Tokyo Cuisine Adachi ☎ 03-5831-2431 Enoki Restaurant URL http://enokinoyakata.com/ Lynx Rokucho, 2-7-15 Nishikahei, Adachi-ku 12 9 3 6 17:00 – 22:30 (Lunch served on weekends) Wednesdays 5 min. walk from Tsukuba Express Rokucho Station 12 min. walk from Chiyoda Line Kita-Ayase Station 20 min. walk from Tobu Skytree Line Gotanno Station Signature menu 足立区 RokuchoRokucho Tokyo Shamo All Star Platter Adachina Udon ★ Price 1,580yen (tax excl.) Price 980yen (tax excl.) Kita-AyKita-Ayasease環七通り Available Year-round Available Year-round Komatsuna (from Rokucho, Adachi), Edo Traditional AoiAoi Ingredients Tokyo Shamo chicken (From Akiruno), Ingredients Vegetable Murame (Perilla) (From Kurihara, Adachi), used soy sauce (From Kameido, Koto) used Tokyo Shamo chicken (From Akiruno) GotannoGotanno C 19 Charcoal Grilled Skewered Meat Katsushika ☎ 03-3601-3733 Uekusa URL 3-11-5 Kameari, Katsushika-ku 12 9 3 6 17:00 – 24:00 (Last call 23:30) Tuesdays 3 min. walk from JR Joban Line Kameari Station Signature menu Katsushika Onion Hotpot Grilled Tomatoes with Herbs KameariKameari Price 918yen Price 216yen Available November to March Available June to September Ingredients Ingredients ★ Onion (from Shibamata, Katsushika) Tomatoes (From Katsushika) used used 54 ☎ 03-3654-6739 Soba Noodles Choujyuan URL http://choujyuan.com/choujyuan/ Edogawa 3-29-5 Nishiichinoe, Edogawa-ku 12 9 3 6 11:00 – 15:00/17:00 – 20:00 Thursdays 17 min. walk from Toei Subway Shinjuku Line Ichinoe Station 5 min. walk from the nearest bus stop “Nishiichinoe Sanchome” *Look for the“Komatsuna Udon ” Flag Signature menu 京葉道路 Japanese Mustard Japanese Mustard Spinach ★ Spinach Udon Noodles Soba Noodles Price 600yen Price 600yen Available Year-round Available Year-round Ingredients Japanese mustard spinach Ingredients Japanese mustard spinach used from Edogawa used from Edogawa IchinoeIchinoe 都営新宿線 Healthy Home Cooking and Indian Curry Restaurant ☎ 03-3652-1927 Edogawa Violetta URL http://violettatokyo.jimdo.com/ 1-23-6 Matsushima, Edogawa-ku 12 9 3 6 Lunch 11:00 – 14:00 Dinner 17:30 – 21:30 Tuesdays (*Lunch only on Mondays) 24 min. walk from JR Sobu Line Shin-Koiwa Station South Exit Bus: 5 min. walk from Edogawa Kuyakusho-mae, the 4th stop on buses bound for Kasai or Nishikasai Signature menu Shin-KShin-Koiwaoiwa Japanese Mustard Spinach Japanese Mustard Spinach 新小岩公園 Curry from Edogawa Salad from Edogawa Price 850yen Price 650yen (Half Size: 340yen) Available Year-round Available Year-round (Not available in summer sometimes) Ingredients Japanese mustard spinach Ingredients Japanese mustard spinach from Edogawa from Edogawa used used 中川 ★ 京葉道路 55 Nidaime (2nd Generation) Edogawa ☎ 03-3877-2255 Tatsu URL https://www.facebook.com/nidaime.tatsu/ 1F La Esquina 5-33-8 Higashikasai, Edogawa-ku 12 9 3 6 11:30-14:30/18:00-2:00 next morning Mondays (Only at night on Tuesdays) 9 min. walk from Tozai Line Kasai Station Signature menu Edogawa Japanese Mustard Spinach Gyoza/Boiled Gyoza ★ Price 540yen 東京メトロ東西線 Available Year-round KasaiKasai Ingredients Japanese mustard spinach from Edogawa used (Used for the skin and filling of thegyoza ) 環七通 り Hachioji ☎ 042-649-7942 Ryujinmaru Ichiba Hachioji URL https://ja-jp.facebook.com/ryujinmaruichiba/ 6-4 Asahi-cho, Hachioji-shi 12 9 3 6 Mon. – Fri. 11:30 – 14:00/17:00 – 23:00 Saturdays 17:00 – 23:00 Sundays 3 min. walk from JR Hachioji Station North Exit Signature menu Log-Grown Shiitake Mushroom TOKYO-X Porkchops Grilled with Butter and Soy Sauce ★ Price 1,480yen Price 620yen Available Year-round Available Year-round HachiojiHachioji Ingredients TOKYO-X Pork from Sawai Ingredients Log-grown shiitake mushrooms used Farm, Takatsuki-machi used (From Ishikawa-machi, Hachioji) 56 ☎ 042-632-0214 Hachioji Pere Noel Minamino URL http://www.pere-noel.co.jp/ 3-11-5 Nishikatakura, Hachioji-shi 12 9 3 6 9:30 – 20:00 Open everyday 5 min. walk from JR Yokohama Line Hachioji-Minamino Station Signature menu Tokyo Hachioji ★ Hachioji Castella Madeleine “Yamato” Price 230yen/each Price 680yen/each Available Year-round Available Year-round Ingredients Rice flour, honey, eggs Ingredients Honey, eggs (From Hachioji) used (From Hachioji) used Hachioji-Minamino *Other products include cakes made with milk from Hachioji and seasonal fruit from Hachioji. ☎ 042-686-3177 Hachioji Isonuma Farm Celeo Hachioji URL http://isonuma-farm.com/ 1F Celeo North Wing, Hachioji Station Building, 1-1-1 Asahi-cho, Hachioji-shi 12 9 3 6 10:00 – 21:00 Irregular (According to Celeo, Hachioji Station Building) JR Chuo Line Hachioji Station, inside Celeo, Hachioji Station Building Signature menu Milk Golden Rule Waffle Plate Soft Serve Ice Cream Price 600yen Price 380yen Year-round (ingredients may Available 京王八王子駅 Available Year-round change depending on the season) ★ HachiojiHachioji Ingredients Milk pasteurized at low temperature from Ingredients Milk from Tokyo used Milk no Ogonritsu (Home farm, Hachioji) used 八王子駅八王子駅 57 野猿街道 Hachioji ☎ 042-686-2814 Labo Grano Melissa URL http://kkmelissa.web.fc2.com/ 3-18-10 Dai-machi, Hachioji-shi 12 9 3 6 Thursdays 14:30 – 17:30 Fri. – Sun. 13:00 – 17:30 Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays 10 min. walk from JR Chuo Line Nishi-Hachioji Station South Exit Signature menu Hachioji Ginger Cheesecake Passion Fruit Cake Price 400yen (tax excl.) Price 400yen Nishi-Hachioji ★ Available Year-round Available Year-round Ingredients Hachioji ginger Ingredients Passion fruit (From Hachioji) used (From Hachioji) used *The restaurant also holds handmade pasta lessons using homemade herbs. Handmade Soba Noodles Tachikawa ☎ 042-528-2424 Kanzouan URL http://soba-kanzouan.sun.bindcloud.jp/ 1-15-7 Fujimi-cho, Tachikawa-shi 12 9 3 6 11:30 – 14:00/18:00 – 21:00 Lunch on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (Still open at night) 5 min. walk from JR Nishi-Tachikawa Station Signature menu Rolled Omelet Seasoned Nihachi Soba (Wasabi) Nishi-Tachikawa 500yen (Picture shows half Price Price 780yen (tax excl.) size 300yen/tax excl.) Available Year-round Available Year-round Ingredients Ingredients ★ Local eggs (from Akishima) Wasabi (from Okutama) used used 58 Restaurant Il Pepe ☎ 042-527-1111 Tachikawa (Palace Hotel Tachikawa) URL http://www.palace-t.co.jp/ 1F Palace Hotel Tachikawa 2-40-15 Akebono-cho, Tachikawa-shi 12 9 3 6 6:30 – 22:30 Open everyday 3 min. walk from JR Tachikawa Station North Exit 立川通り Signature menu Buffet “Salad Corner” Buffet “Ratatouille” and “Pickles” ★ Buffet price varies depending Buffet price varies depending Price Price on the season on the season Tachikawa-Kita Available Year-round Available Spring to autumn Ingredients Cabbage, daikon radish, cucumber, tomato, okra , Ingredients Eggplant, zucchini, purple onions, kidney TachikawaTachikawa used potherb mustard (from Tachikawa and Akishima) used beans, cucumbers, carrots (from Tachikawa) Teppanyaki Cuisine Asuka ☎ 042-527-1111 Tachikawa (Palace Hotel Tachikawa) URL http://www.palace-t.co.jp/ 1F Palace Hotel Tachikawa 2-40-15 Akebono-cho, Tachikawa-shi 12 9 3 6 11:30 – 14:30 (Last call 14:00) 17:30 – 21:30 (Last call 21:00) Open everyday 3 min. walk from JR Tachikawa Station North Exit 立川通り Signature menu Garlic Rice with Tama Eggs Teppanyaki Grilled Vegetables ★ Price - Price - Tachikawa-Kita Available Year-round Available Year-round Ingredients Eggs laid in the Tama Area Ingredients Daikon radish, squash, green TachikawaTachikawa used (Tachikawa, Machida, etc.) used peppers, eggplants (from Tachikawa) 59 Tachikawa Japanese Cuisine Keyaki ☎ 042-527-1111 (Palace Hotel Tachikawa) URL http://www.palace-t.co.jp/ 2F Palace Hotel Tachikawa 2-40-15 Akebono-cho, Tachikawa-shi 12 9 3 6 11:30 – 21:30 (Last call 21:00) Open everyday 3 min. walk from JR Tachikawa Station North Exit 立川通り Signature menu Simmered Vegetables Assorted Tempura ★ Price 1,188yen Price 4,752yen Tachikawa-Kita Available Depends on the season Available Depends on the season Ingredients Bamboo shoots, udo spikenard, Ingredients Butterbur sprouts, eggplants, angelica tree buds, TachikawaTachikawa used spinach, carrots (from Tachikawa) used broccoli, pimento peppers (from Tachikawa) Tachikawa Chinese Cuisine Zuirin ☎ 042-527-1111 (Palace Hotel Tachikawa) URL http://www.palace-t.co.jp/ 2F Palace Hotel Tachikawa 2-40-15 Akebono-cho, Tachikawa-shi 12 9 3 6 11:30 – 21:30 (Last call 21:00) Open everyday 3 min. walk from JR Tachikawa Station North Exit 立川通り Signature menu Chinese Appetizer: Choice Lunch Set ★ Sweet and Sour Pickles Price 1,296yen Price 1,500yen/2,000yen Tachikawa-Kita Available Depends on the season Available Depends on the season Ingredients Udo spikenard, cucumber, Ingredients Eggplant, pimento pepper, TachikawaTachikawa used daikon radish (from Tachikawa) used tomato, etc. (from Tachikawa) 60 ☎ 042-522-7472 Tachikawa Chinese Cuisine Gojyuban URL http://www.annex-tachikawa.com/gojyuban 1-4-5 Nishiki-cho, Tachikawa-shi 12 9 3 6 11:00 – 21:00 Bon Holidays and NewYear Holidays 5 min. walk from JR Tachikawa Station South Exit 6 min. from Tama Toshi Monorail Line Tachikawa-Minami Station Signature menu Organic Blueberry and Udo Ramen Tachikawa-Kita Tomato Salad Price 823yen Price 648yen TTachikaachikawawa Available Year-round Available Year-round Ingredients Udo spikenard (from Suzaki Ingredients Blueberries (from Manda ★ used Farm, Tachikawa) used Farm, Tachikawa) Tachikawa-Minami ☎ 0422-71-4800 Musashino La Befana Kichijoji URL http://www.jack-pot.co.jp/ 1-10-11 Kichijoji Minami-cho, Musashino-shi 12 9 3 6 11:30 – 14:30/17:00 – 22:30 Open everyday 3 min. walk from JR Chuo Line Kichijoji Station Park Exit 3 min. walk from Keio Inokashira Line Kichijoji Station Signature menu Mixed Vegetables Sicilian Rouge and Basil and Anchovies Chilled Pasta KichijojiKichijoji Price 800yen (tax excl.) Price 1,400yen (tax excl.) Available Year-round Available July to early September ★ KichijojiKichijoji Ingredients Seasonally available Ingredients Sicilian rouge, used vegetables used basil (from Mitaka) 61 Musashino Vegetable Cuisine Musashino ☎ 0422-30-9195 Miluna-na URL http://ameblo.jp/miluna-na/ 2-17-5-102 Kyonan-cho, Musashino-shi 12 9 3 6 11:30 – 15:30 (Last call: 14:30) 17:30 – 21:00 (Last call: 20:00) Wednesdays, 1st Thursday (Open if a regular closed day is a Holiday, then closed the next day) 6 min.
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