T h e A r t of T a j w e e d 13 Lessons to Tajweed Comprehension Dr Abu Zayd Quran Literacy Institute A n Islamic Learning Foundation A f f i l i a t e 2011 The Childrens Bequest LESSON ONE: ال يمىق ِّدىمة INTRODUCTION The Childrens Bequest The Prophet: إ َّن ِ ِلِل أهلٌِ َن ِم َن ال َّناس أَ ْهلُ القُرآ ِن ُه ْم أَ ْهلُ ِهللا َو َخا َّصـ ُت ُه [Musnad Ahmad] A h l al- Q u r a n The Childrens Bequest T h e S t o r y One Book One Man A Statement A Team A Divine Chain An Invitation The Childrens Bequest عن أَبي عَبِد الزََّحِنن عن عُثِنَانَ بنِ عَفََّانَ ، أَنََّ رَسُولُ اهلل قالَ: قالَ أَبُو عَبِد الزََّحِنن فَذَاكَ الََّذِي أَقِعَدَنِي مَقِعَدِي هَذَا، وَعَمّهَ الِقُزِآنَ فِي سمن عُثِنَانَ حَتََّى بَمَغَ الِخَجََّاجَ بنَ يُوسُفَ . al- T i r m i d h ī 2985 The Childrens Bequest INTRODUCTION ال يمىق ِّدىمة THE COURSE: A comprehensive review of the rules of Tajweed according to the Reading of Ḥafṣ based upon the text Tuhfah al-Aṭfāl by Sulaymān al-Jamzūrī. The Formal Rules Theory of Tajweed History Biographies of the Imāms of Recitation اﻹق َراء ’Practice Iqrā The Childrens Bequest INTRODUCTION المىق ِّدمة ي ى Advanced Topic ُتح َف ُة اﻷط َفال The Childrens Bequest The Childrens Bequest INTRODUCTION المىق ِّدمة ي ى PREREQUISITES • Ability to read Arabic script • Basic knowledge of Tajweed WHAT YOU NEED FOR THIS CLASS • Writing material • Mushaf (preferably Madinan edition) • Voice Recorder (optional) • POSITIVE ATTITUDE The Childrens Bequest INTRODUCTION المىق ِّدمة ي ى Benefits of the Class Will improve your pronunciation and recitation of the Qur’an. Will help you establish a relationship with Allah’s Book Will deepen your appreciation of the beauty and majesty of the Qur’an. Will help you live a purpose-driven and organized life. Will help you appreciate real reciters versus popular ones Will help you understand Allah’s Book. The Childrens Bequest The R a s h i d H a m i d C h a i / S h a i B r e a k The Childrens Bequest INTRODUCTION المىق ِّدمة ي ى Benefits of the Class Will improve your pronunciation and recitation of the Qur’an. Will help you establish a relationship with Allah’s Book Will deepen your appreciation of the beauty and majesty of the Qur’an. Will help you live a purpose-driven and organized life. Will help you appreciate real reciters versus popular ones Will help you understand Allah’s Book. The Childrens Bequest INTRODUCTION ال يمىق ِّدىمة Onomatopoeia The letters that make up words given an indication to their meaning ضفدع خضم / قضم سلسلة / سﻻسﻻ غلٌظ ضاق َق َتلَ / َق َّتلَ / َقا َتل َ The Childrens Bequest INTRODUCTION المىق ِّدمة ي ى Surah Al-Masad (111) The arms of Abū Lahab shall be broken, Himself he shall expire, By his own wealth and all his gains forsaken, Soon shall he burn inside a flaming Fire, With him his wife, the one with fire-wood laden, Around her neck, a rope of palm-leaf fiber. The Childrens Bequest INTRODUCTION المىق ِّدمة ي ى Course Outline Lesson 1: Introduction/Terminology Lesson 2: Mistakes in Tajweed Lesson 3: How to Begin Lesson 4: Rules of Doubled Nun/Meem Lesson 5: Rules of Nun Sakin/Tanwin Lesson 6: The Rules of Meem Sakin Lesson 7: The Rules of Lam Lesson 8: The Makharij Lesson 9: The Attributes Lesson 10: The Rules of Ra Lesson 11: Rules of Assimilation Lesson 12: Rules of Madd Lesson 13: RulesStopping/Symbols/Voice Hygeine The Childrens Bequest INTRODUCTION المىق ِّدمة ي ى Terminology Tarteel Surah al-Muzammil 4 Qirā’ah Surah al-Nahl 98 Tilāwah Tajweed Surah al-Anfal 2 The Childrens Bequest INTRODUCTION المىق ِّدمة ي ى تجويد Definition of Tajweed Linguistic Beautify Embellish Adorn Technical Reciting the Qur’an by granting each letter its due, including its intrinsic properties and those features governed by its placement and relation to other letters و إًعطىاءي يك َّل ىحرؼ ىحَّقوي ىك يمستى ىحَّقو ي Contemporary the precise methodology of reciting the Qur’ān, as it was transmitted from the Prophet to subsequent generations, based upon a body of rules and principles developed by those well-versed in its recitation The Childrens Bequest INTRODUCTION ال يمىق ِّدىمة Advanced Vernacular Advanced Topic قا ِرئ ِقرا َءة َرا ٍو َرا ٍو ِر َوا ٌَة أصحاب أصحاب أصحاب َ الطرق الطرق الطرق طرٌق The Childrens Bequest INTRODUCTION ال يمىق ِّدىمة Advanced Vernacular Advanced Topic َعا ِصم قِرا َءةُ َعا ِصم ُشع َبة َحفص ِب ِر َوا ٌَ ِة َحف ٍص عمرو بن عبٌد َ الصباح ِمن طرٌ ِق الفٌِل زرعان الفٌل The Childrens Bequest INTRODUCTION المىق ِّدمة ي ى Advanced Topic Learning the Variant Readings Today ال َعشر ال ُكب َرى ال َعشر ال ُّصغ َرى ال َّنشر/ ال ُّد َّرة ال َّشا ِط ِب ٌَّة َط ٌِّب ُة ا ا َّ ا النشر ب ا ب ب َ ل ٌ و َ ِ و َ ك ن َ ع ع ن َ ح خ ا ا ق ُ َ ل َ م َ ف س ِ َ ع َ ج و ع َ ا ِ ز ص ا ع م ع ِ ئ ف ة م ِ َ ف ب م 10 ر ً ابن كثٌر ر ر و All The Childrens Bequest LESSON TWO: اللَّحن MISTAKES IN TAJWEED The Childrens Bequest INTRODUCTION المىق ِّدمة ي ى اللَّحن Mistakes in Tajweed Addition, ommision, Major changing of words, Forbidden elements, vowels Mistakes Violations of madd Minor duration, ghunnah, Disliked finer rules The Companions and early Muslims were very intolerant of all types of mistakes with respect to the Q u r ʼā n! The Childrens Bequest INTRODUCTION المىق ِّدمة ي ى Types of Reciters Experts Noble Company Reciters Excused Double Reward Those who make mistakes Blameworthy Tajweed is the only science where mistakes are re warded ! The Childrens Bequest INTRODUCTION المىق ِّدمة ي ى Ruling on Tajweed Communal Theoretical Types of Obligation Tajweed Knowledge Individual Practical Obligation T h e A r t of T a j w e e d 13 Lessons to Tajweed Comprehension Dr Abu Zayd Quran Literacy Institute A n Islamic Learning Foundation A f f i l i a t e 2011 The Childrens Bequest LESSON THREE: ً ً ً أىح ىكايـ اﻹستىعاذىة ك البىسملىة YOUR RECITATION ىBEGIN ىHOW TO LESSON FOUR: ً ً ً أىح ىكايـ النُّوف ك الميًم الم ىش َّدىدة MUSHADDADAH ىMEEM ي/RULES OF NŪN The Childrens Bequest SPOTLIGHT The First Imām: Ibn ‘Āmir al-Shāmī (d 118H) The Childrens Bequest QUIZ 1. The Qur‟ān 2. Define the term commands us to recite Tajweed. it with tarteel. What does that term mean? 3. Who is the most 4. What are the 2 Types influential Companion of Tajweed Knowledge? when it comes to the Qur‟ān? 5. What are the 2 Types of Tajweed Mistakes? What are Examples of Each? The Childrens Bequest LESSON THREE: ً ً ً أىح ىكايـ اﻹستىعاذىة ىك البىسىملىة HOW TO BEGIN YOUR RECITATION The Childrens Bequest HOW TO BEGIN اﻹستًعا ىذة ك البسملىة ى ى ى HOW TO BEGIN YOUR RECITATION The Rules Of Isti‘adhah and Basmala ً ً ً أىح ىكايـ ا ًﻹستىعاذىة ىك البىسىملىة The Childrens Bequest HOW TO BEGIN ً اﻹستعا ىذة ىك البىسىملىة ً Al-Isti‘adhah اى ًﻹستىعا ىذة Surah al-Nahl 98 Timing Before Recitation Ruling Mustahabb ً ً أىعوذ بًا ًهلل من ال َّشيطىاف الرًجيًم Form ي ي ى َّ اﻹستًعا ىذة ً ً ً ً ً ً ً أىعيوذي باهلل ال َّسمي ًع الىعليًم م ىن ال َّشيطىاف الَّرجيًم Aloud Default Manner Silent In Salah or reciting alone The Childrens Bequest HOW TO BEGIN اﻹستًعا ىذة ك البسملىة ى ى ى Al-Basmalah اىلبىسىملىة Surah al-Fatiha 1 The Childrens Bequest HOW TO BEGIN اﻹستًعا ىذة ك البسملىة ى ى ى Reciting from the middle of surah With Basmalah Without Basmalah The Childrens Bequest HOW TO BEGIN اﻹستًعا ىذة ك البسملىة ى ى ى Reciting from the middle of a surah WITHOUT BASMALAH The Childrens Bequest HOW TO BEGIN اﻹستًعا ىذة ك البسملىة ى ى ى Reciting from the middle of a surah WARNINGS The Childrens Bequest HOW TO BEGIN اﻹستًعا ىذة ك البسملىة ى ى ى Reciting from the middle of a surah WARNINGS The Childrens Bequest HOW TO BEGIN اﻹستًعا ىذة ك البسملىة ى ى ى Joining 2 Surahs Why Only 3 Ways ? The Childrens Bequest HOW TO BEGIN اﻹستًعا ىذة ك البسملىة ى ى ى Joining Surah Al-Anfal and Al-Tawbah Al -Tawbah is the only Surah that does not begin with the Basmalah. The Childrens Bequest The R a s h i d H a m i d C h a i / S h a i B r e a k The Childrens Bequest G u e s s t h e R e c i t o r ! The Childrens Bequest The Childrens Bequest LESSON FOUR: ً ً ً أىح ىكايـ النُّوف ىك الميًم ال يم ىش َّدىدة RULES OF NŪN/MEEM MUSHADDADAH The Childrens Bequest Imām ‘Alī’s definition of Tarteel: تجوٌد الحروف ومعرفة الوقوف The Childrens Bequest Levels of Tajweed 1. Tajweed of Individual Letters 2. Tajweed of Letters in Combination 3. Knowledge of Stopping/Continuing The Childrens Bequest ن The Rules of the Letter Nun م and Meem The Childrens Bequest Why do we begin with Nun and Meem? Surah al-Nisa 93 The Childrens Bequest RULES OF THE DOUBLED NŪN & MEEM َو ؼُ َّن ِمٌ ًما ُث َّم ُنو ًنا ُش ِّد َدا َو َس ِّم ُكلًّ َح ْر ؼُ ؾَ َّن ٍة َب َدا And articulate ghunnah of the nūn and meem that carries the double accent, and refer to both as letters of ghunnah, as is obvious and apparent.
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