Meded. Werkgr. Tert. Kwart. Geol. 23(3) pp. 91-98 5 figs. Leiden, September 1986 Note on the occurrence of? Amphiura senonensis Valette, 1915 (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea) in Early Palaeocene (Danian) deposits of the Belgian province of Limburg by John+W.M. Jagt Venlo Note the of ? senonensis Jagt, J.W.M. on occurrence Amphiura Valette, 1915 (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea) in Early Palaeocene (Danian) deposits ofthe Belgian province ofLimburg. — Meded. Werkgr. Tert. Kwart. Geol., 23(3): 91-98, 5 figs. Leiden, September 1986. Isolated lateral and ventral arm plates of ? Amphiura senonensis Valette, 1915, a species of brittle-star, are reported from the basal part of the Geulhem Member ofthe Houthem Formation(Early Palaeocene) from the Albert Canal of an exposure along nearVroenhoven, municipality Riemst, province of Limburg, Belgium. Some remarks on the Geulhem biostratigraphy of the Member are added. J.W.M. Jagt, Maasbreesestraat 55, 5921 EJ Venlo, The Netherlands. Contents: 91 Samenvatting, p. 92 Introduction, p. Systematic palaeontology, p. 92 Geulhem Biostratigraphy of the Member, p. 95 96 Acknowledgements, p. 97 References, p. Samenvatting Aantekening over het voorkomen van ? Amphiura senonensis Valette, 1915 (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea) in vroeg-paleocene afzettingen (Danien) in de Belgische provincie Limburg. Uit een vrij klein sedimentmonster, verzameld aan de basis van de Kalksteen van Geulhem (Formatie van Houthem) langs het Albertkanaal bij Vroenhoven-Riemst (Belgisch Limburg), worden skeletelementen de senonensis beschreven geïsoleerde van slangster ? Amphiura en afgebeeld. Er dat de Kalksteen Geulhem wordt op gewezen een biostratigrafische indeling van van aan de hand het in het deze eenheid van nannoplankton en echinidengenus Tylocidaris het best stratotype van (groeve Curfs, Geulhem) opgesteld kan worden. De ontsluiting langs het Albertkanaal is, gezien de afgravingsmethoden, niet geschikt voor een dergelijke indeling. Zolang een gedetailleerde bio- kan Kalksteen zonering niet beschikbaar is, de van Geulhem niet gekorreleerd worden met Deense voorkomens van Danien-afzettingen. 92 Introduction In the lowermost member of the Houthem Formation, the Geulhem Member, the mesofauna con- tains fairly large numbers of isolated echinoderm skeletal remains. No detailed investigation of this material has been interesting carried out yet. Moreover, the biostratigraphic subdivision of this member is still detailed. correlation with the Danish where the not very Consequently, a type area, of Danian deposits are biostratigraphically subdivided by means nannoplankton and dinocyst and the echinoid is assemblages regular genus Tylocidaris, as yet impossible. The section of the Geulhem Member in the Curfs Geulhem of type quarry near (Dutch province the favourable conditions Limburg) probably offers most for a biostratigraphic subdivision based on nannoplankton and zonal populations of Tylocidaris. The unfavourable method of excavation hampers the construction of lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic subdivisions of this member along the Albert Canal (Belgian province of Limburg). The isolated ossicles of ? Amphiura senonensis are briefly described and illustrated. This species is of particular interest since it crosses the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary morphologically unchanged. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Subclassis Ophiuroidea Gray, 1840 Ordo Ophiurida Miiller & Troschel, 1840 Subordo Gnathophiurina Matsumoto, 1915 Familia Amphiuridae Ljungman, 1867 ? Genus Amphiura Forbes, 1843 ? Amphiura senonensis Vedette, 1915 Figs 1-4 1915 senonensis 6. Amphiura Valette, p. 140, fig. 1950 senonensis — Rasmussen, 6-10. Amphiura (?) p. 118, pi. 15, figs 1952 Amphiura ? senonensis — Rasmussen, p. 50, figs 4-5. — 1972 Amphiura ? senonensis Rasmussen, p. 59, pi. 6, fig. 1. 1979 senonensis — tab. 6. Amphiura Rasmussen, p. 71, Material — lateral and 7 Lowermost 23 arm plates (lateralia) ventral arm plates (ventralia). part of the Geulhem Member 61 F- North Vroenhoven (Houthem Formation). Exposure 15, c. 200 m of bridge, of of Coll. 2481 a-b. municipality Riemst, province Limburg, Belgium. Jagt, reg. -nr. (Dorsal arm plates and vertebrae of this species could not be recognized with certainty in the sample studied). Description — This species is characterized especially by its lateralia and, according to Rasmussen also its ventralia. of the disc have (1952, p. 50), by Plates not yet been recognized. Rasmussen (1950, remains of of this in p. 119, pi. 15, figs 7-9) recorded arms species, which all elements are in connec- tion. The reader is referred this and the of the Valette to paper to original description species by for the of Here (1915) composition the arm. only the isolated arm ossicles will be described. The ventralia tumid and their distal are slightly margins are strongly curved and produced into lateral which in 7 processes vary strength (Rasmussen, 1950, pl. 15, figs and 9). The proximal end is 93 Figs 1-4. ? Amphiura senonensis Valette, 1915 Proximal 24. 1. lateral arm plate, x 2. Lateral arm plate, x 24. 3. Ventral arm plate, outer surface, x 30. 4. Ventral arm plate, inner surface, x 30. All specimens coll. Jagt, reg.-nr. 2481a-b. Section 61F-15 along Albert Canal, Vroenhoven-Riemst (province of Limburg, Belgium). Lowermost part of the Geulhem Member (Houthem Formation), Danian. broadly v-shaped, while the sides are distinctly concave. The arching of these plates is along the axis of the inner end. arm. On the surface a v-shaped ridge is apparent on the proximal The lateralia have characteristic The is less tumid than the a very appearance. proximal part distal there is but distinct constriction between the and distal part. Usually a slight proximal margins of The distal shows the bosses of a plate. margin horseshoe-shaped three strong armspines with small Valette stated that the central of these bosses is much than the other interspaces. (1915) one larger but Rasmussen did observe marked differences in the size of the bosses in his two, (1950) not any material. In my material I noticed that usually the middle boss is slightly larger than the other two. The bosses be blunt The the may surrounded by a weak, ridge. proximal part touching ventral arm is low and shows characteristic extension. plates fairly a very proximal and distribution — ? senonensis first described Valette Geographical stratigraphical Amphiura was by (1915) from the Campanian (Late Cretaceous) of Sens and Michery (dep. Yonne, France). Subsequently Rasmussen (1950, 1952, 1972) recorded it from the Late Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian) of Denmark, the United Kingdom, the G.D.R. and Spain, from the Early Palaeocene (Danian) of Nyvang Gard (Jylland, Denmark) and Limhamn (Scania, Sweden) and from the Late Palaeocene of and New (Landenian) Kroisbach (Austria) Jersey (U.S.A.). Furthermore, the species was recently in found by me the Late Campanian of the Belgian province of Liege (Jagt, in prep.). The in the basal of the Geulhem described in this is of occurrence part Member, as paper, Early Palaeocene Middle As be stated about (Danian, possibly Early to early Danian) age. yet nothing can 94 Fig. 5. Location map of the Maastricht area, The Netherlands, showing the outcrop along the Albert Canal of the Geulhem near Vroenhoven-Riemst (1) and the stratotype Member (Houthem Formation) near Geulhem (Curfs quarry) (2). the vertical range of this species within the Geulhem Member. A future treatment of the ophiuroid of this member will fauna undoubtedly throw light on this matter. In order to find out if ? Amphiura senonensis occurred in situ in the Geulhem Member extensive of the Maastrichtian Meerssen Member and samples underlying (Maastricht Formation) were taken No skeletal of this analysed. material species was found however, so it must be concluded that ? A. senonensis does belong to the indigenous fauna of the Geulhem Member. Remarks — The study of isolated ophiuroid ossicles is seriously hampered by the fact that various have identical and that within of the (even unrelated) species may plates a single arm one species distal and elements in in proximal may vary considerably morphology. Studying arm fragments which all in connection ossicles are found prevents the obvious difficulties and errors resulting from combining ossicles of several species on a purely hypothetical basis (Rasmussen, 1950, 1952; Hess, 1962). 95 I with Hess that isolated skeletal remains the lateralia agree (1962, p. 600-2) among ophiuroid the reliable basis for the if constitute taxonomically most description of (new) species, no arm available. fragments are 5 and illustrated ventral Berry (1942, p. 395, pi. 60, figs 8) a arm plate (sub nomen Ophiomusium oni that ? since Rasmussen mentioned stephens Berry) might belong to Amphiura senonensis, (1952, p. 56) this species from the Vincentown Sand (Late Palaeocene, Landenian). This ossicle certainly does not belong to Ophiomusium since ventralia are vestigial in this genus. The is referred the Recent with considerable As present species to genus Amphiura doubt. a mat- of fossil fits into the based forms ter fact, hardly any ophiuroid taxonomy on living (see Spencer & Wright, 1966; Rasmussen, 1950). BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE GEULHEM MEMBER The glauconitic, rather coarse-grained calcarenitic limestones directly overlying the Meerssen Member of the Maastricht Formation(Maastrichtian, Late Cretaceous) and separated from the latter by a locally well-developed hardground was named 'Kalksteen van Geulhem' (= Geulhem Limestone) by Felder (1975). This unit constitutes
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