BIBLIOTHECA EPHEMERIDUM THEOLOGICARUM LOVANIENSIUM EDITED BY THE BOARD OF EPHEMERIDES THEOLOGICAE LOV ANIENS ES J.-M. Auwers, Ε. Brito, L. De Fleurquin, J. Famerée, É. Gaziaux, J. Haers, A. Haquin, L. Kenis, M. Lamberigts, G. Van Belle, J. Verheyden EXECUTIVE EDITORS J.-M. Auwers, Ε. Brito, A. Haquin, L. Kenis, G. Van Belle, J. Verheyden EDITORIAL STAFF R. Corstjens - P. Van Overbeke UNIVERSITÉ CATHOLIQUE DE LOUVAIN KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE LEUVEN BIBLIOTHECA EPHEMERIDUM THEOLOGICARUM LOVANIENSIUM CLXXVIII MESSIANISM AND THE SEPTUAGINT COLLECTED ESSAYS BY J. LUST EDITED BY K. HAUSPIE LEUVEN UITGEVERIJ PEETERS UNIVERSITY PRESS LEUVEN ISBN 90 5867 412 6 (Leuven University Press) D/2004/1869/62 ISBN 90-429-1515-3 (Peeters Leuven) ISBN 2-87723-816-4 (Peeters France) D/2004/0602/118 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Lust, J. (Johan) Messianism and the Septuagint: collected essays / by Johan Lust. p. cm. — (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium; 178) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 90-429-1515-3 (alk. paper) - ISBN 2-87723-816-4 (alk. paper) 1. Messiah-Biblical teaching. 2. Bible. O.T. Greek-Versions—Septuagint. 3. Bible. O.T.—Criticism, interpretation, etc. I. Title. II. Series. BS1199.M44L87 2004 232M2-dc22 2004054746 All rights resen'ed. Except in those cases expressly determined by law, no part of this publication may be multiplied, saved in an automated data file or made public in any way whatsoever without the express prior written consent of the publishers. Leuven University Press / Presses Universitaires de Louvain Universitaire Pers Leuven Blijde-Inkomststraat 5, B-3000 Leuven (Belgium) © 2004 - Peeters, Bondgenotenlaan 153, B-3000 Leuven (Belgium) PREFACE On October 1st, 2003, Professor Johan Lust joined the ranks of the emeriti of the Faculty of Theology at the K.U.Leuven, Belgium. The present volume is intended to both honour and celebrate his 33 years of academic work in the field of messianism and the Septuagint. We hope and trust that his official retirement will not stop him from going still further with his research. The papers reproduced in this volume have been chosen from Lust's extensive list of scholarly publications on the basis of their relationship to the field of messianism in the Septuagint. In his first article on the topic, Daniel 7,13 and the Septuagint (1978), Lust advanced his view that the Septuagint does not add to the messianic character of the text. Papyrus 967, the oldest witness to Greek Daniel, identifies the 'son of man' with the 'Ancient of Days', thus correcting the messianic character of the Masoretic Text of Daniel. The article argues in favour of papyrus 967 as being the only witness to the original Hebrew text. From his second article onwards, Messianism and Septu­ agint (1985), Lust assumes a position in opposition to his mentor and teacher, Mgr. Joseph Coppens, who defended a developing messianism in the Septuagint. Lust argues that the Septuagint as a whole does not exhibit an increased interest in messianic thought and he warns against using arbitrarily selected proof texts to draw general conclusions based on the study of a single text or a single book. While some texts literally translate messianic passages, others exhibit a weakening of the royal messianic character of the text. Lust further substantiates his conclusions in a series of articles that deal with the so-called messianic texts in the Pentateuch: The Greek Version of Balaam's Third and Fourth Oracles. The άνθρωπος in Num 24,7 and 17: Messianism and Lexicography (1995), Septuagint and Messianism, with Special Emphasis on the Pentateuch (1997); in the historical books: David dans la Septante (1999); in the prophets: Mes­ sianism and the Greek Version of Jeremiah: Jer 23,5-6 and 33,14-26 (1991 and 1994), Micah 5,1-3 in Qumran and in the New Testament and Messianism in the Septuagint (1997), Messianism in the Septuagint: Isa­ iah 8,23b-9,6 (9,1-7) (1998); and with several specialised studies dedi­ cated to the prophet Ezekiel: Le Messianisme et la Septante d'Ezechiel (1990), And I Shall Hang Him on a Lofty Mountain. Ezek 17,22-24 and Messianism in the Septuagint (1997), Messianism in Ezekiel in Hebrew and in Greek, Ezek 21,15(10) and 18(13) (2003), Major Divergences between LXX and MT in Ezekiel (2003). The present collection's concluding essay represents Lust's valedic­ tory lecture, given on March 9th, 2004, at the celebration of the Feast of Saint Thomas. It is entitled A Septuagint Christ Preceding Jesus Christ? Messianism in the Septuagint Exemplified in Isa 7,10-17. In a challeng­ ing discussion on the Immanuel sign in Isa 7,10-17, Lust pays tribute to Leuven's Alma Mater. The virgin, 'alma, in Isa 7,14, stands for Lady Zion, and the name Immanuel stands for the people, insofar as they had remained faithful - in this reading the LXX translator of Isaiah has asso­ ciated Isa 7,10-17 with the promise of the land. Once again he argues that the Septuagint does not introduce a messianic expectation into the text. All but one of the articles reproduced in these Collected Essays, are reprinted with their original publication data supplied at the beginning of each article and the original pagination mentioned in the header of each page. The contribution Messianism and the Greek Version of Jeremiah : Jer 23,5-6 and 33,14-26 represents the author's reworking of two arti­ cles: Messianism and the Greek Version of Jeremiah (1991) and The Diverse Text Forms of Jeremiah and History Writing with Jer 33 as a Test Case (1994), each of which treated a messianic text in Jeremiah. The style and bibliography of all the contributions have been brought into line with the style of the series Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologi- carum Lovaniensium. Editorial additions to the footnotes appear between square brackets. Indexes to Authors, Old Testament Passages, New Testament Passages, Intertestamentary Literature and Ancient Authors and Church Fathers have been added. It is hoped that they will prove helpful to the reader. I am grateful to Dr. Brian Doyle for his carefully proof-reading of the English contributions. Thanks are also due to the editors and publishers of Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium for including this book in the series. April 2004 Katrin HAUSPIE CONTENTS PREFACE vu ORIGINAL PUBLICATION χι ABBREVIATIONS χπι 1. Daniel 7,13 and the Septuagint 1 2. Messianism and Septuagint 9 3. Le Messianisme et la Septante d'Ezechiel 27 4. Messianism and the Greek Version of Jeremiah: Jer 23,5-6 and 33,14-26 41 5. The Greek Version of Balaam's Third and Fourth Oracles. The άνθρωπος in Num 24,7 and 17: Messianism and Lexico­ graphy 69 6. Micah 5,1-3 in Qumran and in the New Testament and Messianism in the Septuagint 87 7. And I Shall Hang Him on a Lofty Mountain. Ezek 17,22-24 and Messianism in the Septuagint 113 8. Septuagint and Messianism, with Special Emphasis on the Pentateuch 129 9. Messianism in the Septuagint: Isaiah 8,23b-9,6 (9,1-7) ... 153 10. David dans la Septante 171 11. Messianism in Ezekiel in Hebrew and in Greek: Ezek 21,15(10) and 18(13) 189 12. Major Divergences between LXX and MT in Ezekiel 201 13. A Septuagint Christ Preceding Jesus Christ? Messianism in the Septuagint Exemplified in Isa 7,10-17 211 INDEXES 227 1. Authors 229 2. Old Testament Passages 235 3. New Testament Passages 246 4. Intertestamentary Literature 246 5. Ancient Authors and Church Fathers 247 ORIGINAL PUBLICATION 1. Daniel 7,13 and the Septuagint — ETL 54 (1978) 62-69. 2. Messianism and Septuagint — J.A. EMERTON (ed.), Congress Volume Salamanca 1983 (SupplVT, 36), Leiden, Brill, 1985, pp. 174-191. 3. Le Messianisme et la Septante d'Ézéchiel — Tsafon: Revue d'études juives du Nord 2/3 (1990) 3-14. 4. Messianism and the Greek Version of Jeremiah: Jer 23,5-6 and 33,14-26 — Messianism and the Greek Version of Jeremiah, in C.E. Cox (ed.), VII Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies. Leuven 1989 (SBL SCS, 31), Atlanta, GA, Scholars, 1991, pp. 87-122. — The Diverse Text Forms of Jeremiah and History Writing with Jer 33 as a Test Case, in Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 20 (1994) 31-48. 5. The Greek Version of Balaam's Third and Fourth Oracles. The άνθρωπος in Num 24:7 and 17. Messianism and Lexicography — L. GREENSPOON - O. MUNNICH (eds.), VIII Congress of the Interna­ tional Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies. Paris 1992 (SBL SCS, 41), Atlanta, GA, Scholars, 1995, pp. 233-252. 6. Mic 5,1-3 in Qumran and in the New Testament and Messianism in the Septuagint — CM. TucKETT (ed.), The Scriptures in the Gospels (BETL, 131), Leuven, University Press - Peeters, 1997, pp. 65-88. 7. And I Shall Hang Him on a Lofty Mountain. Ezek 17:22-24 and Messianism in the Septuagint — B.A. TAYLOR (ed.), IX Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies. Cambridge, 1995 (SBL SCS, 45), Atlanta, GA, Scholars, 1997, pp. 231-250. 8. Septuagint and Messianism, with a Special Emphasis on the Penta­ teuch — H. Graf RFVENTLOW (ed.), Theologische Probleme der Septuaginta und der hellenistischen Hermeneutik (Veröffentlichungen der Wissenschaft­ lichen Gesellschaft für Theologie, 11 ), Gütersloh, Chr. Kaiser - Güters­ loher Verlagshaus, 1997, pp. 26-45. 9. Messianism in the Septuagint: Isaiah 8:23b-9:6 (9:1-7) — J. KRASOVEC (ed.), Interpretation of the Bible - Interpretation der Bibel - Interprétation de la Bible - Interpretacija Svetega Pisma, Ljubljana, Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti; (JSOT SS, 289), Sheffield, Academic Press, 1998, pp.
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