14TH - 16TH NOVEMBER 2012 HONG KONG CONVENTION & EXHIBITION CENTRE THE BEAUTY GENERATION BOLOGNA | HONG KONG | LAS VEGAS VEGAS | LAS | HONG KONG BOLOGNA Stay tuned to the fair website for event update! 瀏覽展會網站,掌握最新展會訊息! COSMOPROF-ASIA.COM pEO R sH w pROgRaMME Follow US on: 展 前 簡 介 Organiser - Cosmoprof Asia Ltd Sales Office Asia Pacific: UBM Asia Ltd - Hong Kong - ph. +852.2827.6211- fax +852.3749.7345 - [email protected] Sales Office Europe, Africa, Middle East, The Americas: Fairsystem s.p.a. - BolognaFiere Group - Bologna - Italy ph. + - fax + - [email protected] Marketing and Promotion: SoGeCos s.p.a. - Milan - Italy - ph. +39.02.796.420 - fax +39.02.795.036 - [email protected] COSMOPROF-ASIA.COM 2012 HIGHLIGHTS 2012 展會焦點 • 74,000 sqm of Exhibition Area (+9% on 2011) • More than 1,800 International Exhibiting Companies • Over 48,500 Visitors expected from all over the world • 23 Country and Group Pavilions: Australia, Belgium, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Pakistan, COSMOPROF ASIA 2012: Poland, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UK TOWARDS RENEWED SUCCESS and USA, with Canada and Brazil for the very first time • International Buyers Programme, 6th edition: match-making of hosted 2012 亞太區美容展,邁向新里程 buyers with Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand and Russia with exhibitors. Cosmoprof Asia is the DEFINITIVE beauty event in the ASIA PACIFIC REGION, unanimously recognised • 展覽面積超過 74,000 平方米 (較2011年增加 9%) as the most important B2B TRADE SHOW for the region. After 16 successful years, the 2012 edition is • 超過1,800 家國際企業參展 going to be a renewed success, enriched by more exhibiting companies and special initiatives for visitors. • 預料吸引逾48,500 名來自世界各地的業內參觀者 • 23 個國家及團體展館:澳洲、比利時、中國、法國、德國、香港、 Some of the TOP REASONS that make Cosmoprof Asia THE ANNUAL MEETING POINT for industry 以色列、意大利、日本、約旦、韓國、巴基斯坦、波蘭、新加坡、西班牙、 leaders: 瑞士、台灣地區、泰國、土耳其、英國及美國,以及首度組團參展的 加拿大及巴西 • A comprehensive beauty event that covers ALL SECTORS of the industry • 第六屆國際買家推廣計劃:從澳洲、中國、印度、日本、紐西蘭及 • The place where TRENDS from around the globe are displayed 俄羅斯挑選優質買家,邀請來港與參展商進行配對洽商 • The place to findN EW BUSINESS leads and contacts • The source for renewing existing BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS • An EDUCATIONAL PLATFORM: case studies, seminars and events • The destination, HONG kONG - a premiere cost effective and easily accessible location PRODUCT SECTORS Experience the Business of Beauty at the 17th Edition of Cosmoprof Asia, from 14 to 16 November 2012, at the Hong kong Convention & Exhibition Centre! 展品類別 COSMETICS & TOILETRIES 化妝及個人護理 (Hall 展覽廳 1E) 亞太區美容展是亞太地區首屈一指美容盛事,被公認為區內最重要的B2B 商貿展覽。承接過去16年的 Finished cosmetics for retail distribution: skincare, toiletries, makeup, 佳績 ,2012年展會將吸引更多參展企業,呈獻更精彩特備節目,繼續展現光輝成果。 fragrances and accessories. 通過零售渠道分銷的成品:彩妝、護膚、洗滌用品、香水及美容配件。 亞太區美容展具備多項優勢,成為業界的年度約會: BEAUTY SALON 美容院 (Hall 3E & Concourse,Grand Hall 展覽廳3E及 大堂,大會堂) • 全面覆蓋美容健康行業不同範疇 Skincare, spa and wellness, nail care products and equipment. • 預報世界各地最新潮流 New in 2012! Beauty Salon sector is extended to Grand Hall with more exhibitors. • 尋找新客戶新商機的最佳平台 專業美容產品及儀器、水療養生產品及服務、美甲產品及儀器。 • 接觸現有客戶,保持緊密業務關係 2012年新增設大會堂,容納更多專業美容界別的展商。 • 業界教育平台,舉辦專題研討會及同期活動 • 位處香港,佔盡地理優勢,經濟易達 HAIR SALON 美髮 (Hall 3G 展覽廳 3G ) Professional haircare, hair colour, styling products, accessories, tools, 第17屆亞太區美容展將於11月14-16日在香港會議展覽中心舉行,誠邀您前來親身感受展會商機湧現 equipment, salon furnishings. 的盛況! 專業護髮、染髮、造型、髮飾配件、工具、設備及髮廊傢具等美髮產品。 PACk & OEM 包裝 (Hall 5C, 5E, 5G & Concourse, L2 & L4 Mezzanine 展覽廳5C, 5E, 5G及大堂,二樓及四樓大堂中樓) Raw and semi-processed material, contract manufacturing, private label manufacturing, packaging supply and design, paperboard and POP display. 原料及半加工原料、承包生產及私人品牌 (OEM / ODM)、包裝供應及設計、 紙板及 POP展示品製造。 NATURAL HEALTH 天然保健 (Hall 展覽廳 1E) Natural health products, health food and beverages, dietary supplements, multiple therapies for healthy body and soul. 天然保健產品、健康食品及飲料、膳食補助品及各類有助身心健康的療法。 SEMINARS AND EVENTS SCHEDULE 研討會及特備節目一覽 Organised by: Cosmoprof Asia Ltd As of 10 August 2012 由亞太區美容展有限公司主辦 資料截至2012年8月10日 Stay tuned to the fair 瀏覽展會網站, Wednesday, November 14 website for event update! 11月14日 (星期三) 掌握最新活動資訊! 09:30 | Grand Foyer 09:30 | 大會堂前廳 TH OPENING CEREMONY OF THE 17 EDITION OF COSMOPROF ASIA 第17屆亞太區美容展開幕典禮 COSMOPROF-ASIA.COM COSMOPROF-ASIA.COM 11:00-13:00 | Meeting Rooms N206-8 11:00-13:00 | N206-8會議室 COSMOPROF ASIA 2012 Press CONFERENCE 2012亞太區美容展 – 新聞發佈會 12:00-13:30 | Meeting Room N101 12:00-13:30 | N101會議室 “AHMA HAIRSTYLING AWARD FINAL 2012” 亞洲髮型藝術家協會美髮精英總決賽 Organised by: Asia Hair Masters Association (AHMA) 由亞洲髮型藝術家協會 (AHMA) 主辦 13:00-18:00 | Grand Foyer 13:00-18:00 | 大會堂前廳 GRAND HALL AVENUE 大會堂時尚舞台 ALL day workSHOPS to PRESENT THE latest MAkE-UP, NAIL DESIGN AND BEAUTY treatment 透過多個現場展示及工作坊讓參觀者體驗最新彩妝潮流、甲藝設計及美容療程 14:00-17:00 | Meeting Rooms S226-7 14:00-17:00 | S226-7會議室 International COSMETIC CONFERENCE 2012 – “Grow your business IN CHINA” 國際化妝品論壇2012 - 「開拓中國市場」 In cooperation with: Cosmetic Observer Magazine Simultaneous interpretation in English 由《化妝品觀察》雜誌社合辦 設有英語同聲傳譯 14:30-16:30 | Meeting Room S426 14:30-16:30 | S426會議室 “Discover THE PACkaging WORLD” SEMINAR 「透視包裝世界」研討會 Media Partner: Happi China Magazine 行業專家聚首討論化妝品的可持續發展方案、環保設計、包裝業現況與前景,及消費者認知等課題 合作媒體: Happi China 雜誌 16:00-17:30 | Meeting Room N101 “AHMA HAIR Show” 16:00-17:30 | N101會議室 Organised by: Asia Hair Masters Association (AHMA) 亞洲髮型藝術家協會髮型秀 由亞洲髮型藝術家協會 (AHMA) 主辦 Thursday, November 15 09:30-18:00 | Grand Foyer 11月15日 (星期四) HONG Kong Professional NAILIST UNION COMPETITION 2012 09:30-18:00 | 大會堂前廳 Organised by: Hong Kong Professional Nailist Union 香港專業美甲師同業協會美甲大賽2012 由香港專業美甲師同業協會主辦 10:00-17:00 | Meeting Rooms S226-7 COSMOPROF ASIA 2012 SPA CONFERENCE 10:00-17:00 | S226-7會議室 Spa Conference official media partner: AsiaSpa Magazine 亞太區美容展水療會議 2012 會議指定合作媒體: AsiaSpa 雜誌 10:00-12:00 & 13:00-15:00 | Meeting Room S427 “AHMA SEMINARS” 10:00-12:00 及 13:00-15:00 | S427會議室 Organised by: Asia Hair Masters Association (AHMA) 亞洲髮型藝術家協會大師課程 由亞洲髮型藝術家協會 (AHMA) 主辦 11:00-12:00 | Meeting Rooms N204-5 “OPPORTUNITIES IN THE Global MARkET for Natural & Organic COSMETICS” 11:00-12:00 | N204-5會議室 In cooperation with: Organic Monitor (UK) 「天然有機美容產品的環球市場發展機遇」 研討會 由Organic Monitor合辦 14:30-16:30 | Meeting Room S228 “FOCUS ON JAPAN” SEMINAR 14:30-16:30 | S228會議室 In cooperation with: Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO) 「探討日本市場」研討會 Supporting media: Diet & Beauty Magazine Simultaneous interpretation in English 由日本貿易振興機構合辦 支持媒體: 日本 《Diet & Beauty》雜誌 設有英語同聲傳譯 Friday, November 16 09:00-11:00 | Meeting Rooms S226-7 11月16日 (星期五) “How to ENTER THE CHINESE COSMETIC MARkET - Analysis OF NEW Regulations AND 09:00-11:00 | S226-7會議室 Introduction OF Important Regulations” SEMINAR 如何進入中國化妝品市場 — 新法規分析及重要法規介紹 Presented by: Quality and Technology Certification and Consultation Service Centre “QTCCC” 主講嘉賓:品質技術認證諮詢中心 (QTCCC) 10:00-17:00 | Grand Foyer 10:00-17:00 | 大會堂前廳 GRAND HALL AVENUE 大會堂時尚舞台 ALL day workSHOPS to PRESENT THE latest MAkE-UP, NAIL DESIGN AND BEAUTY treatment 透過多個現場展示及工作坊讓參觀者體驗最新彩妝潮流、甲藝設計及美容療程 GRAND HALL AVENUE Lucky Draw at Grand Hall 2012 大會堂時尚舞台 大會堂大抽獎 Grand Hall is the new exhibition area, added in 今年展會新增設大會堂(Grand Hall),容納更 All visitors are invited to join our onsite Lucky Draw. Simply visit the Grand response to the increasing number of companies 多專業美容界別的參展商。位於大會堂前廳 Hall promotion counter and have your badge scanned. You will have a chance from Beauty Salon sector. Leading to this new hall 的「時尚舞台」將舉行多場演示項目,令觀 to win an iPod Touch or iPod Nano! will be the “Grand Hall Avenue” where a main stage 眾目不暇給。 is located to feature an extraordinary mix of live 大會邀請到場參觀的買家參與幸運大抽獎。參加辦法非常簡單,只須到位 events. 於大會堂的活動專櫃並掃瞄閣下之入場證,即有機會贏取 iPod Touch 或 iPod Nano 一部! COSMOPROF ASIA 亞 太 區 美 容 展 14 - 16 November 2012 二○一二年十一月十四至十六日 * Please refer to the onsite notice for detailsHong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre 香港會議展覽中心 有關詳情請參閱現場告示 (Trade Promotion Competition Licence No.: 39090) Perfumery, Cosmetics & Toiletries Hair Products, Equipment and Salon Furnishings 美髮產品、儀器及髮廊傢具 (推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼:香水、化妝及個人護理用品39090) Hong kong Professional Nailist Union Competition 2012 2012 Dietary Supplements, Alternative and Asian Traditional Medicine, Packaging, Raw Materials, Machinery, 香港專業美甲師同業協會美甲大賽 Health Food and Beverages, Raw Materials and Private Label Private Label and Contract Manufacturing 15 November 11月15日 WHERE TO膳食補助品、替代及亞洲傳統醫療、保健食品及飲料、原材料及私人品牌生產 FIND GRAND HALL AVENUE 包裝、原料、機械、私人品牌及承包生產 09:30-18:00 | Main Stage at Grand Foyer 大會堂前廳時尚舞台 અࠁΌࣗωք Professional Beauty Salon, Spa, Nail Products and Equipment Free admission 免費入場 大會堂時尚舞台位置專業美容院、水療、美甲產品及儀器 Organised by 主辦單位: Hong Kong Professional Nailist Union 香港專業美甲師同業協會 The competition will welcome contestants from around the world as well as the renowned judging Hall 5C 展覽廳 5C Hall 5E 展覽廳 5E Hall 5G 展覽廳 5G Meeting Rooms 會議室 panel of the international nail industry. Building on the successful record in the last 4 years, the L4 Mezzanine 四樓大堂中樓 S421-430 Grand Foyer 大會堂 2012 edition is going to be the most successful and largest event in its history on occasion of 大會堂前廳 Grand Hall Hall 3E 展覽廳 3E Hall 3G 展覽廳 3G Meeting Rooms 會議室 Meeting Rooms 會議室 二樓大堂中樓 S221-230 Cosmoprof Asia. N201-212 L2 Mezzanine Meeting Rooms 會議室 Convention Hall & Theatres 會議廳/演講廳 N101-112 Hall 1E 展覽廳 1E Visitor Registration 買家登記處 Hall 1E 展覽廳 1E Expo Drive Entrance Harbour Road Entrance 美甲大賽雲集世界各地的參賽者,並由國際美甲業的權威人士擔任評判。承接過去四年的驕人成 博覽道入口 港灣道入口 Expo Drive Hall 博覽道展廳 績,今屆將移師亞太區美容展舉行,必定為業界帶來一場最精彩絕倫及最大規模的賽事。 Lucky Draw & Facebook Gift Redemption Counter From/To Hall 3E 幸運大抽獎及
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