THE SCHOOL AND COLLEGE EDITION. A:CTS OF THE APOSTLES (REVISED VERSION) (CHAPTERS I.-XVI.) WITH BY THK REV. F. MARSHALL, M.A., (Lau Ezhibition,r of St, John's College, Camb,idge)• Recto, of Mileham, formerly Principal of the Training College, Ca11narthffl. and la1ely Head- Master of Almondbury Grammar School, First Edition 1920. Ten Impressions to 1932. Jonb.on: GEORGE GILL & SONS, Ln., MINERVA HOUSE, PATERNOSTER SQUARE, E.C.4. MAP TO ILLUSTRATE THE ACTS OPTBE APOSTLES . <t. ~ -li .i- C-4 l y .A. lO 15 20 PREFACE. 'i ms ~amon of the first Sixteen Chapters of the Acts of the Apostles is intended for the use of Students preparing for the Local Examina­ tions of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge and similar examinations. The Syndicates of the Oxford and Cambridge Universities often select these chapters as the subject for examination in a particular year. The Editor has accordingly drawn up the present Edition for the use of Candidates preparing for such Examinations. The Edition is an abridgement of the Editor's Acts of /ht Apostles, published by Messrs. Gill and Sons. The Introduction treats fully of the several subjects with which the Student should be acquainted. These are set forth in the Table of Contents. The Biographical and Geographical Notes, with the complete series of Maps, will be found to give the Student all necessary information, thns dispensing with the need for Atlas, Biblical Lictionary, and other aids. The text used in this volume is that of the Revised Version and is printed by permission of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, but all editorial responsibility rests with the editor of the present volume. The Appendix contains (1) a Commentary on the more important changes of the Revised Version, (2) Critical Notes, pointing out the chief changes in the Greek Text, with their bearing on the meaning of the several passages. The Editor has also prepared a series of Examination papers on the Acts of the Apostles for use with the present Edition. The series consists of seventy-two· papers, viz., sixteen General papers, and fifty six (Junior and Senior) on the separate chapters. These will be found useful, not only for revision of work, but as a guide to the preparation of classes. The papers arc on separate sheets and can be obtained in packets from the publisher:.. F. M. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES- PAGI]; Title v. Apostles mentioned in the Book as performing distinct acts ... v. Other Apostles mentioned in the Book who arc not of the Twelve ,·ii. The Author viii. The Life of Luke x. Suggested Authors xi. Design of the Author xii. The Sources of lhe Narrative xiii. Date xvi. Place of Writing xvii. Dispersions of the Jews xviii. Influence of the Dispersions on the Promulgation of Christianity xxi. Geographical Notes (Chapter, i. to xii.) xxii. Biographical Notes (Chapters i. to xii.) xxvi. Kings and Governors xxxvi. Miracle;; in the Acts xxxix. Addresses in the Acts xxx1x. Appearances of our Lord ; of Angels and other Visions xli. The Synagogue xiii. The Sanhcdrim ... xliv. The Temple xiv. The Officers of the Temple xlviii. The Daily Services of the Temple xlviii. The Jewish Festivals xlix. Sects and Orders of Men l. The Nazarite Vow Iii. Passages from the Old Testamrnt qnot.ed in the Acts ol lhe Apostles !iii. Explanation of the 'Words lviii. Table repre~enting the Descent of Christianity !ix. The Early Days of Paul Ix. Chronology of the Acts (Chapters i. to xii.) !xii. Analysis of the Acts of the Apostles (Chapters i. to xii.) !xiv. THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES (CHAPTERS I. TO XVI.) with MARGINAL NOTES ... 1-84 ANALYTICAL Co:.1~1ENTS ON THE TEXT 151 CRITICAL NOTES 159 GEOGRAPHICAL NOTES (CHAP l"ERS Xlll. TO XVI.) .•• 167 BroGRAPIIICAL NOTES (CHAPTERS XIII. TO XVI.} ... 168 FIRST AND SECOND MISSIONARY JOURNEYS OF ST. PAUL (WITH MAPS) 171 CHRONOLOGY OF THE ACTS (CHAPTERS Xlll. TO XXVIII.)... l 75 ANALYSIS Or HIE ACTS 01' THE !\POSTLES (C1!4PTE/l.S xm. TO xvr.) 175 INTRODUCTION TO THE STGDY OF THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLE Si TITLE. BY the author it is termed a Treatise (Gk. Aoyoc, logos). ·~ 'l'hc former trerrU.-:e I made, 0 Tbenpbilus," i. 1. It is first called "Acts" in the Codex Siniaticus. Possibly this was the original ;tppellation, but as other treatises ,vcre published undm su.c;h title~ as "Ads of Peter and Paul," "Act.'i of T-i'motliy,'~ etc., it 1.wcame nt·ce.ssary to further define the original treatise of H Acts," and tLus we find in various l\ISS. ~uch titles a:s •' Acts of the Apostles," '"'Act.s of /he Holy Afost!e.t," "Actz'ng o_f the Aposties," etc. The work is now universally known as the " The Acts cf the A jostles," Jfot such title is misleading, for the work car.not in any sense be regarded as a record of tbe dot'ngs of the A jostles, 1nasmuch as it contains no dct;illr:<l account of the work of any of the Apostles exct>pt St. Peter and St. Paul. In fact, it is but the record of some ac.:ts of t:erfa,·n Apostles, and of .some '7JJh(} were not Apostles, for the author in carrying out Lis desig-n finds it necessary to notice the preaching- of St. St-ephen an<l St. Philip, the l:!.vangel1sts. APOSTLES MENTIONED IN THE BOOK AS PERFORMING DISTINCT ACTS. 1. Peter. (r.) At the election of Matthias to fill the place of Judas Iscariot (i. 1.5). ,2.) On the day of Pentecost (ii. 14). (3.) As healing the lame man at the Beautiful Gate of the T.emple (iii. 1). (4.) In the subsequent proceedings before the Sanhedrim (iv. 8). (5.) At the deaths of Ananias and Sapphira (v. 1). (6.) The sick are healed by his shadow as he passes by (v. 15), vi. J'HE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. ( 7.) Speaks in defence of the Apostles before the Sanhedrim (v. 29). (8.) After the preaching of Philip, the Evangelist, at Samaria, he goes down with John to that city, and confirms the disciples there. Rebukes Simon Magus (viii. 14). (9.) Heals LEneas at Lydda (ix. 33). (ro.) Raises Dorcas to life at Joppa (ix. 40;. (11.) Is sent for by Cornelius, whom he baptizes and recP.1ves into the Church (x.). (12.) Is put in prison by Herod AgTippa I., and is miracu­ lously released by an angel (xii. 3). (13.) Takes part iP the first Christian Council at Jerusalem (xv. 7). 2. John is mentioned on three occasions, but ralher as the com­ panion of Peter than as the doer of any special act himselL (1.) At the healing of the lame man at the Beautirul Gate of the Temple (iii. 1 ). (2.) In the subsequent proceedings before the Sanhedrim (iv. 8). (3 ) After the preaching or Philip, the Evangelist, at Samaria, he goes down with Peter to that city, and confirms the disciples there (viii. 14). 3. James, the son of Zebedee, orother of John. The only notice of him is that he was executed by Herod Agrippa I. '' And he (Herod) killed James, the brother of John, with the sword" (xii. 2). 4. James, the son of Alph;:eus. The President of the first Christian Council at Jerusalem (xv.), and first Bishop of Jerusalem is 'James, who may have been either, (a) The Brot/zer o.f our Lorri; or, (b) The Son o.f Alj,ha:us. Most probably the Brother of our Lord, for Paul styles the James, whom he saw on his visit to Jerusalem, as "the Lord's Brother" (Gal. i. 19). He also alludes to the same James as "a pillar of the Church" (Gal. ii. 9). INTRODUCTION. vii. OTHER APOSTLES MENTIONED IN THE BOOK WHO ARE NOT 0.1!' THE TWELVE. J.. "8arnabas. (1 .) As selling a piece of land, and giving the price to the common fund (iv. 36, 37). (2.) As receiving Paul on his coming to Jerusalem after his conversion (ix. 27 ). (3.) As being sent to Antioch oy the Church at Jerusalem (xi. 22). (4.) As going to Tarsus to seek Paul (xi. 25). (5.) As along with Paul taking relief from the disciples at Antioch to the brethren in Jud:c:ea, during the famine (xi. 30). (6.) l\.s accompanying Paul on his first missionary journey (xiii., xiv.). t7J As going with Paul from Antioch to Jerusalem to obtain the decision of the Apostles and Elders on the subject of the circumcision of the Gentiles (xv. 2). (8.) As contending with Paul previous to the second mif sionary journey on the subject of taking John Mark Barnabas separated from Paul, and with John Mark visited Cyprus, whilst Paul, taking Silas with him, visited the Churches of Asia Minor (xv. 39, 40). 2. Paul. From the twelfth chapter the Acts is practically an account of the Missionary Work of Paul, the Apostle to the Gen­ tiles. Apostles: Lists of. Matthew. I Mark, Luke. Acts of the Apostles. Simon. I Simon. Simon. Peter. Andrew. J aILes. Andrew. James. ames. '. John. Jaml'.'S. John. ohn. I Andrew. John. Andrew. thi! p. Philip. Philip. Philip. Bartholo.new. R.artho1omew. B;irtholomew Thom.a-=. Thomas. 1 1\1:atthew. :Matthew. Bartholomew. Matthew, the publi- I Thomas. Thomas. Matthew. can. James, the son of James, the sor o.t J umes, tlie son of James, the sun of Alph.eus. Alpl1xus, Alph~us. Alphceus. L~bb;-eus, whose sur­ Thaddeus.
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