408 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEMBER 30, By Mr. WHEELER: A bill (H. R. 3107) to remove the polit­ SENATE. ical disabilities of Anderson Merchant-to the Committee on Mili­ tary Affairs. · MoNDAY, December 30, 1895. By Mr. WOOD: A bill (H. R. 3108) to grant a pension to Jesse Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. Durnell, late second-elass pilot on gunboat Lexington and trans­ The Journal of the proceedings of Friday last was read and ap­ fen·ed to gunboat Marmora-to t~e Committee on Invalid Pensions. proved. By Mr. WELLINGTON: A bill (H. R. 31Q9) disposing of one condemned brass cannon-to the Committee on Military Affairs. VICE-CONSULS AT ERZERUM AND HARPOOT. Also, a bill (H. R. 3110) to provide for the restatement, readjust­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the follo\ving ment, settlement, and payment of dues to army officers in certain message from the President of the United States; which was read, cases-to the Committee on Military Affairs. and, with the accompanying report, referred to the Committee on .Also, a bill (H. R. 3111) to carry into effect a finding of the Foreign Relations, and ordered to be printed: Court of Claims in favor of William Garrett, late of Montgomery To the Senate of the United State.s: County,-Md.-to-the Committee on War Claims. In response to the resolution of the Senate of the 21st instant relative to the refusal of the '.rur kish Government to grant e:x:equaturs to the vice-consuls of Also, a bill (H. R. 3112) granting a pension to Josephine Foote the United States at Erzeru.m and Harpoot, I transmit herewith a report Fairfax-to the Committee on Pensions. from the Secretary of State. By Mr. BAKER of Kansas: A bill (H. R. 3113) granting a pen­ GROVER CLEVELAND. EXECUTIVE MANSION, sion to MargaretA. Kidwell-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Washington, December SO, 1895. JUDGMENTS IN INDIAN DEPREDATION CASES. PETITIONS, ETC. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Under claus~ 1 of Rule XXII, the following petitions and papers tion from the Attorney-General, transmitting, pursuant to the pro­ were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: - visions of section 8 of the act of Congress "to provide for the By Mr. ADAMS: Resolutions of the Grocers and Importers' Ex­ adjudication and payment of claims arising from Indian depreda­ change of Philadelphia, for a canal from the Delaware River to tions," a list of judgments not heretofore reported to Congress or New York Bay-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ appropriated for, rendered in favor of claimants since the passage merce. of the act of March 2, 1895; which, with the accompanying list; By Mr. BAKER of Kansas: Petition in behalf of Mrs. Margaret was referred to the Committee on Indian Depredations, and ordered Kidwell, of Lincoln County, Kans., for pension-to the Commit­ to be printed. tee on Invalid Pensions. MESSAGE. FROM THE HOUSE. By Mr. BARTHOLDT: Petition of the St. Louis Merchants' A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. Exchange, in favor of the passage of the Torrey bankruptcy bill­ BROWNING, its Chief Clerk, announced that the-House had passed, to the Committee on the Judiciary. without amendment, the joint resolution (S. R. 32) authorizing By Mr. BINGHAM: Resolution of the Grocers and Importers' and directing the acceptance of the ram Katahdin, thereby making Exchange of Philadelphia., Pa., favoring the construction of a ship said ram a part of the United States·Navy. .. canal connecting the Delaware River with New York Bay-to the The message also announced that. the House had passed a. bill Committee on Rivers and Harbors. (H. R. 2904) to maintain and protect the coin redemption fund, and · By Mr~ BROMWELL: Resolutions of the Presbytery of Cin­ to authorize the issue of certificates of-indebtedness to meet tem­ cinnati, concerning Armenian troubles-to the Committee on porary deficiencies of revenue; in which it requested the concur- Foreign Affairs. rence of the Senate. • By Mr. CROWTHER: Petition and papers to accompany claim ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. for relief of James H. Birch-to the Committee on War Claims. The message further announced that the Speaker of the House By Mr. FOSS: ·Petition of H. F. Thurston and 60 others, de­ had signed the following enrolled bills and joint resolution, and nouncing the treatment of the Armenians and asking for relief­ they were thereupon signed by the Vice-President: to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. A bill (H. R. 2264rfixing the times for holding the circuit and By Mr. HARDY: Petition and evidence to support House bill district courts of the northern district of Iowa and of the southern No. 986, granting a pension to Hiram P. Pauley-to the Commit­ district of Iowa; tee on Invalid Pensions. A bill (H. R. 2720) to make Palm Beach, Fla., a subport of entry By Mr. HARMER: A letter of certain Representatives of the and delivery; and . .. _ House recommending the retention of Charles W. Coombs as A joint resolution (H. Res. 56) to transfer offices of the United messenger during the Fifty-fourth Congress-to the Committee States in the Territory of Utah officers of the State of Utah. ·on Accounts. · to By Mr. LOW: Memorial of the J. C. Watc;;on Company and 101 PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. others, requesting that this Fifty-fourth Congress will authorize The VICE-PRESIDENT presented a memorial of the Boston the Secretary of War to contract with Charles Stoughton and his (Mass.) Baptist ·Ministers' Conference, remonstrating against the associates for the entire work of constructing a canal through the .!tppropriation of moneys in aid of contract schools; which was Harlem Kills, New York, 15 feet deep and 300 feet wide, for a sum referred to the Committee on Appropriations. notexceeding $1,450,000-totheCommitteeon Rivers and Harbors. Mr. PEFFER. I present a petition, in the form of resolutions By Mr. PICKLER: Petition of .James Garvie and· 110 others, adopted by L. W. Hampton Post, Grand Army of the Republic, Santee Indians, praying Congressto enact into law House bill No. of Newport, Mo., praying for legislation to protect pensioners 280, regarding sale of intoxicatingliquorstolndians-to the Com- against the dropping of their names from the pension rolls wi~h­ mittee on Indian Affairs. - out due legal proceeding, -and .also asking that widows be pro­ By Mr. REYBURN: Resolutions on the Cuban revolution-to tected against unreasonable delay in securing the pensions due to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. them under existing law. I move- that the petition be referred to By Mr. STEELE: Papers to accompany bill granting increase ·the Committee on Pensions. of pension to Michael Pettis-to the Committee on Pensions. The motion was agreed to. By Mr. TAFT: Memorial from the Presbytery of Cincinnati, in Mr. PEFFER. I have a papir that I take to be in thenatm·e of regard to the Armenian outrages-to the Committee on Foreign a petition, and I so present it. It is in the form of a resolution of Affairs. Lincoln Post, Grand Army of the Republic, of Topeka, Kans., By Mr. TUCKER: Papers relating to the claim of Isaac S. tendering their services as veteran soldiers of the Republic to the Myers-to the Committee on War Claims. President of the United States in case we should have any armed By Mr. WANGER: Resolutions of Grocers and Importers' Ex­ unpleasantness with our neighbors on the other side of the At­ change of Philadelphia, favoring a ship canal from New York Bay lantic. I move that the paper be referred to the Committee on to Delaware River-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Foreign Relations. Commerce. · The motion was agreed to. By Mr. WHEELER: Petition of Thomas M. Hobbs! of Lime­ Mr. QUAY presented a petition, in the form of resolutions stone County, Ala., asking for remuneration for stores and supplies adopted by the Grocers and Importers'Exchange of Philadelphia, taken from him by the United States during the late civil war­ Pa., praying for the construction of a canal to connect the Dela­ to the Committee on War Claims. ware River with New York Bay; which was referred to the Com· Also, record of Francis W. Seeley, to accompany House bill mittee on Commerce. No. 2484-to the Committee on Military Affairs. ' Mr. ALLEN presented the petition of LeGrand Byington, of Also, papers relating to the claim of Gen. A. S. Webb-to the Iowa City, Iowa, praying for a repeal of all bond and national­ Committee on Military Affairs. · bank laws, and for the unlimited coinage of gold and silver and Also, papers relating to the claim of Lewis Hyde, of Colbert the issue of legal-tender money; which was referred to the Com­ County, Ala.-to the Committee on War Claims. mittee on Finance. Also, :papers accompanying House bill No.. 703, for the relief of He also presented a petition of the Santee Sio~ tribe of Indians, lla:ry I. Graham-to the Committee on War Claims. praying for the passage of House bill No. 280, to prohibit the sa.1a 1895, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 409 of intoxicating drinks to Indians, and for other purposes; which Mr. HOAR. I do not wish to interpose any objection to any- was referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. thing the Senator from Indiana desires, as I hope he knows very Mr. MITCHELL of Wisconsin presented a petition of the Mil- well-- waukee Worsted Mills, of Layton & Co., of the National Knitting Mr.
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