Acadian Orogeny, 289-292, 311-315, 433- 439

Acadian Orogeny, 289-292, 311-315, 433- 439

Index Acadian orogeny, 289-292, 311-315, 433- Cambrian Coal, 43-45, 412-413 439 Inwood Marble, 138 Coal seams, 31-32 magmatism, 293-300 Lower Coastal geology, 213-220 Adirondack-Champlain Valley boundary, Adeyton Group, 467-471 Coastlines, 213-220 151-154 Bomoseen Formation, 142 See also Shorelines Age Brigus Formation, 467-471 Columnar structures, 417 dates, 10, 16, 26 Browns Pond Formation, 233-237 Conglomerate, 311-315 Albee Formation, allochthon, 250-255 Dunham Dolomite, 229-232 Connecticut Alleghany orogeny, 55-58, 113-118, 187- East Passage Formation, 196-197 eastern, Willimantic fault, 169–173 190, 191-194 Lowerre Quartzite, 138 Farmington River gorge, Tariffville, 165- Allochthons, 66-69, 451-456 Middle Granville Slate, 233-237 168 Anchizone alteration, 62 Pirate Cave Formation, 195-196 northern, Hartford basin, 165–168 Annieopsquotch Complex, 441-444 Middle southeastern Antigonish Terrane, 421-426 Chamberlain’s Brook Formation, 467- Glacial Park, 175-180 Appalachian Basin, 113-118 471 Ledyard recessional moraine, 175-180 Appalachians Dutch Island Harbor Formation, 199 West Torrington 7½-minute Quadrangle, Birmingham window, 37-41 Fort Burnside Formation, 198-199 Cameron’s Line, 159-164 Canada, 363-368 Jamestown Formation, 197-198 Craig Harbor faultline scarp, 151-154 Piedmont, 77-80 Manuels River Formation, 467-471 Cretaceus Valley and Ridge province, 1-3, 5-8, Monkton Quartzite, 230-232 Magothy Formation, 88 37-41, 47-50, 55-58 West Castleton Formation, 233-237 Merchantville Formation, 88 Archean, komatiite, 317-322 Winooski Dolomite, 230-232 Mount Laurel Sand, 89 Aretes, 305 Mount Hamilton Group, 233-237 Navesink Formation, 90 Arkose, 165-168 Rowe Schist, 201-204 Raritan Formation, 88 Aroostook-Matapedia Carbonate Belt, 385- Saint John Group Redbank Formation, 90 388 Forest Hills Formation, 399-402 Tinton Formation, 90 Atlantic Coastal Plain, 19-24 Glen Falls Formation, 399-402 Upper New Jersey, 87-90 Hanford Brook Formation, 399-402 Englishtown Formation, 23-24 Autochthons, 247-255 Ratcliffe Brook Formation, 399-402 Magothy Formation, 23-24 Avalonian orogeny, 209-212, 403-408 Upper Marshalltown Formation, 23-24 Danby Quartzite, 230-232 Matawan Group, 23-24 Baie Verte Line, 457-461 Eliott Cove Formation, 467-471 Merchantville Formation, 23-24 Barre pluton, 239-242 Gatesburg Formation, 37, 39 Mount Laurel Formation, 23-24 Basalt, 165-168 Harcourt Group, 467-471 Potomac Formation, 23-24 pillow, 91-95, 391 Hatch Hill Formation, 142 Wenonah Formation, 89 tholeiitic, subaerial, 415-120 Hatch Hill Formation, 233-237 Woodbury Formation, 88 Basement complexes, 15-18 Warrior Formation, 37, 39 Crust, 451-456 Basins Waramaug Formation, 161-164 evolution, 187–194, 209–212 See also Precambrian-Cambrian Deformation, 311-315 post-Acadian, 311-315 Cambrian-Ordovician, Goldenville Forma- cobble, 192 Bay of Islands Complex, 451-456 tion, 433-439 Delaware Beaches, 427-431 Cameron’s Line, 137-138, 159-164 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, 23-24 berms, 19-22 Canadian Shield, 317-331, 329-338 Delaware Bay Bedding planes, 7 Cape Cod National Seashore, 213-220 Cape Henlopen spit, 19-22 Belknap Mountains Complex, 263-267 Carbonate rocks, 51-54, 120-121, 141-145, Lewes, 19-22 Berry Mountain Gap, 49 147-150, 357-362, 385-388 northern, Bringhurst Woods Park, 25–28 Biostratigraphy, diatoms, 12 Carboniferous, 187-194 Denna Lake Structural Complex, 327-331 Birmingham fault, 37 187-190 Devonian Block stripes, 259-261 Westphalian, Cumberland Group, 409-413 Buttermilk Falls Formation, 71-73 Bloody Bluff fault zone, 205-208 Central Maine turbidite belt, 279-283 Catskill Formation, 71-73 Blue-Little Mountain Gap, 47 Champlain thrust fault, 225-228 Catskill Formation, Duncannon Member, Boudinage, 48,53-54 Chromite mines, 369-372 75 chasm, 193 Chronostratigraphy, 61-63 Hamilton Group, 123-127 pinch-and-swell, 65 Cirques, 305 Lower Boulder fields, 75-76 Clastics, 65-69, 81-86, 443-444 Becraft Formation, 120-121 Bronson Hill anticlinorium, 247-249 Clay mineralogy, 62 Carrabassett Formation, 277-278, 279- Claystone, 44 283 Cacapon Mountain anticline, 6 Cleavage, 38, 57, 113-118 Coeymans Formation, 120-121 Calcite crystals, slip systems, 53 fracture, 6-7 Eastport Formation, 290 Caliche, 62 slaty, 437 Helderberg Group, 120-121, 123-127 477 Downloaded from by guest on 27 September 2021 478 Index Hildreths Formation, 278 age, 153–154 Jurassic Kalkberg Formation, 120-121 Fault scarps, slickenside and pseudotachylite, Lower Littleton Formation, 247-255, 257-258 154 East Berlin Formation, 165-168 Madrid Formation, 279-283 Fault zones, thrust, 141-145 Hampden Basalt, 165-168 Manlius Formation, 120-121 Flow, ductile, 54 Holyoke Basalt, 165-168 Rondout Formation, 120-121 Flysch, 144-145, 360-362 Hook Mountain Basalt, 91-95 Mahantango Formation, 71-73 Folds Orange Mountain Basalt, 91-95 Marcellus Formation, 71-73 anticline, 6–8, 37-41, 56 Palisades sill, 91-95 Middle, 123-127, 129-132 kink, 48 Portland Arkose, 165-168 Middle, Mapleton Formation, 311-315 recumbent, 53 Preakness Mountain Basalt, 91-95 Palmerton Formation, 71-73 shear zone, 163 Shuttle Meadow formation, 165-168 Ridgeley (Oriskany) Formation, 71-73 Foliation, 78 Talcott Basalt, 165-168 Schoharie-Esopus Formation, 71-73 Fossils, 9-14 Watchung Basalts, 91-95 Trimmers Rock Formation, 71-73 Foster Hill fault, 253-255 North Mountain Basalts, 415-420 Tristates Group, 123-127 Fractures Trout Valley Formation, 293-300 filling, vein calcite, 54 Katahdin pluton, 293-300 Upper, 129-132 joints, 113-118 Katahdin-Traveler Igneous Suite, 293-300 Brallier Formation, 29 joints, hydraulic extensional, 56 Kearsarge-Central Maine Synclinorium, 279- Catskill delta complex, 29-35 Fracture-suture zones, 205-208 283 Catskill Formation, 29-30, 34 Frost action, Wisconsinan, 76 Kettle topography, 178-179 Duncannon Member, 29-30, 34 Klippen, 65-69 Genesee Group, 113-118 Gabbro, 25-28 Komatiite, 317-322 Irish Valley Member, 29-30, 34 Geomorphology, 1-3, 19-22, 75-76, 97-104, Lock Haven Formation, 29, 32, 34 257-262, 303-306 Lava, pillow, 443 Perry Formation, 290 See also Glacial geology Lherzolite, 451-456 Rockwell Formation, 29-30, 34-35 Glacial geology, 175-180, 213-220, 257-262, Lithofacies, 59-63, 379-383 Upper, Sherman Creek Member, 29-30, 34 303-306, 339-343, 345-348, 353- Diabase 355, 427-431, 445-450 Magma chambers, exhumed, 293-300 sills, 81, 91–95 See also Block stripes Mahantango Mountain Gap, 49 Triassic, 49 Glacial Lake Iroquois, 339-343 Maine Diamictite, 473-476 Glaciation, 221-224, 427-431, 445-450 central, Skowhegan–Waterville region, Diamicton, 341-343 Glaciomarine deposits, 221-224 279-283 Dikes Glamorgan Gneiss Complex, 327-331 eastern, Eastport, 289-292 lamprophyre, 184 Gloucester fault zone, 349-352 north-central monchiquite, 185 Gneiss, 15-18, 243-246, 269-271 Baxter State Park, 293-300 sheeted, 392, 443 banded, 25-28 Mount Katahdin, 303-306 Domes, structure, 243-246 leucogranitic, 155-158 northeastern, Presque Isle, 311–315 Drift, glacial, 221-224 Gold ores, 433-439 Penobscot County, Crommet Spring, 307- Dropstone, 474 Gorges, 97-104 309 Dunes, cross-parallel, 20 Granite, 181-185, 239-242, 243-246, 269- South Portland and Cape Elizabeth, Dunnage melange, 464-465 271 285-288 Granodiorite, intrusive, 285-288 western, Rangeley, 273–278 Elmtree terrane, 389-393 Green Mountains-Sutton Mountains Anti- Mantle, 451-456 Emery, 134-136 clinorium, 363–368 Marshes, Lewes Creek marsh, 21 Eocambrian Grenville province, 327-331, 337-338 Maryland Bull Formation, 233-237 Central metasedimentary belt, 333-336 Baltimore County, 15-18 Nassau Group, 233-237 Cliffs of Calvert (Calvert Cliffs), 9-14 Hamburg klippe, 65-69 Little Orleans, 1-3 Faults, 56-58 Hard clay, 43-45 Washington County, 5-8 conjugate, 38, 48 Harzburgite, 451-456 Mascoma dome, 243-246 correlation, 253–255 Holts Ledge Gneiss, 243-246 Massabesic Gneiss Complex, 269-271 distribution, 349-352, 357-362 Honest Hollow fault, 38 Massachusetts ductile, 169-173 eastern duplex, 143 Ichnofossils, 130-132, 385-388 Bloody Bluff fault zone, 205-208 extensional, 49 Igneous activity, 293-300 Boston basin, 209-212 fault zones, 205-208 Igneous rocks, 263-267, 323-326, 327-331, Lexington, 205-208 grabens, 415-420 421-426, 441-444, 451-456 Nantucket, Sankaty Head, 221-224 high-angle, 6 composition, 133-136 southeastern, Cape Cod National Seashore, strike-parallel, 48 ultramafic, 201–204 213-220 thrust, 7, 66-67, 225-228 see also Basalt western, Middlefield, 201 –204 transverse, 48 See also Granite Meanders, incised, 1-3 wedge, 48 See also Komatiite Meguma terrane, 433-439 wrench, 39 See also Rhyolite Mélange, 144-145, 393, 457-461, 463-466 wrench, conjugate, 57 See also Volcanic rocks Mesozoic, 165-168 Faulting, 193 Intrusive complexes, composite, 263-267 White Mountain Series Downloaded from by guest on 27 September 2021 Index 479 Albany Porphyritic Quartz Syenite, 266 southeastern, Frederick Brook, 395–398 Hudson Valley Fold-Thrust Belt, 123- Ames Monzodiorite, 264 southern, Hanford Brook area, 399–402 127 Belknap dike rocks, 266 southern, Saint John district, 403–408 Westchester County, 133-136 Belknap Syenite, 264 Newfoundland western, Erie County, 107-112 Cobble Hill Syenite, 264 eastern western, Gowanda Hospital late Endicott (Brecciated) Diorite, 264 Avalon peninsula, 467-471, 473-476 Pleistocene site, 107-112 Gilford Gabbro, 264 Bacon Cove, 467-471 Niagara Falls, genesis and evolution, 97-104 Gilmanton Monzodiorite, 264 Conception Bay, 467-471 Nittany anticline, 37-41 Lake Quartz Syenite, 264, 266 Duffs, 467-471 Nova Scotia Moat Volcanics, 266 Manuels river, 467-471 Bay of Fundy region, Scots Bay region, Rowes Vent Agglomerate, 266 Baie Verte Peninsula, Coachman’s Harbour, 415-420 Sawyer Quartz Syenite, 264 457-461 Cumberland County, Joggins, 409-413 Metallogeny, 433-439 north-central, New World Island, 463–466 Northumberland Strait, Antigonish, 421- Metamorphic rocks, 161-162, 165-168, southeastern 426 191-194, 201-204, 247-255, 257- Double Road Point, 473-476 southern, Isaacs Harbour, 433–439 258, 285-288, 327-331 St.

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