PROPOSED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT, LAND OFF PETERBOROUGH ROAD, MARKET DEEPING, LINCOLNSHIRE TRAVEL PLAN DECEMBER 2014 REPORT REF: 20154/12-14/3776 REV A PROPOSED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT, LAND OFF PETERBOROUGH ROAD, MARKET DEEPING, LINCOLNSHIRE TRAVEL PLAN DECEMBER 2014 REPORT REF: 20154/12-14/3776 REV A CLIENT: Larkfleet Homes Ltd ENGINEER: Mewies Engineering Consultants Wellington House Leicester Road Ibstock Leicestershire LE67 6HP Report Prepared By: Tel: 01530 264753 Fax: 01530 588116 Email [email protected] ..................................................... Kwabena Darfour BSc (Hons) MSc MCIHT Report Checked By: Report Approved By: ..................................................... ..................................................... Andrew Dennison Tim Rose BEng (Hons) MSc MCIHT MTPS BA (Hons) MCIHT MTPS COPYRIGHT The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in whole or part without the written consent of Mewies Engineering Consultants Ltd. Travel Plan – Peterborough Road, Market Deeping REGISTRATION OF AMENDMENTS REV COMMENTS AND ANY CHANGES PREPARED BY: CHECKED BY: First Issue For Planning Application KD AD Dec 2014 A Document revised to include updated AR AD Dec 2014 site area and site layout. Report Ref: 20154/12-14/3776 Rev A Page 3 Travel Plan – Peterborough Road, Market Deeping CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 5 2.0 METHODOLOGY 7 3.0 POLICY REVIEW 8 4.0 SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES 13 5.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 14 6.0 SUSTAINABILITY 15 7.0 TRAVEL TO WORK TRIP ANALYSIS 20 8.0 PACKAGE OF MEASURES 22 9.0 THE TRAVEL PLAN COORDINATOR ROLE 25 10.0 MONITORING 26 11.0 IMPLEMENTATION 27 APPENDICES A. 20154_08_010_01-02 SITE LOCATION B. SITE LAYOUT PLANS C. BUS TIMETABLES 20154_08_010_04-06 – FACILITIES AND AMENITIES PLAN, BUS ROUTE AND BUS STOPS D. PROPOSED ACCESS DESIGN DRAWING 20154_03_003E Report Ref: 20154/12-14/3776 Rev A Page 4 Travel Plan – Peterborough Road, Market Deeping 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Mewies Engineering Consultants Ltd (M-EC) has been commissioned by Larkfleet Homes Ltd to prepare a framework Travel Plan (TP) for a proposed commercial development on Land off Peterborough Road, Market Deeping, Lincolnshire. Site location plans are provided in Appendix A and site layout plans are provided in Appendix B. 1.2 The implementation of a Travel Plan is a key component of the overall mitigation strategy detailed within the accompanying Transport Assessment (TA), which will contribute to managing the travel demands generated by the development, reducing car-based travel and encouraging sustainable travel behaviour. 1.3 A description of the development is as follows; “Outline planning application, with all matters (internal access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) reserved for subsequent approval except the principal means of vehicular access from Peterborough Road, for the erection of 10,000 sqm of commercial development (Use Class B1/B2) highway infrastructure, footpaths and cycleways, public open space, landscaping, balancing pond and associated earthworks to facilitate surface water drainage and other ancillary infrastructure.” 1.4 This Travel Plan document will focus on the sustainable measures to be implemented by the proposed development and details a package of measures designed to reduce the number of car borne journeys. It will also set out the key objectives of the Travel Plan. 1.5 All Travel Plans are treated as ‘living’ documents that are reviewed and updated at various key stages of development implementation and occupation. Regular reviews are theretofore proposed in order to enable effective monitoring and implementation of this the Travel Plan detailed in this document. 1.6 The scope of this Travel Plan has been completed in accordance to LCC’s Travel Plan guidance document, available online. It is noted that this mainly references national guidance and Travel Planning best practice, rather than providing specific local requirements. 1.7 M-EC has completed this report for the benefit of the individuals referred to in paragraph 1.1 and any relevant statutory authority which may require reference in relation to approvals for the proposed development. Other third parties should not use Report Ref: 20154/12-14/3776 Rev A Page 5 Travel Plan – Peterborough Road, Market Deeping or rely upon the contents of this report unless explicit written approval has been gained from M-EC. 1.8 M-EC accepts no responsibility or liability for: a) The consequence of this documentation being used for any purpose or project other than that for which it was commissioned; b) The issue of this document to any third party with whom approval for use has not been agreed. Report Ref: 20154/12-14/3776 Rev A Page 6 Travel Plan – Peterborough Road, Market Deeping 2.0 METHODOLOGY 2.1 The outline of this Travel Plan document is detailed below: Section 3.0 Review and analysis of both National and Local policies relevant to this Travel Plan Section 4.0 Details regarding the scoping work undertaken and the key aims and objectives of the Travel Plan Section 5.0 Provides an overview of the proposed development Section 6.0 Provide a summary of sustainable accessibility in the local area as detailed in the Transport Assessment Section 7.0 Analysis of Census data to interrogate existing travel to work patterns in the ward Section 8.0 The package of measures that will be implemented by the development along with further aspirations to be achieved as part of the Travel Plan process Section 9.0 Introducing the role of the Transport Coordinator Section 10.0 Monitoring Section 11.0 Responsibility for implementation Report Ref: 20154/12-14/3776 Rev A Page 7 Travel Plan – Peterborough Road, Market Deeping 3.0 POLICY REVIEW 3.1 This section considers a number of national and local policies which have informed the content of this report. National Policy National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (March 2012) 3.2 The NPPF states that there is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, and that transport policy has an important role to play in facilitating sustainable development, giving people real choice about how they travel. Local authorities are required to take the NPPF into account when formulating local development plans, and it is also a material consideration when determining planning applications. 3.3 The NPPF states that a key tool to facilitate this will be a Travel Plan, and that all developments which generate significant amounts of movement should therefore be required to provide a Travel Plan. A framework Travel Plan has been provided as a companion document to this TA. 3.4 Other documents such as Transport Statements and Assessments should be prepared to exploit (and protect) opportunities to use sustainable transport modes, giving priority to pedestrian and cycle movements and ensuring access to high quality public transport facilities. They should also support the creation of safe, secure development and highway layouts, which minimise conflicts between vehicular traffic, cyclists and pedestrians. These matters are addressed in detail throughout this TA. 3.5 The NPPF states that authorities should take account of whether a development provides: The opportunities for sustainable transport modes to be taken up, depending on the nature and location of the site, to reduce the need for major transport infrastructure; Safe and suitable access to the site for all people; and, Improvements within the transport network that cost effectively limits the significant impacts of the development. 3.6 The NPPF states that development should only be prevented or refused on transport grounds where the residual cumulative impacts of development are severe. Where there is no current development plan policy in place, planning applications should be Report Ref: 20154/12-14/3776 Rev A Page 8 Travel Plan – Peterborough Road, Market Deeping approved unless likely adverse impacts would "significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits" of development when assessed against the NPPF as a whole. National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) (March 2014) 3.7 The NPPG (March 2014) states that Transport Assessments, Transport Statements and Travel Plans can positively contribute to: Encouraging sustainable travel Lessening traffic generation and its detrimental impacts Reducing carbon emissions and climate impacts Creating accessible, connected, inclusive communities Improving health outcomes and quality of life Improving road safety Reducing the need for new development to increase existing road capacity or provide new roads 3.8 The NPPG supports national planning policy which states that planning should actively manage patterns of growth in order to make the fullest possible use of walking and cycling, public transport, and focus significant development in locations which are or can be made sustainable. 3.9 Transport Assessments and Statements are ways of assessing the potential transport impacts of developments, and may propose mitigation measures to promote sustainable development. Where that mitigation relates to matters that can be addressed by management measures, the mitigation may inform the preparation of Travel Plans. 3.10 This TA and accompanying framework Travel Plan have been produced with due regard to the above key elements of NPPG. Department for Transport (DfT) – Creating Growth, Cutting Carbon (January 2011) 3.11 The DfT’s Local Transport White Paper “Creating Growth, Cutting Carbon – Making Sustainable Transport Happen” set out the framework within which detailed policies could be taken forward with the aim
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