top 30 .rtics were iD \\tsteflr Europci thc rest inteflncdirrybctwcen heavcD and earth.This 7 North Ko.ea is the ione holdout in EastAsia in clinSinSlo a figid, isolalionisl,socialist rvere in ALrstriha/New Zcrland and North idcaliz€dconception was most rpparent in the '0. systemin rts citiesaud cconomicdevelopment, in .oDrraslwith Chrn,rand Mongolia, Arrcl(,r \', A.idn .ili(r $ere in rlrc rof nalionalcapitak, but nranyelements of this which arelcaving that erato history. Tukyn..,rrr.our fi's in lr.' A{iJind ,:,,,leLicon.eption (gnd layout, highly fornilized 8 Urbrn deyclopment in the region wrs heavily iDflnencedi,y the Cokl Wilr, which linSerson 3sth rnternarioDall,v,follorvcd (in odcr) by dc'iqn. J r,rr'^undinBw.'ll w rh .r,rrcpi.Jlr 'JArh. ,n rheKoreuD peninsula, and by theoDgoing dis}rute bcrwccn'l'aiwan and In0inhDd(lhina. Yok"\.rnrc.KohL. os.rL,r. Jl,d N.,goyr placedgares, etc.) could be seenin l€ssercitres d)rJ, 9. Most major citiesof thc rcSionshow evidenceof thc conccntriczonc and mullinuclcic 40rh. JnJ )4lh inreflrdlion.rlly.respec. at lo'ver administratrvelevels The Tang modclsof urban land use. Iivelv).Hon8 Knn6Lflme rn lurh. l.rrpeiUJrd. Dynasly (618 906 ^.r).) capilalof Changan scorl 8-rh. 5h.rngh,\i0Urh, .rn.l B. (prcscnrdry Xi'an) wis onc of thc best l0 Most citresof E.rstAsia ha"e expcrienccctthe usual urLranProblems: e vironNeDtal ii'rB pollution, incomc polarization,rnd, cspeciallyin China, migr.rrion,both Intcrnalind llr.rh, |lrlc||r.rtiordlly.lrr othcr unrds. erpresionsof the.l.rsic Lhri,ese.rpi(al . iry. lrf,,,,(.(, ,',(. re,r,l',J l{ id tl,c1'.r.k ir, l .b' Irrcvrt.rLly,rhe Jcrrarrd'of n,',J',', urhdr Asia from a qualily oflivrng perspectrve; dcvelopnlcnthave necessitatcd, in thc cycsof thosein Chir.r tcnd to .lnk ]rst (iSnoringdrc plannersat lcast,tlrc telring down of most EnstAsia cxLrdes power dnd slrcccss.Nowhere Thcsearc alsoamong the l.r8cst citicsirr the abcrrntionof Norrh Korca),rcflccring rhrt city w.rll..an.l rhu\ rircrenrur rl oi.' ,"lorful counlrys ongoingstruggle to cone to tcrms leg.r.1ol tlr,.p.r.t. lhe .rlc\.r',h" old is rhis more evidcnt than ilr its great crties, world; indecd,Tokyo hasbcel widely recog "rlls suchas Tokyo, Bcijing, Shanghar, Seoul, Hong Dizedas thc world s largcstrnctroPolis for the commonly bccomethc routesof new,broad (fig Ill) lmcrging in the lastthrcc dccadcs ComPared with rhc often- ooulcvJrd\.Onc of the fcw.itie- sho5F KoDg,andl.ltipci | ".1..s | I i., (.t,.\r, 4 .iri(\ ir Yri,nhHu.'ng, nrigirr.rl past hdlf century to rrval Lhc old power strugglinSrrbin agglonler.rtionsfotrnd in rvrlll,as lrnerr retr'rrd :rlrrrostrr it, Ycclcunf. r,d li'nl, S1.c,,."' ir e,,,dirl^l'.1 entiretyis Xi'an,because of its histoficrol€. centers of thc $'o.ld North America and poorer realrnsof the rvorld, East Asia'scities izalidn- An lntemitioDal Cities l'eFpeclivel' .il th( Europc-East Asia's citics have been the havebeen relrti"eJy morc succcssfrrlin c''ping Utbott Ctog plty, 28, no. I (2u07),209 2.ll Of l-rslori.,l-ddiriurrl ciri"', noaei\ -,o r'rm. commrnd cenlers for the prodigious irith riprd g.orvthand lnrgesize lvealth docs lhc.rulr i,I'J'cdun.l.'r. .,lour rhc iirril. - ,\ rh,,nBeijing/Pc! ng) r\e prc'.nl economic advanccsoi rruch of lh;s region nakc a diffcrcnce tn,r ofglob.l produ.erservice tiins ,r.tionalcapitalAlthough a city hadcxisted on CHAPTER I I: C]TIES OF EASTASIA TheEvoLutian ofCit)es 'he 'is.1iFcjnr Chinc.e rvith irs':8id sym. sireto. ccnruries.BeijillL; heLJme Lil) rnorp\ology, Portuguese lvcre much more iDrportant in was alien to rvhen it $'as rebuilt rn 1260by Kublai Khan as metry and formalized symbolism, rheirimpaLl ir rhi\ region.be.ause Lhe Ddr. culiurc. Even the shorrage of his wiDter capital.It was thrs Beijnrgthat Marco the lapanese l,'8J) .oIfineJ lhcm'(lvp.lo s.u,hc.r.rA.i.r. ritr wi le\'ll,r'rd :n LrpJrrerded to \ork,,6.,|n{rhe Polo.arv.I Ire w,. dc' roycd h thefill ot Seckin8trade and opportuniticsto sprcad ihe Mdngolsand thc establishmeDtofthe MiDg fuli exprcssionof th€Chinese model. Chrjstianity, the Portuguesemade somc 'i= dynasty in 1168 Nanjing served as national Korca also experienccdthe importalion of d^grecof peretr.rton irl.,o,rrhern l',r.rr\ i.' capitalbriefly aftcr that, but in I42l thecaprtrl Lhrncv ciry .ornc1't*.lhc r hir.\c 1'hnrin6 rh. f.-r nf \.rg.rs.,\iin rhcl.,rcr l,,rh .cIIlr.rl i; w,,,ruu!c.i b.r.l to rhcrpl{r I' cil\ rnu'r n.tmc,i city model was nnrn evidcnt ;n the nxtional Their greulcstinnuenc€ was actuilly indirecl i{= rvhich prenrlcr tseijing,or "Northcrn Capitall'for the 6rsr copitalofScoul, becrre thc city how.vcr,rl'-.IBh I h( i'1lroiucr io f .f h' c,,rn-' city ncver rcally lost ' 't: tinre), whcrc it hasremained with lew interrup- oa Korea in 1394.Thc h's .rId nrilit.rrytechno ogy i|lroI.,t).rn. I l,i, led r . rr.c fhc Min6.atirll wl. comPo..dol ir\.lonrir.'rLe\in((. I-.rly m.rp<of Scnultevc,ll V! "ro lo lh<rlcvclnl me|ll of 'lr'.ISerI'riv.rle .,riri(\ (or jnrprint city forms.Those forms foLrr parts: the impcri,tl thhcc Forbiddcn the of(:lrincsc , n',,,8Ih( .t,i",r' [.ri.' ,r r,a1 'rf l.,t.,n i- part Ciry), rbennpcrral city, thc inner city,and the u erc n,'t corrtlrtcly.r.lrievcd.h,,wever. *hi,h i, r,.,,, rJ r,' rh, r.',i.,ling.fLrS, Ir Iandsc^pcNrourd Seoul, outer crty,arrangcd like . set ol nestedboxes bccauseof the nrgged .il'rlr' jr tlrric|ltr r ',f..r,lr,tra1 ,l ,r.r.rrr whrrh wrs oc,rtrdi,, ., .on{irrint hl.iI ju"r ". rs thc former ForbulclenCity that ct still be Thcse cistles, nodelcd after fortrcssesin (erl partiall,vscen wrthrn lhe walk ofwh t is today rorth L,fr\c low.r H.Urniver. Su..ce.lirrf 'ir{'ii,a,,lli,,,,l'(, \c,, .,',,,n.,,1\ 1.".,rc.l , n r ,'i,lrvrlot.rrrellr .rrrd i.rllv c.rllcdthc PalaceMuscum.
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