MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY VOLUME 3 * NUMBER 1 o JANUARY 1983 Aaron J. Shatkin, Editor-in-Chief (1985) Roche Instituite of Molecular Biology Nutlex, N.J. Harvey F. Lodish, Editor (1986) Louis Siminovitch, Editor (1985) Massachuisetts Institute of Technology Hospital for Sick Children Cambridge Toronto, Canadal David J. L. Luck, Editor (1987) Paul S. Sypherd, Editor (1985) Rockefeller Unis'ersity University of California Ness York, N.Y. Irvine EDITORIAL BOARD Renato Baserga (1985) Ira Herskowitz (1984) Daniel B. Rifkin (1985) Alan Bernstein (1984) Larry Kedes (1985) Robert G. Roeder (1985) J. Michael Bishop (1984) Marilyn Kozak (1985) James E. Rothman (1984) Joan Brugge (1985) Elias Lazarides (1985) David Sabatini (1985) Breck Byers (1985) John B. Little (1985) Phillip A. Sharp (1985) John A. Carbon (1984) William F. Loomis, Jr. (1985) Fred Sherman (1985) Lawrence A. Chasin (1985) Paul T. Magee (1985) Pamela Stanley (1985) Nam-Hai Chua (1985) Robert L. Metzenberg (1985) Joan A. Steitz (1985) Terrance G. Cooper (1984) Robert K. Mortimer (1985) James L. Van Etten (1985) James E. Darnell, Jr. (1985) Harvey L. Ozer (1985) Jonathan R. Warner (1984) Gary Felsenfeld (1985) Mary Lou Pardue (1985) Robert A. Weinberg (1984) Norton B. Gilula (1985) Mark Pearson (1985) I. Bernard Weinstein (1985) James E. Haber (1984) Jeremy Pickett-Heaps (1985) Harold Weintraub (1985) Benjamin Hall (1985) Robert E. Pollack (1985) Reed B. Wickner (1985) Ari Helenius (1984) Keith R. Porter (1985) Leslie Wilson (1985) Susan A. Henry (1985) John R. Pringle (1985) Edward Ziff (1985) Helen R. Whiteley, Chairman, Publications Board Walter G. Peter III, Director, Puiblications Linda M. Illig, Managing Editor, Jouirnals Eleanor Tupper, Production Editor Molecular and Cellular Biology (ISSN 0270-7306) is devoted to the advancement and dissemination of fundamental knowledge concerning the molecular biofogy of eucaryotic cells, of both microbial and higher organisms. Instructions to authors are published in the January issue each year; reprints are available from the editors and the Publications Office. The journal is published monthly, one volume per year. The nonmember subscription price is $84 per year: single copies are $9. The member subscription price is $22 (foreign $26 [surface rate]) per year; single copies are $7. Correspondence relating to subscriptions. reprints. defective copies, availability of back issues, lost or late proofs, disposition of submitted manuscripts, and general editorial matters should be directed to the ASM Publication Office, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006 (area 202 833-9680). Claims for missing issues from residents of the United States, Canada, and Mexico must be submitted within 3 months after publication of the issues; residents of all other countries must submit claims within 6 months of publication of the issues. Claims for issues missing because of failure to report an address change or for issues "missing from files" will not be allowed. Second-class postage paid at Washington, DC 20006, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Molecular and Cellular Biology, ASM, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006. Made in the United States of America. Copyright ©C 1983, American Society for Microbiology. El*: fl M1 4It hc,f L 'I r, l1tO All Rights Reserved. The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the article may be made for personal use or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that the copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center Inc., 21 Congress St., Salem, MA 01970, for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. Author Index Baglioni, Corrado, 64 Kaufman, Randal J., 32 Russell, David W., 20 Boettiger, D., 113 Khandjian, Edouard W., 1 Brugge, Joan, 9 Scher, Charles D., 70 Latt, Samuel A., 32 Sefton, Bartholomew M., 56 Chung-Cheng, Liu, 44 Levinson, Arthur D., 44 Siddiqui, Aleem, 143 Cooper, Jonathan A., 56 Levy, Barcey T., 102 Smith, Michael, 20 Cox, David, 20 Locatell, Kathryn L., 70 Crowley, Craig W., 44 Stieber, Anna, 91 Maness, Patricia F., 102 Darrow, Diane, 9 Maroney, Patricia A., 64 Tannenbaum, Janet, 132 Dick, Ronald L., 70 Menko, A. S., 113 Toyama, Y., 113 Mertz, Janet E., 126 Turler, Hans, 1 Miller, Timothy J., 126 Fishmann, P. H., 91 Mommol, T., 91 Murray, Mark J., 32 Weinberg, Robert A., 32 Godman, Gabriel C., 132 Whipple, Andrew P., 70 Gonatas, J., 91 Williamson, Valerie M., 20 Gonatas, Nicholas K., 91 Nilsen, Timothy W., 64 Wohlhueter, Robert M., 82 Holtzer, H., 113 Plagemann, Peter G. W., 82 Yonemoto, Wes, 9 Hunter, Tony, 56 Puziss, Marla B., 82 Young, Elton T., 20 MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY, Jan. 1983 MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS HOW TO SUBMIT MANUSCRIPTS ASM publishes a number of different journals Submit manuscripts directly to the ASM Pub- covering various aspects of microbiology. Each journal has a prescribed scope that must be lications Office, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006. Please indicate the journal to which considered in determining the most appropriate the manuscript is being submitted, the address journal for each manuscript. If a given manu- and telephone number of the corresponding au- script is appropriate for more than one ASM thor, and the former manuscript number and journal, the author's wishes will be given pri- editor (if it is being resubmitted). In addition, mary consideration. However, the editors re- indicate whether permission to cite personal serve the option of transferring a manuscript to communications and receipt of preprints has another ASMjournal when it is apparent that the been granted. manuscript falls within the province of that Submit two complete copies of each manu- journal. script, including figures and tables. The manu- The Journal ofBacteriology (JB) is a journal script may be either the original typescript or of basic microbiology, including that of eucary- clear, clean copies. Type every portion of the otic microbes. It contains articles on all aspects manuscript double spaced, including figure leg- of eucaryotic microbes, including genetics and ends, table footnotes, and Literature Cited, and molecular biology, plasmids and transposons, number all pages in sequence, including the physiology, membranes, enzymes, and ultra- abstract, tables, and figure legends. Submit fig- structure. The scope statements for MCB and ures as glossy or mat-finish photographs. (See p. JB are complementary. They provide authors iii-iv for detailed instructions.) with appropriate journals for the publication of Authors who are unsure of acceptable English research covering all aspects of eucaryotic mi- usage should have their manuscripts checked by crobiology. In cases in which a research report someone proficient in the English language. would be equally appropriate for either journal, the author's preference will be followed. EDITORIAL POLICY Most manuscripts concerning virus-infected Manuscripts submitted to the journal must cells should be submitted to the Journal of represent reports of original research that have Virology, but those in which emphasis is clearly not been published previously and that are not on the cell, with the virus being incidental, are being considered for publication elsewhere. appropriate for MCB. If you have questions about these guidelines, Copyright please contact the editor-in-chief of the journal To maintain and protect the Society's owner- you are considering. ship and rights and to be able to protect the Note that a manuscript rejected by one ASM original authors from misappropriation of their journal on scientific grounds or on the basis of published work, ASM requires authors to sign a its general suitability for publication is consid- copyright transfer agreement. This agreement is ered rejected by all other ASM journals. sent to the submitting author when the manu- script is accepted for publication. Unless this Editorial Style agreement is executed, ASM will not publish the The editorial style of ASM journals conforms manuscript. (U.S. government employees may to the Council ofBiology Editors Style Manual file a statement attesting that a manuscript was (4th ed., 1978; CBE Secretariat, 9650 Rockville prepared as part of their official duties. If they Pike, Bethesda, Md.), Robert A. Day's How To elect to do so, they should not sign the ASM Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (ISI Press, copyright transfer agreement.) 1979), and Scientific Writing for Graduate Stu- dents (CBE Secretariat), as interpreted and Scope modified by the editors and the ASM Publica- Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) is de- tions Office. The editors and the Publications voted to the advancement and dissemination of Office reserve the privilege of editing manu- fundamental knowledge concerning the molecu- scripts to conform with the stylistic conventions lar biology of eucaryotic cells, of both microbial set forth in the aforesaid publications and in and higher organisms. Papers on cellular mor- these instructions. phology and function, genome organization, the regulation of genetic expression including The Review Process immunoglobulin formation, morphogenesis, and All manuscripts are subjected to peer review somatic cell genetics are invited for submission. by the editors, by members of the Editorial i INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS Board, or by qualified outside reviewers. When the main title/subtitle arrangement. On the title a manuscript is submitted to the journal, it is page, include: title, running title (not to exceed given a manuscript control number and is as- 46 characters and spaces), full name (including signed to one of the editors. The author is first name and middle initial) of each author, notified of this number and the editor to whom address(es) of the institution(s) at which the the manuscript is assigned.
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